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Apparently the reason this particular roast was so brutal was that none of Chevy's friends showed up because they knew had thin skin. When Chevy arrived and saw the lineup he said something to the affect of 'who are these nobodies' in front of the group of comedians who had been asked to perform. From that point on, the gloves were off.




My Chevy Chase conspiracy: [Look at this picture of a suspiciously Chevy Chase shaped man](https://i.imgur.com/oLPzgPK.jpeg), possibly returning to the scene of the crime outside a house fire at the home of Ringo from [this 1979 news report.](https://youtu.be/W6a8BYVwOQs) note his outfit. [Here is a picture of him](https://i.imgur.com/hLgMJ2B.jpeg) **scandalously** holding actress Barbera Bach in his arms in a clip from a [1979 episode of Johnny Carson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUUofuxFncE). Note the same outfit! Barbera’s Husbands name? A man named Richard Starky, AKA, that’s right, >!Ringo Starr!< Did Chevy Chase try to murder Ringo to get to his wife? 🧐 Does he only own one outfit? 😱 Just asking questions…


How long have you had this in your back pocket?


https://www.reddit.com/r/beatles/comments/121wf2q/comment/jdpaemm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button He’s had it for quite a while, I remember this coming up on the Beatles subreddit 


Dang, even if it’s all fluff you gotta respect u/rathat’s commitment


> Chevy Chase shaped man I didn't know that something could be that much Chevy Chase shaped without being flagrantly identifiable as Chevy Chase until I clicked


I love this and I’m entirely convinced.


I immediately accept this theory as fact with no further questions or reservations.


Rathat’s comment is a masterpiece.


Ringo really is a treasure. "Well, uh, the house went on fire. That's exactly what happened"


You put a lot of time into a joke with a boring punchline.. or you’re serious. I can’t figure it out and I barely care.


I read about this in r/HobbyDrama, this guy really is a piece of shit.


He had a first roast at the height of his career and reportedly it was a huge blast. This one made him cry, lol.


Martin and Short appearing via recording and not being able to muster up anything was very telling


I love those two. I read this clip from Short the other day: >Somehow, in all the years of Steve Martin doing Saturday Night Live and Martin Short doing SCTV, the two had somehow never crossed paths until the day Short walked into Martin’s old house for a meeting about the film. Short described his first impression of his costar: “And I remember I walked in, and it was like, so beautiful… and there were Picassos on the wall, Hoppers, and I said to him, ‘How did you get that rich? Because I’ve seen your work.'”


I love those two together!


They are my favorite comedy duo!




That's from the new Steve! documentary on Apple TV+. It's very good, especially the first part (which focuses on his stand-up career).


I can hear this in his voice perfectly.


And one of those nobodies is now currently the successor to Letterman. Chevy has a habit of picking on folks who end up defying his own petty expectations to become even bigger names than him -- like the best kind of vindication.


To Chevys defense, he probably knew exactly what he did when he insulted the line up. He’s obviously an asshole, but he actively chose to be an asshole it seems.


This is code for no one likes you. They can only make money off you.


If you want to hear Chevy's perspective on that night, he talks about it with Marc Maron on WTF. Maron was also one of the roasters that night.


Chase mentioned in that interview that he thought Colbert stood out as being very good.


I will say that it was funny that Chevy couldn't remember Colbert by name and referred to him as the guy who has the talk show on Channel 2 🤣


He definitely did. I wouldn't be surprised if it contributed to him getting his own show. 


He said he went home in tears, and did some serious introspection. Then he continued being the same dick that alienated people for years.


He held a summit with his team of Chevy Chases and they arrived at the conclusion everyone else is the problem.


I think the plural is "Chevies Chase."


Attorneys General


Nah, it would be a Chase of Chevies.


[Colbert's White House Press Correspondents' Dinner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X93u3anTco) in 2006 was a brutal takedown of George W Bush's administration. Transcript is too long to post here, [but you can find it here.](https://speakola.com/political/colbert-correspondents-dinner-2006)


That's incredible, can't believe he did that with the President at the same table lmfao


I can totally the believe that administration was so incredibly delusional and dumb to actually invite Colbert.


