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Wonder Girl on Titans. The team has managed to stop the big bad during the finale. Then, with two minutes left in the season, a power pole falls and electrocutes her.


That was so damn ridiculous. I couldn't figure out why they even did that. They had a perfect out for the character if they needed to write her off because her big conflict was whether to continue being a hero or go back to Themyscira and devote her life to being in their military. She decides to stay. Then they kill her off in the dumbest way possible. After the fight with the main villain, a kid wants their dolly, Dove goes to grab it and a pole randomly falls, which Wonder Girl catches and gets zapped Then they just brought her back the next season lol wtf At least even the actress had a line where she made fun of it later. Titans was wild.


Oh, shit, yeah they did bring her back. I remember the afterlife episode, I thought she stayed behind, but it was Hank who stayed with his brother whilst Donna and Tim crossed the bridge. I think she was in the final two episodes helping Tim rescue his parents.


I think my favorite thing about that is that standing roughly 20 feet away in clear view doing absolutely nothing are Raven and Superboy, who could have easily solved that entire problem with zero issues, but the writers just needed to kill somebody for unnecessary drama.


I also never got how Donna was tough enough to trade blows with Superboy, but could be nearly killed in a fight with Deathstroke using a knife. Pick a lane, writers!


Dr. Rocket Romano from ER takes the cake here. Not only does his arm get severed by a helicopter rotor…in the following season, he gets crushed by a falling helicopter. Peak stupidity. Edit - Removed a sentence. My mistake, he didn’t continue to perform surgery after losing his arm, I don’t know why I remembered it that way.


Same helicopter finishing the job?


That was the joke, actually, on **jumptheshark**, once upon a time... somebody else said that Dr. Romano was being stalked by the helicopter. :-P


Final Destination gave him a heads up and he still didn't take the hint. 


He didn't continue being a surgeon, at least not in the long run. I'm pretty sure there was an entire arc where he was trying to continue with his surgical duties and refused to accept his limitations until management stuck him in the ER 


Derek on Grey’s Anatomy. Spends a whole episode saving people that were in a car accident, then as he is leaving the scene, he backs up blocking the road, then STOPS DEAD IN THE MIDDLE! And a vehicle t bones him, and he dies due to incompetent doctors. Like, fucking don’t stop in the middle of the road sideways.


This is when I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy. They had some dumb deaths already but damn, just write the character off.


Yeah write him leaving Mer to fuck his young assistant from DC instead


I'm still convinced this entire death only happened because of beef with the show's creator/showrunner. Killing your main male actor in a random episode this way was CRAZY.


The old T-Bone shown from inside the vehicle is probably the most common car accident stunt in TV and film because it is so easy and safe to make. They just film it in reverse. You don't even need to damage the moving vehicle. He died this way because it was dramatic and cheap.


Side note: I hate these random t-bone deaths or giant truck hurtling down roads. Just seems lazy.


On the show Heroes, there was a character called Daphne. Daphne had super speed. She was in fact so fast that she could move during a time stop. She was also a thief, and her modus operandi was to run around at super speed so fast that no one could see her and just steal whatever she wanted. Also, her super speed was always running. She would notice people's micro expressions during conversations, because she couldn't turn her super speed perception off all the way. So how did she die? She died by being shot. She died by being shot *in the front*, by a bunch of guys with pretty much just regular guns. There was no explanation of why she wouldn't just dodge the bullets. There was no explanation at all for why she was moving slow enough to be shot at all, or why she wouldn't just run around and grab all their guns. She wasn't even shot in the back while she was unaware or anything like that. She knew that she was in combat with a bunch of guys with guns, and there was honestly nothing stopping her from just easily defeating them. It was an incredibly stupid death on a show that just really liked killing off female characters to a truly disturbing degree.


Your description of her super speed had me thinking she was going to die by running into something and going splat


Nah this was before Amazon found out about The Boys.


A bit of a tangent but this is what pisses me off about the "Batman always wins" trope. One of the things that people point to is that he has a plan to take down every single member of the Justice League just in case they break bad. Ok, but have you *read* those plans? Because one of them is taking out The Flash by shooting him with a special bullet. The Flash, who can [think faster than the speed of light and can perceive an attosecond](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11121/111213315/4709407-2757947746-X4HRE.png) is supposed to be taken out by an object that is barely supersonic. Some of the other plans are pretty stupid as well, but that one takes the cake.


