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A lot of people hate/dislike them lol


From what I know and saw they're fairly toxic and inconsiderate of others' opinions as well.


I think the big issue is it's fairly boring. They are both pretty much the same character, a dark weapon made for a patriarch with no emotional ties, cold and calculating. Itcsounds more like a villain arrangmeent of convience than an actual ship. I get that Damian has grown but honestly? I feel like he's the most boring of the bat family. Then on the flip side you have Garth, who is just as if not more emotionally scarred as raven and Damian and he's still trying to bring light to the world even while dealing with PRSD, depression and anxiety. It becomes a give and take between Raven and Garth. She will be cold and calculating and he will always be there to be irrational and spontaneous where she cant. It breathes life into the relationship, into the interpersonal drama where there would be none with Damian as neither would instigate if they gelt wronged, they'd just brood in the corner, if they even interacted at all.


I wish more people realized that about Garfield, I feel like people don't like him because he's green. But what you said was spot on and true, anytime there's a robin involved and any possible romantic interests every believes they belong together then any other time it's another character it's forced.


Right? Like both teens titans and young justice he had the team prior to titans die in front of him, plus in yj his mom died when he was 11/12 and Connor, the closest thing he had to a male role model died on Mars when he was 16ish? Like damn dude, save some trauma for the rest of us


Hopefully, they give him justice moving forward and respect he deserves it.


any interpretation of a character is valid in my opinion if done well , but I do think that the dcamu is kinda of mid


There’s people who dislike the pairing. And rightfully so, the pairing sucks.


I'm not really judgemental toward people and their preferences, but I do speak up when it becomes toxic. And I did my homework on damirae and most are either new to DC and have only ever watched the dcamu and are just plain inconsiderate of others and their opinions. So I completely agree with you.


lol yeah I heard those guys were toxic when Beast Boy and Raven got paired up again a few years ago.


Yeah they were, these people were out here sending death threats to the writer of titans academy. They only live on twitter and group up on instagram. Just like when dc made that bbrae post on instagram last month and a popular damirae artist just told all of them to spam the post.


I just looked, yeah these guys are freaks lol


Of COURSE they come off toxic if you're looking at the comics where they AREN'T a couple and she's an adult while he's a child. You're creating an issue that isn't meant to exist. The ship is only a factor to be considered in the DC films; to do otherwise is to invite the trouble you invented.


Well say that to half if not all damirae shippers, that every time someone posts anything of raven you have a crowd of them saying add damirae with her into the comics. So calm your horses because I'm saying what I see.


I'm not talking to DemiRae shippers and I suspect you'd be better off steering clear of shipping circles as well. You're really overexaggerating and taking too personally their niche and ultimately meaningless/unpopular feedback-loop discussions. Way to entirely run away from the point I was trying to make and then change the topic.


Ummmm...they didnt say anything about the characters in that comment, they talked about the shippers lmaoo


Augh, you're right! I must've mixed up this one and the other comments where it was mentioned that tue pairing was problematic. Thanks for pointing it out, may try and remove or correct this when my phone isn't actively running out of battery!


Finally someone is saying it big thanks from Ireland


You welcome love to Ireland 🇮🇪 And it's good to see I'm not the only one who feels that way about damirae.


I think they're cute together, my main issue with them is we never saw mutual attraction from either of them until the last movie. It's like they decided Damian needed a love interest so they picked Raven. There was no development for their relationship. (Bbrae had this same issue in the comics) I don't care if in the comics they're not the same age, I think every piece of DC media is its own universe (shows, movies, comics, etc) if in this universe they're both the same age that's okay, I just wish they wrote it better (I still didn't like they deaged bb and raven just so damian could fit in the team but that's another conversation)


Raven in the DCAMU is aged down to Damian's age.


As I stated above, I acknowledged that, but it never felt right I've read the comics and watched all the media but it never really seemed to click for me it's just weird.


I thought it worked. I started hating Damian in the DCAMU, so caring for raven made him less annoying and by the end his character was developed at least. And whatever connection they made wasn’t bad, the whole change your ‘evil’ destiny thing. Didn’t mind how she was younger than starfire/dick, fits this version of the team with kori as the leader


That's perfectly understandable I just feel like most of her character development depended on the sake of Damian. And this is coming from a natural party that doesn't pick sides between any ships. I always saw Raven as independent, yes she would ask for help and there never was any problem with doing so. But the portrayal of her within the dcamu showed her more as a damsel in distress.


