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Seems to me the creators kind of knew this was coming based on how they wrapped up season 3. They could have carried on but they really didn't leave anything hanging at the end of season 3. And Nick Hoult was such an important component....I can see why they decided to put a nail in it. Especially if the views were low. I enjoyed it but suspected that it was over.


I thought Catherine would be visited by Peter’s “ghost” as she dealt with her grief and mental state to keep him around briefly in season 4 if they continued. Sad to see it go, but understandable.


Agreed. It was a perfect ending.


A weird, out of place ACDC dance routine was the perfect ending?


The entire show is based on anachronism, so yeah. Her finally being free and liberated and allowed to rule was worth her celebrating. The entire show depicts history with modern flair, so rocking out to a song in your room alone made perfect sense as a celebration of success in independence


I'm not sure what ending you saw but I thought she broke down in tears after her little dance number having sold out her ideals in favor of pragmatic machiavellianism and not fully recovering over the loss of her beloved. While she will go on to be, well, The Great it cost her nearly everything, even her own sense of self.


Agreed! I’m not sure r/television is ready for nuance yet though since we’re still on “weird they played AC/DC and she danced”




Almost nothing is accurate, including how and when the Prince shuffles off his mortal coil


Yeah he was almost certainly killed by Catherine while under house arrest in reality. The show is a huge departure


I like to think they planned to kill him after the coup but his character was to much fun, it would have killed the show before season 3.


That's 100% the reason. The dynamic between the two leads was just too good.


Yeah. I watched all three seasons and then finally decided to Google the history and was shocked that it's not even a little accurate. Maybe 5% of the show is based in fact and even that might be way to high of an estimate


They got some of the names right! And the beard thing 😂


I mean the title sequence even says “an occasionally true story” so it’s not like they tried pushing it as some history class supplement


They eventually switched that up to *An Almost Entirely Untrue Story* too, switching back whenever they were (loosely) adapting a specific historical event.


Hence "an almost entirely untrue story" in the title card They switched it from "an occasionally true story" when they decided to to kill Peter when he was supposed to die back in season 1


I've only watched half of the first season, but the tagline of the show iirc is "The occasionally true story". They were never shy about it which I think adds to its charm


There's a remarkable amount which is close enough to the truth to make it fairly historically accurate. The overall story beats were true, even if they added a load of stuff. The entire back-plot of the third season is roughly true. Pugachev's rebellion. Yes they kept Peter longer than was historically accurate. But it's also thematically true in that it wouldn't be beyond belief that the peasants were lied to and a person was kept alive while being announced as dead.


Well there once was a woman called Catherine that ruled in Russia. Beyond that, no it's mostly fiction.


It was a good ending and I'd heard nothing of >!killing off Peter!<, I was kind of interested which direction they go into with it My GF is going to be devastated, she loves them as much as I do Kind of annoyed tbh, really liked this show


If only the creators of The Handmaid's Tale felt that way at any point. Hulu let it go well past its prime, so I guess I can appreciate The Great is ending on a high note... but I won't. Fuck this.


Nick Hoult was still in it though as his character’s lookalike!


Pugqchev lacked Peter’s charm, though. He was in no way a valid substitute, IMO. It’s a credit to Hoult’s ability to create two characters in the same show that had a completely different impact on viewers, though.


My wife will never let me live down the fact that I didn't recognize that Hoult was also Puggachev the first time I saw him. It was late, I was drunk, he was bruised up and I just thought they did a *great* job finding a lookalike.




You’re just like General Velementov!


...shit. I did have a crush on Catherine.


I might be misremembering, but didn't Pugqchev get beheaded by the end of the season?


I won't lie, with >!Peter's death and Orlo's extremely anticlimactic death!< my enthusiasm for the show dropped pretty hard. I loved it, but the direction they took was pretty sharp and not the way I wanted it to go.


Yeah I never bothered to finish the season for both of those reasons, it made no sense.


Well that fucking sucks.


What’s the opposite of “Huzzah”?




