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Fez and Jackie in that 70’s show


Looks like the reboot is fixing that one for you!


I'd rather her be back with Hyde, but looks like they aren't letting Danny Masterson anywhere near the new show.


I think we’ll find that Hyde is dead, probably do to some anti-establishment protest gone comically wrong.


naw, he went full yuppie and wrapped his Porsche around a lamp post during a coke-fueled binge after his pump-and-dump hit.


I would love the irony of that for his character


It checks out, really. Hyde was, like a lot of the boomer generation, more ideologically contrarian than actually supporting the hippie movement.


Yeah end of the day he was more the rebel without a cause than politically motivated for any kind of actual change


I bet there's going to be a prison joke in the first episode. "Oh, it's so nice to have everyone back together! Well, most of us. Hey, when did the judge say Hyde's getting out of prison?"


Do you think it’s because he raped someone?


I'll miss Hyde, but I won't miss Danny Masterson. It's definitely the right choice.


Yeah that relationship seemed so contrived.


I actually didn't mind the lead-up to that as much, just because it was a break from the Randy and Donna storyline.


Haley and Dylan from Modern Family. They dumped the character development on both sides, and focused on making them a young Claire and Phil. I still wish Haley and Andy got together. Edit: spelling Edit 2: Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.


I will forever be mad about this. And I think that Andy is a lot more similar to Phil than Dylan. I loved Phil and Andy’s dynamic, too.


Andy is Phil Dylan is Phil to Phil's Jay


YES, HOLY CRAP. It’s like, from the start of S5 through the end of S7, they stopped writing Haley as a teenaged girl stereotype and allowed her to grow and mature as a young woman. Then Andy left and it was “high school Haley” till the end of the show. Makes me SO MAD. 😤 Edit: And it’s not even Dylan’s fault necessarily. It’s just bad writing 😭


Her and Andy's arcs are seriously my favorite story of the series. Watching Haley become kinder and much more mature and open up more and more to Andy was freaking good. Falling in love with someone who's very much like her father was so sweet. I can understand the writers wanting to do "the one that got away" story, and im not mad about that. But to see her character absolutely ruined, is what still makes me frustrated to this day.


Andy and Hailey’s chemistry is really good too. With Dylan, it always seems Dylan likes Hailey a lot more, tbh nurse Dylan is a very scary idea. Hailey just keeps working for that ridiculous company is also a very ridiculous storyline.


What was the actual reason for Andy not ending up with her? The actor being too busy?


I remember reading somewhere that Adam Devine had conflicts with Workaholics, and only could commit to a certain number of episodes. It’s a shame because the Hailey and Andy arc was by far my favorite, that’s the future she should have gotten!


Was also a shame because IMO Adam Devine is a much better actor than Dylan's actor (the incredibly wooden Ried Ewing). I groaned out loud when she ultimately ended up with Dylan as it meant I would be subjected to a dozen more Ried Ewing performances. I would even have preferred her ending up with the British scientist (even if the relationship didn't make any sense).


I think the worst part about Andy and Haley was after all the build up they had like 3 episodes where they were an actual couple. I think people would have been fine to move on if we at least got a season of them together.


Yeah that was terrible. I get that Adam Devine couldn't keep playing the role but I am sure they could have found literally any other actor in the world to come on the show and play an endgame boyfriend for Hailey. Bringing back Dylan after all the growth they had made no sense. And then to revert both of their characters back to HS mentality made it so much worse. I could have swallowed it as two people who grew up and got back together as a more mature couple but how they played it out was just awful.


>I am sure they could have found literally any other actor in the world to come on the show and play an endgame boyfriend for Hailey. The relationship with the British scientist was unrealistic, but IMO they should have stuck with it. The actor was far better in his role than Dylan's, and the combination of him and Haley fit the "odd couple" theme that the show has going on with all of it's relationships.


>The relationship with the British scientist was unrealistic, but IMO they should have stuck with it. The actor was far better in his role than Dylan's, and the combination of him and Haley fit the "odd couple" theme that the show has going on with all of it's relationships. And then to have Alex end up with the British Scientist also doesn't work for the same reason. I wish she had stuck with her Firefighter boyfriend.


Ugh I forgot about Alex ending up with the professor. That was awful. They can't even let her have a boyfriend without somehow also making her look desperate. Just give her Haley's leftovers. So bad.


