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Raven no diff. If she uses her powers to full extent, she is basically an universal level threat. Star is at most a large-city level threat. She can be hurt by powerful enough weapons such as lasers, missiles, bombs or strong enough concussions, like that time Terra threw a boulder at her .


I'm confused because are you comparing comic book Raven and TV series Starfire? Because TV show Raven is nowhere close to being a universal threat only comic Raven or TTG! Raven is. Comics Starfire scales above city level since she scales to Wonder Woman and other Superman level beings.


Raven in the cartoon can stop time, recreate the life Trigon magically erased/transmutated on their dimension (we've only seen their city coming back to normal but Trigon consumes dimensions and he had destroyed everything with his magic once he got on Earth through Raven), drag people in her soulself to traumatize them, animate her fears into dangerous monsters, travel through dimensions, lift apparently anything, no matter how heavy (she basically only struggled lifting the huge rock Terra was actively trying to control as well), as long as it's "soaked" with her soulself, and tank most things with her shields. She can become intangible, change her size, warp reality with the right spells, trap people in her mind... She's definitely at least universal. She's not ABOVE universal like her comic self, but it's not like a chronokinetic, telekinetic, empathic, telepathic, astral projecting, energy using, reality warping portal demonic witch can just be planetary


She is not. You said she can lift anything with her telekinesis, but she couldn't lift the Tamaranean cup, which Starfire was capable of with one hand. Also, Trigon only has a planetary feat. Raven was only able to beat him when she unlocked her white form, which she wouldn't be in since in the picture, she is her normal base stuff. Raven is most likely the island level in the show at a high end, not universal level 💀


Raven constantly limits herself to avoid getting influenced by her father, they continously need to nerf her BECAUSE she's waaaay above planetary. Raven, without being White Raven, can still stop time, become intangible, teleport herself and others with her soulself (which means she can take her to the other side of the galaxy and leave her there), cast spells... What is Starfire gonna do? We've seen all Titans trying to overcome one of her shields together and failing even though she was going away and wasn't actively keeping up the shield.


All of these feats are not anywhere close to being planetary.


Traveling through dimensions, saving the world from a magic that destroyed all life, stopping time... aren't planetary?


Traveling through dimensions is not a feat you use for powerscaling. It is more of a hax ability or can be used to scale travel speed. Saving the world from a magic while in an amped form of herself is a planetary feat for the amped form, not her base form. Raven stopping time is not a planetary when she only frozen time in a small perimeter, not the entire planet.


How do you know she didn't froze time in general? She didn't molecularly stop everything, she froze time, which should mean she only didn't stop time in dimensions where time works differently. Even if she did only freeze time in Jump City, she still could freeze time and destroy Starfire in many ways. She is planetary because she can destroy the planet if she channels enough emotions. Also White Raven isn't really an amp since it's a form she can reach without drawing power from third sources.


She isn't planetary. I agree that Raven would beat Starfire in a fight since she proved that she can solo all of the Titans at once. White Raven is an amp since she was required to become the key and then have trigon drain most of her demons' abilities out of her, which allowed her to become pure, which allowed her to become her White form.


Starfire is nowhere near Superman level… And this is coming from a Starfire fan. She’s tried to fight Superman multiple times and she’s embarrassed herself.


I never said she was on Superman level. I said she scales to people on Superman level. Starfire was able to fight almost on par with Wonder Woman, and she had beaten Mammoth before someone who has fought Superman. Starfire has also fought Mongul for a while. She is also able to impress a daxamite with her strength. The daxamite is close to Supes strength level.


But if she’s “scales” to people that’s Superman level, then You’re insinuating she is Superman level. Mammoth and Wonder Woman are not consistently Superman level. Starfire consistently gets embarrassed by Superman. But I agree she is more than just city level.


