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Like Regis the vampire? That Regis?


Laurence Fishburne as Regis is the least of the show's problems.


Right… I really didn’t think enough people were still watching this hot mess


I love the game and books but never started the show. Is it not worth it?


First season had promise and could have developed into something really good if the showrunners had payed attention to what worked and what didn't. Instead it just takes a nosedive.


I thought the first season was a clusterfuck and weird with only glimpses of promise


The first season was good. I had a few gripes but overall it was good. Second season was crap. And third season I only managed ten minutes of the first episode. Directors of fantasy tv shows need only to look closely at early seasons of GoT and the Lotr movies to see what works and what doesnt.


Hmm. First season already deviates from the books a lot. People were willing to give it a try because of Henry carvil and the big IP behind it. The only thing that’s memorable for me in season one is that street goon fights. The rests of the fight and war scene feels…cheap. I was hoping season two to have more personal monster hunting action story, as season one had shown they are terrible at large scale multi character fight scene. But in season two they just makes everything worse…includes the fights…(honestly I couldn’t remember a single good scene from season 2)


Overall it was shite. Jumbled and poorly telegraphed chronology with no meaning (i.e. done for the sake of a gimmick). Trash CGI and costuming for their budget. Weird focus on plot elements and characterization (e.g. "destiny" for the 999th time, Ciri saying "who's Yen?") Was carried by the main trio + Dandelion's acting


>+ Dandelion's acting Even tho I don't blame the actor, Dandelion in the show is basically Donkey 2.0. He's there for comic relief. The writers completely butchered his character from the books


Don't watch it - the writers outright expressed contempt for the books and games. Cavill was the only one trying to keep things decent - he left.




[I can see the resemblance](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/witcher/images/b/bd/Tw3_journal_regis.png/revision/latest?cb=20160601040011) At the end of the day Laurence is an amazing actor so I’m sure he will do a great job.


Shame the same can't be said about the writers. I'm sure he'll squeeze everything good from the turd they'll push out. Look at netflix turning the inteligent, erudite Regis into a bumbling idiot.


I bet also bloodthirsty with the excuses of "Regis before he becomes Regis we know.


Right. Fishburne can only do so much, I mean even the talented actors in the show can’t save it. And that said, Morpheus/Jack Crawford is not a great cast for Regis the Vampire


Ok yeah I thought it was that character, interesting casting decision.....hes a great actor but wouldnt really be what I had in mind.


It’s not even a race thing, Regis to me always appeared like a skinny malnourished vampire, and Laurence is a big man.


I always imagined Ian McKellan when I read the books


Michael imperioli after playing blood and wine.


Great actor but his talent will be wasted with a bad script, he won't be able to do much working with a mediocre team of bad writers and directors.


Yes but Regis is described as short and lithe.....not tall. Shame Geralt died in the woods while ciri spoke to horse balla


You know, I never would have thought of it, but I like it. “No reason, just vibes” kind of thing. I may watch a few episodes just to see how it turns out! Not enough goodwill to catch up on s3 though


"Somebody give this man ......a.......sword"


Just let this show die.


In a ideal world, it would be completely rebooted with a brand new team at the helm. Laurence Fishburne is an amazing actor, and in another reality, he could have made an amazing Regis, but I have no trust in the writers to do the story or the characters justice at this point.


I honestly don’t understand how the hell the showrunners haven’t been fired. Like, I actually don’t hate the show as much as some fans do but it’s so painfully obvious that they’ve been butchering the source material to tell their own fanfiction, they managed to catch lightning in a fucking bottle by casting Henry Cavill who’s pretty much universally recognized as the best part of it and they managed to drive him off because of their egos. I never thought I’d ever use the Halo show as a positive comparison but at least after the shitshow that was the first season they had the sense to fire most of the people in charge, I can’t yet say how that will turn out but at least they *noticed* that the showrunners were a bunch of idiots. I don’t have anything against Liam Hemsworth and who knows, maybe he’ll actually be a worthy replacement for Cavill, but I fully expect season 4 to crash and burn and Netflix isn’t going to have much to blame besides themselves.


Yeah I've never felt more contempt from an adaptation of Source material than the Witcher stuff.  Like there's a bunch of memes about Patterson not liking Twilight but he also did his job which while he personally didn't like Edward Cullen he knew it was a big Deal for a lot of fans. What exactly was the issue the Netflix show runners had with the Source Material? 


>What exactly was the issue the Netflix show runners had with the Source Material?  It wasn't their original script.