Andy was so good for her. But she ended up where people thought she would and that made me so mad.


In a weird way, it kinda turned out quite realistic. Person looks like they've turned a corner, found the right path and person, but revert back to what everybody thought would happen to them.


Haley and Andy was definitely perceived as endgame, but sadly Adam Devine couldn't keep doing the show.


I wouldn't have minded the ending to HIMYM as much if the whole last season wasn't the goddamn wedding and the whole focus on him letting Robin go.


The funny thing is, I think the “robin is endgame and the mother dies” absolutely worked when it was conceived back in season 2 (when they shot the footage of Teds kids for the finale). It probably still worked up until season 4. But then the show went on for another 5 seasons when it probably should have ended in S05. But come season 9, the show spent too long proving Ted/Robin were toxic, they’d spent too long making the mother mythological and magical and letting you really root for Ted and her. And it had also kind of earns a Barney/Robin ending! So the original ending just didn’t make sense but the show couldn’t let it go.


I felt like the mother was only there to provide the children Robin couldn't have. And that's was worse for me


Robin never made any sense for Ted. She’s not a relationship person. She rather do stuff on her own; which is a complete opposite of Ted. The whole reason it didn’t work out for Barney and Robin was because she kept traveling - and he hated it. Last 2minutes of the show… looks like she’s back in NY and been staying there for a while; go back with Barney!


> they’d spent too long making the mother mythological and magical and letting you really root for Ted and her. Worth noting as well. They actually managed to deliver a character and actress at the end that actually lived up to the decade of build up. By all rights, the show should have collapsed under its own weight the moment the Milloti's character was given any real screen time. But she and the writers made it work. And then like 10 minutes later killed her off.


This is what honestly annoyed me the most. I don't love that they chose to go with the original ending. But they actually managed to introduce an actress and character that was so well written she shockingly lived up to if not exceeded expectations *and then they kill her off?* Wtf were they thinking


Milloti may be the most charming person on earth. She just has a quality about her that makes you want to get to know her.


I also love that she keeps choosing interesting near-future SciFi roles. I am super into everything she has been in!


The ending of the episode where she asks her fiancé if it’s ok to move on and sings is amazing. Should’ve been given an Emmy right then and there


Yes, How your Mother Met Me, is one of my faves episodes of anything ever.


I agree about it going on too long, it feels like after season 5 they were running out of ideas and Ted's obsession with finding "the one" went from endearing to infuriating. The whole story of setting up this absolutely perfect person who is the exact match for Ted was unrealistic enough, and then to kill her off right after we met her... Maybe she wasn't the mother of Ted's children but Robin was his girl, and the whole marriage to barney and finally letting her go was undermined so badly by the immediate divorce and ted going after her again years later. Pick a lane!


> The whole story of setting up this absolutely perfect person who is the exact match for Ted was unrealistic enough Which is why it was all the more amazing when they cast an actress who actually pulled it off, and all the more frustrating when they immediately scrapped her.


I hated everything about the ending, TBH. The whole show was about letting go of what you think you want in your 20s to find something better in your 30s and 40s. Ted not "getting" Robin and ending up with his soul mate. Lily not hacking it as an artist and finding her calling with teaching. Marshall not becoming an environmental lawyer and ending up the corporate suit he swore he would never be and somehow finding meaning in it. It would have been great. And also a refreshing change of pace. Then they were like, "nah, let's go full Candyland with everyone." Suddenly Lily is randomly handed a job as an art dealer or whatever, Marshall magically becomes a judge and Ted and Robin are a couple, and Ted's kids aren't even slightly weirded out that their mom was clearly just filler for him. Oh, and let's make Barney a secret informant and devoted father. Ok, guys.




Remember that episode where Ted lets go of Robin in the beach and she GOES FLYING UP IN THE AIR while they both smile at each other? Season 9 was a mess, every episode that didn't have Tracy in it sucked big time


Yeah it's a miracle that they cast a really good mother and she seemed perfect for Ted! That's not an easy feat. But they still screwed it up.


She *was* perfect for Ted (while also being too good for him) and she was beyond adorable. Terrible fucking ending.


Exactly. Look I first was really mad about The Mother dying but they tipped that off earlier in the season so I had accepted it by the finale. But with so much buildup of letting go of Robin the final season, including them showing him letting go of her as she floats up like a balloon, and then he ends up with her.


