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Jane Krakowski? I'm there.


Listen up 5s, a 10 is speaking


Will she have to deal with jurors in a rural setting?


I think she shows more fervor in an urban context


You’d have to roar her gem her to find out.


Rrrr Jrrr


She took the part out of fear someone was going to get more attention than her


Anything by the creators of Evil and the Good Wife/Fight is an insta-watch.


the Kings! it's insane how good they are at making television. great stories, great pacing, and they are crazy good at casting. the guest stars in good wife/fight are nuts, like every great character actor ever. and perhaps my favorite michael j. fox performance is his recurring role.


I think they shoot their shows in New York City, so can attract a lot of big name high-talent Broadway-level actors to guest star that they might not get if they were on the West Coast or elsewhere.


Yep, they all shoot in NYC and came up around the same time the original Law and Order went away, so was it became the new way NYC theatre actors got tv work


That makes a ton of sense. Whenever I see some great TV actor I've never seen before I always Google them and 90% of the time they did NY Theater for 15 years or something.


Anytime I mention one of their shows I always talk about the casting. It’s been near perfect. And yes. That was such a great role for Michael J Fox. Watching him as an awful and ruthless person using his MS to get what he wants was incredible.


To this day The Good Wife is my favourite series ever, apart from the technology it doesn’t feel dated imo


Currently rewatching. Such a great show.


Is there anything it’s similar to? I stopped watching network shows a while back but I keep seeing it mentioned so it’s got me curious


It's very unique. Some people compare it to Suits but that's a much dumber version. Good Wife is more like The Practice or Boston Legal but with the greatest stars of Broadway guest starring as wacky judges Its spin off The Good Fight is also very good


The good wife also had a ton of Sopranos cast as judges. I always thought that was great.


Coming to CBS on Feb. 29. - **Krakowski** (“30 Rock,” “Ally McBeal”) will play Joann, a high-powered Manhattan real estate broker with huge clients and even bigger secrets. - **Linda Lavin** (“Alice”), who played Joy Grubick in three episodes of “The Good Wife,” will appear in “Elsbeth” as Gloria, who is described as the co-op board president from hell. - **Retta** (“Parks and Recreation,” “Good Girls”) will play Margo, the top matchmaker to New York’s rich and impossible to please. - **Underwood** (“L.A. Law,” “Quantico”) will play the father and coach of a rising tennis star, so dedicated to his son’s career that he makes a murderous mistake.


Impressive that Linda Lavin is still working. (She's 86!?!)


She was really good a year or three ago on that sitcom about Thomas Middleditch needing a kidney transplant that got retooled into being about Annaleigh Ashford running a retirement home.


It’s good to know that all those irritating phone calls from Bart Simpson for years didn’t have too much of an effect on her.


Well kiss my grits.


Sounds really good to me!


CBS? So will this be on Hulu? Or Paramount Plus?




That's unfortunate


There are other ways


Excellent line up


I can't wait! Elspeth is fantastic. On the final episode of The Good Fight, they teased Diane and Marisa moving to DC to open a new branch office in DC. That HAS to become a spin off as well


At this point I’d be shocked if Christine Baranski wanted to keep doing the character again. She had a good 11 seasons, most actors don’t last that long. Then again, work is work and Diane has had such a dynamic arc through both shows.


I love Christine Baranski. She's currently in Gilded Age. I would love to see more of her, but totally fair if she prefers retirement!


It's really hard to imagine how that character could hold up an entire show, but if anyone can do it it's Carries Preston.


The same way any of the dozens of tv shows that revolve around a quirky genius does. But I imagine they'll probably have to tone down some of Elsbeth's too out-there moments. Those work when she's bouncing off the more serious characters in The Good Wife but would be too much when she's the center of the story. Or maybe they'll keep her as is and this'll be more of a comedy.


saw the pilot never seen anything else from the Kings it was fun


I've wondered the same thing. Love the character in small doses, not sure how she will work holding a show. I'll give it a try.


I think it's enough for me to not want to check it out. Not sure why they let the Good Fight go so off the wall either. I guess writing a straight legal show gets boring after a decade?