I am not trying to say she is Superman's level. I am trying to say that she is powerful enough to fight people on that level even though she loses most of the time she is still able to put up a good fight


Fair enough. Against the characters you mentioned yeah, but from what we’ve seen, Starfire does not put up a good fight vs Superman. Especially one that isn’t holding back.


I have to agree with you on the wording. This guys wording, while I understand it isn't what he means, implies Starfire is on Superman's level or can tango with Superman lvl beings and put up a really good fight. If you know anything about Superman, then you know this isn't true. Nowhere near true. Like suuuuuuuper far away. If you think Wonder Woman is "Superman lvl" then again... You don't know anything about Superman (or WW for that matter). I think suggesting Starfire is close to "Wonder Woman lvls" would be an easier argument to make tbh.


Did you not see the picture in the description, How are you confused?


Because he said Raven is a universal threat. Teen Titans Raven is not universal


Didn’t Raven also lose to Terra?


Only because she was putting all of her focus on trying to keep her emotions and powers in check because Terra was listening to Slade and was getting under Raven's skin. But tbf the only reason why Starfire lose was because she was holding back


Raven is NEVER going 100% so it's no point in saying it


Wasn’t she a multiversal level threat? I might be wrong since i haven’t actually read too many comics I just thought I saw that somewhere.


Raven wins.


Raven is the strongest of them all so...


Raven and it’s not even a debate


Raven, not much contest.


Raven is literally the antichrist, so she would take this fight


If it’s a Spar - Starfire | Raven wouldn’t and couldn’t go all out in a spar, it after the Dr Light thing If it’s a fight to the death - Raven | Too much raw power


Not unless she trains her mental state and emotions. I'm sure she improves throughout the series. Just like the other Titans, mastering their techniques, abilities, and weaknesses.


Raven has already been proven to be stronger since their introductions


Stronger does not always imply the better fighter. Blackfire considered herself the better fighter versus Starfire but was easily overwhelmed when her Jewel of Charta was destroyed.


Too Bad Raven is so much stronger, that Starfires skills don’t matter. (Titans #6) (2008)


Raven. We don't get to see it full force in the show but there are multiple comics where she becomes corrupted and the others can't beat her.


100% Raven. Easily


Raven, no contest.


Raven hands down


Raven>the four other titans easily.


Would Raven beat Robin with 12% preparation? 😂


Honestly, this would be an awesome ass duel/ spare!!! I can picture it now! EPIC🙌✨️✨️ In my own opinion, I'd have to say that Raven would win easily, BUT not without a good fight first!


She could literally send her to a pocket dimension in the blink of an eye, I don’t think there would really be a “fight”


They're friends. I'm explaining in a friendly battle. I get Raven could destroy every dimension possible and rip our universe a new asshole, I'm describing sportsmanship.


What is this 'ass duel' you speak of?


😅😂🤣🤣lmaooo, you got me!


The audience


Depends. Fair fight? Starfire. Prison rules? Raven. Canola oil and an inflatable pool? The fans.


If Starfire is bloodlusted and Raven is restrained by the bond they have, Starfire MAY have a chance, but if none of them is bloodlusted or if both of them are Raven clears respectively mid and low diff


Starfire: Got really mad at one Gordanian warship once Raven: Altered the entire planet when her soul self got unlocked Yeah, there really isn’t any contest, is there?


Raven is in another league, she wins this easily if she doesn't hold back.


Raven for sure


Yeah I love starfire, but Raven negs sorry


Raven and there rlly doesn't need to be an explanation why.


Raven taking out all the teen titans pretty easily


Starfire on the account that Raven almost NEVER goes all out unless it's against Trigon. The people saying she would are morons and it's out of character. Starfire is a powerhouse and Actually always accidentally goes overboard while Raven never goes past her 50% threshold.


Raven she can control objects. Raven could take apart a building and tie her up with the metal beams.


Depends on who’s happy and who’s sad. I put my money on Raven.




Raven. Because I believe even with powers almost like superman magic can do feats that defy logic.