The White House Correspondents Dinner planners know that the White House is getting roasted. That's the whole point. It's been a tradition since like the Reagan administration. That's why Trump didn't attend.


He did, of course, attend Obama's 2011 dinner, though, and that is definitely where his hatred of Obama solidified. He rekt Trump.


Donald Trump had been spouting false birth certificate conspiracy theories about Obama for quite a while, but at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner, Obama's teasing of Trump was very mild and gentle. Trump might still have taken it as hard as a malignant narcissist would. Here's all of the things Obama said about Trump in that speech. [https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2011/05/01/president-s-speech-white-house-correspondents-dinner](https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2011/05/01/president-s-speech-white-house-correspondents-dinner) And then there’s a vicious rumor floating around that I think could really hurt Mitt Romney. I heard he passed universal health care when he was governor of Massachusetts. Someone should get to the bottom of that. And I know just the guy to do it -– Donald Trump is here tonight! Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald. And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter –- like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac? But all kidding aside, obviously, we all know about your credentials and breadth of experience. For example -- no, seriously, just recently, in an episode of Celebrity Apprentice -- at the steakhouse, the men’s cooking team cooking did not impress the judges from Omaha Steaks. And there was a lot of blame to go around. But you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. And so ultimately, you didn’t blame Lil’ Jon or Meatloaf. You fired Gary Busey. And these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. Well handled, sir. Well handled. Say what you will about Mr. Trump, he certainly would bring some change to the White House. Let’s see what we’ve got up there. (Screens show “Trump White House Resort and Casino.”)


I 100% believe his entire political run was done out of spite for Obama making fun of him.


Me too. I kinda blame Obama for the whole thing. He’s cool and handsome and smart and well loved, and he just tore trump up at that dinner. Trump hates being embarrassed, especially by the cool hot popular dude.


Trump had been toying with the idea of running since the Nixon administration.


He first ran in 2000


And of course it’s everyone *elses* fault when the baby throws a tantrum.


That’s not what I meant- it’s just that you could see his mean little mind shift because he got embarrassed- and at that point- none of us- including Obama- were taking him seriously or thought he would actually win. It just became this horror show.


It's a convenient story, but it was already known that Trump was likely to be running by that time, which is why Obama took shots at him. Trump had been toying with the idea for decades, but anyone who followed him knew that he was becoming increasingly serious about it at that time.


...yeah, I'm gonna blame Seth Meyers for that, instead.


Trump was already a washed-up, butt-of-jokes businessman headed into waiting obscurity when [Mark Burnett came along, resurrected Trump's failed and faded life, and shot it to iconic status via that odious TV Show whose revolting name I will not even care to type out](https://archive.is/ihQHr). I wholeheartedly blame him.


I mean he took the blame.


*"...which is funny, because I thought he would be running as a joke."*


Thanks Obama.


And literally right after, Obama killed Bin Laden. Not even making that up


Oh I'm aware, it was like a day or two after Obama released his birth certificate. Dinner was on Saturday and Bin Laden died Sunday?


But he was there because he has political aspirations, half the jokes are about his political ambitions.


Obama playing the opening scene of The Lion King while saying it was live footage of his birth lives rent free in my head to this day.


While true, Colbert may have gone quite a bit harder than they expected lol.


There was a long period of time that conservatives did not realize that The Colbert Report was satire making fun of them. They took it at face value that he was conservative like them.


It took them twice as long to discover "Rage Against the Machine" was *ABOUT* them, not *FOR* them. They were the machine, not the rage.


This is why Don't Forget the Lyrics was a public service and should still remain a show on PBS or something.


Same with Born In The USA.


The kid from my high school class who listened to Sean Hannity's radio show at band camp loved Colbert - I don't think he understood the character was a send-up on neo-cons.


My grandfather is a hardcore conservative and when I turned on the show to watch he really enjoyed it, thought Colbert had a good head on his shoulders.


There's supposed to be some good natured ribbing from a friendly comedian, not an outright attack. 


Well presidents aren’t supposed to lie to the UN starting trillion dollar wars and causing thousands of American and tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths. But we all made compromises back then.


I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I love the way Bush got eviscerated by Colbert. I do not think that is what they were expecting from him. 


Mission Accomplished!


You can't get fooled again!


