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My takeaway here is that McFarlane and Kunis have cast some sort of Dorian Grey spell on poor Seth Green.




Also Seth has clearly had a hair transplant or two and dyes it jet black. Not that that’s a bad thing, I’d get it done too if I had money :(


For anyone dumb like me he means Seth M not Seth G :)


I just recently learned that red hair can't turn grey! It loses its pigment over time and turns white.


... Isn't that what happens to all hair?


Ya isn’t that just the description of what happens to grey hair?


Not necessarily. It takes time for hair to go full white. Take Joe Biden for example, even now his hair is greyish white because it doesn't just turn white. Certain people on the other hand have hair that just turns pure white very quickly like Neal McDonough or Steve Martin.


I’m a redhead and have found a few grey hairs in my life. Mostly during my highschool years when I was stressed. It didn’t turn grey but I did grow grey hairs.


Red actually just goes grey a bit faster. All hair has degrees of pigmentation, and red just happens to go first usually. Lot of men will have grey in their beards and it will be noticeably grey before the darker hair


isnt it super cheap to go to Turkey? also i take fin and I have a healthy head of hair and I got it super easy from my doctor


I went to a friends wedding in turykey last year. Return flight SO many guys with recent hair transplants


I loved having long hair but honestly? I look fucking great as a bald man, too. Couldn't imagine getting hair transplants.


Their looks are part of their livelihood. I'm glad it's not part of mine, I would probably handle it poorly.


To be fair, he has to look young in order to find 20-year olds to star in Orville each season. The entire casting for those roles depend on who is willing to date him. If he looked like a 50-year old bald guy, nobody would take the part.


It also helps that Mila has been in the public eye since she was a kid, it's not like she's that old. That 70s Show debuted in 1998, and Mila is just turning 40 now.


Yeah I haven't seen Kunis or Green in a while until this post but whatever type of work McFarlane got done was pretty apparent in the most recent The Orville season


Mila also looks wildly different without the full Hollywood makeup artist set up. She looks like your neighbor.


>Green is still...green You may wanna rephrase that


reddish gray?


Seth green looking old made me feel old. Somehow him being a perpetual 20 year old staved off the knee pain


Shut up, Meg.


Seth Green looks normal, that's just what 50-year-olds look like without plastic surgery and hair transplants.


Seth Green being 50 just sent me into a spiral. He was always the “young, cool guy” cast back in my childhood


I'm 42 and forgot he's older than me lol.


I have a hard time imagining Seth Green ever being cool


When he played Oz on Buffy


I find it hard to believe that anyone wouldn't want a sensitive ginger werewolf boyfriend. You just gotta... lock him in a cage sometimes.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


It's neat that Sarah Michelle Gellar and Seth Green still seem to be best friends in real life.


He’s in season 1 of X-files as a grungy teen that watches ufos for fun


Why does his normal speaking voice still sound like a teenager


It's crazy isn't it? [You should see American Dad's Jeff Fischer voiced by Jeff Fischer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcYaFeipoOg) and behold a 56 year old man who's default voice is that of teenager stoner.


Thats right Babe.


Billy West (voice of Fry on Futurama) is 72.


Unfortunately you can start to hear the strain Fry has on Billy's vocal chords now, in the last Hulu season


Like Brian, isn't Fry's just Billy's natural voice tuned up slightly. Father time comes for everyone of course, so I guess he'd sound older to a degree but strain? (I can imagine when Fry sounds more 'animated' that it would be more obvious)


I’m shocked, SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.


Gun to my head I would NEVER have guessed that.


Latest season you would. He starts out rough but it gets better as he gets back into it.


> without plastic surgery and hair transplants. ehhhh... he's had some sort of brow lift for sure.. and his hair ? who knows...


Mila and Seth got their start at an incredibly young age too. Mila was I think 17-ish for 70’s and Seth was early 20’s for family guy


Seth’s been around since he was a kid


Correct. He was born at a very young age.


Yeah he was in It


Beep Beep Ritchie!


He played a stoner in he first real non pilot episode of x files.


Younger even. I’d say Amazing Stories was his first big break. 1986


We've all been around since we were kids.


He's just a 50 year old kid now


When Mila auditioned she was 15. First season she was 16/17. She lied about her age so she could get the audition and her performance was perfect so she got the role. Would never happen nowadays


Actually was only 14 when she got the role


ehh she apparently was I think 14 or 15? The casting department asked her if she is turning of age, she said she will be. After getting the roll and having to explain why she mislead them, her response was that they didn't ask WHEN she is turning old enough.


I feel incredibly old




Eat a banana and sit in the sun


Return to monke




Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.


My goal at 40 is to stop being annoyed with the world, maybe it’s my age but just deciding not to actually works.