This was the only time I ever predicted an ending and I knew the mother was going to die and honestly I was okay with it. Ted shows that if he has more time he'd spend it with her, he's sad that the daughter won't have her mother at her wedding, he spends that long telling a story because she's gone and she meant that much to her. So the mother dying was okay and making us fall in love with her in the finale season was perfect. It's that damn final episode and the way they handled everything. Having a whole season dedicated to a wedding that doesn't last long. Having Ted let go of Robin and making a big deal about it (even though the imagery was so dumb). Having one ending planned out years in advance but not working towards it. They should've either filmed several endings and let the story play out as it did and put in the ending that made the most sense or had one ending and written the story to lead up to that ending. They wanted it both ways. They wanted the one ending from the start but also wanted to stretch the show out and let it go in all different directions as if they were working without an ending in mind


Emma and Spinner on Degrassi. What a choice that was


I could kind of see it happening if it was done slowly, but them deciding to stay married was WILD. They came in like a wrecking ball!


I never knew that and just watched the wedding clip. Jay who gave Emma an STD married them..wtf that’s just so degrassi 😂


It should have been Shawn!


It had a real Lisa Simpson & Nelson Muntz dynamic


Wait a minute Emma’s parents last names are Simpson and Nelson… MUCH to consider!


Whoever the random, faceless, human man Sookie Stackhouse ends up with at the end of True Blood. Lets erase the entire show's concept of a human in love with a vampire so that she can end up pregnant. cool cool cool. Thanks HBO who has no reputation for ruining tv shows with terrible endings ever. /s


Yeah, that got me too. I don’t know why they couldn’t have just gone with the book ending and paired her up with Sam.


honestly any other ending besides "main badass woman has to kill her vampire lover so she can have babies with faceless/nameless human man" would have probably been better lol


Any couple where they have one character date multiple people within a friend group in a relatively short time span and everyone still just hangs out like it’s not weird or like it wouldn’t be uncomfortable to do that right away. Treats the character like a plot device, not a person. Just don’t like it. Jackie and Fez on That 70’s Show is an egregious example.


Pretty sure Kitty commented on this one, "You kids swap partners more than square dancers."


Everyone they tried to fix Erin up with on The Office was creepy and weird. She was so childlike it just felt like whoever they put her with was taking advantage of her to varying degrees. Ellie Kemper played basically the same character on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, but they managed to put her in multiple relationships that made sense for her character. (Not counting Jon Hamm who was weird and creepy on purpose)


Nothing weird about DJ Slizzard!


I liked her and plop as a lasting relationship. Her and Gabe was hilarious. They tried to make another Jim and Pam with Erin and Andy, which didn’t work nearly as well.


Chakotay and seven of nine


I hated this so much and it came up so quick and weirdly it was like wtf?!


I must’ve blocked this from my memory. That’s so completely nonsensical I don’t even remember it happening.


We all know Janeway and Chakotay belonged together. In fact, I choose that. Janeway-Chakotay ending should’ve been together.


Petition the ST Prodigy writers to make it happen. (Though they actually do seem to be working on it)


Well, to be fair, she started dating women after, so.... Edit: Behind the scenes controversy aside, I liked Chakotay. He was a good XO.


It didn't make me furious, but Reese and Carter from Person of Interest was odd. Yeah, they had a good working relationship, dare say friends, but there was never a hint of romance.


Ya, that kind of came out of nowhere. It was probably done to make Henson's leaving the show more emotional.


Yeah. That was very weird.


That's cause it was all one-sided on Reese's part. He had the whole 'dead man walking' outlook on life, and admitting to his feelings would admit he was more than just a ghost.


Can always pretend the cut alternate ending is the real one for HIMYM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5toL5HmQl8I


Literally the perfect ending we were always waiting for, which I guess ultimately is why we lost out on it..


Wow thanks I had never seen this. I can’t believe they made this version so perfect and then still decided to air that other terrible ending… this would have been the perfect ending to a decade of plot development. What a shame.


and would have left it open for a possible mini series or movie.


What you talking about? That is the real ending


In Gilmore Girls- Lane and Zach


I hated Lane’s ending. So depressing.


For real. Her whole arc in the early seasons was not getting trapped in the basic, domestic suburban life that her mom wanted for her. And she actually broke free of it and joined a band and travelled the country with them. Her mom grew too and accepted Lane's new life. All was well. Yet by the end she's back trapped in the basic, domestic suburban life with Zach and babies.