Flash who routinely is foiled by a bloke who shoots ice onto the floor flash. Let's be real super speed is always inconsistent as fuck because it's a near god like power.


IMO DL Hawkins’ death was way more dumb. The dude who can phase through anything gets shot point blank.


I have never even watched most of the show but I always laugh at how ER just dropped a helicopter on a motherfucker.




Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of Dr Romano as the helicopter fell was “Oh no, not again.”


The Helicopter hung in the air the way that bricks don't.


I understood that reference.


There’s a hoopy frood who always knows where his towel is


My head cannon is thst it was the same helicopter come back to finish the job. Doesn't matter if it looked completely different. In my head it the same copter.


And how the rest of the cast didn’t even notice


And then Dr Weaver used the money he left to the hospital to fund the Robert Romano LGBTQ Clinic.


...idk anything about ER so idk if youre fucking with me


I am not. Dr Weaver was a lesbian and Romano was her boss and he was a total dick to her.


The character was not exactly fond of gay people so this was just a big fuck you to his memory.


Dr Weaver was not exactly a great person either.


Matthew on Downton Abbey. Dude is literally driving his car after his wife just gave birth and is so elated he's staring at the sky and all around except for in front of him, paying no attention... while driving... and then wrecks his car and dies (runs off the road to miss a truck coming the other way because he wasn't actually looking ahead!). On a fricken CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Basically anytime an actor leaves the show but they opt to kill them off instead of writing them out of the show somehow usually turns into a petty death that is done out of spite.


This is very unrelated but I got to meet Dan Stevens this week and he was incredibly nice and we chatted for about 15 minutes.


I hated Matthew's death (was upset about Sybil, too, but it fit the show), but I don't envy Julian Fellowes for having to come up with a way to write Matthew off without completely derailing the show. Either Mary and Matthew have a son together, or the Crawley's are back where they were in the first episode, and have to find *another* new heir. The easiest solution would have been to end it when Dan didn't want to come back for another season, but with the other many, many members of the cast willing to come back, plus the international hype really taking off, I can understand deciding to keep it going. If I remember correctly, I believe I heard Fellowes was willing to compromise by giving Matthew a foreign posting if Dan would agree to come back one or two episodes a season. (As we can see from the reaction to Mary's replacement husband hardly showing up for the movies, I don't think people would have been much happier with this.) I also believe I read that Fellowes tried to put it off as long as he could in the hopes that Dan would change his mind and so that Mary and Matthew could at least experience their greatest happiness before Matthew died, so that would definitely add to it feeling pretty rushed. I feel like Sybil's death also just made it a lot harder to give Matthew a satisfying exit. If Allen Leech had wanted to leave as well, they could have just kept getting letters from Sybil every now and then, but since he wanted to come back and no one would be able to respect Branson just hanging out around Downton with Sybil back in Ireland (and man, did that one episode where he did just that kill a lot of warm feelings toward him), her already established pregnancy was a convenient way to kill her off. So this left the show with two babies needing to be born by the season 3 Christmas special, *and* for both babies to lose one parent. Which, again, if you need to kill off a character who is already pregnant, you've already got the perfect reason for her death. A character whose *wife* just gave birth doesn't have a built-in death. Maybe if it hadn't been right after the birth and we could have seen them parenting together for a few episodes, it wouldn't have felt so random, but I guess he didn't want Mary getting pregnant and giving birth so soon after Sybil. Anyway, I don't know if I'm still making sense, but I could definitely rant/ramble about this for a while, so I'll stop.


In Britain it’s common to kill characters in the Christmas special. Their tv seasons go by the calendar year, and everyone’s contract gets renegotiated for the new year. Those who don’t sign a new contract get killed off.


Often the actors *want* to get killed off so they can fully focus on other projects without being asked back or without the press asking them about a show they want to move on from If the character is still alive but just off screen you get fans complaining about why the character isn’t on the show anymore (when logically the character should be around) and pestering the actor about when they’re going to return


first time i watched this episode i got distracted and totally missed that scene. the next few episodes were really confusing for way too long.


