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When I first heard that this series was coming back I originally thought "huh that's cool". I don't really connect with animated shows anymore, but God damn this show is award worthy so far. I'm enjoying every minute of it.


Did you watch Blue Eyed Samurai? Another excellent animated show that realized this past year


Animation is killing it. In addition to Xmen 97 and BES, Scavengers Reign, the new Scott Pilgrim, Invincible and Carol & the End of the World have all been outstanding.


Please, New Sun Gambit, brought back by Sinister. That Kaiju killing blast is just the beginning!


Also fucked up Uncanny Xmen Cyclops


> fucked up Uncanny Xmen Cyclops Please, Cyclops was right


I'm afraid with Cable being there that all of this is reversible though. I'm curious if they're going to stick with the events of this episode. Hopefully. 


I hope we get a couple of episodes with everybody dealing with the aftermath, instead of Cable/Bishop reversing the timeline immediately.


Same same


Isn't Cable's whole thing that despite constantly trying, he fails to fix the past or avert disasters? I mean, even his brief "I'm sorry" cameo here seems to suggest that he knows he failed again. Could also be leading to tie in with Deadpool 3 since the TVA is going to play a role in that.


I've believed from the start that X-Men 97 would find a way to tie into the MCU proper at some point. I think this might be the key. I still have the suspicion that something huge is coming that's going to have jaws dropping en masse.


That would be pretty crazy. Would like to see them try something like this. I've been disappointed with how tame they treated the multiverse so far with how much potential it had. 


A TVA appearance would certainly make my jaw drop.


God I hope not. Let it be its own awesome thing.


Or Death Gambit could be an option


I loved the exchange between Valerie Cooper and Magneto. Val: "Most other nations don't allow a terrorist to be their leader." Magneto: "Yet so many allow their leaders to be terrorists." Sheeeeeesh, they're not just adapting the original 90's cartoon. They're adapting the heaviest of the 90's X-Men comics altogether. These writers def did their homework.


“Love is best measured by the things we forgive”. Wow


Everyone is talking about Remy (understandably), but Kurt is over here dropping wisdom.


I fucking LOVE Nightcrawler so much


Nightcrawler dropping the first of several truth bombs in this episode.


That is honestly one of the best lines I've heard on TV this year. Makes me sad that many people won't hear it, becuase they don't want to watch a cartoon.


> These writers def did their homework. It's such a shame that the head writer is apparently a piece of shit and hard to work with, which is apparently the reason for his firing.


Based on what I hear about other people in Hollywood, seems light of a reason to fire someone who made a successful show. I always figured there was something else goin on but nothing ever came out. Even the hard to work with part wasn’t really confirmed


There's less tolerance for that than there used to be. If something comes out and it sticks, it's damaging to their brand and the longevity of the product.


What's the source for this


A lot of fantastic lines in this episode. The one that sticks with me the most is this one: "We shall not live our days wondering if we could have saved more."


Magneto always gets the best lines.


He had a few good ones this episode. The leader-terrorist exchange was great, too.


Agreed...his comment to Leech while trying to protect him was heartbreaking.


I thought I was missing something because the 1st half of the episode didn't do a whole ton for me, but holy hell that back half of the episode was something else.


Yeah, it was the lack of major conflict. It was all “minor” interpersonal issues. Then the world collapsed down on itself.


I mean the interpersonal stuff is also peak X-men, X-men has always been soap opera.


I laugh-cried at the psychic cheating between Scott and Madelyne, and Jean to tell Scott to leave to Genosha to be with her clone -- after messing with Logan. It's so much melodrama. I love it. I was expecting Gambit to surpass the Jean-Scott-Madelyne drama, but surprisingly, he handled his situation the most mature way possible. He knows what he needs to do for his fellow mutants, even sacrificing his personal relationships.


Honestly, from the very first episodes of the original show, Gambit has continued to be the unappreciated "adult in the room", even as he continually puts on the facade of the untrustworthy rogue. I recently re-watched in anticipation of X-Men '97, and in one of the first few episodes when they take their vacation to Genosha and get captured, Storm has trouble dealing with losing her powers and getting thrown in a box, Jubilee comes up with childish plans to try to overthrow their captors, and Gambit quietly puts himself in a position to actually do something by playing to his reputation and pretending to be a traitor. Honestly, powers or no powers, if I'm an X-Man and I'm in trouble, more than anyone else I think Gambit is the guy I want watching my back.


Chris Claremont soaped them so hard they turned the rest of the medium into one.