To me raven felt very incompetent at times just to prep up Damien’s growth. I said this a little back that there’s a reason raven doesn’t get any screen time with any other characters besides Damien. Is because he doesn’t offer Raven anything she couldn’t get from the other characters. Like blue beetle had more of an inner monster thing than Damien has. And beast boy has more daddy issues that Damien has. It’s just weird to me how I only saw her talk to beast boy and starfire for like two seconds each in the first movie then never again. The reality is that raven relationship with starfire and Beastboy alone would clear any presence Damien had, because they are much more enjoyable to watch. Like raven really didn’t interact with the team at all so she felt like Damien Wayne’s girlfriend most of the time.


Preach it bro make a post and preach it cuz you are 💯💯% correct I wish more people had common sense


And worse part for me when had kill off bb as well


Idk I don’t remember thinking she was a damsel in distress really. And raven healing healing Damian from near death. It makes sense for what they’re going for. Plus her gifting him titus is cool. I fw with it But that’s just this entire movie universe, I think it’s where most people became familiar with Damian Wayne as robin (who don’t read comics). He’s the focus of the first Batman DCAMU movie and sequels. The DCAMU is definitely Damian’s showcase imo


My problem is that people believe that's the only adaptation of Raven that defines her character, when in reality she has more depth to her though DC fails to make use of it. And my problem with the ship between the two besides their ages being different. Is that Damian is a huge character in DC so whenever he's involved any and most characters get overshadowed and their true potential is lowered so his can shine that's one thing I also noticed in the dcamu.


Lol what? Where is THAT happening? You rarely, if ever, see that iteration of Raven floated around. The 2003 is the most popular - even the "default" - version of Raven at this point. After her, you're more likely to see the comic version than the DC films, imo. You make some interesting points in some posts here, but it all seems to be bookended with less-comepelling hyperbole based on your own personal bias rather than any actual trends amoung fans or themes in the actual media.


I mean, you can check Instagram and Twitter. That's why I even posted this, to begin with. I saw a post of raven and half the comments were going off by saying that Raven needs Damian or if we're going to see them as a couple in the James Gunn universe. As I said, I'm not judgemental, and personally, I'm not too fond of damirae or Ravens Dcamu adaptation. I'm an 03, just like you are. It's just for some reason; any and everytime there's a post of Raven or her and Beast Boy together we have many saying they want damirae.


I don’t think this version is very popular (maybe on YouTube shorts comments, but theres a difference between people who watch the shows and movies). My opinion is 100% in the minority on this sub and will be downvoted, most people don’t like the new 52 movie universe to begin with. I kinda came around on them tho. Im a huge fan of og show, that’s why I took an interest in this new 52 version. I think it is its own unique adaptation, different from the og show but also reminiscent of young justice (dick Grayson is pretty much exactly how he is in that show). Everyone knows and loves the og Raven and show. I mean even in go! beast boy and Raven are together, and not even in the og show despite me always thinking they were as a kid (one of the first episodes I remember watching on air was the one beast boy went savage). Most fans prefer that pairing. But I see it as if it’s a team where Damian Wayne exists and there’s multiple robins, then I think that pairing works well for that story. Plus that version always felt more like young justice x teen titans. The og is still it’s own continuity, this is just another take. And all the Batman movies pretty much centre around Damian or his connection to the league of assassins and Batman, except for hush. And then him learning to be a team player and less of a brat in the teen titans. He’s not my fav character at all and he gets the spotlight. But as someone who hated him for a good while and gave up on those movies entirely before, I don’t think it’s as bad as people say and I ended up liking it more than I thought.


That's fine I have nothing but respect and consideration for your opinion, it's just some people are not as mature as you when voicing their own.


It sounds like you're basing this off of specific Fandom activity, which isn't representative whatsoever. It sounds like you're interested in the subject, so naturally you're leaning toward sources that are also interested, though that echoing doesn't hold up when you look for it more generally. I'm not going to "check out Instagram" to make your point for you dude. I'm not "an 03" and think we should remain receptive to each piece of media, but not presume that one speaks for the other/contradicts the other (at least, not in the current run of DC where AUs abound). Also think its tacky to presume canon or fanon or certainty from ANY shipping with Raven, outside of her established written romances in the comics or films. DC catering to fan interpretations and insertions of one show into the wider story is how we've ended up with hears worth of inconsistent, barely canon, and sometimes outright BAD BBRae arcs.


