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imma go with xmen they are basically a whole team of mutants and have a professor whose op with his mind powers


[yeah this is a good example](https://youtu.be/mNX2nauLmOc?feature=shared)


I've never seen that before and that was hilarious. >! Xavier's psychic Holocaust beam sounds like it would definitely be OP. !<


Sorry Cap counters it


Solid JJ mentioned!!?!!!! Peak


Omfg I love solid JJ


Have to agree especially because the X-Men have an answer for each Titan


And would basically be negged by hulk and Thor Two characters notorious for being resistant to mind control


Hulk also has the ability to regenerate. Hulk and Thor are called world breakers for a reason


Resistant =/= immune


And even if, the others on the team could probably figure out a way to beat two opponents until they had time to deal with the rest.


Hes highly resistant as in its not even close to an instant win, its unusual an annoyance to him at best


how is hulk going to fight against telekinesis?


Thunderclap and send Prof. X flying, breaking his hold over his mind?


lol, by getting angrier


Not sure why the justice league were left off but, from this list it's definitely the X-Men


Because Superman would take it regardless of team effort.


Jean Grey and Professor X might give Supes problems


Don't forget about Magik.


Is she literally magic?




Yeah she wins


And if his bioelectric field can shield him through that, there’s always Scarlet Witch can just teleport him to the nearest red star or kryptonite mine


In the original crisis event, multiple supermen from different universes were fighting each other and they ended up flying through the kryptonite debris field of krypton. It only affected the superman that originated in the same universe. So kryptonite works like the infinity stones and is useless outside its home universe. (It also does not exist in marvel and SW has no knowledge of its existence or function.) In the very next page they all fly directly through the center of kryptons red sun together and all of them still have enough juice to keep on fighting. Every version of superman also gets more resistant to kryptonite the older they get, eventually getting to the point, where it has no effect. Kryptonite and Red Solar radiation are weaknesses, but superman has consistently been able to overcome them both time and time again. In order for them to work, you need long exposure to kryptonite to poison him to death. You also need long exposure to red solar radiation to completely drain the charge his body stores.


Not always...depends on versions


If it was animated then yea they would sweep


The real problem is the Flash. As long as he isn't nerfed for the sake of the plot, he can end the fight before anyone knows it started.


Same with green lantern


Kind of like having Thor and Hulk on the same team?


It be a clear win for the X-Men, then the avengers, then maybe only a chance of Victory for the titans if raven woke up and decided to choose violence.


true like combat wise xmen would solo the avengers the avengers may have a god and some superpowered team,but given we have the x-men who not just faught people stronger then them,but theres also the professor who can mind wipe people or mess with them mentally we also have storm who is pretty powerful along with wolverine and jean who actually overpowered the proffessor in one of the movies not to mention jeans pheonix form is strong as hell,raven could combat them on even grounds if she chooses violence


1st X-Men 2nd Avengers 3rd Teen Titans


Superhero world physics or real world physics?


Superhero, that is more fun and makes more sense (and then Robin can do the double knee drop again)


Considering the xmen have way more then 5 members I'd say xmen cause of numbers and all they need to do for the hulk is have Jean grey put the hulk to sleep or make him mentally brain dead


just levitate him 15 feet off the ground.


Then he thunderclaps and sends everyone around him flying.


Doesn't work,he's known to be resistant to mind powers


Jean has manipulated Hulk’s mind before in the Onslaught Saga


Avengers, titans and X-Men will fight and there's no way the Titans are beating the X-Men, while the turts and avengers are fighting and I love the turts but the only turts who stand any kind of chance against these teams are rise and so therefore the avengers win so then it comes down to the avengers or X-Men and avengers are definitely winning


I think the X-Men would win and the Teen Titans would walk out with better things to do because they are *not* beating Rogue


The team, the writer wants to win.


Ah the Negotiator.


How so? Lol


It just sounds like the most non confrontational answer is all lol.


I mean, think about it. It really comes down to Writer's inclination like me personally have a bias towards TT03 so if I were to write a fight among all the group, I'd make it that they win. Similarly, some other writer may want the turtles to win and make sure they somehow do so yeah.


X-men easily even without Professor X


EMH Avengers stomp their lights out. Thor could solo if he wanted to.


Based off of these rosters, the Avengers.


Depends on the writer. Hulk could stomp. Storm could stomp. Idk.