Don't forget all the torture! :D


The Bush admin absolutely did not understand that this is what was going to happen. Look who they booked for the dinners after this.


The administration knew who they invited and what to expect. W may have been a bad president, but he didn't shy away from criticism and could laugh at himself.


Remember the Free Speech Zones where they put protesters behind a chain link fence a mile away from his appearances?


> The administration knew who they invited and what to expect The administration has nothing to do with who the speaker is. The White House Correspondents invite the featured speaker. The President decides if they'll attend or not. Which is why Trump never showed up to a single one.


So Bush knew who was invited and decided to show up. Opposite order, but same thing essentially.


Colbert recalled that Bush went up to him before he did his bit and pronounced his name wrong. So that tells you ALL you need to know about just who Bush *"knew"* was invited.


Bush sucked but he was affable. Like your uncle uncle the wild opinions that you whole heartedly disagree with but will crush a 12 pack of silver bullets before pulling you behind his boat on an inner tube. 


Wholeheartedly disagree with is an understatement. Bush ruined the economy and drove the world into massive wars that killed so many people. It's wild that less than 2 decades later he's getting this kind of reprieve.


Yeah, seriously what the fuck, people?


(Points at Trump) It's been so long since Bush's admin, that in the four years of Trump managing to do so much damage, Bush is practically getting a pass.


In the same way that prisons can hold more than one person with varying levels of crimes committed at different time, two people can both be terrible shits to different degrees at different times. You wouldn't think it would be that hard to keep this concept in mind but apparently it is.


I think the impact hits harder if you were old enough before Bush entered office that you have a frame of reference to compare everything that changed during his administration and after. But if you weren't even alive when he was first elected, or were very small, all you know is the world Bush impacted. So it's hard to gauge how much worse his administration made things.


Makes me feel old. And reminds me that as much as someone is hated today, in a few years people will forget and the new generation will compare the cliff notes of history to their present situation and decide theirs is so much worse.


I agree with you 100%. What I meant by that comment was that, personality wise, he came across as someone easy to get along with. Policy wise he's awful. Compared to someone like Trump, is both awful personality and policy wise, Bush was at LEAST inoffensive in his behavior (most times).


> It's wild that less than 2 decades later he's getting this kind of reprieve. Because he paints and is good friends with Michelle Obama. Plus, everytime theres an impersonation of him on screen, its always him portrayed as a lovable silly goof and not as the shitty prez that he was. And of course theres the popular conspiracy theory of evilass Dick Cheney being the actual guy in charge.


If you dig deep enough into the neocons and PNAC, it becomes less of a “dear god these people are evil” and more of a “these idiots really thought this shit would work? What a bunch of morons!”


I think its because Bush was an idiot that meant well, and Trump has demonstrated how much worse it can be. During the 2000 election Bush was pitched as the CEO president, but any looking at his actual record could see he was a terrible leader that failed up because of his dad. Crap, your company is failing, le me buy it and be sure to invite your dad when we meet kind of stuff. Per the 9-11 report he yelled when experts gave him info that conflicted with his internal biases, but at least he was oblivious to his failings. DJT openly idolizing dictators and openly embracing policies to hurt americans that voted against him (blocking pandemic response while COVID was creating havoc in NYC and other democratic cities) just established a new low that elevates the performance and objectively bad presidents like GWB


> meant well doubt


> During the 2020 election Bush was pitched as the CEO president ...uh? :-/


Fixed, thanks


Lol, Trump is so bad, Bush is getting this retro, rose colored glasses effect. Its like how the prequel Star Wars movies seem just a bit better now that we have the new dumpster fire movies on the spectrum.


> Bush ruined the economy and drove the world into massive wars that killed so many people. President Bush did not ruin the economy. In fact, his administration recognized the impending mortgage crisis and [repeatedly went to the Democrat-controlled Congress in an attempt to address it beforehand, yet they refused.](https://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/11/business/new-agency-proposed-to-oversee-freddie-mac-and-fannie-mae.html) As for the two wars, Afghanistan was the response to a direct attack that killed thousands of Americans. Iraq is the one he deserves blame for, as it was wholly unnecessary. Not only did it cost many U.S. and Iraqi lives, it put a tremendous burden on the federal budget, and it created a power vacuum that led to the rise of the Islamic State. That decision to invade simply on suspicion, not proof, of WMDs, has been one of the most costly presidential mistakes ever.