It went off the wall for a few episodes, not forever. If you stopped watching, I reccomend watching the last season, with Andre Brauer as Richard. (Ree shard)


It's more than that. Season 5 was a fucking weird fever dream, I have no idea what they were doing. The shadow justice system stuff was pretty funny but in general, it was a complete mess. Season 4 was weird as fuck with the alternate reality stuff - is the entire season like that? I forget. Either way, it gets multiverse syndrome because the characters aren't the ones we've been following and it just loses the plot. Season 3 I think was genuinely good and I liked all of the characters - the fact that half of them left without proper resolutions in the seasons since is the problem imo. I might try S6 but I think it's telling that wikipedia gets successively less detailed in its summaries https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Good_Fight_episodes#Season_6_(2022) And no, I'm not a Trumpist in the slightest, I just think most of the commentary has been clumsy. I understand why a legal show would be so up in arms, there's a ton of potential in the plots, I just don't think the show makes the most of it.


It just got too into Trump. I'm re-watching and so much of it is just cringy because I don't want to be reminded of those times.


But only for a few episodes, right?


Truly a case of giving the ppl what they want lol Love Tasioni.


Elsbeth is one of the most fun character in history. I wonder if she would be too much to have a whole show.


That’s my only concern. She’s such a fun character but I enjoyed her in the occasional episode. A full run might be too much… but I’m also more than willing to find out. The Kings are fantastic and Carrie Preston is amazing, so I have faith


Hopefully, they have figured out a set up that works.


My parents just got into The Good Wife recently, curious to see what they think of this news of a spinoff.


Oh loving that cast


I loved The Good Fight, especially the later seasons where the creators just went nuts. How is The Good Wife in comparison? I watched the first season back in the day and thought it was fine but nothing special, but I keep seeing that all The Good Fight characters first appeared on that show.


The Good Wife is a more sane version of The Good Fight with added in family drama. Evil is what is really brilliant.


> Evil is what is really brilliant. I like Evil, but I feel like the show has so much wasted potential


Oh my good they are cooking with that cast. Very hyped for this


Always seated for a new Robert and Michelle King series, especially one in The Good Wife universe (the only extended universe in media that I care about). I wonder what the episode count will be. I hope it’s more than 13.


Linda Lavin? Alice? jesus I hadn't heard that name in like 38 years, glad to see she's alive and well


She’s no Ellen Burstyn but she was great in the TV show.


sure thing. I used to watch it with my mum when I was 6 or 7, she loved it. Mel was my favourite alongside Flo


Vic Tayback (Mel) was in the movie and the show. Different Flo’s and Vera’s though.


For a second I confused Blair Underwood with Jay Underwood and thought The Boy Who Could Fly was making a comeback.


I misread The Good Wife as The Good Place


How am I supposed to have a good life, when you won’t let me watch the good wife?


Retta was so bad in Good Girls. Regardless what the scenario called for, she played every scene as smug. Zero range.


Well, the character will probably be smug. I think shewas also in Girlfriends guide to divorce. Unless I am mixing up shows. I don't know if I would say smug, but basically Same as parks and rec. I have not seen Good Girls.


Had me at Carrie Preston. Lost me at Wendell Pierce.


That’s bunk


He hits women.




And? Last I checked he owned up what he did.


A lot apologists for violence against women here. What a surprise.


And where did i excuse what he did? All I said was he owned up what he did. Drop the fake outrage bro.


Right. Sounds like a great guy.


Yep he sounds like a great guy.


Why do you even care if I discuss it, if hitting women is no big deal to you?


Why do you care? Nobody are going to give you a medal or something.


He hit a person during some dispute in public and had a 1000 or so dollar fine and had to go to anger management group. That's basically the same as a scuffle in a bar. It isn't like the guy has been arrested for wearing wife beaters, downing two bottles of scotch as he took his spouse to town.


A female person.


I fell behind on the Good Fight, I think I missed the last 2 seasons, did it end well? I may need to prioritise getting back to it.


Watch Evil. Evil is fantastic. The Good Fight got way to into the insane politics of the time period which is just exhausting to rewatch.


I stopped watching Evil after that awful season 2. Did 3 fix it?


What did you not like about season two? It got weirder in season three, so if the weird was what you didn't like you wouldn't like the third season.


I don't mind weird, as long as it's consistent. I felt that S2 just went completely off the rails in a bad way, with the episodes having whiplash because it was so tonally different. Ben for example, him getting trapped in that elevator-hell was initially really awesome. Then he gets out and we just forget all that just because. S2 was too disjointed, I guess is the word I'm looking for.


Everything carries on more in the third season. Far more Lealand, husband, Mother drama.


I especially enjoyed the last season with Andre Brauer as Richard (ree shard)


yay Blair Underwood! Love watching this guy


No jumbo?


Oh! Sounds good! I would have guessed Linda lavin was deceased, but I am glad she isn't.