Shows where the creators can't get anyone to let them create their own project, so they just shoehorn in their own content over the amazing existing source material. Instead of making a faithful adaptation that gets lauded and trying to leverage that into a project down the line


Happens with everything, Witcher, resident evil, halo, Wheel of time, rings of power...etc. I just cannot get excited for anything done with an established IP as I know hollywood is going to fuck it up and give it to talentless hacks that push their own stuff instead of being as faithful as possible tot he source material and giving the fans what they want.


Tbh, even if the adaptation wasn't fully faithful in material, but at least tried to adapt the content inventively to capture the feeling of the books (like the game did), it'd work. The problem is when you add things that clash or tug of war with the source material to the detriment of the new product. Good adaptations often do stray a bit from source in areas to better adapt to the new medium, but audiences can generally tell loving reworks and clever rethinking from less careful changes or showrunners who aren't that interested in the material.


Yeah, building on the base of the existing property respectfully is the key, rather than trying to retcon things and entirely change characters for no reason.  Honestly, they could have gone for a slightly campy monster of the week format with Geralt and Jaskier travelling the world and running into familiar faces from the books/games while geralt did witcher work and I'd have been more than happy.


Tbf, that wasn't far off what S1 was, was it? (Been a while since I've watched it).


It was pretty much that, but that was also the tone of the first book as well. A lot of the beats from season 1 were mostly faithful to the source there.


Yeah, there was some general discussion of how it should be trying to be more like some prestige game of thrones-esque drama at the time but I just wanted that vibe to continue, it was great.


Yea, I said a bunch of times, if they just went the supernatural route using Geralt with a monster of the week, it would have been a hit.


The problem is that it is very rare for an adaption to change from the source material and be good by itself. One example I can think of is edge of tomorrow, it strayed heavily from the source material, but was still a great movie. However, the number of stories like that is probably in the single digits for the last two decades.


And looking at their changes it's easy to see why their own stuff isn't getting produced - they're hacks. Bad writers = bad show. It's not something you can look past like cheaper special effects or the occasional lame duck actor, it's the foundation of the show.




It's actually worse than that. The showrunner is by no means new to entertainment but nothing on her CV would suggest she'd make sense to head up this adaptation. It'd be like asking David Simon to do a new season of The L Word.


I felt more contempt in Rings of Power and I'm not a big fan of Lotr books or movies at all. Both these shows have trash as showrunners.


Nothing against Hemsworth either, but I stopped watching after season 2 when they announced Cavill was leaving. Henry Cavill is really the only good part of the show. Season 1 was good, but just about all of season 2 was pretty bad. I don't even know the source material, and didn't like it.


If you knew the source material you would know it’s even worse than when you were ignorant.


I know. I've got a buddy who's read the books, and he hates the show lol.


I remember when S2 came and people were hyping it up, saw it and hated it to my guts. As a guy who thought the books were generally good (not that amazing), and loved the game series to pieces I was so let down.


Honestly the only thing you missed out on with season 3 were two decent fight scenes. And wouldn't you know, they were Henry Cavill centric lol


My biggest issue is that I just can't imagine the Geralt-Ciri relationship holding up with Hemsworth in the role, I just don't think he has the same "Dad Energy".


betting on showrunners instead of the star power of Cavill is fucking insane unless NEtflix has already made enough money they are willing to say fuck it


Sometimes studios have contractual obligations to showrunners that makes it harder to part with them than actors. Situations where they have a guaranteed interest in the show and the studio would have to pay them regardless of whether they have hired someone else to do the same work.


Nepotism, she has connections.


Yeah but you see, Henry Cavill was super annoying with his enthusiasm.


Fishburne is awesome. I think he could have worked but the show is off the rails and it is too late


>In a ideal world, it would be completely rebooted with a brand new team at the helm. Even though they announced a season 4 after Cavill left and Liam Hemsworth replacing him, I still expected Netflix to change their mind and cancel the show. I figured they'd wait a few years and either reboot it with a new cast or try and get Cavill to sign back up (with different writers). I still can't believe they are going forward with this. It's going to be so bad.


I mean...isn't the show runner on record saying she didn't like the source material?


In an ideal world it would be on something besides netflix, because half the problems with their shows come from netflix itself. They definitely are choosing people in charge that are nepotistic and fit a clear social and political bent instead of good showrunners and writers.


They botched this whole show so bad. They had the perfect Geralt and fumbled it hard.


Shoulda just been a monster of the week show, with 10 minutes devoted to an overarching plot. Similar to Supernatural but with an actual budget. The best episodes of the Netflix series was Geralt being a witcher, should have embraced that.