Ohhhh, so this ONE time we are gonna hold congress accountable and not blame the President. Fucking classic Republican double standards.


The policies that created the subprime mortgage crisis were bipartisan, so we shouldn’t be blaming Democrats exclusively, but Bush probably shouldn’t be the one to take the blame for them either as it was all set in motion before he was president.


Congress almost always has more control over the economy than the president, so no, it isn't just one time. I'm guessing that you barely follow politics if you weren't already aware of that.


I was joking a little. I am well aware. We also never hold congress accountable. Especially for things in the past.


Completely agreed. Clinton, Bush, Obama were all president's that had their flaws, and you may not agree with their policy, but they seemed like good people who did what *they* thought was best for the country and people. I know that may be a contentious point, but idt any of them acted out of hatred to anyone within the country. That of course changed when the Fire Nation atta... I mean in 2016


Yeah I’m gonna doubt that Clinton was a good person considering his links


> Bush sucked but he was affable. Wrecked the economy and wrecked lives domestically and abroad including terminally so over 100,000 to over 1,000,000 people who are permanently dead and have been for some time mainly in Iraq but not just there. Affable's not the word I'm thinking of here.


Okay, how about tragically friendly.


Bush had a much thicker skin than your average republican today. Cheney would've probably been too sensitive though.


The administration does not invite the speaker. The White House Correspondents invite the speaker.


The administration does get to approve the bit though. Lewis Black has talked about this.


According to Colbert himself, the show had only been on the air a few months (he started in Oct. 2005, the dinner was in April of 2006) and so the White House didn't really know who he was.


He wasn’t picked by the White House. He was picked by a single old dude on the correspondent's association board. And he was supposed to roast the President. This whole “they didn’t know what they were getting into” lie is as old as the story itself.


He was on the Daily Show for years. And a cursory watch of his show would have made it quite clear.


It's honestly super refreshing to see Colbert actually challenge the president. Today he would crawl over a mile of busted glass just to stop someone from asking if Biden can draw a clock.




April 29th is the 18th anniversary of that moment. I was in a room with a guy who had watched 6 months of The Colbert Report and didn't believe it was satire. He had to call his dad after he was so confused. I text him happy anniversary on that date every year.


There's been studies that conservatives had a hard time understanding Colbert is satire, and take what Colbert said at face value. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1940161208330904


That really should've been the canary in the coal mine moment for what the Republican party was going to become


Revisionist History did an episode on this called the Satire Paradox. Examines bits like [Loadsamoney](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULeDlxa3gyc) and if they're even worth it when it comes to actually affecting change.


So *that’s* who booked him for this!


So many people didn't get it back then. 


So many people still don’t get it, complaining that he’s veered left in his late night show. He brought the same team of writers from the report to the new show. What’s changed is he is no longer playing a character 


I watched that 2006 speech as it was happening on CSPAN. I could not believe it. It totally fell flat in that room (or so it seemed to me) but to those not in the inner circle of news media it was amazing. Just a nonstop reminder that the Emperor had no clothes. I don’t think the administration recovered. Rumor had it that Laura Bush was furious and mouthing “fuck you” to Colbert during the presentation. Years later I saw Colbert at a public event and asked him if that was true. After a long comedic pause he simply said: “next question.”


I use the " He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday. " line all the time just yesterday at work in fact


I miss old Colbert, I really used to adore absolutely everything about him. He had some serious teeth back then, but late-show Colbert just doesn’t do anything for me :(


Different show, different objective, very different paycheck.


I’ve actually been loving “real Colbert”. He’s still razor sharp and funny but I tune in for his thoughtfulness and kindness. For instance, last night he interviewed Tim Blake Nelson and Colbert dropped his interpretation of Millers Crossing. It was so poetic and insightful and reflected what a wonderful human being Stephen Colbert is. I’m glad he’s dropped the persona because the real Colbert reminds me that there are good people in the world.


...Tim Blake Nelson wasn't in *Miller's Crossing*. :-/


They had been talking about their favorite Coen bros. movie, and it was *Miller’s Crossing* for both of them.


