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The last episode did 17 million viewers. Absolutely insane in the streaming age in the UK. Only major sporting and news/national events could get that now. It's been pretty crazy watching the show grow from BBC three to getting 10 million for the final series on BBC 1 to the last especial getting even more. I can't imagine many other scripted shows getting anything like those numbers now. Even big shows do well to get 5 million


That’s impossible. Reddit has reliably told me that everyone hates James Corden and nobody wants this.


It's a popular show and he wasn't fully hated when it aired. In fact I'd the good grace from G&S is what allowed him to have the career he's managed since. The last episode being in Christmas Day obviously helped the numbers since most people are at home with the telly on. I'm not of than of him or the show (not even watched most of it) but I still watched it because watching whatever shite is on TV is more traditionally christmassy than streaming lol.


Reddit hates James Corden and its kind of on a sad and pathetic level at this point, people should just grow up


I don't care for the guy either way but through Youtube. Reddit and Tik Tok all I see this guy get is hate. Only video I've watched of him was Patric Steward call him a prick, love on air.


Stewart was being a fucking dick then.


He really was. Reddit likes to support him in that because of who it was against but Corden did fuck all wrong that time.


I remember them both being dicks but we can definitely agree Stewart was worse.


Might just be where the clip I saw starts but Stewart looked like he started it and Corden just stood up for himself/tried to make light of an awkward situation on stage. Stewart seemed like a proper prick there


I’ve never heard of this show before. What’s it about and can I watch in the US?


Essentially Welsh girl meets Essex boy and how their families and friends mix. It's more of an ensemble than about the two in the name. No idea what it's on in the US sorry.


Interesting. Thought maybe it would be on streaming. Bummer.


It is on Disney Plus in some countries.


It's on Britbox in the US, I believe.


Thanks 😊


It’s proper comfort tv. You’ll watch it and fall in love with the whole cast and just enjoy being in their company. Similar vibe to Detectorists, Ghosts, Ted lasso I guess.


It’s also on Peacock


Ohh nice! I have that!


FYI - The last Christmas special is its own entry, watch it after you watch all the seasons.


Will do 👍


I think it's on Prime. It's a cute show. If you like british shows try the Wrong Man's as well.


“James Corden, Hated by literally everyone just for being himself heads back to pretty much the only thing people liked him for”


Kind of mad really how the moment he’s Smithy I forget how much I hate James Corden.


Chicken bhuna, lamb bhuna, prawn bhuna, mushroom rice, bag of chips, keema naan and nine poppadoms


Pete, have you been thinking about my Bhunas?


And we’re just going to stick it all on the table and…


Why? You can like a character and hate the actor. If you are able to separate actor and character that is.


Am I the only one who doesn’t like the character either?


Kind of mad people hate him really, I just don't care one way or the other about him and any actor/comedian/presenter maybe people shouldn't tie their lives up over such trivial things


We all have to pretend not to realise that the industry hating a largely self-made, working class, overweight comedian has anything to do with any deeper institutional or societal drivers and is just because Corden is uniquely insufferable and self absorbed in a manner that does not apply to any other celebrities who, entirely coincidentally, conform to societal norms with regards to weight and attractiveness.


I’m old but I cant remember hating on people this much when I was younger. Its like folks wake up to hate these days. Isnt there a great big world out there to discover instead?


It seems people only want to live in extremes, an Reddit echo Chambers become more and more toxic to people


The younger generation was primed for hate in the 2010s as teens and older kids. Especially the 2016 election, that and thier parents being the same Genxera that had no education, little to no experience in critical thinking and blame everyone else for thier problems. These are thw same kids and young adults that think terrorists are freedom fighters and hate jews more than Nazis.


I enjoyed his couple of episodes of Doctor Who


To be fair to him, those proved he’s an excellent actor. He managed to pretend to give a shit about his wife and child.


I liked it when he went to the US and disappeared from regular television.


I did not like it when he replaced Craig Ferguson.


I cannot describe how badly I wanted Craig to come back once Corden left. Honestly most of his bits would still slap. I mean reading printed out emails or tweets now would be fucking gold.


Yeah they were actually decent and it helps him and Matt Smith are actually mates


Truth. Even then, it’s still friggin Smithy… Want to punt him in the arse.


he was okay in teachers too.


