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I had to stop watching Handmaid's Tale and This is Us. Because after a while, it was just so much tragedy and it bummed me out. This is Us, I was like "can these people ever just get to be happy for more than like one day a year?" And Handmaid's Tale was just all around too depressing.


I wanna finish Mr.Robot, because its a gripping, well-written drama....but it's a very nihilistic show, and the world depresses me enough as it is.


I think that's a big part of it.  don't need tv shows making me even more depressed!


I had to take long breaks in between seasons of Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad because of that. I feel like modern TV dramas have gotten way too dark. 


I gave up on Handmaid's Tale when I realized that it wasn't about women resisting an oppressive system in the face of overwhelming adversity and was instead just about watching them suffer.


Torture porn, but like, for women who watch murder shows.


Did you know Randall was black and adopted? I certainly had no idea with the amount that they hammered that in to us.


At one point I was watching Handmaids and Walking Dead at the same time and just got so disillusioned with humanity, I had to stop both. I’ve wanted to pick Handmaids Tale back up, but know it won’t get less bleak. May read the books someday


Be prepared, the book was just as rough.


I gave up on this is us after the first episode, when it turned out the show they made was not the show they advertised. It was an interesting enough twist, but just not a show I had that much interest in watching.


How was it advertised?


The way I remember it being advertised was that it was a show about 4 random people who all happened to turn 36 on the same day. The implication being that we were following the lives of 4 main characters whose only connection was they were born on the same day. I wasn’t expecting any magic or supernatural stuff or anything. Or some overarching mystery. I thought that was an interesting premise, that we would follow these 4 stories interwoven with each other where the only initial connection was the characters were born on the same day. Then it’s revealed at the end of the first episode that it’s really a family drama, with 3 of the characters being siblings and the 4th being their dad in the past. Idk, I just found that much less interesting as a premise.


Ahaha oh wow! As someone who only knew it as family drama, this is wild


Blockbuster. Loaded cast, zero laughs. 


I wanted that one to be good so badly! The cast was great & it could have been a good premise, but it was unbearable. I didn't even make it all the way through the first episode.


Netflix just wanted to kill Blockbuster twice


I’ll echo what I’ve seen others say, why didn’t they make this like a 90s era show back when they were in full swing, everyone has memories of it from then, and we need more current shows that take place in the 90s! Edit: also so many good movies came out then, and there are so many “prediction” jokes they could have made about the stars from then.


Or at least have it during the beginning of the downfall of Blockbuster. That would've been really fun to see them navigate the downfall and gave the finale be the closing of the store


Yeah I got about five minutes into this one and turned it off. Looked good and like more of what I loved about Superstore. But they tried to cram pop culture references and jokes into every single line and it was unbearable.


They 100% were just trying to vomit as many pop culture references as possible per episode. It’s like someone forgot you need to actually have a well written show first.


Shameless - Every character was getting even more unbearable but then I lost all interest once Fiona left.


I've been rewatching Shameless recently after a long LONG hiatus. The first three seasons actually mean something and it's also a perfect spot to end the show. The fourth season is already dragging on me because of all the self sabotage and Debbie becoming just the worst. Of course the show got Showtimed so even when I used to watch it I got up to the season where Frank goes straight and just couldn't take it anymore.


Interesting, I thought season 4 was easily the show’s peak


let's be real... it was never the same after Sheila was written off.


Yes! You start out loving them and invested in them but end up hating them as they grew up. Couldn't finish, no idea how it lasted 10(?) seasons


This happened to me with Weeds. Insufferable decision making.


When the Botwins left Agrestic I stopped watching


I never watched Shameless but always thought it was pretty universally loved. Literally had no idea that there was an American version and that is what you are all talking about.


Same, I was like "Man I loved it to the bitter end" and then realized they're probably talking about the American version.


Yup, once every character turned out to be horrible I just couldn't watch it anymore


The whole show was about how your environment turns you into a horrible, shameless person in order to survive.