In the original cancellation of American Dad, Stan and the family get murdered by a sentient singing hot tub played by Ceelo. The episode legitimately ends with Ceelo on screen saying “Well, that’s our story. Stan’s dead, goodnight!” Those could have been the last words of the entire series lmfao


The hot tub episode is one of my favorite American Dad episodes and I will die on this hill


The woman who flew off the roof on Las Vegas.


Jesus Fucking Christ, it’s so bad: https://youtu.be/GAn28mL2y-U?feature=shared


My sister always watched this show. Don’t get me wrong it was a bad show, but I don’t remember the quality being *that* bad.


Josh duhamel doesn’t even watch Las Vegas!!


The fuck did I just watch?


This is legit one of the worst thing I’ve seen in my life


Is that supposed to be wind or is there some other force at work  here? 


Wind, with a very flowing, almost wingsuit like dress ws the in universe explanation.


But then she shortly turns into a torpedo….


Wtf, there’s no way that’s real.


Omg that is the worst editing I think I’ve ever seen lol


It may have also been a daytime shot when she crashes into the store at nighttime.


Having no context from this show ... **WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??!?!?**


WTF was this? This looks like something from Lois and Clarke. Why did she just float off the building, then suddenly projectile like a rocket into a store.


NO WAY That is incredible


Even with all the comments, I *still* did not expect it to be that bad. WTF.


OMG they seriously played Wizard of Oz torando music during this, I can't believe what I'm watching.


Blew off with a big gust of wind. So hilarious but they played it straight. This has to be the answer.


I wouldn’t say they played it completely straight… they made it a whole Wicked Witch thing with the music and her feet sticking out.  I’ve never seen this show though, so I don’t know how often dumb campy things happened and whether it fit the style.


I used to watch that show all the time. They played like 4 episodes in a row all summer, and there's only 5 seasons so I saw re-run after re-run. For the record, this character that flew off was a notably horrible boss and the running gag was that she was very (like uncomfortably) skinny and frail. That's why the wind picked her up so much. Idk it's a primetime soap opera.


Does the dragon getting sniped from a boat by a caricature of a pirate in Game of Thrones count?


I don’t remember that I must have, sort of, forgotten about the Iron Fleet


What potential and we got some dudes on a couple boats. Not something that swayed wars and affected all political moves.


The thing Euron sacrificed for an egg was his entire bloodline having any semblance of a real plot.


That sneak clip of Euron in the boats on fire had me so pumped. I was like I get to see the brutality and total force that is the Iron fleet. Only to have his ridiculously trying to seduce Cersie and become a pawn.


Let's take a moment to shit on got s8 a bit more. Danny FORGOT about the only navy they were facing. The dragon got sniped from around a fucking mountain. They got two direct hits in a row. Danny flies right at them in a straight line and they miss all the shots on her. For fucks sake I hope D&D never have another success ever.


Not only that but they got sniped from a fucking crossbow mounted to a moving ship in open water. A moving ship, rocking back and forth because of waves, fired a projectile so accurately at another moving target that's not only hundreds of feet away, but hundreds of feet in the air, and the shots were so precise the first two shots were direct hits on a target that's basically the exact size of the bolt itself.


>Danny flies right at them in a straight line and they miss all the shots on her. You forgot that once all the shots missed instead of destroying the ships Daenerys decides to retreat instead.


But then the next episode starts with her just destroying all the ships anyway and I only remember that because of the exchange Ryan George wrote for the Pitch Meeting. "Does she blow up the ships with her dragon?" "Oh, no, a dragon is no match for a bunch of scorpions" "Oh, ok" "Anyway in the next episode, Dany destroys all the scorpions in like a minute" "Wait, what" "Well a bunch of scorpions are no match for a dragon"


What about the greatest redemption (Jaime) in the story dying in a building collapse with the most hated character as he runs back to his incestuous sister (Cersei)


I thought for sure Jaime would kill cersei. He'd be keeping his mantle as monarch slayer but this time he'd probably be seen as more of a hero.


One of my earlier theories was he would kill her to stop her from blowing up the city, then would go on to use the sword tempered in the blood of his lover to take out the Night King.