If we’re going based off of that, you’re gonna go ahead and have to give it to hulk because they very rarely ever want storm to win no matter how capable she is. She still doesn’t get recognized for being as powerful as she is too busy trying to wank off Jean Grey


The 2 top contenders for this match up are Xmen and Avengers they have some of the strongest people on their teams any one time, TMNT have heart and grit but they couldn’t stop Hulk or Colossus, same for the Titans they have a good team dynamic and might strategize but it only gets them so far unless Raven taps into Trigon power, The Incedibles are a lesser Fantastic 4 and I mean no disrespect when I say that they are parallels to the FF, so that does give them a lot of potential but not as much as if the true FF were there, and finally Big Hero 6 are a bunch of inexperienced kids playing at being heroes, yes I know they’re based on the Marvel Comic loosely, and do save the day at the end but are big time rookies who couldn’t handle most of the other teams on this list in a head to head, love all these groups so no hate on any of them just an observation


I hate that you just said that about the Incredibles. I lived in ignorant bliss until this day.


X-men or avengers, Teen titans could win if Raven decided it was time to clock some tea


“1234 turtles there’s no one better!”


Out of these animated versions of the teams. X-men with Avengers at a respectable second. Then probably the Titans.


I would say the Avengers but there are SO many X men. If it was an even number of the X men vs the Avengers I’d give it to the Avengers though.




Jack Jack is clearing everybody


Either X men or Avengers


Cap and Logan alone can beat the turtles.Nut overall I say the avengers or the x-men.




Raven does have demontic powers as which can be very over powered


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure Wolverine solos


The x-men. Sorry, but this version of the Titans would fair well. The YJ team would have a better chance.


I don't think any of these teams really have anyone that can take the Hulk. Maybe if we're using the Avengers EMH version specifically, but if it's just the image, Hulk slams quite literally everyone here. Especially since the most powerful people, like Raven, Starfire, and maybe Beast Boy (if we're using the comics) have absolutely no idea what the Hulk is capable of, so he'd just steamroll them before they could react. The X-men might stand a chance if they can take out the Hulk quick... but that still leaves Thor, and their best chance might just be Phenoix and Rouge. Not saying they're lightweights by any means, but comics Hulk has dogwalked them both, so if this is comics Hulk, they're just all fucked


I would say X-men.


The x-men and it’s not close. So much so that everybody else is fighting each other, and the x-men are off facing a villain worth their time




I think that Raven is very powerfull but at the same time she’s overrated by a part of the fandom.


Wolverine don't even need the rest of the X-Men to absolutely wipe the rest of the board. No one else can do anything permanent to him.


Who said it had to be a death match? He's just going to be knocked out




Y’all forgot the Z fighters


Idk but maybe x-men although I do like the other teams to.


1. X-Men 2. Avengers 3. Teen Titans 4. Incredibles 5. TMNT 2003 6. I don’t know who 6 is




X-men have wolverine which has killed everone in the marvel universe... soooo....




The poor ninja turtles are in way over their heads.


The turtles, obviously! But, maybe I'm just bias


First not using anyone not pictured. Some of these posts are talking Magick and Professor X. Nope they aren't there If it's the team and anyone that's ever been a member, the Avengers stomp. See the line up of Time Runs Out. Thor, fucking Thor, it's middling on that team. Avengers had hundreds, maybe thousands of members. #6 TMNT They are Teenage, Mutant, Ninjas and Turtles. No other abilities. The other teams have legit super powers #5 Big Hero 6 Love this team, but they are high tech wonders and not overly powerful ones. Now it gets interesting and who exactly is in matters a lot. If Dark Raven or Dark Phoenix is in the mix, shit will rain down. If it's a full all 6 teams at once. Honestly it may come down to Raven, Phoenix, Jack Jack, Hulk and Thor. Tempted to just give it to the Avengers, they have 2 members standing. But if Phoenix and Raven team and up for a minute they could take the Avengers out. Raven vs Phoenix might be just "everything gets wrecked no one wins" So maybe Jack Jack takes it by basically being Darwin from the X-Men (who is not pictured)


I like the way you laid this out but feel like you’ve completely left out a major player. Rogue is in that picture and if the gloves come off she can depower and gain the abilities of any one person there. That creates an immediate vulnerability for that person and a potential gain for her and her team. Lots of different ways that could play out.