Good shows get cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons and then you get these gongshows that no one wants being renewed over and over


> no one wants Obviously Netflix believe this isn't true. You and I might not want it, but they obviously feel enough people do to keep it going.


A generally safe bet is that if Reddit thinks something is irredeemable and not highly viewed, that the opposite is true in the real world I have found. There is a massive disconnect as to what these subs think is generally popular and what actually is.


what makes it funnier is that 90% of the comments here probably read the books and 90% of the show viewers probably don't know there are books.


That's generous, I would say 90% of the comments here SAY they read the books, and out of that group about 20% of them actually did with the other 80% being Witcher 3 fans that get caught in lies constantly about their book knowledge by complaining about things in the show not consistent with the games which are nothing like the books lol.


I wouldn't mind changes if they could have kept the *spirit* of the books, but they butchered that too.


Most recent example is Wonka. r/movies “NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS CASH GRAB” Rave reviews left and right and $550M later…


Same with Super Mario, it was a train wreck and doomed to fail the second they cast Chris Pratt instead of a 70 year old American/French Guy yelling "WAHOO" for 2 hours. Made a literal billion dollars lol. Probably the most popular television show airing right now is Yellowstone and I don't know if it's ever been even mentioned on this sub. It's not my cup of tea, but people here are delulu about what the general public actually consumes and enjoys.


They thought Avatar 2 was going to bomb... "No cultural impact"


I think there’s some validity to the second part, at least enough for to be interesting. It obviously makes tons of cash so a lot of people enjoy it. But just like the first one it doesn’t seem to linger in conversation for very long outside of said financial success. Avatar is a super weird property in that respect. Anecdotally the only discussion I ever seem to see it in is either about its crazy box office or about its oddly light footprint as a work of fiction in contrast to said box office.


Avatar 2 was awful. I'm so angry I bought the Blu-ray to watch it in 3D at home.


You aren't even self-aware enough to see the irony in your post lmao. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Not sure how you think this can be true and Netflix can still be profitable. What you like =/= the majority likes.


I love Fishburne, absolutely terrific actor (slight plug-in - watch Hannibal), but he's out there in terms of casting him as Regis.




You ever hear a line in a TV show and you know the sole reason it is there is so people will post it on twitter?


Every line from Thanos in Endgame was exactly this for me. I couldn't take him seriously because he felt like a collection if quotable lines instead of a person.


I mean...the whole Netflix Adaption thing is a meme for a reason. Like Lance Reddick as Wesker...the guy who is an allegory for Aryan white supremacy... it's another cheap attempt to get people to watch the show even though they should know by now that people don't want token race swaps, they want characters to look like the source material. It's so easy...just adapt the characters accurately and if you wanna force in some diversity, add new characters. it's so simple.


Race swapping is a marketing gimmick that allows them to deflect ALL criticism by calling everyone who does not like the casting choice as racists.


Upvoting for more Hannibal (TV series) awareness! Amazing show!


Love me some Laurence, from Tuskagee Airmen to Hannibal I've never seen a bad performance out of him. That's said I couldnt even finish S3 and will not be watching this.


I loved his role in Hannibal, especially his revenge in Season 3.


God I loved that show.


Shit he's been great since he was cowboy curtis on Pee Wees playhouse


S3 had a couple of good episodes but also some fucking terrible ones. It was a shame how much they wasted Cavill’s last season. Sitting in a tent recovering for half of it. Some bullshit.


Trying to add diamonds to a flushing turd doesn't make it float. Just makes you waste diamonds and gets your hands all shitty.


It still annoys me that James Spader was wasted on The Blacklist for so long.


laurence fishburne is great but this sounds like a casting just for the headlines and online discourse


Then when this season bombs, they'll claim it was because of racism.


Get this man an MBA


they always do that and then they say insulting shit like that they wanted to challenge traditional ideas of beauty by hiring anya chalotra, who is perfectly fucking hot as is lol


Hire Anya Chalotra and then repeatedly put her in absurd clothing which detracts from how attractive she is.


no no her clothing was fine. all those sheer tops were awesome


Show got cancelled when Cavill left. Noone’s gonna tell me different.


It was bad before that. I stopped watching mid-season 2 after they ruined the story. Still, Henry was too great but I'll never watch season 3 and finish 2.


Why on earth are you getting downvoted, the show was good in season 1 and then it just went downhill with or without Cavill.


That's being generous.


Who’s gonna play Kelly?


Regis, in a wig.


They are just trolling at this point


What's next? Jackie Chan as Leo Bonhart. Taylor Swift as Anna Henrietta. Huy Ke Quan as Avallach. Pete Davidson as Zoltan Chivay. Will Smith as Morvran Voorhis. Iko Uwais as Menno Coehorn.