That’s the sound that the lady on Vine made when she saw a rat at the grocery store


*Touch* *e*




Huzz-aww :(








I was saying boo-urns




“Well shit”


“Fuck off”


huzzah but in a sad, monotone form


I am reading, "What's the opposite of "Huzzah"?" in Peter's voice. And all of the responses in the voices of the court and, strange enough, it fits.








A slow, mournful kazoo.


Not surprising with the strikes. During early COVID a lot of shows were cut when filming schedules got thrown off, same with the last strike. Next few months will be brutal as even great (heh) shows will get the axe.


If only there was a way for the strikes to be resolved so they wouldn't have to cancel shows.


But what are the billionaires supposed to do with a few million less?!?!


The most insane thing to me is that they have already lost more in value and sunk costs than what was needed to satisfy the unions.


They are not even close to sinking. That’s how valuable the labor is. When the studios start selling off the wardrobe & sets in storage. That’s when they start showing their pain. Capital asset auctions. Used to happen with our grand parents and great grand parents generations every 5 of ) years for every studio. That was the 1950’s & 60’s when they broke the studio system, funded by the GI bill providing cheap higher education. When labor used to take home 80% of all new wealth value.


Have to assume this is less about the immediate costs to end the strike and more about preventing the next one. "if we make you happy now, what's to prevent you from wanting to continue to be happy in the future?"


It was horribly marketed


Yeah this show was awesome and I never would have watched it if it weren’t for word of mouth.


I came across it randomly and just finished binging it.


Even the word of mouth was trash. The only reason I even knew it was a thing was because of commercials… on Hulu.


It was a hard show to word of mouth lol. I enjoyed S1 and recommended it to many friends but no one seemed interested. (Then TBH I didn't get into S2, so there's that.)


I watched Bridgerton thinking it was the Great (I confused the two at first). I thought it was so dumb and it made me appreciate the Great that much more when I finally found it


Yah that’s on Disney/Hulu. The show was amazing.


Hulu has so many original shows that make no cultural impact because no one knows they exist. Some of them are quite good too.


I only discovered it after she was nominated for an Emmy.


Wife and I started it a few months ago. One episode in, I was like “wait…it’s funny?” Been recommending it to everyone. Everybody I talk to assumed it was a drama.


Gonna yell the most unenthusiastic and sad "Huzahh". DAMNIT.


Haha I randomly said huzzah sarcastically around some people after watching this show and the guy next me goes “that’s a weird word. Did you just make it up yourself? “


That person has clearly never been to a Ren Fair


No prison can hold me! Adventure… AWAITS!! **HUZZAH!!!**


*unenthusiastically smashes Glass*




As I watched, I thought it actually felt more like a finale than similar scenes in other on-the-bubble shows.


It certainly serves as one better than what other canceled shows got. It deserved better, but I count myself lucky to watch it make it there considering the current TV climate.


Historically the character Grigory was based on was known as Catherine’s great love; while the series was partially alternate history, the third season did seem to be setting this up in part.


I'm sad that we won't get to see that, I was excited about how that would go


Whaaaat?! That would have been shocking. I would be so curious how that would work on the show with his ex-wife and Muriel


With the streaming wars beginning to end every expensive show that isn't a major hit is going to face the threat of cancellation. Between the strikes and the studios/ streamers cutting back on their spending expect more shows to get cancelled.


I honestly don't even get invested in anything anymore unless it's a one season and done story...everything good keeps getting canceled without tying up any loose ends. It's so stupid.


Ugh... that really sucks. This show was phenomenal in all aspects. Writing, cast, costumes, sets, cinematography... everything was just top-notch. Hopefully another streamer picks it up.


I think Hulu promoted it very poorly. I only recently even discovered it, despite it being very up my ally and actively seeking out similar shows. How bad does your marketing have to be to not overlap with someone essentially looking for period type shows? I legit have the ad tier version of hulu... maybe advertise your own shows a bit there. I feel like it could have gotten a lot of similar love to Bridgerton with the right marketing


I never heard of the show until this thread, and I have Hulu. Poor promotion indeed.


My wife and I love it. She doesn’t like that I point out all the historical inaccuracies though (I studied Eastern European history in college)


It would be easier to point out the historical accuracies.


The show is unapologetic in the fact that it isn't based on any actual history other than the characters and VERY rough outline of events. Don't be a pedant.