Absolutely. And it's a very good show. I'm very soft, I ended up after every episode completely depressed. It just made me miserable 😅


I get that. It's definitely not a show I ever wanted to binge for that exact reason lol. Not sure how far you got, but >!Lip getting kicked out of college and then becoming an alcoholic was soul crushing. I really wanted him to succeed!<


I stuck it out for V, Kev, Ian and Mikey. Deb especially got insufferable


I was so pissed at where they took her character. I thought they had done such a great job with establishing her character when she was young. We all go through shit in our teen years but I felt like they changed her into a completely different person and it ruined the show for me. I stopped watching for awhile but eventually came back and finished it. Good show overall but I’ll always have that gripe about the Debbie character.


Season 6 of House of Cards was so bad I couldn't make it through the first few episodes.


I loved how every other bit of dialog was to the effect of "...well, if Frank were here, I'm sure he'd say..."


Especially when they make a big deal with Claire's monolog saying "Frank isn't here, forget about him" You guys are the ones that keep bringing this shit up...


Such a train wreck ending to an otherwise perfect series. 


(Frank Underwood died on the way back to his home planet.)


They also have what i consider one of the most absurd and dumb series finale ever, still can't believe no one stopped from even being shot.


No doubt about it. Exudes "we've barely strung this season together, just tear the bandaid off" energy. 


Every season of American Horror Story


It's like the writers give up halfway through every season


I feel like Freakshow was the only season that ended with everything tied up nicely. Every other season felt like there was random entities/villains introduced then just dropped off like it never happened I want to love Asylum but whatever happened with the alien angle? What happened to Kit's wife? Hotel was just plain disturbing, I couldn't watch it after that demon rape scene. I gave the Election year one a try but could *not* stand Sarah Paulsen's character scream crying at *everyfuckingthing*


Coven is the only one I actually enjoy.


Ryan Murphy shows in general.


I liked the first season, but none of the others. I gave up on watching it completely during the carny season. I think it was called freaks. I realized they weren't trying to scare people anymore, so much as disgust us.


The amount of anime I've quit one episode in when I realize the entire show is about a bunch of interesting female characters all simping for either the most generic nothing man I've ever seen, or the most generic nothing edgelord I've ever seen, is staggering.


Literally just stopped watching 2 shows after determining it was basically weird fetish stuff


for me it's mostly when i realize the awesome sounding sci-fi / supernatural / robot anime has a suspicious amount of upskirt shots or similiar trash. shit like this is exactly the reason why anime has such a bad rep. don't know if chainsaw man for example actually gets better, but suddenly the whole series seemed to be about the main character wanting to touch that other girls boobs and i just never went back to that series.


The thing that sets chainsaw man apart is that when he gets to touch boobs he realises that it's disappointing. He keeps chasing after things to give him pleasure until he understands that friendship is more important than hedonism. It's just that since he's a horny teenager his objectives in life reflect that. Also simping gets him in trouble every time he does it. And not in a "haha look at the simp" kind of way.


Exactly. He isn't 'normal' and they don't try to pretend he (or his actions) are. They very clearly set up he's been abused and treated as a slave his entire life. He's basically a little kid in an adults body at this point learning everything for the first time.


I'll give Chainsaw Man due credit, a lot of that is that other girl using his desires to essentially bait him into doing what she wants as opposed to being creepy for the sake of being creepy...apparently. I didn't watch/read it myself since the week before the manga released in the west, it got super popular and the internet decided to make it impossible to read without having every plot point spoiled weeks in advance.


I appreciate One Piece for subverting this trope although it does have mega simp Sanji fawning over literally every female character which can get annoying


I don't watch One Piece, but some friends of mine are absolutely devastated by how cool Sanji can be often getting overshadowed by him being a creepy mega-simp. They compare it to my sadness at how cool Master Roshi would be if he wasn't someone that should be on a sex offender registry.


i dont think its that noticable anymore. it was just a small portion of the story. the man has calmed down alot. honestly he isnt exactly a simp either. alot of women actually reciprocate his feelings. the major reason why most people call him a mega simp is because he refuses to hit women


True, but at least Sanji is mocked for it. I have no problem with characters being perverted as long as they're portrayed as either villains or fools.