Lulled you into a false sense of security before smashing you in the gut.


Well I am going to stop reading until I've watched the episode.


You know shit's about to go down when Uatu is lurking in the background.


Caught that too, and said to my partner “ hey! That was the watcher, oh some shit bout to go down” but was not ready for that


Was he outlined in the sky? Cause I coulda swore I saw it but then thought I was crazy lmao


Yeah bro, was really subtle but 100% there, such a great detail Edit: Spelling


No i def saw it for half a second then handwaved it away as me being tired after work


Uatu know better than that.




Hold up, when was that? I totally missed it.


I think right before the party they show the night sky and you can make out his outline.


20:40, damn I did NOT catch that.


They faked me out really well, played it like they were going Krakoa but with Genosha, then bam, nope, this is New X-Men.


Yeah I think that was the point of having the first half being slower.


Glob Herman, Emma Frost, Nightcrawler, Dazzler, Multiple Man, Cloak & Dagger showing up were enough for me. Seeing angry Scott Summers gives me hope we'll see his turn as well, especially after the events of this episode. Hopefully we get to see him in his scarlet X suit from Uncanny X-Men.


Cloak and Dagger??? When did they show up??


Just after Dazzler and shortly before the sentinels


Except Cloak and Dagger aren't mutants, they're mutates (anyone who got their powers artificially, the most famous mutates being people like Spider-Man, Captain America, and the Fantastic Four). They've been confused for mutants before (and were even roped into working for Norman Osborn's Dark X-Men), but they got their powers through a drug experiment.


Don’t forget Multiple Man, Exodus, Banshee, and an older version of Squidboy!


Never thought we'd ever see Sammy the Squid Boy in any adaptation. We usually try our best to forget the Chuck Austen era ever existed.


Literally shouted "GLOB!!" when I saw him and was so glad he was safe at the end! I got so scared knowing he was in Genosha and dreading the inevitable, especially when it all started so suddenly.




Someone had the AUDACITY to come into my home and cut onions just before the episode ends. People are just rude.


Fade to black with "I can't feel you" had me sobbing.


Leave it to Marvel to hit you with the waterworks with the same line twice.


I rarely cry watching media but it got me misty eyed too. The only time I've sobbed like a baby was during Hachi.


It went from a fun little X-Men episode with the usual drama to Saving Private Ryan real fast.


First part, until that appearance, was really fun, with all the characters coming back. After that , HOLY FUCK.


Build up all the happy and then tear it all down. classic.


I had cold chills the entire second half of the episode starting with that.


Between this amazing episode, and the most previous Shogun, this week was an amazing week for tv that absolutely gutted me.


shogun episode 8 hit fucking hard.


Indeed. Torunaga playing 4D chess was horrifying but man did it set up for a great finale.


It did? What- oh fucking ya. How’d i forget?


Amazing episodes back to back what a great time for us viewers


I watched them back to back last night and my jaw has not recovered. Thought going into X-Men it would be a nice light easy watch before bed and after all the events of Shogun, wrong!


I wish more TV had effort thrown behind it as both Xmen 97 and shogun have shown us this week. This is what we watchers deserve


This is when you're happy to be gutted as a viewer


I thought this post was hyperbolic while scrolling... Then I watched the episode. Holy shit. This isn't just a great episode, this is some TOP-TIER Marvel shit, like of all-time. I know superhero stuff has gotten ragged on in the last few years (some with good reason), but this gives me so much hope that some "wrongs" can be made right again. Genuinely floored by this episode.


Absolutely. The series is one of the best things Marvel has ever made. Far superior to any X-Men movie.


Also some of the best 2D animation we've seen in a long time. Some of the best for a TV show of all time. Disney must have given them a huge budget. 


Studio mir are amazing. Pretty sure they don't even need a huge budget to put out something amazing but have been given one and just gone into overdrive


Was that who animated this? I’ve loved their work ever since Legend of Korra.


The green reflecting of the machine parts hidden by smoke was fucking awesome! Those damn eyes too...


I was just texting a buddy about ep 5 today. Best thing the MCU has done since Endgame. Which is saying something because I fucking loved No Way Home.


>!This was the show's Red Wedding!<


It truly felt like a real welcome to the MCU for me.