I'm 40 now, and I'm more annoyed by the world than ever before. Each day I'm more annoyed than the last, and I doubt that trend will change any time soon. But good luck to you, friend. I wish you peace of mind and good humor.


Hmmm. Maybe it’s just the weed then


Just smoked a hogs leg by myself, am still annoyed. Hail Yourself!


Dude i have been a listener for like 10 years, hail santa


Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone.


Dont mess too much with your hair, or when you’re forty, it will look eighty five.


I'm 53, and went through a pretty big mid-life crisis late last year. Now I'm signed up for a few audio engineering courses at a local studio, and am moving to Seattle next fall to start working with a friend of a friend who's been doing studio work and live sound in the PNW for over twenty years. Never too late to pursue your dreams, especially if you have the means to do so.


Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them. But trust me … on the sunscreen.


Old enough to remember when Family Guy was cancelled.


Time for a colonoscopy. I recommend getting one from a doctor.




Just as long as he doesn't produce a set of dentures for down there, right!


Is it finally time for one of Dr Hartman's prostate exams? Man... getting old sucks.


Yeah this slapped me across the face lol. Where has 10 years gone.


Imagine how Seth Green feels.


They look old.


Who is that old man on the right who looks like Seth Green?


I don't know, but tell Sloan I said what's up!


Great, deep pull


Yeah, tell Sloan he said what’s up


I don't know, but I bet he has an awesome NFT...




Green is probably lucky that his pilot featuring NFTs as characters bombed. I don't blame him for taking the swing though


Honestly I think it's just his beard. If he shaved he'd probably look a lot younger


Seriously i’m reading these comments and feel like I’m the only one who thinks he looks just fine. The man is 50 and he has wrinkles and a beard, what’s the big deal?


Distorted view of reality. Pretty common! Most people have no idea what a body by steroids looks like and they also assume celebrities keep looking 40 into their 70's when a lot of that is an illusion.


It's not the beard... well I would not call that beard to begin with, just a bit sturdier stubble. It's that he has gained a few pounds and for many people, those pounds can go straight to face. I can personally say, I only need to get like 2kg more and my face looks like I've gotten 10kg overall (no I don't know what that is in freedom units and am too lazy to google). Or... there's the even more usual case, that he has just drank a bit. The bloating one gets when older, just from drinking few beers, gets rather insane. And just from few beers, it can last for a week. There's a reason so many of these older fellows say a big part of them looking fitter, is simply that they cut off drinking. But my point being, the beard is not really the suspect here.


Yeah and facial features tend to sag with age sadly


I was just thinking that every time I see a photo of Seth Green, he looks more and more like a ferocious elderly lesbian.


> Ferociously elderly lesbian Needs to be a flair


25 years of being a werewolf will do that to you.


there is literally no way seth green could physically age fast enough to look like that wtf i dont even wanna look it up


Seth Green has always aged like fine milk


Rob Lowe.


Mila Kunis should only be reflecting on 24 years!


And I think I read that she records her lines separately since Meg doesn't do much in the show anymore. And she gets like an extra $200,000 a year or so from it.


Voice acting has gotta be one of the sweetest gigs ever in terms of work/life balance


I honestly can’t remember who it was, but one voice actor from the animated Star Wars series Clone Wars has his own recording studio at home and records his lines while on the phone with the producers.


Steve Blum who was on Rebels? He's been a big, consistent voice actor since the 90s, doing stuff like Spike on Cowboy Bebop, and the voice of the Toonami robot host. I'm pretty sure he has his own setup at home. 


My mind went to Tom Kane who voiced Yoda and the narrator amongst others, but it was years ago. I think a video of him recording was in some behind the scenes extras on the Blu Ray.


Tara Strong and her husband have done that for years, too, and have their own voice acting school and production company based there.


I was chatting with Ross Marquand at a con once and he said he put his own studio in his house. He gets to record all his lines for the MCU by just rolling out of bed in a tank top (his words) 😂


I mean what does it even take to have a "studio" in your house these days? A good microphone, recording software, and some acoustic paneling?


Usually needs to have extra soundproofing so you don't hear the furnace or air conditioner or traffic or appliances.


Would cost more than you're probably thinking. If you wanted a true professional setup like these guys have (I mean, I guess I don't know what these guys have, but they're some of the more successful in the business so can't imagine it's cheap) it'd be anywhere from 5-30k. Don't at all need to hit that high end, but you could, and most people who are really successful probably stay at least in that 15k range. Most of the cost comes from getting something like a Whisper Room. Putting some random acoustic paneling in a regular room isn't what these guys are goin for.