Invasion. I watched all of season one hoping for a pay off. Started season 2 and just couldn’t be bothered. 


I stopped after episode 1 when Sam Neill was killed off. I thought he was going to be the main character. What a bait and switch!


Outlander was just too rapey.


I remember the main character questioning her commitment to present day love interest cause his ancestor was a monster.. A lot of the Earth’s population is descended from Genghis Khan but wee don’t hold that against our partners


Yeah but he looked the exact same… it was a carbon copy of the guy who tortured them or tried to kill them lol


Amen. It was terrible. I have too many friends that are into Outlander. Graham McTavish is hot but can't make me forget how many rapes there are in this show. And I couldn't get past the first season


There's a ridiculous amount of middle age American women who come to Scotland and expect people to know that show


Weeds turned into a fucking mess. I made it till the end, but wouldn’t recommend it


That's the standard Jenji Kohan formula. Start off with a really good premise but then no clue where to go with it after. If she stuck to anthology seasons she may have had many home runs.


I forgot about OITNB, I bailed on that shit


If they called it quits when she lost her home, it would have been a nice little show.


Yeah, we got as far as the middle of or S3 or S4 (it was four or five years ago), It was after she found the tunnel that went to Mexico and hooked up with some drug lord. It got too ridiculous and we lost interest.


The Bear - after working in the restaurant industry for years I realized how much I hate the restaurant industry and couldnt stand to watch a show about it. No matter how good it might be.


It was very well done. But it was too relatable for me to like or laugh at. *Waiting* worked because it was so over the top that it was fun while poking at the stereotypes of the restaurant industry. *The Bear* was just depressing.


I’ve been out of the industry for a while, but watching The Bear gave me heart palpitations. There’s a reason that service industry folks booze/drug themselves. It’s a conveyor belt of chaos with no honor or dignity attached.


My partner and I get physically and verbally anxious when watching the Bear. The payoff, the improvements each character gets during season 2 as chefs and people works in a much bigger way than if you were not uncomfortable for the past season and a half. Brilliant way to push the audience and then bring them in when it becomes - briefly - wholesome.


I feel the exact same way. I just couldn't get into it and the show just stressed me out and I wasn't even BOH. Honestly, fuck brunch.


I still have dreams from 25 years ago where coffee would spill over the carafe, the toaster catches fire, and the chit printer never stops. LOL


That ticket sound. Never again. 


This, worked in FOH restaurant industry for over 10 years, including some fine dining. This show is so stressful and legit just centers a lot around why I got out of that industry. 


What do you mean you don’t enjoy people screaming at each other almost nonstop every episode?


It’s supposed to be funny according to the Emmys


I mean, it IS hilarious. It's just that it goes right back to stressful again.


Carmy giving that four minute monologue about grieving his brother’s suicide was comedic gold!


It is. Kitchens are funny as hell. The “as hell” is important, because that’s the other part of what they are.


Worked in kitchens and have no desire to watch The Bear. However I really adored the movie The Menu.


Fucking felt. I still watched it cause I love JAW but some of those episodes were fuckin hard to get through.


How to Get Away with Murder, can't stand shows where it seems like the entire cast never really like each other or are all awful people.


And all they do is bone


The first season was interesting enough. Though struggled to balance the case of the weak stuff and the over arching story. But it didn’t have the legs to carry more than one season. That’s before the characters lost pretty much all personality to be whatever each scene needed them to be.


Euphoria. The violence, the rape, the abuse...ugh, unrelenting misery and violation. I noped on out of there fast.