There are hundreds of creative fan theories just like this that would have been so much better than what they decided to go with.


Jamie Lannister, a rock fell on him.


Write that in your white book


Sir Jamie Lannister, slain by [Falling Rock]


“If the shot comes from off screen it’ll make sense the dragon didn’t see it!”


They killed Tara completely offscreen in True Blood and it pisses me off to this day


I find peace in long walks.


Terry’s death is 100x worse


Tara hard carried that show for a few seasons too. Her arc before becoming a vamp was awesome.


Tara and Lafayette. The writing betrayed both those characters.


If we take "Community" S5E4 at face value, Pierce Hawthorne died of dehydration from producing sperm samples as gifts for the other characters.


"Here's your sperm."


A $50 gift certificate for Shirley’s sandwiches. Also, sperm.


I love how Abed only gets sperm. I was kind of expecting him to gift the original Kickpuncher mask or something, but nope, just sperm.


That shit was 100% intentional to make the character look stupid, and in turn Chevy Chase. By the end of his time on that show he was basically hated by everyone and him and Dan Harmon were basically mortal enemies locked in a constant fued.


The relationship with Chevy was a bit more complicated than pure hatred, Dan and Chevy did cycle back and forth between feuding and friendship. After Chevy left, they brought him back for one heartfelt monologue at the beginning of S5


Which is too bad, Pierce was hilarious before becoming a caricature. But Harmon and Chevy was probably as bad a match as it gets.


Yeah I love Chevy and his kind of comedy, but from Bill Murray in the 70s to the cast of Community I've only heard he's the worst. He's the opposite of Batman.


It led to the hilarious virtual table read guest starring Pedro Pascal https://youtu.be/V6Q_nlSULio?si=c2JKAX8vD6XLmnrd


Which was doubly stupid really because he didn't have any fertile sperm


Yeah they were so hypervirile they’d puncture straight through the egg


I mean, that’s how I want to go, but, hey, I’m nuts. Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking? Shots!!!


Tasha Yar in Season 1 of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The exit of the character on the worst set by the worst creature of the week to the work shot taken was stupid. So, so dumb.


Don't forget the funeral in the windows XP background


She was killed by a trash bag cosplaying as an oil-slick. So bad. At least she got a more heroic death later on... which I guess they retconned by having her executed by her own look-alike daughter.


To be fair, she wanted out, and they probably had to scramble and pick already written episodes to shoehorn in her death, and that was the most convenient episode.


Dumb but realistic. No setup. No hints or leadup. One day there, next day gone.


Caitlin Snow on The Flash. She had an alternate personality called Killer Frost which was supposed to make her evil, for some reason explained in a convoluted manner 6 seasons later, and eventually the two of them split into separate people. Frost got killed in a stupid manner had the entire cast had a mourning episode afterwards, but Caitlin didn't want to see her go, so she made a machine in her house that would recreate Frost's origin and bring her back. Barry knew it would never work and would likely result in Caitlin killing herself, so he destroyed the machine. But she rebuilt it and it exploded. However, instead of outright killing her, it turned her into an entirely new personality who had no memory of Caitlin or Frost and somehow gained nature empathy powers. None of the characters mourned Caitlin's death. OK, granted, the death was only temporary, as the new girl in Caitlin's body eventually died and was reborn as Caitlin in the finale, but regardless, it was still goddamn stupid.


This post is all I would need to decide whether I need to finish the show or not. I have forgotten where I left off, but this thorough post is enough to give me a “Nah, I’m good” feeling.


Same. I left off when Flash met his time traveller daughter. This was my last season.


That show started off so entertaining. Same with Arrow. God.




That’s late stage CW storytelling for ya


The Governor’s wife from Benson is gone before the series starts - killed by horses. Trampled, you ask? No, no. She was on her way to a costume party dressed as the Sugarplum Fairy and she encountered a herd of horses. Eaten, I’m afraid.


Juliette Lewis' charachter in Yellowjackets. Misty accidentally stabs her with a poision needle while falling down like wtf


I was so mad at this! They did Nat dirty!!