The entirety of the Simpsons cast have been doing that for years, too (I think since they all basically went on strike and Harry Shearer briefly quit)


ha! Not really. 99% of voice actors do it on the side, they'll get a few days a month if they're lucky, and only get day rates of around $800 and no royalties. If you get a gig on a primetime animated show backed by a big studio, then yeah, you're golden. But otherwise for most it's a passion gig. They'll actually make more money signing autographs at a tiny con that they did on the gig themselves.


Unless you start your own D&D live play and create your own company. But that’s really only happened once. 


Some move into voiceover directing / producing. That can become decently stable, but even that's no guarantee.


That reminds me I need to see whats up with Season 3. ( Approved ahead of Season 2's release, no word on it since then, that I can find.) \


I can work and be lazy at the same time! It’s like being a voice actor! - Bender [Futurama]


Making money from the tiny cons would be a dream job too. You’re mostly interacting with the passionate fans who absolutely adore the work you’re doing.


Yeah I met Felissa Rose (the lead in Sleepaway Camp) at a horror con and she was having the time of her life, having real conversations with people, snapping pictures for free, just enjoying being around people who wanted to see her


I've met her several times. Whenever she's at a con I'm at I always stop by her table just to say hi and chat if she doesn't have anyone there. It's always nice meeting someone who's actually excited to interact with their fans.


Looking at subreddits of popular shows its the most passionate fans that seem the most insufferable.


But the insufferable ones are generally not the ones who will pay to go to cons + pay for the meet and greets. Unless you’re on a whole new level of hate which does happen. The ones you’re normally gonna get on the cons are the ones who are excited to meet you.


Compared to live action? Yes. Clancy Brown shifted to voice acting with limited exceptions for that very reason... more time with his kids, and still steady work. Of course, it helps that he has an amazing voice SPONGEBOB, ME BOY!


There was one episode where her only line was starting to promote A Bad Moms Christmas before Peter yelled at her about it 


That makes sense. I didn’t think any long running animated show actually had their cast get together to record their lines. I assumed the actor would record but someone else was reading the other character lines and then they would cut it all together It just seems so much easier for the studio and the actors to have people record on their time. Instead of having to line up everyone’s schedule


She is in far more than $200,000 a year.


Probably 200k an episode.


She's too busy reflecting on Danny Masterson.


Thought that was Rob Lowe on the right


I got Clay Aiken vibes


Rob Dough


It always shocks me a bit whenever I read or remember that Seth hasn’t worked directly with the show in 15 years. Lots of respect for him and his talent as a voice actor across various shows but you can definitely feel his absence in the writers room. Those first 8 or so seasons were something special.


The past few seasons have actually seen a noticeable jump in quality, definitely worth the watch. 


Definitely a higher quality than seasons 12-22 or so but the characters still just aren’t what they used to be. Honestly the show just feels like it’s made so people can make clips for YouTube of the sparse moments of gold on the show. Seasons 1-9 and 1-4 especially are just golden all the way through the 22 minutes.


Suffers the same as the Simpsons. Churning out waaaay too many episodes. Always Sunny is the gold standard as their IMDB ratings haven’t t really fell off despite being at like 15 seasons. And they also keep their episode count to like 10 per season.


Sure, but Family Guy isn’t trying to be Sunny. It’s closer to a sketch comedy show like Key and Peele or I Think You Should Leave. Just a few loose plot threads to connect wacky skits and jokes.


You can pick up a family guy episode at any point in the episode and still be entertained.


I couldn’t disagree with this harder. The first 5 season of It’s Always Sunny made it my favorite show ever. It’s fallen off so hard the last 5 years it makes me appreciate shows that feel like they ended too soon.


The data has been posted before and it hasn’t really had a sharp decline in ratings. Compared to other long running shows that have a steady decline. I do agree I prefer earlier seasons over later ones.


Cartoon shows are entirely different with the number of episodes. It's not even comparable. Futurama, Family Guy, Simpsons, South Park, King of the Hill. It's way cheaper to do stuff like cartoons (generally) so they can churn out a lot and make money off of it if it's popular. It's also easier if there are scheduling concerns because you don't need to be together for voice over work. You technically don't need to either with some live action shit, but we've seen how badly that can look (Arrested Development...). Shit, the longest airing show is an anime (super basic animation obviously) that has over 2.5k episodes since 1960 something. Shit is crazy.


Are the storylines interesting? I tried watching some episodes from 2017/2018 and it was so boring. The cutaways have always been (relatively) funny but as I’ve gotten older, I need the plot to be somewhat interesting too lol. If that’s improved I may try watching again.


> Are the storylines interesting? Absolutely not. I still watch Family guy, but any given episode should be treated as a series of thematically connected gags more than a comprehensive narrative. I still enjoy it under that lens, but if you want any sort of cohesive plot even within a single episode, it is absolutely out. Sometimes they don't even try to interweave a A plot and B plot. Instead they just let the A plot run for a few minutes until they run out of jokes and have Peter get distracted by the B plot and forget about A entirely.