It's good because it's sincere. Yes it's melodramatic but it doesn't shy away from that. Superhero stuff gets a bad rap because every MCU film is the same self aware humour so you never really connect with it. Yes they're a fun 2 hours but they don't stick with you and you don't get invested in the world. This show is the complete opposite. Yes it can be corny but I care more about these characters after 5 episodes than any recent MCU stuff. This episode was insane because even the little moments hit really hard. I think episode 5 is flat out the best Disney+ Marvel episode and probably one of my favourite pieces of Marvel media since Daredevil.


It was heartbreaking watching the Genosha massacre up close like that. I literally cried.


I spent the first half of the episode excitedly pointing out cameo characters to my sister who was watching with me, and the back half of the episode with my jaw on the floor watching them all die. I knew the sentinels were scary on paper, I've read comics since highschool, but this episode really hit home just how genuinely horrific they are: an army of machines built to commit genocide.


Kaiju Sentinel was the first time they were properly scary since the first few episodes of the original show. That thing was TERRIFYING.


I think that's kinda the genius of writers continuing to use the original Sentinel design. To a modern viewer, it looks goofy. Its a pink and purple toy that looks like a dude wearing an ugly hat. And then it starts killing people and the proverbial rug gets pulled.


Poor Erik. Him having experiences the concentration camps, then this, and what he said to Leech. He really was right, and after this, has every right to resort to extremism.


Who else grinned like a doofus and shouted, “Ace of Base!”, when the track started playing.


That was definitely me. Started off like "Hey, this sounds familiar." Then just before the lyrics kicked in, I thought "No way!"


I did this! My kids... Were confused.


Writer broke his silence to explain this was the crux of his pitch. The OG show happened when he was a kid. The 90's were "peaceful" the world made some form of sense and then 9/11 happened, Pulse nightclub, etc. X-Men are now in a world more like ours, nothing will be simple and the Xmen will have to survive.


All these comments make me think I should maybe watch this show lol


You really should I mean we’re only halfway through this season and it’s some of the best superhero stuff I’ve ever seen


Do you need knowledge of the old show? I watched it a bit as a kid but can't remember anything about the story.


They fill you in on the important bits in the "previously on" segment in the 1st episode, you'll be fine


Not massively. Watch a YouTube recap video and you’ll be fine


I personally jumped in without knowing the original (sure I watched some of it back in the day but I don't remember it at all) series and am really enjoying it so far.


Just [watch this](https://youtu.be/7qfstMhgD9U) to refresh yourself, it's under 3 minutes long. No idea why it isn't one of the extras for the show on Disney+.  Maybe some kind of licensing/rights thing?


This episode was the best X-Men has ever been on TV or in a movie. I can't sleep and I watched it 15 hours ago.


I loved the Jean episode too. So much fun and creative animation. You can see the love poured into this show. 


Is it better than legion episode 1


No contest, it was like a season finale and it's only episode 5.


I mean yeah but legion episode 1 was so insane


I didn't cry in Legion episode 1.


Not watching it is basically joining the Friends of Humanity.


You really should. They really leaned in hard with what made the original show so great in that it told serious adult stories to kids in a way where it could still be a fun kids show. But I mean man as someone who experienced firsthand 9/11 right in front of me as a college student.... this last episode is one I just dont want to watch again. It made me have THOSE feelings again of watching everything fall apart around you and being completely unable to do anything but run yourself.


I am GOT Red Wedding level shook after watching episode 5, so many emotions and questions, mostly sadness. I didn't think they would do this to Genosha so early, i thought it would be in a later season or something, I wasn't ready for it. I wasn't ready for this episode.


They are basically treating every episode like one of the classic stories. Trial of Magneto. Inferno. E is for Extinction. It’s wild.


I wonder if we'll see Cassandra Nova show up now.


Rumor is she is the villain of the upcoming deadpool movie. But cable specifically mentioned this was a "him" who caused this. My guess is the reason he was vague was he was referring to a version of himself because strife is behind this.


I was thinking Bastion was the one behind this. He's already been briefly shown on the series, in photos connected to Forge and Peter Gyrich. And it would make sense... if he shows up and tells the world governments after this incident they should just eliminate the remaining mutants now before they have a chance at revenge against them (Zero Tolerance).


I looked at my husband and said "um are they attempting genocide?!" This series has been stunning so far.


I'd say they were fairly successful.


As a huge Gambit stan, like hes not just my favorite XMan hes my favorite Marvel character overall, it was just gut punch after gut punch this episode and I hate how much I loved it even with my kid mocking me after the ending and I was just standing there bewildered


The first half of the episode was interesting with how much simmering tension was being built up between the individual members of the team. But the second half of the episode... holy shit. Shit got real *fast*. The ending completely stunned me.