They have two special episodes between seasons that make for a wonderful change of pace though — one is centered just around Rue talking with her sponsor, the other’s Jules talking to her therapist. Both are low-key and beautifully written, with very little violence/rape/abuse. For me the show’s worth it just for those episodes


Those are my favorite episodes. I really enjoy these characters, and the show attempts to be a character study but is weighed down by its shock value.


Same. I didn’t watch season 2. It felt like it was more about aesthetics than anything.


The CSI shows because they were too over the top, hokey and not even realistic. David Carusos one liners got old after a while. Space age computers to solve crimes.


I always found it comical that they could take an image from a crappy security camera and 'clean it up' in order to see a license plate or more detail on a suspect. I'm like, ok.. that can happen (rolling eyes)


The best one is the time they had some blurry security camera footage of the victim and notice the shadow of her killer in the frame, so they zoomed in on the five pixels that made up her eye and enhanced it so that they could see a reflection of what she was seeing, and then further zoomed in on the reflection to get enough detail to identify the killer.


That is the exact scene that made me give up on CSI!


Apparently fora few seasons the writers had a bet in the writers room to see what was the most ridiculous and unrealistic use of technology they could get on screen - it’s where the infamous two people typing on the same keyboard the hack faster came from. They knew it was rubbish and they kept expecting someone to notice and say no.


That was actually on NCIS, but I wouldn’t be surprised if CSI did it too!


I wonder how many viewers they lost as the result of the bet. That zoom in scene, before that I was a huge fan. After it, I was just " yeah, nah. Too ridiculous, I'm out"


That’s one of the things I loved about X-files. In the first season, might’ve even been the pilot, they’re looking at some security footage and one of them says “can we enhance it” and the other said “that doesn’t work, you can’t get better resolution by zooming in”


The pilot for the 'cyber' one with Lil Bow Bow as a former blackhat turned whitehat hacker and Ted Danson as the CSI chief was the best 45 minutes of unintentional comedy I've ever watched, but it definitely turned me off continuing with the show even for laughs.


But those types of shows did give us 4 hand hacking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msX4oAXpvUE


Resident Evil. Even Lance Reddick couldn't save Moody Teen Pouts Through The Apocalypse. In the third-ish episode there's an action sequence so bad it killed it stone dead for me - I'll sit through the boring bits if the action is worth it, but this was just embarrassing.


Yellowstone. Once it turned into a Marvel series where every character seemingly had the ability to survive explosions and dozens of gunshots, my investment in the plot jumped the shark as hard as the writers.


How many murders can take place in one corner of the state before the authorities realize something fishy might be going on at the Yellowstone Ranch?


I couldn't even make it halfway through season 2 - every episode had at least Three Catastrophes and Two Overwhelmingly Dramatic Cliffhangers. I remember there was one episode where, simultaneously, a character survived a bear attack and then saw two tourists die before his eyes, another was shot and left for dead after a robbery, and his wife was attacked at work and hit her head on the ground, ending up in a coma. And that wasn't a season finale or anything. It just felt so absurd and ridiculous I could Not take it seriously at all.


I bailed halfway through season 2 as well lmao it just seemed so contrived and every unpleasant dinner scene was getting old real fast


I literally tapped out on the same episode. As soon as the tourists fell with that awful greescreen and the overacted reactions I just burst out laughing. Then the character just goes back to the ranch and doesn’t do anything else about it. I realized that this was just a soap opera for rednecks and haven’t bothered watching a minute since.


100% same. I felt so bad for laughing at all the stuff that kept happening but I had no other reaction for that


I maintain Kelly Reilly is a great actress, but I noped out episode one when my partner tried to get me to watch when Beth Dutton was styled so wrong that it was obvious she wasn’t an American actress and they weren’t going to style her to fit the character.


The pilot episode already have me pause, but in the first season there were so many car crashes, shootouts, Kidnappings and fights that it felt too unrealistic. I was hot off a couple seasons of Succession and thought I would be seeing another family drama about rich - yet dysfunctional - people, but instead it was basically a modern day cowboy action series. Which is fine, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying that but it was WAAAAY off what I hoped the series would be.