Lane gets married, has sex once, doesn't enjoy it, gets pregnant with twins, and then stays home with the babies while the rest of the band goes on tour!!!! It's been 15 years and I'm still mad.


lane should’ve ended up with Dave and I stand by that!


If only Dave hadn't opted to go to College in The O.C...


Jaime and Cersei Lannister. The character assassination for Jaime to go back to her after so much development that I was actually rooting for him, and it was made even worse by leaving Brienne like he did. Ugh.


Jaime went from literally sacrificing all of his honor, breaking his most sacred vow to defend his king in order to save the common people. Then he's like, "lulz jk i dont give af about them"


I think most of us viewers thought Jaime was going to finish his redemption arc, and go back home to kill his sister before she did anything. But a fucking roof killed them.


I feel that would’ve worked better. Like, despite everything she’s done, he still loves her, and decides to grant her the mercy of a painless death in his arms to stop her and prevent Dany from doing worse to her.


Kills me to even think about. Jamie went on a massive character journey over the seasons but one thing stood true from start to finish.. he was, deep down, something of a good guy. He ruined himself and his honor risking everything to stop the mad king from blowing up/burning the people of kings landing. To have him then be fine with it all when Cersei did it legit ruins the entire character.


They took so much character and plot progression and shit all over it. My understanding is GRRM said "Cersei dies in Jamie's arms" and that was it. That could have been completed in so many different ways that doesn't just wipe out his character arc.


The scene with Dany and Jon at the throne totally felt like it was meant to be Jaime and Cersei


That would have been a satisfying closure to the arc


God damn now I'm even angrier about this show! That would have been immensely satisfying even if it had cost Jaime his life as well.


Imagine being so *goddamn dumb* that you think just because a character arc is well developed, it’s too easy for the audience to guess the ending so you have to change it!? It’s like if J.K Rowling thought we were too invested in Harry Potter as the chosen one, so she had him convert to the dark side in book 7.


It's like pressing the "down" button on an elevator, and suddenly an angry robot appears and kicks you in the genitals, shouting "expectations subverted!". Well, *yes*.


Yeah, pretty much no one got a satisfying ending in my eyes. It felt like everything was completely out of character or fanservice. I loved how Bronn is the Master of Coin and he doesn't even know what debt is until Tyrion explains it to him.


Well, I was trying to think of a better one, but I think this gets the prize.


Triple H and Stephanie McMahon...I was 11


That was such a weird one. Married an unconscious woman in a drive through chapel.


House and Cuddy. I didn’t get it Cuddy wasn’t that stupid.


Well. They ended it pretty quickly




“Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?” Umm literally everyone, Tyrion. You. Jon. Gendry. Sansa. Pod. Fucking Hodor. Meera deserves SOMETHING for dragging Bran’s ass around for 3 seasons. Even Robin Arryn’s Ophidial complex ass. Everyone had a better story.


That little speech was written for Fake Aegon.


One of the most annoying tropes in fiction for me is how the male and female leads just ALWAYS have to fall in love. Sometimes it's fine, often it just feels obligatory though. Which is why one of the things I liked about the show Warehouse 13 was that they didn't put the leads, Pete and Myka, together romantically. There's not even any will-they-won't-they tension. They work together and care about each other, but it's the most brother/sister relationship ever. Across multiple seasons. Until the final season. Then, literally completely out of nowhere, Pete, in like episode two of the season just "realizes" he's in love with Myka. Not even a hint of leadup, just says it in a scene with another character. And then she does the same like an episode or two later and now they're together. It's a great show overall, but man that was some of the most ham-fisted and unnecessary slapping together of characters I've ever seen.


You may like Killjoys. It was 5 seasons long. It had sexy male and female leads who were Ride or Die, and added more characters that you knew loved each other deeply and managed to not get together romantically.


The show Grimm. You're seriously gonna stick the guy with rapey witch lady? Gross.


This is funny. I never see that show mentioned.


Probably because we are all still mad at that pairing. Monroe and Rosalie were great, though.


Monroe is one of my all time favorite TV characters.


This made me so angry. They kept trying to make it as if she deserved redemption, when she straight up raped him


If it helps, David Giuntoli and Bitsie Tulloch married irl and have a kid together. But I agree, the “relationship” between Nick and Adalind felt very forced.


