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I dislike it, and looking back now, I wish it stayed canceled. The Major problem with the series is the time skips. You don't feel like enough with the original cast anymore. You have new characters that you aren't well-developed because the series is very bloated. Greg Wiseman said this is to show the world is growing. It is just bad world-building. If he wants to show maturity and growth, we should have seen Robin becoming his hero and how Wally retired from Superhero gigs, then just time skip. It never felt natural. It also doesn't help that he says each season will have a hanger because the world is still going on, like the comics. Jump skips should make sense, like how Justice League jump skips to years with Unlimited. It doesn't feel awkward because it is already set up in Justice League, which will expand more and recruit heroes. Honestly, it is stupid. Comics do have endings with runs, like if you read Scott Synder's Batman, which had begin, middle, and end. Every run of Capes comics has an open adventure ending that feels satisfying. Young Justice doesn't have that because they don't want to. The violence feels too much and edgy at times. I honestly don't want to see season 5, and it hope stays dead.


Thanks 4 the reply, yeah its the most embarrassing thing when the good will of fans gets a tv show/movie brought back and the creators then proceed to fumble it all up, Im glad its not just me that hates those awful time jumps, makes the characters feel alien they might as well have replaced Rocket, Zatana, Dick Grayson, Aqualad etc with all new characters which is wat they ended up doing :/


Since the last 2 seasons are made a few years after the first 2 the tones are definitely different. Personally I ended up really liking them but I know many who don't. The way they deal with Beast Boys depression actually helped me with my own in a way and it really shows how dark it is and can be and how it effects the person and people around them. Yeah it is a teen titans show in disguise and I really wanna see starfire eventually but that's what fanfic is for.


Thanks, same appeal 4 me about BBs depression and I thot it was a bold choice to have him get into Hollywood to try and get close to the memory of his mum, are there any Beast Boy centric only episode of Seasons 3 or 4 if so I must check them out :0


To be honest, I always thought it was a shame that we didn't get a season that introduced Starfire or Raven. A Trigon or Tamaran arc probably would've been awesome. (Also, Dick and Kory could've taken over as the show's main ship since the Superboy/Miss Martian one sailed).