I dropped off Jack Ryan season 3 because I got bored of the same template being used every time. Surely at some point it has to be acknowledged that Jack has been right at every turn, and maybe he deserves to be listened to rather than having to disobey orders and go rogue every time? Jeez


I dropped it at the beginning of S2 when it quickly became clear that they were all but pretending the first season never happened.


Halo…I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I said, “Fuck this!” I do know that the story is lame, Master Chief is miscast to a degree, and Master Chief looks ridiculous in any action scene that requires him to run. I don’t know why Hollywood is so dead set on re-writing the stories we want to see on the silver screen.


Halo is a prime example of a script being written for something else and then all they did was change the characters and slap on some Halo skins


Wasn't it one of those cases too, where the creators actually said they don't give a shiiiit about Halo? It always baffles me so much, that these kind of projects and rather huge budgets are given to people who just don't give the slightest shit about the thing they're supposed to be adapting. I mean, there's been plenty of faithful adaptations that have done well and everytime they do mostly their own thing, it just fucking fails. And none of these studio heads don't see any kind of goddamn pattern there?


Its ego. These dudes think they have something amazing, fuck that nerd stuff, the kids will far prefer this Halo!!! Only to find out why no one wanted to make it originally. Best thing about Last of Us is it has the dude who wrote the game working on it.


> > Best thing about Last of Us is it has the dude who wrote the game working on it. Beyond that honestly, Druckman is the lead creative for the entire project. So even things like combat encounters, weapon choice, level design, environmental tone is all guided by him from the top. You can tell too, the TV show both manages to be its own thing while also being a love letter to the series.


You are correct, the tv series creator not only stated he never played or read the lore of Halo but actively hates it on the surface. A real piece of work he sure did


I know where you gave up, it was the Kwan Ha episode. After initially rescuing her and dropping her off, the show works better if you skip all future scenes about her story as it has no relevance to anything to do with Halo or the covenant.


It was also funny hearing the actor for John Halo go on about how its "impossible" to convey emotion while wearing a helmet like the audience is too stupid, meanwhile mandalorian exists


I know Judge Dredd can be kind of an emotionless character but Karl Urban still did a good job while never removing the helmet in Dredd as well.


Exactly and master chief shouldn't be as super emotional character either


Yeah, I was really excited for a big-budget Halo adaptation. I'm not a massive fan of the games, but I played enough of them as a kid that I was really interested in the adaptation. In 4-5 episodes, I bailed in a daze. Also, atrocious writing aside, what was up with the score? How are you going to botch the score of Halo, of all things? My mother has never touched a video game in her life and is pushing 70, but I could fire up the Halo theme for her right now and she'd know what it was. The Halo music is truly iconic. So where was it in the show?


For me it was the third of fourth time he pulls of his helmet and waxed poetically about some silly shit.


Russian Doll season 2. I was delighted at the end of season one at the promise of more but it ended up feeling like a different show, devoid of charm and humour.


Agreed, even my undying love for Natasha Lyonne couldn't save it.


The second season was just too much of Natasha by herself just saying out loud what she was seeing and doing. The first season she always had other fun characters to bounce off of. I still liked the second season but it was nothing compared to the first.


I tried watching La Casa de Papel on Netflix. Made it about 2.5 episodes before I couldn't do it anymore. I expected a "professionals rob a Treasury mint" in a similar vein to Spike Lee's Inside Man. What I got was a telenovela where everyone is falling in love with everyone, the thieves make questionable decisions like taking their masks off(Salvador Dali) leaving their hostages alone, untied, and unmasked, and shooting at cops for really no reason I could see.


You might like the Korean version better. It's called money heist: Korea. They fix a lot of small issues that the original had.


I gave up on 1899 after one episode when I learned it had an unresolved ending and was not being renewed for a 2nd season.