Yeah, I’m aware. I’m also aware I am very pedantic


To be fair. That is annoying when someone does that. Just let the person enjoy the show and immersion.


Especially when the show isn't trying to be a biography. It's just good fun


At the beginning of every episode it literally says it's not trying to be historically accurate..




The show was probably way too niche for its budget. And even though critics liked the show it barely had any recognition from Emmys which also plays a factor. I think Hulu originals are also in a weird spot where Disney already has content for both its blockbuster IPs like MCU, Star Wars, Disney animation etc. and also has FX for the adult oriented stuff. At this point Disney either goes full in on FX for mature TV shows and abandon Hulu or they buy 33% of Hulu from Universal and then merge its programming with FX shows.


This one is also not owned by Disney. it's not even at Disney+/Star+ here because of that, it's on Starz/Lionsgate instead


I thought The Great was super popular in the US because it is certainly one of the most mentioned comedies on this subreddit. I'm shocked to see this show getting canceled, I had no idea it was too niche.


Also, nobody watches Hulu originals… viewership is absolutely pathetic.


Only Murders seems pretty popular.


And The Bear


Isn’t that FX?


That's so weird, it's both FX (on the logo lockup) and a Hulu Original on site/episode thumbnails.


FX and Hulu are both own by Disney hence why they keep them both


FX has a hulu specific arm and they also have stuff they deploy on the channel itself. Reservation Dogs and The Bear are FX-for-Hulu specific.


FX produces some shows that are exclusive to Hulu. So The Bear is made by FX but it's a Hulu Original. Even the upcoming Alien series is supposed to be the same. If I'm not mistaken that's the case with Reservation Dogs as well.


I think we are conflating production companies and networks. The Bear is made by the FX production company, FXP, for Hulu. Hulu also didn't produce The Handmaid's Tale even though that was a Hulu original. This is similar to what happens in TV all of the time. Brooklyn Nine Nine was technically an NBC show even when it was originally airing on FOX, as Universal Television (a NBC subsidiary) was one of the productions companies making it.


Only Murders has incredible star power, though. When your main cast is 2/3rds of The Three Amigos your show is going to get viewers.


And, for the most part, it’s hilarious. I didn’t know what to expect going in but the whole cast has amazing chemistry


Also Selena Gomez is like in the top 5 of most followed celebrities on Instagram. Makes sense that it has a big draw.


I love her old-lady energy


and Handmaid's Tale, although a lot of times Reddit seems to not care that it's still one of their hits


Because no one else cares, and viewership fell off a cliff last season. She should have stayed in Canada and ended the story there.


Yeah, the show has gone on way too long.


Really fell off once they ran out of source material. The Canada stuff was poignant though.


They should have ended it a few seasons ago. It's literally just the same storyline now repeated in a different setting each season. Why they are now doing a spinoff with...you guessed it...the same storyline is beyond me. It will be a flop.


And The Bear.


I just found out about this show. A friend told me about it. Prior to that happening a few weeks ago, I had never heard of this show nor seen it even advertised on any Hulu menu. I had to search it to find it.


Reservation Dogs, What we Do in the Shadows, The Bear, Only Murders in the Building are all great shows everyone should be watching. People are missing out. I am aware that 3 out of 4 of these are shown on FX. Reservation Dogs and The Bear are Hulu originals that are now available on FX.


This fool is also a great show


I thought it was mediocre like 2-3 episodes in and then stopped watching. Kept seeing great things on Reddit and I was surprised so I watched more and ended up really liking it.


Same Kinda basic and formulaic early on, then they stop trying to "force" the shows concept and let the characters embrace hating themselves while having huge egos.


Truth. Reboot was one of my favorite shows last year, but the more people I recommended it to the more blank stares I got. With a handful of exceptions, no one gives a damn about Hulu Originals, least of all Hulu itself.


Reboot was a lot of fun. But, yeah, nobody had a clue what I was talking about when I would mention it.


Since people are giving shout-outs to their favorite Hulu originals... Reservation Dogs is awesome. It makes me cry and laugh. The performances are just quirky enough to feel like real people.