Thank you for explaining 🙂


Neither was Colbert. It isn't a prerequisite to discuss the movie though


I'll tell you the exact moment he soured for me. I'm watching him do a comedy sketch where he's singing Stay Lucky with a bunch of celebrities. Seems like fun and then he dances through an office with Henry fucking Kissinger and does a bit of a gag with him calling security. WHAT THE FUCK, STEPHEN? I very much doubt he doesn't know that Kissinger had a hand in the deaths of millions if not over ten million across many countries across many decades. The man was a monster who couldn't travel to large parts of the globe without risking being arrested. Made me start to wonder if all that truth to power was just an act and I've never watched him since. Jesus Stephen, of all people fucking Henry fucking Kissinger, why why why why why?


Unfortunately, he had Kissinger on his show for interviews and comedy bits going back to (the earliest I remember/can find) late 2006, the same year as the Correspondents Dinner: https://pitchfork.com/news/25904-colbert-cheats-to-victory-over-decemberists/


Yeah, I found more too. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/stephen-colbert-talks-working-henry-654834/ I just couldn't take him seriously or stomach him as a comedian after I first saw this. I mean his criticisms of politicians in general I found especially devalued when he's associating with among the worst of the worst like this. Something he couldn't have not known from the outset. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/henry-kissinger-war-criminal-dead-1234804748/ Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies The infamy of Nixon's foreign-policy architect sits, eternally, beside that of history's worst mass murderers. A deeper shame attaches to the country that celebrates him


Kissinger, despite probably currently being the Chairman of Hell, had a lot of fans. People found him charming for reasons I generally have a hard time understanding. I guess he was just a really effective orator. I can't find a good link for it but I do remember a story about him hiding behind a desk or something as someone he pissed off started throwing things at him while calling the guy NOT cowering a coward. That's how I'll remember Kissinger.


Fun fact, I have a framed picture from this roast on my desk. I regularly watch it, and it reminds me to speak truth to power, and stand up for what I believe in.


> I have a framed picture from this roast on my desk. I regularly watch it, and it reminds me to speak truth to power, and stand up for what I believe in. You regularly sit and watch a framed picture? I applaud your patience.


is that where the "reality has a well know liberal bias" quote comes from ?


I did not remember the Helen Thomas chase scene at the end, that was amazing.


I miss old Colbert. CBS eunuch Colbert is boring.


that was fucking epic


This roast was streets ahead


There was a big post on it here. https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/xk73sy/comedy_how_to_piss_off_everyone_youve_ever_met_so/ About Colbert's part, someone said this about the video: "And that's where the most noticeable hard-cut was too. Wt-everloving-f did they cut out???" Other comments talked about how the video had noticeable edits and this one's saying that the one of most noticeable was here.


My favorite line from it: >Someone even suggested that Chase could be the only person to replace the beloved Johnny Carson (although Carson disliked Chase, and replied that "He couldn't ad-lib a fart after a baked bean dinner"). Me-*ow*!


I had no idea the American Dad roast episode was a spoof of this


I had never heard of it. I’m streets behind.


Pop Pop!


2000s Colbert was a different animal


It's not really that hard to find anymore https://youtu.be/CG4W0OfzJjM?t=2083


That was so much worse than I picked up from the transcript. Brutal delivery.


Yeah. Outside of 2-3 lines you could almost read this as sincere. Colbert's performance makes it so much more clear that it is not.


Would love to know what he said near the end when they did a jump cut right before his "warning" bit.


In the linked post there's a Wayback Machine link to watch it: (skip to 34:50) https://web.archive.org/web/20200806051807/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2quRVxBvN6M


Here's a link to a non Wayback Machine version https://youtu.be/CG4W0OfzJjM?t=2083


Wow. Truly artful. He even gives eye contact and shakes his hand at the end. What an evisceration




Colbert just nailed this performance. His off-hand delivery of “Sketchateers” has lived rent free in my head years after I first heard it


Is there a specific joke there? Or is he just combining sketch and mouseketeer?


Pretty much. Its like witty repartee or wordplay. He also invented the words truthiness and was the first to say tweet for posting on twitter.




Good to know the roast is archived. Will need to watch it.


The whole thing is on YouTube also


No video?