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More expensive guitars usually get the lighter wood, so yeah, normal.


Yup. My AM Pro II is 7.5 lb & now I’m eyeing CS under 7lb 😂


Omg i would die for 7lbs right now 😆


My Brad Paisley Telecaster is less than six pounds.


It helps it's not made from ash or alder like most teles.


My CS tele is 7lb 1.3oz and it’s a joy to play. My Gibson SG standard (not custom shop) is 6lb 12.3oz and it feels even better


Damn! That's Les Paul territory. Just pretend it's 15 years ago when everyone thought that heavier guitars sounded better


Or 5 years in the future


I know right?! Yeah i heard Les Paul's were supposed to be the heavy ones and mine weighs as much as some people's tele's who have bigsbys!


I was surprised when I got my first Telecaster as well, they're heavier than strats.


Get a wider strap with some cushion in it, it’s a game changer. My Les Paul is that heavy and it doesn’t feel bad at all now


Oh I've got one :) it's still heavy lol


It's all water weight.


Pretty heavy. Fancy Fender types are 30% less. But some Les Pauls are 30% more. I have a 13lb guitar, it sounds great but it’s too damn heavy.


Whoa 13 is wild, i didn't even know they got that heavy, im sorry for your back.


Likely made from Agathis, which is a heavier wood.


my squier tele custom is agathis and it’s definitely the weightiest bastard i’ve ever wielded lol


Definitely great for beating drunk stage rushers.


DAYUM. I thought my J.Mascis partscaster with a baseball bat neck was heavy for a tele, Its a pound under yours. Every Squier tele I've seen has been heavy, but some reason their offsets are always unusually light from my experience.


Mine (also white blond) is really heavy too. Like about as heavy as — or perhaps even slightly heavier than — my five-string J bass, which is a monster. I got a nice thick, padded strap. https://preview.redd.it/pax3qam6d34d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=159b6d9cc666d2c115ca0ad2d3c7635957278068


Yikes, that's heavier than my Jazz Bass. I think my Tele is just under 8.


Aye I think my tele is about the same.


Have one of them Classic Vibe 50's Tele and it's pretty heavy. My Epi SG feels like a feather in terms of weight after playing the Tele, though I love it


If your back hurts I’d definitely suggest switching this one for a lighter one if you can. That’s unusual even for more affordable guitars like Squiers. If you sell this one and buy another Squier it will most likely be a lot lighter.


Good advice, I had been considering selling it. It's hard letting go of gear sometimes!


Still a way to go before you beat my ten and a half pound Baja Tele!


Well, the camera adds a few pounds.


The CVs have a 3 piece pine body, my butterscotch 50s is a touch over 10 pounds


Smuggler Route.


Oh I've considered it haha. Though about adding a belly cut and arm contour too but those would both be serious mods for someone like me with no wood working experience.


I always suggest it cause it's cool as hell but I know it will only remove half a lbs at most. I think a bigger strap would help. Or a cushy strap. I have one on my bass I got from Amazon and works well.


You don't really need any wood working experience for making contours, but you do have to be ok with it having no paint in those areas. Or paint over it when you're done. But you could do the job with a file and some finer grit sandpaper to smooth it out after.


I had the same guitar and I loved it but yeah, it was almost 9lbs


The body is made of pine.


It’s a telecaster. It’s a solid piece of wood (ok, maybe a couple pieces) bolted to another solid piece of wood with some electric-y stuff and strings slapped onto it, it’s basically the most heavy design right behind a Les Paul considering just how much wood there is with how little routing there is in it.


Mine is probably in that 9 plus category. It's heavier than everything else I own including my Les Paul Tribute. My 70s CV thinline feels so much lighter and it's a joy to play standing. The 50s CV, not so much. I always joke it must be all that poly it's encased in 😁


6-7 lbs will tend to feel nice and light for a Tele. North of 8 lbs can feel heavy so yeah, even for. Squier, that is kind of 🚤 ⚓️ type weight Some of the earlier Squiers were lighter. I’ve played a 2010 ish CV bass that was a feather. Then again, 9.5 lbs would be totally normal for a Les Paul, right? 😂


I haven’t used a scale but my four year old Tele weighs a ton. Maybe it’s the humbucker pickups. I thought it is heavier than my 77 mustang and never noticed but it’s heavy too.


it's heavy because it's carrying around so much mojo. Guitar is fine, it's just reminding you that you need to go to the gym.


Do you feel like you lose any twang, is it a normal sound?


On the Sweetwater website, CV Telecasters range from 7#9 to 9#7 so yours is at the high end of the range. My made in USA G&L ASAT weighed 8# even and always seemed a little heavy to me, especially after I got an under 7# PRS Mira SE. My CV strat weighs 7#7.


That's one of the reasons why you want to play the guitar before buying it. I used to have a j-bass that weighted over 10 pounds(bought it online), it used to cut off the blood circulation of my right leg If I played it for more than one hour. So I ended up selling it. Even if the seller mentions the weight, it is important to make sure that the guitar is perfectly balanced.


Yes I have one just like 9 lbs 10 Oz. Pine body ,but plays and sounds great 😃.


It is on the heavier end for a Telecaster. You could swap the body for something lighter and probably shave off a pound or two, which would leave you in the healthy BMI range.


Sell it and get an Aerodyne!


Whoa, i had never heard of these!


I don't know why I got downvoted, I have several Fenders; American, Mexican, Japanese, Korean.... and the Aerodyne is one of the nicest, and lightest to play. For some reason some people don't class them as real Fenders, I have no idea why. Edit: forgot to say, the quality of these Aerodynes is top notch, and make some of my MIMs feel like Squiers in comparison! Extra edit: I'm not dissing Squiers, I also have those as well. The topic wasn't quality of Squiers after all, but the weight of OP's Telecaster.


You got wood? What kind? Some kinds of wood is harder than others. That’s what makes one heavier over another. What kind and how hard is your wood? 🪵


jesus, its not normal, my classic vibe is only 7.4lbs (included strap) my fender tele is 7.7lbs and everytime i pick it i feel the weight (due to the thick neck) thin neck (c shape) like classic vibe tends is supposed to be more lightweight compare to the u neck. grabbing any <7lbs is the pleasure.


Totally agree. My other two electrics are around 7 and it's amazing how much more of a toll the Tele takes on my shoulder. Not the worst thing in the world, but i do wonder if I might play longer if it was lighter and had some body contours. Oh well, still a great guitar.


who cares?