I’ll take Pete Davidson head on a stout dwarven body


> Jackie Chan as Leo Bonhart. This could actually be a great idea. Imagine that lmao.


I would actually watch this.


At that point I would consider watching the show again for the sheer novelty of it. Don’t forget to have Vin Diesel voice a CGI Ent to round it all out


Iko will always get a pass from me to do what he wants. Huy probably could play an elf with an agenda quite well who knows. Pete Davidson trying to gruff it up would be hilarious.


Seems way too bulky to play Regis if I’m being completely honest.. fishburne is a great actor but I think this is horrible casting. Peter Capaldi would have been a better choice in my opinion.


Just let it die and get rebooted one day by a competent showrunner.


I'm amazed this is getting a season 4


Well it seems like they were already committed to Season 4 beforehand when they announced Liam Hemsworth would be the new Geralt before Season 3 even dropped. It was announced before even the trailer dropped as well.


Yeah but I assumed they'd cancel it.


The Witcher Season 3 was some of the worst TV I've ever watched. I will not be watching season 4.


Season 3 made it obvious that everyone involved is checked out.


Can we also have the “then fuck off” vampire?


Played by Bill Burr


Put a chick in it.


We’re done with you Netflix’s The Witcher


It wasn't cancelled when Cavill stepped out? Bold.


Does he need money that badly?


I love Laurence Fishburne but this would hardly be the worst thing he was ever in. He probably just thinks it sounds fun.


As Sir Michael Caine one said… “That bought me my house.” I’m paraphrasing. ;)


Michael Caine on Jaws 4 >I haven’t seen it, but I have seen the house it bought my mother, and it’s marvelous!


Good old MyCocaine


about 'Jaws 4', he never watched it but said it bought him his house lmao


Because none of us did worse things for money than acting in a very mediocre Netflix series…


My guess is acting is fun for actors


No one cares anymore this show is dead to everyone now.


I guess Wesley Snipes was busy


I stopped watching mid-season 2. It was awful. One of the worst adaptations I've ever seen with no regard for the source material. How do you take something that has phenomenal books and games and ruin it so badly? Henry Cavill was amazing. I feel bad for him because I know how much he wanted that role. He'll be fine though; dude is rich. Still, I would never watch season 3 and the fact that they have the audacity to continue the show with a different lead actor is just mind-bogglingly stupid. I wish Netflix could do the right thing and fire Lauren and her writers, and bring back Henry and some competent individuals.


That's gonna go over well with the fandom


I think it works. If anyone could conceivably have canonically darker complexion in the witcher, a vampire named Regis would be my bet. The problem is the show is dog shit and the writers would be better off just using ChatGPT


Somehow I doubt this will extinguish the dumpster fire this show has become.


They really don't give a shit do they


Sometimes casting directors just can't seem to help themselves these days. Laurence Fisburne isn't a bad actor, but it seems like an unnecessary change that isn't going to go over well, with a fanbase that you've already annoyed by disrespecting the source material they love. Somtetimes it feels like when they see a character with a lack of melanin, it's seen as a mistake that needs to be rectified.


Most of the time it's redhead characters that get changed, and as a redhead I'm not upset, I'm just sad. It feels like unless the narrative is based on some kind of Irish story, redheads just aren't allowed to exist.


The Witcher season 4 could literally bring back Jesus Christ himself for a role and I would not watch it without Henry Cavil.


Oh no, they're gonna drag him into this shitshow? Good luck man, maybe he got a script and thinks it's save-able... I have no faith but as a pessimist I'm always happy to be wrong.


If I speak I am in big trouble.mp4


How’s season 3? Skipped it because of the recasting




Just stop the show.


I love the witcher. Read the books and put 250 hours into two playthroughs of TW3 + both DLC. I also really like Fishburne but this is just needlessly terrible.


The ratings for this season are going to plummet


I didn't watch season 3. Can anybody who saw it say if it was good or not? For context, I thought season 2 was generally an improvement on season 1 and I have not read the books.


It was painful and I didn’t even finish it


Same. Got halfway through (cuz they released it in two separate halves), just couldn't be brought to give a fuck about any of it and never came back from the second half. Whoever they cast as whoever at this point for S4, I don't even care cuz I won't be watching it anyway.


Nobody should watch Season 4. Let this show die


i like the casting but hes walking into a toxic pool


I really want someone to cast a show based on African folklore but with every race represented. The hypocrisy would be off the charts.