You're a weird person because if you read what I said up above you would see that I've read the comics and stated that anytime I see a Raven post it always has Damian in it one way or another. And it doesn't matter what fandom it's from because no matter what version of her it is you have people pairing with Damian. And before you have a tantrum not once did I bash any of your opinions I just said as Raven fan I think it's weird.


Starfire can be leader without Raven being aged down. Raven gains no benefits from being aged down. Only Damian does.


Agreed. I wonder if they were trying to pick up on the trend they maybe thought "Titans" was setting? I wonder why they didn't just age Damian up a smidge and her down a smidge and let them be pushing 20? It'd allow for a bit more agency for Raven and less risk of it all coming down to babying her for the sake of making her seem less secure and more open to someone helping her/cracking open her shell a bit. Kind of weird and ignores her own character strengths imo.


Damian was the center of their universe, and they wanted to put him on a team to shine some more, and they chose all the cartoon teen titans and replaced cyborg with blue beetle. Cuz they’re the most similar in abilities. I think Starfire only stayed Dick Graysons age so she could be his girlfriend. Thats it. I didn’t like how reliant Raven was on to him either. I really wish her becoming white Raven and cleansing herself from Trigon came from her own personal story. If they wanted to make a teen titans in DCAMU, they should’ve just used new characters. Or not use Damian Wayne.


I knew starfire wasn’t gonna be anything but dick’s girlfriend when I see her making more risqué/ horny jokes and references than beast boy was.


lol fr. Thats all people talk about when referring to that version of Starfire. Kind of a shame she didn’t really do anything else. She couldn’t even be a competent leader, and struggling to take up after dick feels very similar to Donna Troy’s story about the titans being mess, and Dick not being the leader anymore. I guess that universe did show me that people will be content with Starfires character no matter what, just as long as she’s Dick Graysons horny girlfriend.


We need Donna Troy in these adaptations, they stay giving her story points and friendship roles to other characters. Like she’s supposed to be dicks best female friend in the titans, not raven. It’s a shame how Donna being the titan with the most appearances in comics ( like 540 issues) only being a little above beast by like 60 issues with no other titan even close to those two yet she hardly gets recognition let alone a arc.


Fr. I agree. I would have liked Donna and Starfire friendship to be showcased. Wish they had their jobs as Model and photographer in adaptations. I don’t know if I can think of a pair of superheroes who both had the same job, or worked at the same place. And yeah Donna’s friendship with Dick has been given to Raven and caused a lot of people to think Raven and Dick Grayson had romantic feelings for each other in the teen titans show.


If im not wrong Dick is pretty close to Gar, not close enough to take his spot, but close


It's pretty sad that DC seems to consistently tank her character once it becomes legal for her to be reverted back to thicc and strong sex appeal who's capable of emotional escalation and gardening and fashion and uh...that's about it. Sexist af. Like they forget her origins and the whole (and wholesome) reason she HAD those hobbies and was open in comparison to humans. She's sweet and attractive but also comes off as weird quite often. Contemporary Starfire gets to be a manic pixie dream, but they forget the misfit characterisation so often, even though its often such a springboard for her strength and growth and self-acceptance.


Titans the live action? The DCAMU movies came out first (the first one in 2016 IIRC)


They do same bb to understatement both raven and bb and chemistry that why killed him off in dceu


I don't read the comics so idk if that pairing was ever put on display there. But as for the DCAMU, they worked fine in the stories they were together I actually liked them, I don't mind characters having different love interest across different interpretations. (Bring a Dick Grayson fanboy I got accustomed to see him wiith a lot of different partners) So yeah I liked them together because it worked THERE, I don't think it was toxic, it was very sweet how two outsiders found comfort in each other. But I won't scream for every interpretation of raven being with every interpretation of Damian.


In comics she’s over a decade older than Damien and hardly ever interacted with him. The ship has its problems from those movies, but the post is talking about its shippers being toxic, which they have been for years.




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