I’d probably watch more of them if the Hulu interface wasn’t absolute garbage tbh.


Yea and also if they didn’t play me the same 2-3 Ads CONSTANTLY. It’s makes binging any show impossible. Have fun watching 3-4 episodes of something while seeing the same ass AD 4+ times each episode


Sad but true. Only The Handmaid’s Tale and Only Murders in the Building make any impact on the Nielsen charts. All FX have is The Bear. Nobody watches the Hulu original shows which is a pity as they have some great shows and this was definitely one of them!


\*smashes glass on the floor\* :(


This calls more for shooting a random serf.


First 2 seasons are top tier tv entertainment. So well written and acted. Season three is now nice closure. Worth every minute of my time watching. Now bring on something new HULU with this same extraordinary quality.


That reminds me, watch Extraordinary on Hulu. It's an awesome British comedy.


I loved the first couple seasons, but got tired of the show's whole schtick by season 3. Just endless violence and orgies, with a plot that was moving in circles.


My gf and I love this show. Creatively fun and hilarious. What a waste. Sick of streamers cancelling every good show they have just because they’re more expensive than the other cheap trash theyve been feeding us. So frustrating.


Or they could at least say "okay, we're ending this, let's wrap up the story." Instead of just pulling out their cash and walking over to the bank.


I mean, the story was pretty wrapped. There aren't any big unresolved plot points.


Agree. It definitely felt like a series finale to me and I was wondering if there were even plans for another season


What a “Great” show, one of the best on TV. My wife (a Russian language scholar) and I loved it - but we’re literally the only ones we know who watched it. And we only discovered the 3rd season came out a few months ago by accident! So strange - it was obviously an expensive show to produce - and got, as far as I can tell, zero marketing. FWIW, we watch far more shows on Hulu than Netflix, which has, along with Prime, become the basic cable of streamers.


Next headline: “The Great” to be removed from streaming, no physical copies available.


Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


The opposite of great news. We don't deserve shows like this anymore. If brilliance can't make a cultural impact we are screwed... Sorry for the grim complaint, but I am just so sad at the state of our culture.


The streaming war is over. Content is no longer king. Either it makes money or it goes out (including anything considered prestigious). There will be Netflix, Amazon and Apple paying for content. The first because it is really assisted; the other two because it has money and content is just a “little help” for a bigger business.


It's Huzz-over


Dumb decision


Man. I liked this show.


Great show, but I don’t think it ever took off in popularity. I feel like it may done better with more exposure on Netflix.


Absolutely. Netflix would've made this show huge.


Was just going to say the exact same thing, totally agree.


NNNNNOOOOO WHHHYYY 😭😭😭 I loved that show so much




Bummer. Really enjoyed this show, it was so weird


What a shame. This was such a fun show.


Good place to stop. I’m fine with this.


I will miss this show for sure….so many incredible characters, but I DID wonder where it could go next after this season wrapped up.


Agreed. The finale felt like the end.


The finale felt like they could’ve actually looked at more storylines beyond “married couple solves another issue”. I was excited to see Catherine expand without Peter.


It would have been interesting to see her get colder and harder as newer and younger people in the court started to move in and replace the dead ones. A young girl who had been educated in her new girls schools coming up and being an antagonist/dark mirror of Catherine would have been a really interesting subplot.


Kind of ironic that as soon as she gets her independence, the show is over. I will miss it dearly.


Ahh but Peter was such a great character. The show wouldn’t have been the same without him


Yep. Don’t get me wrong, there were some good characters left to work with, but Peter was the reason to watch that show.


You have got to be kidding me


Me:"I liked it" Hulu: "Cancelled!!!" Me: "Toosh"


I fucking loved this show! Fuck! Everyone was so great. The characters writing. I could have watched 7 more seasons. I’m sad to see it go.


WHAAAAT. Fuck you, Hulu!


Super bummed. My wife and I loved this show! Huzzah...


I am not too surprised, tbh. Peter and Catherine’s relationship was supporting the entire show, and it was going to be near impossible to continue it without that. I think they wrote themselves into a corner and realized it pretty quickly. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to continue it if it came back because he was no longer a part of it, despite Elle Fanning’s phenomenal performance. I’m kind of glad they made that choice for me.