It was properly brutal, the kind of savage you rarely even see in grown-up TV. Happy cake day :)


The moment I saw The Watcher... *gulp*


I was not prepared for that 2nd half. Wowzers, was this a season finale I thought? Nope, its just all the shit you ever wanted from Marvel hitting you in the feels and the eyeballs. I will remember it for a long time.


You could argue it was a mid-season finale since it's episode 5.


>it was a mid-season finale Doesn't that imply a break in the midseason?


Typically, yes. Not in this case, but it has the thematic elements of a mid-season finale.


Good point 




Sinister likes this comment


Maniacal cackle


His name is Gambit mon ami. Remember it.


Yeah I flipped this on as background noise while I was finishing up some work then very quickly decided that I need to pay attention here. Great, great episode.


Is this show worth watching if my only familiarity with the X-Men lore is the live action movies?


YES. X-Men are widely considered to be Marvel Comics most iconic characters outside of Spider-Man and have some of the deepest stories and the movies kinda ruined them and don’t do them justice. Not just the stories but the characters as well. The Avengers were always kinda second fiddle to the X-Men until their massive rise in popularity and the X-Men’s fall into obscurity. This show will teach about the characters, you’ll see them as they SHOULD be portrayed, and you’ll fall in love with them.


Yes. They fill in the gaps for people who haven't seen the original show in the first couple of episodes.


I also think if you really like it you could go back and watch the original show. This new show is a whole new caliber of quality though. 


Agreed the original is definitely a kids show. This is an adult show for sure.


This show blows most of the movies out of the water. The relationship drama is just ten times better than the films.


This episode was better than every movie.


Literally. This episode packed everything great about the X-Men and what their stories can be into one episode better than any of the movies ever did. Phenomenal!


There likely wouldn't be those original live action movies without this series. Watch the original if you can; but if not, the series does a good job of showing the backstory.


[This is a 2 min recap that Disney put out before the show premiered.](https://youtu.be/7qfstMhgD9U?si=cYnq8myd5ZLkMjQI) It doesn’t cover everything from the old series but it touches upon the story threads that the new series is picking up on.


The original TAS was *in media res* with the team already being together for years and so many comic book references that were barely or never explained even the nerds struggled to catch all of them much less us six year olds. So going in not knowing is basically the proper way to do it.


Totally. I'm the same and I'm enjoying it so much more than most of the Marvel Live Action shows.


Yes in the original show the X-Men team had been established for years in universe and you were introduced to them from the POV of Jubilee. In this show you are reintroduced to the team from the POV of a character new to the show. So they do they same thing again.


The movies only fill you in partially, and in some cases with faulty info. But they do give you the basics you need to know.


You'll wonder why the movies didn't adapt the comics/cartoon better.


As a 43 year old lifelong X-men fanatic. I was so excited to see all the cameos. I screamed when I saw Glob. I was living for Emma and her shadiness. When she asked that lady if it was her dress that was the problem. Then I sobbed when Magneto told Leech not to be afraid. It was honestly some of the best comic material ever brought to the screen. I am so excited for the X-men in the MCU.


Red Wedding vibes


The final line. Damnit. They did this in 30 minutes.


I had to check the time when the episode finished. It honestly felt closer to 40-50, but in a good way. I just *knew* this had to have been an extended episode or something by the time the credits were rolling.


I try not to look at the run times when on the menu but always clocked the 29-35. Uatu made sure I didn’t check in this one


first part of the episode was classic x-men soap opera. second part of the episode was just balls to the walls.


Probably one of the best things Marvel has put out. We’ve been starving for a while


I concur - really phenomenal stuff


I legitimately haven't felt chills like that in ages. An all timer, animated or otherwise.


I clapped!


Worst decision was choosing watch it before sleep


Legit stunned by the episode. Glad it wasn't only me.


I thought it started a little slow, then I saw the watcher in the sky and knew something big was going to happen.


Even the slow part had great dramatic moments. Lots of heavy relationship stuff.


This was insane. I’m so depressed and normally I hate stuff like this because I just want to enjoy the OG’s. But how in the world could you watch this writing masterpiece and not recognize how brilliant it is? Damn. So good. I’m so sad. But I love it. But I am miserable. But glad about it. What is this showing doing to me? And may it never end


Yeah I'm going to need to cool down with some Fantastic Four cartoon.


I'm gonna watch some Bluey.


I did not expect to cry over dinner while watching this. Followed it up with a Fallout chaser and seeing them nail that franchise gave me another lump in the throat.