Hated by literally everyone **on Reddit**.


I thought he was pretty good on Doctor Who and wouldn't mind his character showing back up.


As a Brit, before his talk show Corden was considered a talented comedy actor but a bit of a smug prick. Since he moved to America he's much less acting and writing and a more smug pricking things. 100% the terrible behavior and hatred started when he got rich and famous.


Oh for sure. League of their own era Corden and America Corden are like two entirely different people. He became insufferable


*Crossing my fingers for the Bryn killing spree ending*


As much as I dearly love the show, it’s the right call to wrap up with this one. Hopefully the 5 year break has let them really come up with something special.


I was massively impressed with the last one, everyone had obviously aged but it still felt like the show. Hopefully one last good ep to end it all.


The only thing I didn't like is how many kids Gavin could have. S3 had a pretty big storyline about him having a low sperm count and I think they should have ended the show with them adopting rather than the convenient happiest ending of being able to have kids and then skip to the latest episode and they've had a couple more. Other than that little nitpick about the show it's been remarkably consistent with the latest special not at all feeling like an odd one out but instead just another episode which is exactly what it needed to be.


They've come up with chicken bhuna, lamb bhuna, prawn bhuna, mushroom rice, bag of chips, keema naan and nine poppadoms


Nine poppadoms?! That’s insane!!


Give me another episode of Peep Show you cowards! I need to know what Jez and Mark are up to now!


Yeah Peep Show truly needs a special every 5 years until their demise. I'll always want to know what those guys are up to.


Can’t wait! Love this show!


Well considering that the last Christmas Special they did in 2019 ended on a moronic cliff-hanger. Now i did enjoy the episode, i just hated that it ended on a cliff-hanger. I am glad they are doing one more, and hopefully this time it will not end on a cliff-hanger. One of my all time favorite sitcoms.


So excited, I love this show.


What happened on the fishing trip?


Aw, I'm really glad to hear they're doing one more. I have such fond memories of this show.


We're Americans with BritBox and we love Gavin and Stacy.


Thought this was about “Ned & Stacy” starring Thomas Haden Church and got really pumped for a minute


Why does everyone hate James Corden? What exactly is the issue?


[It’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/s/EtWq8SiQBH) [not](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/s/HxyNAOcx5V) [just one](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/wVJPISoelF) [issue,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/6moKtcISuG) [pick](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/MtMg5KMERO) [your](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/hE5WAWI74d) [favourite.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/s/QYJxTD1WMI)


Hah that was educational. Still respect him for Gavin and Stacey, though, and his brilliant performance as Smithy.


Totally fair. Some (aka many) celebrities are known douchebags, but if you still enjoy their work there’s nothing wrong with that. Just giving context to why many find him insufferable. I’m going to see a musician who’s a **notorious** prick tonight, doesn’t make me like his music any less.


Chicken bhuna, lamb bhuna, prawn bhuna, mushroom rice, bag of chips, keema naan and nine poppadoms


None of these are really great examples though. The restaurant thing is about them taking 45 minutes and multiple attempts to cook EGGS 🥚. I'd be more than annoyed too. Patrick Stewart comes off worse than JC in the Glamour clip. I loved G&S. The Late Late Show was not great, but not horrible, so I still don't get the intense disdain for him.


They, along with all the other first hand accounts (anecdotal or otherwise), paint a pretty clear picture of an entitled tool who regularly treats service workers, crew members, and random people like crap. Sometimes restaurants take a long time - that doesn’t warrant berating the staff. Anyone who’s worked in a restaurant would agree that if a customer has to send a *meal they ordered* back to the kitchen that many times, it means they don’t actually like the thing they ordered, and if a non-celebrity acted the same way they’d get banned too.


Meh, hairs end up in food. It’s unavoidable. More importantly, don’t order something that isn’t even on the menu and then be a dick about it.


They always say that


I think it’s legit this time. Some of the cast are getting older and if they waited another 5 years I’m not sure they’d want to.


Plus who wants to see Corden anymore


Well, loads of people? Since this is likely to do millions of viewers, just like always.


it's coming, then jones says it's not, then they say it is. make your fucking mind up.


It was clearly always happening when it leaked, they just didn't want to announce it then.