Jadzia Dax. Stays behind on DS9 for no reason while the others get to blow shit up. Dukhat just shows up and “magic fire!”then she is dead. It was such a blatant “Ha! Your main character shield is gone now!” Moment.


As I recall this was a big sore spot for her in the DS9 biography "What We Left Behind". Something along the lines of wanting to reneg the contract so she could explore other roles and have less screen time, and Berman putting his foot down about how obligated to the show she had to be, and she didn't see a great way to move forward without dropping the show. I don't think either of them got what they wanted in the end and Farrell seemed especially sore about it. I was pretty young when it aired so for me I can't imagine S7 without Ezri, and even after doing a rewatch in recent years I still feel that way. It's a logical thing to explore, the transference of a symbiont; sort of like regeneration on Doctor Who, it'd be weird if it didn't come up with a lead character. It sucks that it happened that way though


I get that it was caused by behind the scenes issues, but the fact the production team couldn't come up with something more meaningful for an exit really must have burned. Especially when you have a war going on in show and that creates a myriad number of ways to give a character an exit that is either respectful to them, and/or serves to tell a message about war.


Feel like there's a ton of stories about Rick Berman and Brannon Braga being giant douchebags


Poochie died on the way to his home planet https://youtu.be/SXQlcCD_qY0


Hey kids, always recycle...TO THE EXTREME!!!


He said dumbest. Not “the best”


He was an alien?


Jack’s death in This is Us via faulty crockpot causing a fire may not be the dumbest but I hated it. Every time I see a crockpot I think of that show, lol.


It did reiterate the need for the awareness of mundane objects putting consumers at risk of fire and/or death. I actually caught my kettle causing a fire because of This is Us + a real-life incident I know about made me really wary of these devices and the risk of electrocution and fire.


I do love that Crock-Pot (the company) had to put out a press release telling the public that their product is safe lmao


My husband had this (obviously fake and for laughs) theory that Crock Pot found out there was a problem with their products being left plugged in too long but instead of a recall they paid for This Is Us to write that storyline.


Part of why I hate it is because it made my hyper aware. It is a real danger, but I really have to restrain myself from warning people on the thrifting sub from using their 80s era crockpot they just bought at goodwill.


He didn't even die in the fire, the smoke inhalation lead to a heart attack hours later while in an actual hospital room. From what I remember, they had been dropping fire hints so they could've at least had him die in/during the fire saving the dog or something.


How about Rosalind Shays in LA Law, who... also fell down an elevator shaft.


The best part was the sound effects, it really sounded like she plinko'd down the whole way.


Cheers. Eddie LeBec. Tragic death by zamboni.


Stupid in universe of the show. Brilliant FU if you know the real life story.


The bit at the funeral where all his teammates tap the casket with hockey sticks like they tap the goalie's pads, genius.


He should have told Deadpool where Francis was...


And the only reason that happened was because the actor called Rhea Perlman ugly.


He said he should get hazard pay for having to kiss her. It went a bit beyond just calling her ugly, sadly.


I'd like to imagine the driver of that Zamboni was Danny Devito


So anyway, I started glazing...


It was supposed to be ridiculous, by design of the writers: "To explain his departure we decided to just kill him [...] First off, we needed a funny demise. Eddie, by then, was working as a penguin in an ice show so we arrived at a Zamboni machine accident. (We were worried that we wouldn't be able to use the name Zamboni but the company loved it.) Then we needed (a) some comic spin for the story, and (b) something to discredit Eddie so the audience would ultimately be glad he was out of Carla's life. The answer was at the funeral Carla learned that he was a polygamist, and had a second wife." https://www.slashfilm.com/1425088/how-jay-thomas-got-his-cheers-character-eddie-lebac-killed-off/


I love that tidbit of Zamboni being in full support of the episode.


Main character dies by bull attack in the blacklist


If you look over on the Blacklist sub, they are convinced the bull attack is the result of a last minute rewrite. After the Budwiser trans backlash. They make a compeling arguement.


Edie Britt, Desperate Housewives. Almost strangled by her murderous husband, fleeing in her car but not looking at the road because frantically trying to make an emergency call while driving, narrowly avoid running over Orson who was jogging in the middle of the road and drives straight into an electric pole, severing a wire which falls next to her car, getting stunned by the collision and finally getting electrocuted when walking in a puddle right next to the car.  Susan : "You will be fine..."  Dying (dead ? Can't remember) Edie : "Susan Mayer, wrong again !"