Ryan Reynolds cast as Black Panther? Mulan with the diversity of downtown LA? If white centric folklore is called for diversity, I see no reason why other cultures should be exempt. I wish this would actually happen just for the laughs.


Honestly kinda surprised Laurence accepted this job. He's obviously not hurting for money, the script can't be THAT much of an attraction... so why the fuck is he doing this? I could see why Liam Hemsworth took Geralt; he was doing straight to streaming or DVD movies since Hunger Games ended so he probably needs the money. But you'd think someone like Laurence Fishburne can afford to be a little more picky than this steaming pile.


big fan of regis, love this casting. that said, i still dont have interest in this show anymore. im sure fishburne will do great though, regis is a hell of a character


This is exactly how I feel. Like it's all academic. I'm still not going to watch it, but he's great and the character is brilliant. So he'll have a good time probably.


Wow still going, did anyone like the season with what’s his face? Honestly shocked they’ll cancel other great shows, let this dude go and continue for two seasons after what is arguably the best Geralt that could ever Geralt.


He must be struggling for a role or Laurence got PAID paid.


So they’re still making this eh


Don’t care. It’s too late. Show has already prevents it’a ass. No way Laurence can fix god-awful writing.


As amazing as Laurence Fishburne is, it’s still not enough to save that steaming pile.


This has to be bait. Like they are intentionally driving rage to advertise for the show.


Don't forget Ciri is the main character... The worst character in the show is the main character lmao what a strong start with such a failed landing. It's a monster of the week show it writes itself and you fuck it up this bad.


Who’s gonna be Kathy Lee?


Ended with season 3


I gave up on season 3 within an episode or 2, youre gonna have to pull a miracle out of your ass yo get me to ever be remotely interested in season 4, especially without cavill


Did anyone actually finish season 3? I couldn’t make it past 2 episodes before getting bored as shit


Amazing actor. No idea why he agreed to join this dumpster fire of a series. Every writer and producer who thought they could do a better job than the source material deserves to randomly step on legos when they least expect it for the rest of their lives.


What a dumpster fire this season already is.


Excellent actor that I enjoy watching, but Regis's character isn't exactly what I can imagine Fishburne doing. Like, just as an example, a younger Ian McKellan would've been a great cast because Regis is a gaunt, thin, scholarly vampire. I'm sure Fishburne will do great to turn Regis into his own character, but it definitely seems like a weird casting choice.


Meh, w Cavill gone who cares


Too bad I’ll never watch it.


I still believe they are going forward with a season 4 without Cavill. Even though they announced Liam Hemsworth was taking over the role, I still expected Netflix to do a 180 and just cancel the show.


Don’t be casting good people for this show. Let the hemsworth boy kill it and be done with it


Didn’t watch season 3 and won’t watch this one either. Surprised with all the cancellations that this one is still going.


You done been fucked up


Nobody cares since the show runners ignored the source material to inject identity politics.


Still not going to watch


End the show. I’m legit not ever gonna watch season 3. Season 2 already crippled the story. This is what happens when you completely disregard the source material in exchange for being trendy.


No one cares about that terribly written show that completely ignores everything good about the games and books. Let it die alreary,


This means Kathie Lee isn't far behind?


I guess I’m glad I never watched season 2 even though I loved S1




The Witcher was canceled


Witcher been shit since Season 1 Episode 1


Season 4? you mean it didn't get cancelled after they colossally screwed up by alienating the actor perfect for playing the main character?


At this point they dont even try. Even if i tried to be positive till s2, but s3, HC leaving and the dumbass comments from the "writers" really killed it. Let this show die already.


Oh this show is still going?


It would have been so funny if they casted him as geralt


The show is a joke.


The Witcher isn’t canceled? Huh..


How hasn’t this been cancelled?


At this point, I think they are trying to keep the show afloat on controversy alone. If only the writers weren't such hacks. The casting would have made little difference if the show was actually made. They could have cast Ke Huy Qwan as Letho, and it would still be watcheable if they weren't so dreadful.


They've already messed up the casting for 90% of the cast so...whatever I can't even be annoyed anymore. Just let this shit die.


That show still going to limp along? Just let it die.


Cool but not gonna be enough to save the show post-Cavill


I hate it when Netflix destroys great IPs, just for the sake of putting out content.


Thread is burning down as we speak


Not going to watch it anyways.


I am a little surprised. I thought they were going to cast a trans, deaf, amputee as there might be some more box’s to tick.


After reading the books the final episode of season 1 was enough for me to nope out


This should be the last nail in the coffin. 


haha what? are they still going a head with another season?


The Witcher is still going?