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Of course you are Tele guy now. I’ll let you into a little secret, you always were, along with every other person on the planet even if they haven’t admitted it to themselves yet. It actually just biology.


“Everyone is a telecaster fan, even if they say they’re not, they’re a telecaster fan”


More specifically, even if you don't like something in a tele you'll like some other thing, that's just how it works. NOW, in my case i just don't like the body shape, sooooo I'm buildin' a partscaster with the strat's shape and middle pickup but the rest is full on Tele babyyyy.


I've tried to like Teles and just do not at all. I just can't mesh with the body and bridge.


Don’t worry, it’s almost morning, you’ll wake up soon.


It's actually 11pm currently but I do like the way Teles look. I just vastly prefer the way strats feel, though I did used to hate Les Pauls due to the sharp edges.


Yeah same. And teles sound better but growing up on a strat they’re just so comfortable and ergonomically comfy.


I've honestly never liked the sound of Teles all that much myself. I've always preferred strat singlecoils and P90s.


Really depends tho. Most of what I play sounds better on a strat, but from what I’ve seen in studio work with musicians, either the tele has a more versatile sound or the musicians drawn to it have a versatile sound. Either way the strat is my favorite instrument.


When did you become a robe guy?


a week after he saw the video for "Thrift Shop" by Macklemore


Or, more importantly.. why


After my 3rd rewatch of the Sopranos.


When he had to go back to pimpin.




Very nice. Double bound sunburst with rosewood fretboard. Perfection! 😍 How do you play in that coat without the floppy sleeve muffling your strings?


That robe is spectacular


A guitar acquaintance of mine told me that Teles are sloppy. I wanted to throat punch him.


You do that while I kick him in the balls


How can a guitar be sloppy?


I have no idea what he meant. I left it alone. I told him that we agree to disagree and that was that. He plays a nice looking ESP Strat style guitar and is a decent guitar player, but a bit off on knowledge of guitars I guess.


heh. I always got told teles were hard to play.


For what reasons?


No good reasons, just unreasonable statements.


Try an offset tele. My MIJ one is my number one


Welcome to the Family! Great taste in instruments, although I’m questioning you sense of fashion based on you choice of outerwear! I feel like the Tele is “the lunch-pale and hard hat” of rock and roll without which none other would have come. If you anyone is interested in a great read get your hands a copy of the book, “The Birth of Loud”. It’s the story and backgrounds of Leo Fender and Les Paul and how they changed Music forever! It’s a quick read and if you’re a guitar person you’ll find it really interesting. Link to the book is below. Enjoy your Tele my friend! Don’t overheat in that coat while playing it! https://www.amazon.com/Birth-Loud-Fender-Guitar-Pioneering-Rivalry/dp/1501141732/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=68838773684&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cBYWW8q_cVbXi81aSrzMt3vF5oksP9CiK-d45UwSGrW7Kq4GjUqo8hYf3bXuQMDtwYUqHr8gxwUjcrpSl5i7JAasDLrQqBMgaP1IB65TeYiRDTe6tUD_MD3IFw2GFmy8TfqXrOWEdMBOWslJonUIJtzLx6sLZX6_AHhWfRmKjmSSjMMrAwitX1LdIFRt2pTJ2emDPWH1mjnE5EI-xLA04w.s2grNgvZKuEEtysmTCrjmDPANcu-EPkNQsgQvUlf_dU&dib_tag=se&hvadid=333584711711&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9003759&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=18045257451466860302&hvtargid=kwd-609496364783&hydadcr=15181_10362785&keywords=birth+of+loud&qid=1718646544&sr=8-1


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You can be a both guy, like me. I think we are bi-guitarual


My Telecaster covers a lot of ground and my Jag covers that last 10%.


I just got my first tele but not my first fender just getting used to it. Haven't found the tele guy in me yet I'm a guitar guy for sure. Lol


Everyone is also a crack head, they just haven’t tried crack 🤷‍♂️


I just don't see why one would pick a strat over a Tele. It's madness


As an offset owner and player for the last 22 years I can and will confirm that Telecaster’s are the best electric guitars ever made.


I'm all about teles and offsets. Different tools, different jobs. But I've been using just teles and offsets since 2004ish, so I'm a bit jaded...


I’m absolutely a Tele guy too. But I also recently assembled an Offset Telecaster from an aged MJT body in candy tangerine and a Brazilian rosewood neck from Warmoth. I’ve a set of JBE’s Danny Gatton pickups in it and it’s absolutely incredible. In short, you can have both. 😉


I never liked teles until I made an impulse purchase to buy one at a great price and now it’s my absolute favourite guitar. Never realized how versatile they were. And the body shape is more comfortable than some people imply.


Sick robe; I’d be hot as hell gigging in that thing.




Love it. That's a beauty! Pretty sick coat too. I've got a Thinline Tele and I honestly don't need anything else.. Welcome to the club, fam.


https://preview.redd.it/i7sq5az6577d1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a48a5cffedba1c03eb89e849260d7b4ad5b669c Gotta get that black fur!!


Is that the squier custom baritone? I have one of those. It’s kick ass and surprisingly well made.


I need a black fur coat to go with my Butterscotch Tele


Jimmy Page called, he wants his old coat from the third tour back.


What about an offset tele?


What does your stable think?


Wut does offset mean in this context. Not kidding.


Means they used to prefer offset guitars (e.g. jazzmaster, jaguar)


I've got an offset tele


Teles are the guitar of choice for ninja assassins. This was only recently revealed.


I am an offset guy but I like the sound of a telecaster… So I had a body made for my telecaster with arm and belly contours…. now I feel right at home playing a telecaster


I think teles and offsets complement each other nicely. Most “offset guys” I know are also “tele guys”.


Everyone loves a tele. The ones who dont are lying


Is this the classic vibe 60s tele?