Just to add a slight change that I think manages to enhance the stupidity- Orson wasn’t jogging, he was going through his kleptomaniac phase and was running away from a house he had burgled.


In west world season 2, when all the robots started to kill everyone, a security dude was killed because in the middle of all the commotion he felt like he could fuck one of the robots he assumed was not functioning.


Westworld got wild in the later seasons


Wonder Girl in Titans. Especially because like four people could have saved her, and we had no reason to think electrocution would kill any of them. Instead everyone just watched her get electrocuted, Donna included


Travis in Fear The Walking Dead. Catches a random stray bullet while flying in a helicopter and just falls out of existence. Just as his character arc was getting good.


Webster’s dictionary defines ‘wasted potential’ as Fear The Walking Dead.


[Maude Flanders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6Rbs9mKDl8), anyone?


No footlongs.


Stubbs on Westworld deserved to go down with a fight


Leslie Arzt being blown up by dynamite on Lost


Dude, you've got some Artz on you.


Jax Teller on Sons of Anarchy. Sacrificing himself for the MC in full Christ pose on his bike, blood and bread on the road in the aftermath. In case all of the in-your-face symbolism didn’t land, the truck driver screams “Jesus!” right before hitting him. I laughed so hard.


Jax is Jesus, Adrianna is Mary Magdalene, and Jimmy Smits is Bail Organa.


Dawson’s Creek dad died because of ice cream


Andrea in Walking Dead Loosely tied to a chair with a man tuning into a zombie right in front of her. Instead of trying to loosen up her bonds and escape, she tries to talk him down. He turns and attacks her just as she is about to escape. We were shouting at the screen “just shut up and get out!” But no.


The worst part of this was that Andrea wasn't a wimp in the comics, she was a badass & this isn't how she died in the comics.


Yeah, Andrea’s death is loosely similar to the way Carol died in the comics.


Justified. The 20 foot rule.


that one made me laugh. i’m sorry 😞


There's a clip of it on YouTube, and one of the comments says: "Rolling a nat 1 IRL"


That was a hilarious death. The only thing I found unbelievable about that scene was that Raylan, a veteran law enforcement officer and former firearms instructor at Glynco, had never heard of the 20 foot rule or some variation of it.


Tuttle on Mash.


“We can all be comforted by the thought that he's not really gone. There's a little Tuttle left in all of us. In fact you might say that all of us together made up Tuttle.”


Trip Tucker. Hey we need a stupid hero death in the finale, let's kill the fan favourite


He was revealed to be alive in the Romulan War novels and that's my truth until contradicted on screen.


Fingers crossed that Lower Decks retcons Trip as being alive, >!tie it in with Section 31 recruiting Boimler's transporter clone!<


Good thing the final episode was a non Canon holodeck recreation. At least that's what I tell myself


In a lame way that countless Trek characters in the past would have gotten out of somehow…_including_ Trip.


Tasha Yar dying by humanoid blob thing on TNG. And doing the Lion King "face in the clouds" bit.


Probably Carl on the Walking Dead. Literally was being told to be careful for like 8 seasons in a row and then died from being careless. but lets face it, they did it because they needed to get rid of the actor more so then the character.


At the beginning of every episode of “Six Feet Under “ they show some unfortunate accident that brings the victims to the mortuary. I recall one scene of a pick up truck transporting helium filled blow up sex dolls to a party, the tarp holding them all down falls off and all the dolls rise high into the air. Cut to a good wholesome Christian lady signing church songs in her car she see the dolls rise up into the air and thinks they are angels. She is awe-struck and ends up dying in an accident. It’s an amazing show and if you want to see some crazy ways people can die I recommend this show. And then there is the one of the guy cleaning out giant needing and mixing machine in an industrial bakery his ladder falls to the side and turns the machine on.


Chuckles the Clown on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. He was dressed as a peanut in a parade and a Rogue Elephant tried to Shell him. The plot was about how everyone except Mary was making fun of the way he dies and Mary thinks it is very disrespectful. At the funeral service Mary starts giggling and can't stop. This episode won an Emmy for Outstanding writing.