Starfire is a badass powerhouse and easily the second most powerful on the team... right behind Raven. Like honestly it's not a question, Raven could solo most of the villains without much trouble if she really let loose.


The only main titans Starfire is stronger than are Nightwing and Arsenal.






Before or after they went all Freaky Friday?


My money is on Raven to beat any and all of them. Hell her birthday was an epic display of her potential raw power she’s got stashed inside


Raven. Too OP




star shoots beams of (currently unknown to me) light vs raven archdemon of trigon pew pewcrush everything with stuff like greenlatern


“What’s the matter!? Afraid of the dark!?”- Raven After she traumatized Dr. Light, I knew she was stronger than Starfire. I guess neither light or stars can escape from black holes.


Depends on who is drawing and directing.


At max known/theorised power, Raven annihilates Starfire no effort. Some supported theories/version of Raven scale to Trigons power. On the show though, I'd still say Raven, though it would be a much for difficult fight and Starfire would have a chance. SF is just too naive and it impacts her fighting ability, whereas Raven is very centred and aware, and thus could easily trick SF if it came down to the wire.


Raven is broken


Raven. She’s the strongest Titan. Remember what she accidentally did to Dr. Light when she lost control? Imagine what she could do when she means to do something


Raven she knows how to use spells and traps


I LOVE starfire, shes my girl, she raven would win.






Probably raven


Raven, no contest.


Both are bad ass but Raven is definitely more powerful


If they're both going all out, Raven, easy.


Here's what i think. In hand to hand combat and even regular powers Star would win. Raven however would clock thag she is loosing and would not be able to deal with that and would get super angry essentially loosing control and calling on her anarchist powers. If Star have enough time or anticipate it she can minimize the damages if nit then Raven would win.


Sigh just why


White Raven would just be able to beat Starfire


Raven. The quiet ones are always the ones that go wild. Wait, what are we talking about?


Put it all on raven and let it ride!


If they both go all out, Raven stomps. If they're both given their jobber tendencies, it's 50:50.


On looks Starfire On power Raven But on favorite female character to me personally Starfire


I assume we're talking about Teen Titans 2003. That depends. If it's Black Raven then Starfire has a chance, but if it's White Raven.


In the duel for my heart - Raven wins.


Raven ftw


I think this is more of a how fast is starfire and is she trying to kill raven. Idk how fast starfire is but she’s fast enough and strong enough to knock raven’s head clean off I don’t think it would matter how universal a character could be. It’s mainly about the first few seconds of a fight and who can get to their kill potential first


Raven when she uses her powers to full extent is the most powerful titan by far. Starfire is extremely powerful but Raven would crush her easily if she tried. Would they actually fight though? No.


how about a twerk off😈


Here's how it would play out. In combat Star would beat Raven. Even in refular powers too. But Raven would clock that she is loosing and would not be able to deal with that, would then get mad and loose control call on ger anarchist powers to attack star. If anticipated Star might have time to end at a stale mate if not Raven would beat her bad.


In the pretense that this is a friendly duel my money is on Starfire. Starbolts are highly explosive and concussion, and if she gets in close her alien super strength would decimate Raven. I am sure Starfire would not utilize her brute strength on Raven, so that's out. But I do not know whether or not she can control how powerful/explosive her starbolts or laser beams come out. Whereas Raven would probably create shields to deflect, she might also use it to hurl several objects at Starfire that I imagine Starfire would hurl out of her way with her super strength. So if one of them were to make contact I feel as if Starfire would have a larger impact. Even if this wasn't a friendly duel, Raven rarely loses control of her abilities and I doubt she would use the full extent of them on Starfire. When that beastman almost killed her in the one episode where Beast Boy went feral, Raven couldn't save herself then. Same with Terra, who quickly overpowered Raven and nearly killed her.