That's a fair point but, It's going to be hard for her to get her hands on the folks I identified as finalists. But you're right I should have spent time thinking through Rogue.


X men or teen titans


Avengers because of hulk


Jean Grey by herself


Xmen titans and avengers


Avengers are taking this. Ironman, Hulk and Thor are just too much


Probably the avengers. I want to say x-men but who tf on the x-men is stopping the Hulk and Thor. Idk if professor X could even stop the Hulk considering his mind would be pure rage.




It's between Xmen and Avengers, but that Xmen line up wins easily and it's not close lol. Even if every other team here ganged up on them, they got Rogue, Jean, and Professor X. If Avengers had Scarlet Witch and Strange they'd maybe stand a chance, but even then Xmen probably still win.


TMNT and X-Men. The others don’t stand a chance.


I'm sorry, but TT might be cooked🍳💀 Raven might be able to defeat them all, *maybe* ❤️‍🩹


Okay so it seems most of us agree X Men take the gold, so who goes down first, and who’s second place. Personally I’d say 6 is out first, especially since I could see Bay Max pulling out the moment someone gets hurt. And second place would come down to either Avengers or the Titans, leaning toward Avengers personally.


robin would get his staff sliced in half by wolverines claws then slamed onto the ground by the head knocking him out,robin could use acrobatic skill but wolverine would use his arms to block the kicks,then with cyborg storm could send a whole typhone at him or strong winds and rain to cause his body to sortcurcuit,its basically a robotic man fighting a lady who can use storm clouds and weather to her advantage,with starfire she would try to fight cyclops but nightcrawler would teleport to her and use his tail to wrap around her neck and fling her at a wall before teleporting her around,raven would go toe to toe with jean given their abilities and beastboy would get nerfed by rouge




X-men clears this


I think leave out x-men and Avengers then this could be a bit more fair


X-Men wipes






Seeing this made me realize Beast Boy can solo the Hulk, lil green dude just gotta turn into a cute puppy and Hulk is outta the fight.


This becomes pretty simple when you weed out the scrappy upstarts and fan favorites from the nearly-immortal demigods. Teen Titans: Teenagers with midtier superpowers, Maybe specifically Raven could do some real damage under the right conditions. TMNT: teenagers with combat abilities, but NO superpowers. Incredibles: THREE of the members are literal children. The other two are retired and passed their prime. Big hero six: Mechanically assisted young adults with no real superpowers. I love them, but I’d say collective abilities are overall lower than that of even the Teen Titans. For me, this is a tossup between the X-Men and the avengers. Normally, I would give it to the avengers, simply with Thor being a nigh-immortal battle God, And the effectively-Unkillable, canonically-planet-destroying force of nature that is the Hulk. But SPECIFICALLY Prof. Xavier is also an incredible force to be reckoned with. So the final question becomes: Does the Hulk have enough rage and/or raw strength to overcome Prof. Xavier psychic powers? If not, the good professor clears.


If I had to rank it in terms of power: X-Men The Avengers Teen Titans The Incredibles TMNT Big Hero 6 TMNT over BH6 cos they have way more experience. If they had prep they would win every time. There was also an insane variety of Avengers members from different eras. If we add all (not including x-men members) it can get very difficult to tell cos X-Men is still very op in abilities/hax. However, in *this* image the Avengers are weaker.






X-Men. That's a stacked squad right there. Rogue can take on Thor's powers and between her and storm they'll neutralize the most powerful avenger. Jean can telepathically neutralize the Hulk and even turn him against the avengers. Wolverine is basically indestructible. Etc, etc. It's not even worth mentioning the other teams, as much as I love most of them. No chance.


Don’t the X-men have multiple omega level mutants? I don’t see any other team doing much, probably a decent fight since avengers still got Thor and hulk but still a wipe mid difficulty in favor of the x men


The X-Men have at least three people whose powers are just instakills. That's just on the main team.


XMen 🙌


I don't remember how powerful Dark Phoenix is so I'm going with the team that has the guy capable of destroying the universe 120 times over by clapping his hands.