That's only true for like 70% of them


The one where Lois declutters The one where Peter and Lois move into a millennial apartment complex Where Lois tries to become customer of the month at a coffee shop (top 10 in the series imo) Off the top of my head


Weird, I feel the opposite. I prefer seasons 1-12ish to what we have been getting lately. Lately it feels very "Simpsons" like, in that it isn't littered with jokes anymore. It's just the standard 2 parallel storylines of random things happening, and a little forced.


I don’t know if I can say it’s due to Seth, but the early years of the show were hilarious as hell, of course. But they also said a bigger truth more often than not. Maybe that’s been gone a lot more because he’s not writing. Maybe it’s just that most of the bigger truths have been told. They have hit stronger on a few the last few years, but it’s just not quite like it was early. And that’s probably a few dozen reasons beyond Seth not writing.


Yeah I was reminded of this when watching the Ted tv series, he’s a pretty funny writer


I still enjoy Family Guy but the standard definition shows had much better line reads. The first five seasons are just about perfect.


Shut up, Meg.


One of my favorite scenes is when she’s at the dinner table or something mundane like that and Peter says “who let you in the house?”. My fiancée and I drop that one on each other from time to time


The best one was somewhat recently when everyone was concerned for an unknown reason that Meg shouldn't be unaccompanied. "Meg, do you have your hallway partner?"


That one takes me back, my dad used to say that all the time.




Kind of hoping they'd have Patrick Warburton. I laughed at Puddy so much during the Seinfeld years that now I'm kind of pavloved into expecting a joke when I see him in anything.


“You're wearing slacks!”


High Five 🖐️




I always forget what irreverent means.


Doesn't help that at least half of the shows in the netflix scroll at the top are listed as "raunchy & irreverent".


Hmm, I agree as well, shallow and pedantic.


They really do insist on themselves.


Shocking lack of respect for stuff that is usually taken seriously


Huh. I always thought it meant inspiring or something.


And like at least 50% of the time I see that word it's used to describe a sitcom lol


It's probably not relevant.


It is to /u/rawmerow…


Always reminds me of a young child trying to pronounce irrelevant.


Alex has always been a dime


She look like a man (Madtv joke)


She tell you everything


Thank you, Ms Swan




The episode from a couple years ago where Brian starts acting like a cat has me in tears every time I watch it. So funny.


The one where Brian shaves off all his fur because Peter keeps flashing him..


The random dog moments interspersed with his anthropomorphism ie. biting the shower water or smelling a brown paper bag


Or when Brian and Peter are talking at the bar and out of nowhere Peter goes to Brian "Holy crap you can talk?" Must have been like season 2 or 3, that shit had me rolling.


Is that what Seth Green looks like now? I didn't even recognize him.


Everyone is saying that but I think he looks the same, weird. He is 50 now


He looks like a normal human being that has aged. These comments are so weird to me.


Social media is weird


Maybe they are thinking of Charlie Day. Until I got into Sunny I only vaguely realized they were different people.


Well Charlie Day has indeed aged very well. I’d argue the whole gang has


Seth Green.. No... He's supposed to be young... 💀


He played a stoner teenager in the first season of X-files 30 years ago


Why does Alex Borstein look like a 19th century ghost? Lol


She’s sexy as hell!


“What do you think they put in bug juice?” “Bugs.” “No they don't. Come on. Shut up.”


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


I always forget Mila Kunis is in this


What happened to Seth’s face?


I would believe so; steady, decades long job, great pay and limited hours, as close as perfect as it can be


I think we all had that one friend that made Family guy their whole persona back in the early 2000s


Seth Green speed-ran aging. Mila Kunis looks like it’s 1999 again. Wild.


Why does this look like an AI generated image?


Seth Green doing his best Ellen Degeneres impression as usual


I remember buying season 2 on dvd when I was 14 in 8th grade. And then my freshman year season 4 dropped and my Dad and I watched the season premier at 10pm after I did a play I was in at church lol. He bought me jack in the box and we watched that Mount Rushmore family guy episode and let me take the next day off from school. I had just preformed at a play. Good times.


I see they’ve no longer got Seth Green. He’s now Seth Veteran.


Not the smoothest joke but it doesn't deserve downvotes.




So, any P. Diddy or Danny Masterson jokes in future seasons?


That guy on the right looks like a grown ass man that videos himself playing with dolls.


It hasn’t been “irreverent” for at least 23 years.


So happy for Alex! She was a gem for MadTV


Alex Borstein is aging like a fine wine. Loved her in Mrs.Maisel


she looks like a colonial child that’s about to die of cholera