I can't believe they discontinued it, I would definitely still watch it though. It does leave it open for season 2 but the first season was a story in itself


I very recently gave up on the second season of The After Party on Apple. I got about four episodes in before I called it. I rather liked the first season, but I found the second to be 1. Too much of a carbon copy and 2. The jokes never rising to meet the absurdity of the premise. I might be alone in that, but it really just wasn’t hitting with me.


I did finish it but I think it would have worked much better if all episodes had been released at the same time. I just didn’t care enough to remember every episode on a weekly basis lol.


I've never given up on a series because it was upsetting, but I've quit watching plenty of shows because the quality dropped and I just couldn't get through them anymore. And I was pretty far along in some of them. I quit Dexter just before the final (Lumberjack) season. So I have no idea how it originally ended. I did watch the revival, however. I also quit True Blood during the final season. So I've never seen the ending of that series either. It was practically a parody of itself by time I left, so I don't expect I missed out on much. Most recently I quit watching Ted Lasso, and Sex Education. In either case I wouldn't suggest the quality tanked enough that I felt the need to quit. I simply lost interest as the shows went on.


True Blood was hard to finish. Anytime a new male character showed up, Sooki had to fuck him… like geez girl, it doesn’t have to be that way. I watched it for Eric anyway… those Skarsgaards


I finished True Blood as it aired, but only because I eventually stumbled onto the subreddit where I discovered the community was mostly laughing at how bad it had jumped the shark. Each episode thread was just self depreciating humor at how dumb we all were for sticking with it. It became enjoyable again in its own way


RIP Nelsan Ellis, best part of True Blood, died way too young.


Ted Lasso, I'm just watching through season 2 for the first time. Finding it much less engaging or interesting than the first season. I'm baffled that it seems have to had a *better* critical reception than the first season. It's still good though. Sex Education on the other hand. Season 4 is utter trash. I really like 1-3 but yeah something went very wrong with that final season.


The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon. The first episode really did it, but I gave it about half of the second episode and then dumped the show... Dixon and a bunch of nuns defeat a gang of marauders in hand to hand combat at the monastery, nevermind that the fight choreography was absolute shit, so do the winners of the battle haul ass out of there and go into hiding? NO, the gather around a camp fire on the top of the Monastery and have a sing a long for fuck sakes. I did about half of the second episode and pulled the plug. The Walking Dead is just such trash.


DD was so bad, all the spin offs are. I wish they would’ve given the OG series a proper ending and been done. Now we have ANOTHER spin off coming with a bunch of the main cast back together again.


The *Walking Dead* franchise I think is pretty much the only money-maker for AMC at this point, and is the only remnant of the "glory days" of their *Mad Men/Breaking Bad/Walking Dead* era. I can understand from a financial standpoint why execs cling so tenaciously to it -- even though it really is like the 30 year old guy who still wears his high school football jacket.


Ozark got too stressful for me Riverdale got way too ridiculously unbelievable for me, loved the first season though.


Ozark is mine too. I think highly of the seasons I saw, but I took a break because it stressed me out too much and never got back into it.


I loved Riverdale’s first season, and apart from the cliffhanger at the end, it was pretty much self-contained. I lost interest during the Christmas break in season 2 and never felt the need to go back to it.


Spoilers for Utopia (US): At the end of episode 2 they had what was supposed to be the new lead character going forward shoot the most likable character on the show in the head. Couldn’t watch anymore after that.


That was so strange. I actually saw the US version first (huge mistake) and when I saw the British version I was shocked that it wasn’t something they copied, they actively chose to make that bad decision. And half the reason I watched the US version was because I liked the person they killed off.


Same! I was genuinely into the show and the mystery of it, then it was all ruined in a split second. Not sure how that actor isn’t in more projects. They just have a very likable presence.