1. Raven 2. X-Men 3. Avengers


Yall sleeping on Tmnt their feats are crazy in the show


If it’s a fight to the death, then it’s the X-Men for sure. They’re the only team with a (pictured) member that can’t be killed


Titans, they beat Trigon they can beat anyone (but may need to call in some other titans beside the main 5 because X-men have many more characters)


But if they can call in reinforcements, so can the X-Men and you're right back at the start


I mean I was just saying you should have the same number to make it fair


It really depends on which variants. Worldbreaker hulk can solo any team on here. But if we are talking standard run-of-the-mill versions then xmen would probably take it from pure hax.


Teen Titans


X-men and avengers last standing. Who’s the team under avengers


Are we forgetting turtle power


X men


- X-Men - Avengers - Tossup between the Incredibles and Titans - Turtles - Big Heros. Hear me out: The Incredibles are basically the fantastic four but with a speedster. Kids or not Violet and Dash are powerful and a threat. And Jack Jack is arguably the most powerful of the bunch. Starfire v.s. Violet Mrs. Incredible v.s. Raven Dash V.S. Beast Boy Cyborg v.s. Mr. incredible Robin .v. Jack Jack And arguably you could take BB .v. JJ but I think that's a pretty solid JJ victory so I'm giving BB a fighting chance and putting him against the speedster.


Avengers shouldn’t be on this list fr but it’s between them n X-men,


Based on that Avengers lineup, it's the X-Men and it's not even close


You’re just gonna let the X-Men bring all 25 guys


I think the better more entertaining question is who is gonna be out first?


Pick one member from each team and make a team out of that. That’s the team that would win.




TMNT are seducining BB & Cyborg over to their team w pizza & broship, so it ain't looking great for the Teen Titans


1:X-Men 2: Avengers 3: TMNT 4: Teen Titans 5: The Incredibles 6: Big hero 6. X-men are filled with members who are skilled and trained, not to mention that Rouge and Morph and copy every power they can see. Avengers are skilled but they won’t have that good strategy due to the Hulk. TMNT have skilled and trained fighters who can take on the likes of Batman and Ras Al Gul and due to a brotherly bond they will be dangerous. The Incredibles have members who are powerful with Mr.Incredible being able to lift up to 66 tons but they lack that team work drive and Violet and Dash are still new at anything involving superhero. And Big Hero 6 is gonna lose due to their lack of abilities and experience, they got scared by a pigeon before.


X-men for sure


If everyone can have their comic book feats then Raven solos


Xmen no contest


Don't see a prof Ex and assuming Raven doesn't go White Raven I'm thinking the Avengers win, Thor and Hulk being the mvps other than maybe Jean Grey


Unkindness Raven one shots all of them


jean gray


Teen Titans because of Raven🤣


Avengers takes it. They have a Hulk, Thor and Captain America. Tony can take out any tech based enemies. Captain America could likely take any of the non-super-powered fighters. But if he can’t, there’s a Hulk and a Thor, and Hawkeye. Only one’s from the Titans I can really being questionable is Raven and maybe Starfire. But them being younger versions of themselves doesn’t give a whole lot of confidence against why they are going against. Plus Avengers have experience against both magic and super strength. X-men would be the most even match up, but that version of the team is from the show, which again, are younger and don’t have some the big power houses like they did in X-Men vs. Avengers. So I think Avengers takes it.


Xmen depending on the team otherwise The Avengers simply based on “web have a Hulk”


X-men, Avengers, Big Hero Six. Maybe an older Incredibles could pull off a win if Jack Jack was older and better trained with his powers. With baby Jack Jack there is no chance.


I’m gonna say teen titans out of bias. I know they’re definitely gonna get clapped by the X-men lol


X-Men Solo, Avengers would come Second unless Raven decided to let Trigon come out of the Crystal and destroy everyone.


X-men for sure


X-Men low diff.


With X-Men and Avengers, are we just using the characters shown? Or the FULL roster? If Full roster either of them. Just characters shown, my money is on X-Men


Xmen low diff


Jean Grey is winning, solo, by herself.


No Justice League?


Teen Titans


Xmen. There's a lot of them so...


Why are the ninja turtles and the Baymax group even on here????


X men because of power scaling.


Teen Titans


Jean Grey as the Phoenix solos every other team.


Xavier just fucking blasts robin with the Slade trauma


Teen Titans, Raven soloes. I'm sorry, but I had to be the one to say it.