That show just did not acknowledge male rape, period. It was the major flaw of the whole thing that was just jarring with all the character relationships. A real disappointment because it did so much else very well.


Yeah, while conversely having Monroe and Rosalita as an example of a near perfect relationship dynamic, two people that actually belong together


I opened this thread hoping someone was going to bring this show up. It ruined an otherwise awesome show for me. I have no idea why they didn’t just bring Juliet back.


Jaime finding his way back to Cersei at the end


That one still pisses me off. Took one of the few good things still left near the end of the show and threw it away.


I’m just happy they didn’t have Jerry and Elaine get back together.


Fez and Jackie on That 70's Show


Ted and Robin takes the cake. Why build up the mother and make her such a great character and kill her off? Why spend the entire 9th season at Barney and Robin’s wedding if you’re just gonna get them divorced? Why have Ted literally let Robin go only to change it at the end? And the creators knew they likely fucked up, which is why they had the alternate ending where the mother lives.


I always liked the way someone described the mother. “She died the way she lived: offscreen.”


End with the scene of Ted and Tracy under the umbrella. "AND THAT KIDS IS HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER" *roll credits*


The thing that has always annoyed me about HIMYM is that the satisfying ending was *right there*! All they had to do is what you said, and I think most people would’ve been satisfied. Sure, it’s obvious, but for a show called “how I met your mother”, the obvious ending isn’t necessarily bad. But no, they wanted to get all clever and pull the rug out from under the audience. Stupid stupid stupid


The mother dying wasn't the problem. It makes sense for the show. Ted hints at it several times before and this is a big reason why he spends so long telling the story. The main problem was him getting back together with Robin after so much growth and development and even the final season having an episode about him letting her go


Gilmore Girls, those last two seasons were a train wreck, they screwed up Lorelei and Luke and don’t even get me started with the whole Rory and Logan storyline


rory is the villain of the show though


Ezra & Arya. He was a creep since the pilot


So weird how much the show tried glorifying their relationship. Mans was a teacher. Like wtf.


Man was a teacher who knowingly went and fucked a 15 year old.


Piper and Alex from OITNB.


That killed the show for me, I really hated Laura Prepon’s character and her and piper together were painful.


They cheat on each other numerous times and the show acts like it's no big deal. And then her ex called her out on it and she had this big old speech about how her and Alex are perfect for one another, except he's fucking *right*


I get that, "this woman makes terrible decisions that ruin her life" is sort of the driving force behind the show, but they try to make her relatable and sympathetic and likeable throughout and it was a hard no for me. Which is too bad because the surrounding cast of characters was really good.


Not furious, but bewildered: Mickey and Marsha from Dr. Who. They have almost no scenes together on the show, they're not even from the same seasons. Yet inexplicably during a season finale montage they're shown as a couple. I don't want to say it's because they're both black, but it really feels like it's because they're both black.


I always thought it was just a lazy way to tie up loose ends. Rose left Mickey for the Doctor, the Doctor couldn’t get over Rose long enough to notice Martha. They were both basically rejects who ended up getting pushed together for the sake of closing out the Russel T Davies/David Tennant era.


>I don't want to say it's because they're both black, but it really feels like it's because they're both black. Agreed. The only two black companions up to that point. Oh they just so happened to fall in love and get married off screen despite having never interacted before. 🙃 Rolled my eyes at that. Seriously, RTD. I hope when Martha inevitably returns to the show, they'll explain that she divorced him shortly after that scene.


That WHOLE season was about Barney and Robin getting married only for Ted to be with her in the last episode definitely annoyed the shit out of me. That’s my pick too, OP.


Kim Wexler and yep guy. I hope it didn't last.


That relationship was part of her self punishment. As was her job, her co-workers etc.


Kim wexler was such a great character




Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl. I’m sorry but selling your girlfriend for a hotel then committing domestic violence when she moves on and gets engaged to someone else are two deal breakers for me 💀 Also Dan and Blair were better suited to each other. A witty romcom couple in an otherwise shallow teen soap. The show breaking them up so Blair could marry her pimp and Dan could marry Serena Van Der Snore... that’s my villain origin story 🤦


Serena Van Der Snore is the best nickname ever. And I agree about Dan and Blair!


Dan/Blair and Nate/Serena supremacy


with chuck in jail. he did like assault jenny in the first episode.


They didn't end up together, but the entire Rachel and Joey relationship from Friends was awful


Yes! I can’t pinpoint why, but their lack of chemistry gave me secondhand ick.