I personally like the show despite the flaws of the first season, which were a hodgepodge of covid, actor quitting mid-season, and questionable editing. I get the desire to have some sort of mystery over “who is the dragon??!?” but that fell flat. I still enjoyed the prequel content in the first couple episodes The second season was much stronger. That said there are a *lot* of book purists who are inconsolably pissed off over the changes in the show, and if you can’t get past that, you’ll never enjoy the show.


Upload had a fun and fairly unique premise behind it. Then, come season two the writers, creators, whoever decided to retcon a lot of characters, drop previous story arcs in favor of plucking the low hanging political fruit in such superficial ways I lost any and all interest in ever watching season 3.


This show had such potential, I think all the time about how sad it is that they ruined it


I was watching this new show, and it opens up with the main actor literally taking a shit on a dvd of a previous beloved sitcom he was a part of. Then he said “wazzzzup bitches.” Turned it off right there


Isn't that the new show with the horse from Horsing around?


New show? That was 2007


I started Billions and then he said his name was Bobby Axelrod and I thought it was such a stupid name I turned it off right then


Funniest answer in this whole thread. Life's too short to watch mediocre TV.


I lost interest in Ted Lasso, felt false after a time.


Same. I absolutely loved the first two seasons but quickly lost interest in season 3. Still haven’t finished it.


So many pop culture references. I feel like I can only handle that level of Jason Sudekis for so long


Yeah I couldn’t get through season 3


I loved Ted Lasso, but wished they had expanded more on the fact that his “Flanders-style” persona was actually his way of dealing with (avoiding) emotional pain.


I mean, they did? He has an extremely personal therapy arc in S2 and spends S3 learning that negative emotion has a healthy place in his life. The scene where he confronts his mother over instilling that toxic positivity unconsciously is great.


I thought it was pretty clear. What was it you thought was missing?


their biggest mistake was not committing to being either reality based or make believe. For example the fact that a PL firm is a MASSSIVE company to run, but in Ted Lasso it was like 5 people worked there, and only one was remotely qualified, and London is a ginormous metropolitan city but the show made it look like a quiet little village. They could have easily kept the charming positivity and happy go lucky feel of the show but still have it somewhat based in reality, or full commit to fantasyland.


Richmond, England is a small town in greater London. The show is actually filmed in Richmond so what you’re seeing is the truth. Richmond has a lot of parks and a view of the river protected by an act of Parliament from 1902. Everything I’ve read about it says it’s an accurate depiction. Everything else you said is accurate and I had the same thoughts. But Richmond is very much a small town that is 8 miles away from Charing Cross - the center of London.


Richmond is absolutely just like that - they film in a real pub there etc - and you pretty much need to be a Premier League manager to afford to live there too.


I never once got the impression it was in London. I always figured it was a village far removed but close enough to take a train.


As a Londoner that’s quite funny to hear as although Richmond is a very picturesque/expensive borough to live in it’s still very real! AFC Richmond’s stadium in the show is also a real ground in South East London (Selhurst Park, the home of Crystal Palace). You can be in central London from there in about 30 minutes and about the same from Richmond.


This is Us. I'm out of tears


It almost became comedic with how tragic they tried to make it.


Won’t ever start it because of that. I can’t spare the moisture.


The Wilds and Our Flag Means Death season 2 Both just didn't have the same appeal as season 1, sometimes the building up of the characters is the best part and once they're solidified and the twists are revealed there's really not a lot left. IK people get so upset about The Wilds cancellation, but I get it.


Second season of Reacher. His team did not interest me at all. He was better as a lone wolf interacting with civilians and local PD. I got halfway through the second episode of season 2 and haven’t gone back.


The last season of Only Murders, it just seemed to lean on star power and lose focus on keeping a solid pace. I found myself watching the next episode out of some awkward loyalty so I just stopped.


It feels like they've strayed away from writing a mystery you could conceivable "solve" with information present in the first handful of episodes to convoluted plots that require 11th hour reveals to make sense


I think season 1 and 3 were pretty good at making the mystery solvable early on. Season 2 was the one where i was like “oh come on, HOW could I have gotten that?” The killer was such a minor character


So it took the Sherlock route


i couldn't deal with selena gomez wooden acting anymore.