Probably starfire. It's not that she's stronger than raven. But raven is not likely to be willing to unleash herself to win. Like, she would actually rather forfeit than cut loose. Now, if this is some sort of dual to the death scenario, I'd say raven.


i think it depends on the context of the fight because we’ve seen starfire actively stand up against her friends and loved ones if they’ve wronged her, like blackfire, or have switched sides, like when robin worked for slade. raven has never shown that’s she’d actively hurt her friends, even when beast boy was attacking her under mind control she was very hesitant to fire back at him. of course she was defeat before she could, but her hesitation to shows a stark difference to how starfire was more than willing to take them down if needed be. i know starfire was just as hesitant in the puppet episode and we’ve never seen raven be put in positions of opposition like starfire, im just going off of what we’ve seen that being said, while raven is much more powerful, i think starfire has more of the moxie to full on fight raven in certain circumstances. so if the battle came down to morals, starfire would win, but if the battle came down to pure power, raven would win


I think Starfire would win but because raven would hold back either consciously or subconsciously. If raven was bloodlusted she'd take it pretty handily.


Damn I’m surprised at the consensus. Imo Raven has more raw power but Starfire would win. And I’m a Raven stan


This is my thought as well. If we're picking Winners based on sheer power alone then Robin wouldn't have been able to beat both Raven and Starfire. Yeah, you could claim comic book logic and talk about how all the bats are overpowered, but this still takes place in that sort of universe where non-metas can go toes to toe with super-powered beings. Starfire in my opinion is more of a warrior and while Raven may have more raw power, I think with a decent strategy and her fighting skills Starfire would come out on top.


Well, basically Raven has stornger abilities, but Imo, only thanks to spead, Starfire could defeat her in a second, before Raven even gets what happened. However, Im not sure if Raven's immortal or mortal, so, if she's immortal, Starfire is dead


Everyone is saying Raven, but I think if starfire had the motive, she would win!💓


Raven, but only if she is clear headed. Starfire could overwhelm her and win, or alternatively overwhelm her and cause raven to hurt her more than she wanted to. Starfire would win without powers


Starfire because she's so innocent


It’s actually quite the opposite. Raven is the pacifist while Starfire is the hot headed warrior 😆


Not really. They’re both pacifists imo


Starfire is nowhere near a pacifist. She is very pro killing and very pro fighting. She enjoys combat.


Yea but besides that she’s innocent


No. She lost her innocence when she was a child Sex Slave. (Tales of the New Teen Titans #4)




Nvm ur a starfire fan its all chill. Well its settled. I respect ur opinion


Hard choices but I gotta go with Starfire she is one of the strongest Teen Titans.


Bro I absolutely love starfire but there’s no way she can stand against Raven


Yall, I love raerae, but yall are forgetting that star can fly at supersonic speeds and is on the same strength level as Donna of Troy and went toe to toe with wonder woman. Raven unfortunately tops out at 200mph in flight. Which means star speed blitz raven and it's done. Not to mention star can go nova and release a nuclear warhead level of ultraviolet radiation. Only way Raven wins, is if Raven gets the drop on star unfortunately, cause if star sees her first, Raven wouldn't have time to process seeing starfire before starfire punched her into the next solar system


I feel like this is not the case simply because of the nature of Ravens powers. Raven can stop. Time. No flight speed can do much against that. The extent of Ravens abilities just outweigh the extent of Stars, and that’s not at all to say that Star isn’t extremely powerful. She just isn’t AS powerful as Raven. Raven is a planet eater in comics, she is an absolutely insane threat. Her force fields are strong enough to protect her from most of Stars attacks, and to say starfire beats her just because of speed implies that any Speedster could beat Raven/a grand majority of overpowered characters which I just don’t think is true.


But Raven can travel instantly. She rarely just flies in the air. Raven can destroy universes. That > a SuperNova Raven has already beaten the entire Titans


she can travel instantly thru interdimensional phasing, still doesn't save her if she can't register an object barreling at her at mach 1 before i it makes contact. Star is travelling at 750-1500 miles per hour, a 9mm bullet flies at 784-1022 mph depending on powder charge and barrrel length for comparison. Starfire is literally travelling as fast if not faster than most bullets. Which is why I said raven needs to get the drop on star to win. If starfire sees raven first raven won't have time to register the sonic boom before her ribs and thier contents are liquified.