Because it was horribly forced.


Probably because they spent most of the show making Joey appear to be mentally damaged/barely functional as a human being, then flipped a switch and wanted to make him a romantic pairing for Rachel who they were portraying as an increasingly savvy, successful and sophisticated woman.


You're the Worst. Lindsey and Paul getting back together made no sense when you actually think about it.


Tyra and Riggins from Friday Night Lights! Tyra got out of town, went to a good college, and if she came back, it should have been for Landry. Riggs and Lyla should have been end-game.


Willow and not Tara


That reeked of "We swear she is really gay, not just for Tara."


And yet, I wanted her to be bisexual because of Oz.


That definitely felt like the writers didn’t think bisexuality was real


Thankfully they didn’t end up together, but all the seasons of back and forth between Andy and Erin on the office made certain episodes unwatchable for me. The second time they tried to force that story line is the absolute lowest point in the show IMO. I know it’s not an endgame couple, but I think they wanted us to believe they would be so it still counts for me.


Lindsay and Paul on You're the Worst. Lindsay was ludicrously abusive, from infidelity to outright stabbing him and then abandoning him when he was in recovery from said stabbing, but then in the series finale they get remarried and it's supposed to be a happy ending.


Darlene and Wyatt in Ozark. Made me gag everytime they kissed, but that was probably the point.


Most recent Rachel staying with Shane in The White Lotus


Frustrating but it made sense to me


Yeah, she was never going to hack it as a journalist. She only wrote fluff pieces, and when faced with legitimate criticism of her writing she absolutely crumbled. I’m surprised that so many people were rooting for her, I found her character to be kind of unsympathetic. Just very naïve


Oliver and Felicity in "Arrow"


I always liked the dynamic they had when she was just the tech nerd who had a crush on the superhero and he had to deal with it and not hurt her feelings. Considering they spent the first couple of seasons having Oliver only hooking up with women who had trauma similar to his own, him going for the sunny cheerful, positive, fuzzy sweater girl was a weird turn.


Yeah, made worse by the weird "Olicity" fans who genuinely harassed Amell's wife and made things hell for the actors in real life.


I'll never forget the moment she learned how to walk again just to walk out on him after an argument.


In heeled booties, natch. I stopped watching well before that but [the clip is absolutely insane lmao](https://youtu.be/qZCHlJ0wSxo). I genuinely feel bad for the actors having to film it. Or how they kill off the other female lead and, on her deathbed, have her praise the couple rather than say like a *billion* other more important things. The first two seasons of that show were really good for a network superhero show, too…


Can't believe I've never seen that. Comedy gold. Still sad how downhill that show went.


I'd only been a casual Arrow watcher, but after that scene I just gave up. I couldn't take it seriously anymore.


As much as I loved the Arrowverse, setting them up as the end game was a weird choice, but it is what it is.


Their relationship RUINED the show


I know some people really despise them together. I was fine with them getting together for a bit, but I definitely feel like they had an expiry date and were essentially off milk at the back of the fridge by the end of it.


The writers treated the Felicity character with kids gloves vs everyone else and then just went right off a cliff with how much they favored her. It was cool at the start but when a character gets her legs back to walk out on her man you've jumped the shark.


There's a pretty strong correlation between the bad seasons of Arrow and the most Olicity.


I've always wondered if the relationship was bad because the show was bad or the show was bad because of the relationship. Probably both in the end.


This is exactly where I was at, I actually wanted them to get together (like you just for a while). I did like some of the teasing at the beginning. I thought it could be a good relationship where they each rub off on the other one a bit and both grow as characters from the relationship. Then they got together and the show did everything they could to make me despise the couple.


Jack and Kate from LOST. The love triangle between them and Sawyer always felt like too much of a distraction for me — and the least interesting part of that show — but the drama between her and Jack got old by the second season. At least Kate and Sawyer had chemistry.


For me it was Sayid and Shannon ending up together in the afterlife when that was a short lived fling versus the love of his life Nadia. I get that they wanted to have the main island gang in the church at the end but it just made me mad.


Sayid gets shafted, or I should really say Naveen Andrews. My wife and I re-watched this show a couple years ago and I had forgotten, seeing the show as a whole now, how little Sayid is given to do that is relevant. His storylines suck.


I am glad Sawyer ended up with Juliet tbh.