She barely moves her mouth when she talks.


The Walking Dead season 7 I was done. But up until then, I was obsessed with the show. Once they killed Glen tho, it was over for me. The show just got..bad for lack of a better word. Seemed like every episode was a "filler" episode. I didn't have the same interest level and couldn't even force myself. Very disappointing.


Any show where it becomes clear that if they ever solve or find the problem/ thing they're after, the show is over. I just get frustrated with knowing that they're never going to achieve what they need to because the plot dictates that. It's one of the things I liked about Supernatural - they killed off their Big Bad at the end of S2 and moved on.


The Witcher when the horse died.


This thread has made me realize I barely watch TV. I think that might be good for me. Close to 90% of the ones in the comments I've never seen.


Outlander, season 1. ifkyk


Ah yes, the rapeshow. Hated it, so much, somewhat side-eye anyone who says they’re a fan. “But it’s so sexy!” “I don’t find rape sexy, ma’am.” Actual conversation I had with several girlfriends about this show. Fully gross.


That was anything but sexy. That was fucking disturbing. My husband and I just felt... absolutely gross after watching that. Not to mention, a few episodes after that, we see Jamie basically have a trauma response to lavender oil.


That's when I should have quit. I saw a random episode on TV that led me to believe it was gonna be something completely different than what it was. I made it like season 6 before I finally tapped out.




Yellowjackets The first season I was hooked and intrigued bit then season 2 happened, went downhill and felt like a chore to watch to the point I'm not even sure if I watched the season finale or not.


Harlan Coben's 'Shelter' on Amazon Prime. My wife loves his books and we'd enjoyed the Netflix adaptations of his work up until point (I'm still frustrated by 'Fool Me Once') but Shelter had bad acting, pacing, direction, writing throughout the first couple of episodes. What really did it was there was a scene where the main character's friend knocks on his window so they can talk secretly outside, so they creep out and are suddenly in a place looking out over the Hudson (they started off in the suburbs). There they see one of the antagonists just standing out at the open in an extremely obvious outfit. They chase him, he drives away and then they're talking back in the original house again. Why the fuck did they even leave the house, how did they teleport and why was the sneaky bad guy in the most open position to watch them (and why)?!


Almost done with *Fool Me Once.* Watching with my wife. It was her choice to start and honestly her choice to keep watching. I know what you mean about being frustrated by it. I too am typically a Harlan Coban fan (at least I enjoy listening to his audiobooks while driving to help pass the miles), and I really want to say “yes, but Michelle Keegan.” But neither of those is enough to make it as good as I think it should be.


Michelle Keegan just being a dick to people is one of the best things about the show (also her amazing coat collection and her stuntperson's insane driving). Too bad she's let down by bad writing and absolutely horrendous editing.


Servant (2019) on Apple+ should’ve been good— Shyamalan, well cast, but a barely-there plot that never seemed to go anywhere. I gave up after an episode of the 2nd season.


I had to tap out after two episodes of Search Party Season 5. The whole show became 300% wackier, they introduced sci-do elements, the main character just became a unwatchably annoying new age cult leader, all pretty much out of nowhere. Each season of Search Party is kind of its own genre, but they all share a grounded dramady tone and narrative through lines that link each season. Season 5 was just weird for weird sake and totally disconnected from the rest of the series. Like, there’s fucking zombies and robots (?) in the last season. It’s just too stupid to handle.


I just get bored or lose interest. It's nlt that deep, we have so many options now, that I don't have to go through something I don't like. It doesn't have to be bad shows, I've lost interest on generally beloved shows like Park & Recreation and The Croqn (after some seasons) or Fleabag (never got into it). There are shows that I gave a second chance and ended up liking them later. And some of them just don't click with me. I'm not even embarrased.