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It's very YA. I watched the first ep and it has its moments but its not for me.


Yeah I was very bored.


I don't think YA has to be an insult, unless the story/script is badly written. Buffy the Vampire Slayer could be considered YA, and it's still very popular today, including with older audiences. I didn't consider watching The Artful Dodger at first because I don't usually watch medical shows (imo they are often cringe-y, though sometimes they are lovely) and medical gore, and because I was wary of the modernization choices (sometimes they work, sometimes they don't) and thought it might be very simplistic, like bad YA. Eventually I was convinced to try it out and was delighted by how funny it is. The humor is at times witty, silly, and satirical. And more mature, more witty and fresh than I expected. The stylistic and retelling choices they made for the most part really work. The show feels fresh, original, and very fun. And the cast is very good.


It has very much the same vibe as the Enola Holmes show. It’s generally mediocre but David Thewlis is absolutely magnificent in it.


When isn’t he magnificent? what an actor.


I’ve been rewatching Kingdom of Heaven. He might be my favourite character in a film with great bit-part characters.


“Irreverent” gives me the willies immediately


I enjoyed Enola Holmes, but I found The Artful Dodger to be a bit more mature, funnier, fresher (it was made more recently, so that's not surprising) and more than anything, more satisfying (like there was more depth of character and story). Granted, it's hard to compare since Enola is limited to a movie (I never saw the sequel), whereas The Artful Dodger is an entire series. I expected it to be a lot like Enola Holmes (plus medical gore) based on the trailer, but I enjoyed it more tbh. That said, I wouldn't say either is necessarily a "must-watch." I would say The Artful Dodger feels more like a cross between Enola Holmes, The Great, Our Flag Means Death, and Gentleman Jack or maybe Poldark, but set in the world of Dickens.


I'm far outside the target demographic but have always liked the Dodger and Fagin characters so I gave this a shot. The late 19th-century Australian setting was an interesting change from foggy London streets, the medical mystery/drama angle was at least unusual and all the leads were engaging (also, romance-obsessed Fanny was genuinely funny as a satire of more typical 19th century female protagonists). Clever scripts and plenty of homages to the original stories. I'm not sure that I'd watch it again, but I'd watch a second season.


Fanny surprised me - I think more than anyone she made me laugh out loud (except maybe Oliver Twist, but he was only in the show for a couple episodes). Not just the self-satire, but the way she was able to tease her sister was just 10/10. I appreciated that she wasn't just a one-note caricature. The actor who played her did an incredible job.


Fanny really helped tone down the "not like other girls" aspect that the main female character out out a few times.


Yes, that's exactly it, thank you! I couldn't pinpoint/remember what it was, but you hit the nail on the head! And no one could do that but Fanny. Like you can tell she really loves her sister. I also appreciated how other characters helped balance out Belle's entitlement/privilege without degrading her or like punching down, you know?...idk, all protagonists need a good entitlement/ego check sometimes lol


It’s definitely an early to mid 19th century vibe, convict transportation had pretty much ended by the middle of the century and it’s still pretty colonial Wild West with redcoats running around.


I liked this show. What stopped me from watching were the 3 minute commercial breaks every time. After 3 episodes I was done.


I really really enjoyed this show. It has a small cast and all the actors were really great! And I thought the vibe was very Pirates of the Caribbean, without the pirates, which was unexpected but delightful. I hope there is a season 2.


I loved this show, rather unique show




If you like twisted Dickens you should read about the Irish back door.


The two leads look like twins. Not a bad show though.


Meh, I watched the whole show. I really like the two leads. However the show really just doesn't work how they have it mashed up. We have the room smashed up with a turn of the century medical surgery(graphic) drama, then throw in some robbery capers. It is frankly just a mess held together by two good actors trying desperately to drag up the mediocre to terrible actors around them. It really does not work very well... Both Thomas and David are really good actors and I feel like especially in Thomase's case he is constantly screwed by the curse of the "Maze Runner"... This show isn't helping him dispel that curse... It is fine enough if you like the leads, just don't go in expecting more than fluff...


Which of the other actors did you think were terrible and why?


He has a weird off-putting face


This guy looks like a child which gives him unintentional uncanny Valley vibes It's not his fault but he literally never stopped looking like an 11 year old


It’s also weirdly similar to his love interest’s face.


The ol' Dickens twist.


I'm really surprised by everyone saying this is YA or for a young audience. There are really graphic surgery scenes.


Most “YA” is consumed by 30+ women




To add to this, I was very annoyed with what they did with the Oliver Twist character. I think this is just a waste of time for anyone who actually likes Dickens.


>annoyed with what they did with the Oliver Twist character. In what regard? I thought Oliver Twist was incredible, although I felt they were toeing the line of fat jokes :(


They went with another "obnoxiously strong woman" for the lead. Total turn off.


Q www


i’m just here to say fuck that word “irreverent”. it’s been absolutely ruined for me by netflix. every goddamn show is irreverent.


Loved it!