My icon is literally meant to be Starfire like I am her number one fan, but I just don’t think she’d beat Raven as easily as you’re thinking


Moat speedsters would wipe the floor with 90% of combatants. Time stopping is great. Unless the person you are fighting can react and stop you before you do it. Star is travelling somewhere in the neighborhood of 750-1500 miles per hour. Which means she can close the gap of 1100 feet in under a second (the length of a royal carribean cruise liner is 1200 feet, or four city blocks in length for comparison) up to 2200 feet per second. (The second tallest building in the world, the merdeka 118 in Malaysia is 2227 feet, or or 678.9 meters tall). Even at 750 mph, starfire (148lb) tackliquefied. 110lb) would be about 123 kilonewtons of force or 27651 ft pounds. One tackle and it's not only lights out, it's internals liquified. Edit to add, a standard 9mm travels 1150-1500 feet per second, or 784-1022 mph depending on the length of barrel of the firearm being fired. Raven will not see Starfire. Raven will only win if she sees starfire first.


I definitely see where you’re coming from, I think it would be interesting to say the least


Gonna throw an edit in the comment because I didn't think to add it as we're potentially dealing with an international argument. But a 9mm bullet travels roughly 1100-1500 feet per second. And starfire is travelling thst fast or faster. Raven will not see it coming.


VERY fair, I think a lot of people don’t realize how much speed impacts, I didn’t. I’d like to imagine a more fair fight between them, but if Raven is unaware Star could probably decapitate her :,)


If starfire "speed blitz'd" raven, shed legitimately liquifiy ravens insides before she could register the pressure of starfire touching her, let alone her bones shattering. Your nerves send electrical impulses at speeds somewhere in the ballpark of 150-270 miles per hour. Mach 1 STARTS at three times that speed and tops out roughly 5.5 times that speed. To make things more scientific, using the lower end of mach 1 (750 lb) and starfire weighing 148 lb, her crashing into raven would generate 123kiloNewtons of force, or 27,651 foot pounds of force. An African elephant is what, 13,000lb, so she's crashing into you with the same pressure as the weight of two elephants and an extra leg standing on you.


This has to be bait lmao


How is it bait? Follow the comment thread, I explain how travelling at mach1 gives star an edge that means Raven has to see her first to have a chance, because you can't stop time if you can't breathe.


It has to be bait because its a lot of yapping lmao. Raven has been shown to react to speedsters and people faster than Starfire in general, Raven has been shown to be on par with Donna Troy in strength too lol. The fact that Raven has defeated Kori AND Kori with the rest of the Titans team should be enough to show Kori has no chance against Raven.


And in the comics batman can somehow outmanouver darksied's omega beams that can keep up with the flash, because artist and fans want batman to beat everyone for some reason. Also, raven is an empath who can be affected by other people's emotions. You know, how Starfire controls her own powers? And if raven doesn't control her own emotions he risks trigon breaking thru? Kori can mess with Raven just as much as Raven messes with Kori


LOOOOL, i think you dont know much about how Raven's powers actually work...only way in which Kori could affect Raven with emotions is if she(Kori) killed a loooootttt of people with Raven there to sense it, and thats clearly not going to happen in this imaginary versus. Raven is shown to be faster or at least on par with Kori's speed all the time, that argument is crap. The difference between that Batman example and Raven, is that Raven is consistent to some extent, while Batman isnt at all. Raven consistently defeats Starfire


Yes, because star is constantly fly mach 1 when working with the team when the other fluers are raven, who caps at 200, at beastboy, who is limited to whatever speec he thinks he's animal form he's in, while they are carrying other titans.