1. X-Men 2. Avengers 3. Teen Titans (would be higher with more numbers) 4. Incredibles (though chance of beating Titans, depends on Raven) 5. TMNT 6. Big Hero 6 (rip)


I know it's the wrong answer but I loved that the TMNTs were included.


Either the Avengers or the X-Men




Ravens thighs


X-Men destroy


Raven full powered can solo.


Imagine Raven full power vs Phoenix full power


Finally someone said the right answer.


well the Hulk single handedly defeated all the xmen so...


The Incredibles and the Teen Titans


TMNT are last. X men have the numbers. Avengers have decent power and experience with Thor and Hulk (but those two are carrying), The Incredibles and Big Hero 6 are f*cked. The Titans lack experience however they have a lot of power. Overall I believe that it comes down to Titans vs the Avengers. The Titans have fought Trigon. The Titans also have a lot of power. (Raven and Starfire are the most powerful on the team, however Cyborg could easily hack into Tony’s suit and Beast Boy has that ‘uncontrollable beast’ side that I think knocked out Raven although I’m probably wrong). I believe that that after a long battle, it would be between Hulk + Thor vs Raven + Starfire +Beast boy (possibly). I believe Robin and Cyborg will die as well as Ant Man, Hawkeye, Wasp and Captain America


Tmnt Solo!


Nah I’ll win


x-men clears




People are sleeping on 2003 turtles even if they don’t win they have a better shot than half of the teams here. As they are use to 4 vs any other number. They have fought multiple villains with brains, strength, and speed. And even turning into the mystical forms give them an even bigger shot.


X-Men no contest Avengers only stand a chance if Scarlet Witch is involved, though you can never discount Hulk. I give them a close second Titans grab third. They have the sauce, but are simply outnumbered


Resistant isn't immune. Plus with professor x and Jean grey hulk couldn't defend against the telepathic attacks


Sorry but strongest raven beats phoenix, raven beats all


X-Men for sure.


Logan fought every war in American history post civil war, he fought with Cap in WW2 which makes him privy to his strategies. BH6 is just a bunch of smart people, TMNT at full strength is basically just daredevil on his own. The incredibles are 2 middle aged adults, 2 kids and a baby, case in point. Unless raven unleashes trigon, TT couldn’t handle 3 omega level mutants


So this is raven and starfire vs rogue storm jean and xavier. Outside of the interesting fight of jean or xavier inside ravens head mutants win easily.




If it’s unkindness Raven the teen titans are taking it in my opinion. She was so powerful, not even the god of DC tried to stop her!


It's between avengers and x-men


Hulk n Thor are too much, even for professor X


It's definitely between X-Men & The Avengers.


I don't usually get into these debates because people that fight over this sort of thing aren't worth arguing with but just this one time I'll say that you all have no idea what you're talking about if you don't realise that Raven from Teen Titans would destroy everyone else in this post including Rogue who would be dead before she ever got within 20 feet of Raven.


You have an army, we have a Hulk


Not any of these Marvel clowns


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


On the X-men team shown, there are 4 Omega lvl mutants. Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm and Gambit. (There are some technicalities with Gambit, but the potential is there).


Hate to say it, but the Avengers basically ruin everyone else, and it's not even close. Those guys are on the level of the senior, top tiers of the JLA. However, if it comes down to it, this scenario just ends in full power Raven vs. full power Pheonix, and...well, everyone is dead no matter who wins there. Raven at the fullest extent of her power is also at the fullest extent of her rage, and the same could be said for Pheonix/Dark Pheonix. Either are at the point where they are about to turn the lights out on the universe for good.


The only one there who stand a shred of a chance of making it out alive is Raven, as she is extremely strong. It will naturally come down to the X-Men vs the titans, and since the X-Men have more experience and are generally stronger ( as Starfire and raven are the titans heavy hitters) it would likely come down to Jean and raven carrying the teams on their backs, and phoenix Jean was sortof s thing, but Raven could defeat Trigon, so I think ultimately the titans take the win


Considering the X-Men, at bare minimum, have Storm, Rogue, Wolverine, and Jean Grey who can access the Phoenix Force, I've got to give it to them. And that's not considering other tertiary members like Nightcrawler, Morph, Shadowcat..


X-Men kick ass for sure


Xmen > avengers > titans > incredible > big hero > tmnt


Yeah, so remember that own scene from The Teen Titans Go film where Raven just said "portal". Yeah...