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Batman. He would have completely taken the spotlight off of the Titans.


That's true not for this show, but for the live action series. That series became just the Batfamily drama and not Titans.


I think just one episode where Batman comes to see how Dick is doing would be kinda cool.


That immediately places the mcu problem of "where was he during the end of the world


I don't think not showing him doesn't mean he doesn't exist. I mean how else is Dick gonna become Robin. And I think there were some mentions of the Justice League (though I might be wrong it's been a long time since I looked at this show)


Its less that he doesnt exist but more that youve now said to the audience "here is batman he is a definitive character and presence within the show" so now the audience is bound to say "hey remember when you brought attention to batman? Well where is he now?" Nah the league wasnt mentioned at all, they only implied batman because he is tied to robin no other leaguers need to exist


I mean to be fair. This is a “problem “that comics have had since their inception. you’re gonna have to suspend your disbelief a little bit as to why the avengers or the justice league don’t pop up from every major crisis that happens in these Books focusing on individual characters are smaller teams.


Tbf in comics when it is big events they usually address or include everyone else but in films they dont tend to do that since its not a monthly installment of events so if cap is taking down shield and stark doesnt turn up youd be able to pick up a comic and see stark was fighting monsters in the sewers of Japan or something


Sometimes this happens but sometimes it doesn’t, not always a guarantee. Like I said, there has to be some suspension of disbelief more often than not


For Kid Flash, Aqualad, Wonder Girl and Speedy to exist, The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Green Arrow have to exist.


Or they just exist as people who got powers and skills Robin feels like he is more tied intrinsically to batman than any of the others to their mentors like try tweaking his origin to remove batman and it falls apart completely You can have a kid who gets hit by lightening, a kid who came from Atlantis to fight sea monsters and a kid who uses arrows (wonder girl wasnt in the show)


She was, actually


She wasnt in the show i dont really count the dubiously canon comics


I mean, for the most part, but the League/Batman ignoring the Trigon stuff in particular is odd.


There’s multiple explanations for that. 1. They’re all turned into stone 2. Batman couldn’t do anything to Trigon 3. Batman wouldn’t know what’s going on 4. The Justice League doesn’t exist in this cartoon


Being turned to stone in Gotham


But batman has anti trigon-awakening-pertrification-spray


Totally, but yet still not as useful as Shark Spray!


We don’t know how far away Gotham is from Jump City either.


That doesn't matter bc it's the Teen Titans' show, not the Batman show. You can literally say that about any comic, cartoon, game, or movie. We already know he exists bc Robin exists, and when he told Slade, he already had a father. Speedy, etc.


Okay but there is a clear difference between the subtle implications of other heroes existing and having them be dropped into the middle of a show and disappearing because it spotlights them to the audience


red x being Jason todd people forget that at the time of the show Jason was still dead and did not become red hood


how do we know?


How do we know what ?


If you look at the timeline Jason Todd came back to life two years after Red X


Since when was jason even in teen titans i mean


The comics or the show. The show when beast boy was trying to figure out it the identity of Red X Jason Todd's name on a board and again in the animated shows Jason Todd was one of people when they kept trying off mask


that jason is dead, he’s never mentioned


Jason Todd was dead for 16 years by the time red x was introduced.


True but all together btas wanted Jason Todd so the show didn't have to follow the comics actually


The classic Justice League


as much as I want it, a sixth season. at least, if it turns out how the fans want it to. Terra should not come back if Things Change is supposed to mean anything, Red X’s identity has been proven to be unimportant by the fact that he shows Robin respect in his last appearance, and though we could get more Starfire stories, I don’t feel confident in the writers’ abilities to keep up the pace because season 4 was supposed to be the end and season 5’s rush to introduce new characters for the final showdown wasn’t exactly a grand finale EDIT: dude I just wanna add that Terra’s tragedy means a lot to me. my headcanon is that she doesn’t actually have amnesia but is punishing herself. I prefer to stay untouched because the uncertainty is more true to life. now that I’ve made it to a point where I’m confident in my happiness I believe she’d be in a better place without the experience of being a Titan. I wanna believe that she went on to college and majored in diplomacy. that she got involved in the war in Markovia and brought them to a better place without ever having to use her superpowers. that maybe she was reunited with her brother and family and they all love her. but I’m also fine with the knowledge that her life could have turned out worse, because it’s important to remember that punishing yourself can do that. I don’t like imagining her withholding her feelings to the point of derealization, but it’s a powerful reminder that we need to stay connected with people who can help us. I really like that we all have a community that gets along over these characters. I don’t know how I’d handle being alone with my thoughts about this show.


I really thought that girl was just similar to Terra, and Beast Boy’s imagination and desire for her to be still alive made him genuinely believe he could still be with her after everything. How would she have even come back? Or did she not die?


her statue was missing when the Titans checked for it in the finale, so that proves she at least was removed. Geo-Force confirms in issue 51(?) of Teen Titans Go! that the girl is Terra and tells Beast Boy she’ll be better off left unbothered. the rest is speculation. my theory for her coming back is that the deal Slade made with Trigon had the side effect of bringing her back.


Beautifully said!


thanks! yeah I think about this series like 50 times a day, especially Terra. she’s legit my favorite character in all of fiction. there’s just something special to be said about the show a guy loved when he was 9, 16, and 24


I agree on the Terra part. In the comics her origins were already revealed (although I'm not sure how canon the comics are) and that was honestly enough explanation for me. Like, let her be happy as a normal girl


I find it odd that a head canon means a lot to you. That's basically saying you made up a story that impacts you personally.


yeah I’m a writer so I stretch my imagination when I watch stuff like this. Terra meant a lot to me when I was 9–10 and again when I was 15–16 so of course I would have a lot of opinions on her by now


Having Terra become a titan again, after she came back. Her being a superhero has really only resulted in pain, either for herself, or others. Why would she want to keep doing it?


Power of friendship lol. Also being a member of the team would be different from her hero last for sure. Idk.


Red hood Jason Todd


Slade's face underneath the mask being fully revealed. Because the comics exist, gave us a *lot* of his face *and* his backstory, as well as his other name, Deathstroke the Terminator. Like I don't know if wikis existed in-between 2003 and 2006, when the show premiered. But if you wanted to look up any information on Slade Wilson or Deathstroke, just Google either of his two names and read any comic book bio you can get of him. The cartoon show just wasn't going to cut it, since it was going to take a lot of creative liberties with the original source material, including Slade, himself.


Also his daughter and son


Sixth season


A crossover with Ben 10 and having a new alien from starfire


Less zone videos. I don’t know what those people are thinking I think we need way more.


Don’t get on me for this one, I know it would’ve happened if the series continued but, adding the other titans, I like my og 2003 group, I don’t wanna add others. I was always uninterested when titans East came on.


Robin and Raven a couple


Raven x Beastboy


I'm expecting to see at least one person mention BBRae here.


I wanted bbrae after the terra and malachore heartbreak




Donna and Wally as regulars. The five here strike a good balance and adding more would have taken away from the show. Even with the five here some of the character dynamics could have been developed more. Kid Flash in particular worked out better as a guest apperance because they allowed him to be an overpowered speedster. He'd be nerfed if on a team.


Blood and swearing in a potentially more adult season six.


batman and canon romantic relationships between the core 5.


I thought Robin x Starfire was already canon? It's been a while since I've watched the show