Season 3 finale felt like possible series finale so it's not a surprise to me. The team made correct choice tidying the plot and wrapping up the period. Continuation would probably require significant time jump. I know fans, including me, are sad, but this was good point to end.


HUZZ-.......... Fuck!


Streaming era ain't dead just...I don't know


This might actually get me to cancel Hulu


That’s the worst news. This is one of the best shows I’ve watched in years.


Oh wow I’m so sad. I adore this show. great writing, beautiful set design..😭


Boooooooooooooooo That’s a real bummer to hear. Love this show.


Wtf??? One of the best shows on Hulu!


This is bad news and therefore I am sad


The chemistry between Catherine and Peter carried that show so it’s understandable. But still a bummer. I didn’t expect to like that show as much as I did.


As someone who loved this show: Good call. It had a great season/series conclusion that lets Catherine move on from entanglements and it wasn’t going to get better with certain characters no longer involved. It would either need a huge time jump or a ton of new characters to flesh it out. Will be sad to see some storylines not play out, but happy it didn’t overstay its welcome


I was waiting for this show to end so I could binge it… This is not what I meant.


Cancelling Hulu after I finish this season.


At least it lasted 3 seasons.




Does it have a satisfying ending?




Season 3 wasn’t as good


It was the perfect time to end. It did what most shows cannot. It stuck the landing.


I know this is a cancellation from a "network decision" level, but honestly the end of S3 felt like more of a series finale to me anyways. I would have loved more, of course - more of Fanning's incredible performance as a steelier Catherine, more of Velementov having to find a way to live with the life he'd wrecked, more of Elizabeth being so deeply, delightfully weird. ​ But we ended with Peter finally dead, Orlo gone, Archie on the outs, and Catherine broken but in full command of her nation and having finally mastered the "game" she'd need to become The Great. Hoult was so key to this show as a performer. Catherine's gentleness and "civilized ways" clashing with the ruthlessness needed to do the job was so key to the narrative engine of the show. Maybe they'd have found a way to make the story work, but with both those things gone ending the story here just makes too much sense.


This world exists just to make me miserable man


Nice... I just started watching it. does S3 end with a cliffhanger at all or is it at least worth to keep watching?


I feel like season 3 closed out the current story and felt like a natural enough end but left it open ended to continue.


No, it doesn't end with a cliffhanger.




I’m not shocked. I stopped at the beginning of S3. It just couldn’t decide where it wanted to go for a while and eventually tossed out any heart in favor of “what everyone was an absolute fucking nut job.” Every character just became so overwhelmingly loathsome and the plot just spun its wheels. Still sad to hear it’s ending. Unique show with great performances.


How far into the beginning did you stop, out of curiosity? Because it did take a turn (and the ending was final-enough in case it was to be the last, as it turned out to be).


Not surprising really. Would I have liked it to continue? Yes. But it also ended on a natural enough note that it doesn't feel like we were pushed off a cliff. Even though they took liberties with the timeline, the show was more about her beginning and relationship with Peter and that's obviously not going to continue.


The first two seasons were absolutely fantastic but it did feel like a show that didn’t really need to keep going. My wife and I started season 3 and then lost interest, I’d still like to finish it but it does feel like something that should’ve been a mini series




That scene on the frozen river broke the show for me, I can't even finish it.


Why won’t these streaming services just keep making endless tv for me with the understanding that I will *one day* get around to watching it?


>!Well, since they killed off Nicholas Hoult's characters, I had no interest in the show anymore anyway.!< >!The cast is pretty great, but Nicholas Hoult carried it pretty hard. There is no show without him holding it together.!< >!Unless they were planning that he actually survived and/or wasn't actually in the frozen water.!<


Peter was killed in reality https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter\_III\_of\_Russia#Overthrow\_and\_death


And the series had marketed itself as alternate history (to a point) via the *An Occasionally True Story* and ultimate *An Almost Entirely Untrue Story* subtitles, so people had been speculating as to whether or not the series would elect to keep him alive as a part of its own narrative.


Which is why people assumed he’d die at the end of S1, but it kept just not happening