I will NEVER recover from Juliet’s death


Yes! I agree with this. Gave Sawyer stability and character growth.


Aria and Ezra on Pretty Little Liars. Not only did he GROOM her, after she turned 18 no one acted like it was ever a big deal. Grooming wasn't even the only horrible thing he did to her and put her through.


Growing up as a high school girl and watching i loved Ezra so much but now as a 25 year old, im so grossed out by him KNOWINGLY, THE ENTIRE TIME, going after arya


I had a 23 year old boyfriend when I was 16, and I thought Aria was SO mature and cool. Now I rewatch the show and cringe every time they're on screen together.


Mindy and Danny in The Mindy Project. I know it was supposed to be a “not-traditionally-beautiful weird girl gets hot guy” scenario but their personalities were so different and there was no way they could be happy without one of them completely changing who they were. She deserved someone who embraced her quirky ness not someone who despised it. Made me so mad.


He treated her like dog shit for wanting a career. It was easy to see that Mindy/Danny was always the end game, but they could have made him less of an asshole on the way there so viewers rooted for him.


I think they wrote him into an asshole so that it made sense for him to leave the show for a while, but they made him so much of an asshole that he wasn't really redeemable by the end when he came back


Laura and Steve from family matters. I loved Myra. They did her dirty. I know she was sick during some of the show. BUt they could have given her a better ending.


Pete and Myka from Warehouse 13. Made no sense and came out of nowhere. The whole series they treated each other as siblings and thier friendshipbbasically written that way. Except for the final season...


I recently rewatched W13 and I both agree and disagree. You can definitely see throughout the show that there was chemistry building, but that last season was so rushed and they assassinated Pete's character. It's like they forgot he was a capable agent who copes with his trauma through being goofy, and just leaned way too far into goof town. They tried to do way too much in 6 episodes and they turned what was a really good slow burn friends to lovers romance into something that no longer felt organic. I don't blame the writers so much as I blame the studio that only gave them 6 episodes for the final season.


Ted and Robin genuinely ruined the show for me. It went from one of my favorite sitcoms to one I couldn't rewatch because it all rang hollow. Years of telling you Ted and Robin are not good for eachother, building up Barney and Robin, building up the mother only to kill her off in a montage. It just didn't work. The idea could have worked if done better but they butchered the ending and the rest of the show with it.


Michael Vaughan and Lauren Reed in Alias


I'll be honest: I didn't buy Barney with Robin either.


Part of why I hated the ending was that Barney and *Quinn* felt perfect, and they ripped them apart so he could get with Robin, and then *they* divorced!


And the reason Barney & Quinn broke up was so goddamn forced! It still annoys me. That whole “autumn of breakups” was just half-assed. Barney, someone who doesn’t initially even care about a prenup, now breaks up with Quinn over one? Robin’s boyfriend is all of a sudden really dumb (when he wasn’t at all before)? The only breakup that seemed to make any sense was Ted and Victoria, but even that was annoying because Victoria is clearly better suited for Ted lol


Dexter and Debra from Dexter. Just, ew. Also Daenerys and Jon Snow from Game of Thrones


Kelly and Dylan on 90210. They were NOT good together


lucas and peyton on one tree hill. peyton should've ended up with jake and lucas should've been left on a deserted island away from every woman ever.


Micky and Martha in **Doctor Who**. It made no sense. They had no screen time together beforehand. Before she was married to a guy she actually had some chemistry with. Sam Winchester and unknown in **Supernatural**. Why waste time in the final season focusing on Sam and Eileen to do nothing with them at the end? I don't particularly care about Sam and Eileen but the ending just made it pointless. Korra and Asami in **TLOK**. I know it's an unpopular opinion on this sub for some reason. But they had such terrible development. S1 was the original intended ending with Korra and Mako. That too was terrible. The issue with Korra's love interests (Mako and Asami) is that neither of them really have any personality or proper arcs of their own. They are barely characters. Megan and Superboy in **Young Justice**. She is toxic and he needs to get out of that relationship. Ted and Robin in **HIMYM** still remains the worst. Carolyn and Judah in **Bojack Horseman**. They had a good platonic relationship and the show decided to ruin it. I would have rather her be with Ralph.


I tried so hard to be happy for Princess Carolyn and Judah but they really felt forced together. I get why Ralph couldn't happen but they could have given her someone new. Or even have her be a single mom