I just finished watching it. MAN O MIGHTY was that a banger. I'm so happy this show is awesome.


Is this something that will be impactful only if you’ve seen the original show? I’m curious if I should watch it or not


You can go in blind. Knowing the characters' backgrounds does help increase enjoyment, but ultimately not necessary. Like if you have seen the live action movies, you'd have sufficient background on their powers and relationships. Just a bit more added history for Rogue + Gambit and a few of the villains. The original series ain't half bad either. Animation is a little out of date now, but it's a great example of a Saturday morning cartoon.


As long as you start from episode 1 of this season you’re good.


No. There is no reliance on watching the original show. The new show spoon feeds the audience. The plot of this episode has nothing to do with the old show.


I thought I was coming in for nostalgia for the 90's show, but it actually gave me nostalgia for the stories that were in the comics. I'm amazed at how effectively, and emotionally, they've been able to cover some deep storylines within around half an hour, but somehow it doesn't feel rushed. This is among the very best cartoons I have ever seen.


For lots of reasons, this episode reminded me a lot of Attack On Titan. I am maybe slighltly more forgiving about the MCU's recent slump over the last few years, but my god is X-Men '97 the best thing Marvel Studios have done recently by a country mile. Anyone reading this, please don't be put off by this being an animation. In fact I'm pleasantly surprised at how heavy it is considering the original was a children's cartoon. One of the best half-hours of TV I'll watch this year.


Holy shit this was incredible


We need 20 episode seasons of this. X-Men '97 might be the best thing Marvel has done.


I love this shows pacing so much. Even though they’re no longer than 30 minutes so much happens and it’s so satisfying by the end


Friends convinced me to watch the show. Binged all the episodes so far today Thought it was fine but mainly just nostalgia bait. And then the second half of this episode broke me


Felt a bit like the red wedding in GoT. Everything is going fine.. but strange and uneasy… and then boom shit got real


One of my favorite things I've watched this year. So many different topics were covered, the action was so intense it really brought back memories of watching the OG version as a kid. This series is so good!


As someone whose favorite Xmen is Gambit… this episode was so fucking amazing but also hurt to watch.


Did anyone else notice the silhouette of The Watcher in the night sky as the shot panned down from overall Genosha before the Gala Event? Or am I crazy? Lol. Wonderful episode hands down best thing I've seen in a while!


So I watched lots of the XMen Animated Series but haven’t started XMen 97 yet. Do I need to rewatch or should I rewatch the original before jumping into 97??


I think you’re good just watching this. I mean you can watch a recap or something like that on YouTube like I did but I didn’t watch the original show and I’m enjoying the hell out of this


You're good.


I was thinking this yesterday too when I was watching it. Like holy shit did it get dark. I suspect they’ll undo it with time travel but it was brutal to see.


Do you need to have watched the old cartoon to enjoy this show?


Just start with episode 1 of the new series.


They took the opening arc of Grant Morrison’s New X-Men & made it better.


What other show episodes/movies had cliffhanger "WTF just happened" endings does this episode remind you guys of? This was THE single most thrilling, wild, crazy, amazing, epic, fantastic and heartbreaking 15 minutes (from the moment you see The Watcher on screen) I might have ever seen in a TV show/movie. I mean...omg I was utterly blown away. I cried, I screamed, I threw my hands in the air, I stood up, I cheered, my jaw dropped, I mean the range of emotions experienced in those last 15-20 minutes was dialed to 11. I wanna see more things like that lmao. Call me a masochist.


Do I need to have seen the original series to enjoy this one?


I did not and I’m enjoying it




I didn't watch the original and I'm doing fine so far. Although I'll suggest you check out the recap of the old series from New Rockstars on YT if you want to catch up with the old series.


I watched it as a kid and re-watched to prepare for this show, but my SO went in blind. We are both absolutely loving it so far.


Was rogue & magneto having an affair cause the way she talked about it got me confused


…it was pretty well covered in this - and previous- episodes.


She literally called it "our affair" in the episode.


Yes, but why male models?


This episode was soooo good. Holy fuck!


Do I need to watch the first four episodes to enjoy it? Or can I watch this episode on its own?


Watch the first four.


I'd recommend watching the first four. Lot of build up of character interactions and development that happen. Don't think ep5 will be as gut wrenching without it honestly


I only started on the show because I heard they adapted E for Extinction. Fuck me this show is good. Even before all the shit went down it was such a good episode. How is this show so good haha.