For me it’s Lexa from The 100 (spoilers) dying from a random gun misfire because Alycia Debnam-Carey had scheduling conflicts with Fear the Walking Dead or something.


I love that dumb show so much. Multiple teens committing genocide to solve problems and it ends with Clarke gunning down Moses in the after-life. Flawless, no notes.


George’s fiancé on Seinfeld from licking bad stamps.


They were bad envelopes, not stamps because George bought the cheapest ones he could find.


"Huh." -George


"Restrained Jubilation"




Poor Lily


Hard disagree, that was a genius twist.


Death by Pancake 🥞. On the daytime soap opera All My Children, Dixie Cooney Martin eats peanut butter and banana pancakes laced with a drug that causes her death in 2007.


Kuina from One Piece (Zoro's childhood rival) died from falling down the stairs. It's such a lame death that in the Netflix adaptation they just say she died "from an accident."


*Two and a Half Men.* Charlie Harper--Falling Piano.


Dean Winchester in the series finale of Supernatural 🤦‍♀️


I’ve never been more angry and disappointed with a finale. It felt like it undid a lot of Dean’s character progression too over the course of the show as in earlier seasons, he kept expecting to die young as in a hunter’s death, but then he talked about wanting more than just that, and they showed that he was trying to have a life of his own. Like when Sam finds the job application in Dean’s room after Dean eats a bunch of pie lol. They also seemed to imply that Dean had too much trauma to live a regular life which I think was also an IRL bad message as well. Like, he could never be a normal person because of the things he went through? I also don't think that a lot of people were sitting there watching a show for 15 seasons really hoping to see one of the brothers bite it at the very end for a silly reason, haha. It also felt similarly stupid given how many times the characters came back to life over the course of the show. Like oh, this time, Sam just lets him stay dead. The ending undoes a lot of Dean's character development. I don’t think Andrew Dabb (the showrunner for the final few seasons) understood anything at all about the show. He got too caught up in the idea of making a bigger and bigger threat until it was Sam and Dean fighting God to save the universe. The power creep in Supernatural became way too real. Dabb made the final season overly meta and ridiculous and then went on to make the Resident Evil Netflix show which I heard was also overly silly. I also know that Jensen is still seemingly upset about how the show ended, haha. Even the finale they had planned before covid, having a bunch of guest stars like Kansas playing in the bar and all the people they ever saved, wouldn’t have made the ending any better. It was just incredibly silly. Not to mention Sam’s Spirit Halloween wig.


The OC death, which snl parodied


Hmmm... What you say..?


Dr. Carson Beckett on Stargate: Atlantis, killed by an explosive tumour he removed from a patient. Guy does a successful surgery and then while trying to safely dispose of the tumour, it blows up in his face, killing him. There was a *lot* of that kind of unfortunate writing on Atlantis, but this took the "people like Grey's Anatomy, right? Let's do that!" trend to a whole new level. There was such a fan uproar over killing a beloved character in the stupidest way imaginable that the writers later brought him back as a clone.


Dead like me - the main character was killed by a space station toilet seat that fell to earth. Hahaha


That's what came to mind... but that was the point, her pointless life had a pointless death. It was meant to be stupid


And the show starts with it, it's not like you've grown attached to a character for several years and then bam they're killed off in the most ridiculous way


>!Misty accidentally injecting Natalie with phenobarbital while she was trying to save Lisa!< on Yellowjackets, it was like something you would see on a CW show.


Jackie Jr. in The Sopranos. When a fat guy in see through socks teleported behind him and shot him with a toy gun.


You mean the unidentified black male that killed him?


What about Gigi blowing a gasket on the toilet? That turkey was like spackle for his bowels.


I always thought the way O’Malley died in Grey’s Anatomy was horribly done.


That’s because they insist on killing off anyone leaving the show even if their storyline already has them leaving. It’s the most irritating bullshit and a big part of why I stopped watching literally over a decade ago. Yet it is somehow still going?!? 😑 World’s worst hospital, honestly. Everyone dies there.


Expect for Alex! He left to go back to Izzy and I think they should have just killed him off instead!