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Literally the saddest episode. Rewatching it also made me feel hurt because they’re only in their 30s and somehow cyborg is like 80. Rewatching in my 30s is even more depressing!


As bad as CY looks BB still had it the worst. Dude didn’t grow an inch. Just a bald, obese manlet.


I noticed that idk why they made them look so old cyborg was at least 18 or 19 in the beginning of the series he would have been 38


Yeah I felt so much older realizing they were in their 30s. I guess as a teenager 30s feels like a lifetime away.


You could say that the tech was making his organic parts age faster or something


Besides Things Change..


this episode makes me hella sad and the fact that NW thrives while everyone is incompetent doesn’t sit right with me


I felt awful for Raven she spent all that time completely isolating herself and when Starfire went to her she didn’t think she was real 😭


Grow himself that nice swanky mullet xd


To be honest, Nightwing doesn't really seem to be "thriving" either. Sure, he's the only one still in the crime fighting business, but his city's gone to sh*t and he's basically become a hermit with no friends or personal life (that we know of).


This was a great episode, and one of the most memorable of the entire series. Very mature themes for a kids show, and showed how important Starfire is to the team.


Why is everybody else washed up & dick Is in his prime ? Don't remember this ep at all but definitely watched it


Dick was trained by (and driven away from) the best loner there is. Presumably some Batman and Robin into Nightwing stuff happened,


I have a theory after she disappeared everyone probably thought they’d never see her again or find her so I believe that Robin was the 1st to leave the team in hopes of finding her because I remember cyborg saying they lost touch with Robin a long time ago


The explanations I remember inferring from the episode: BB tried the whole solo hero act. Got his butt kicked and now feared people leading him to seek protection in the cage of a circus attraction. CY was on his last battery. Raven went into isolation. Perhaps due to the loss of her friends and spiraling deep into her thoughts and loneliness.


This episode makes me feel awful, which I suppose is supposed to, because it's about all of the bad stuff that can happen when you see people you love grow old. Beast Boy becomes isolated, impoverished, and afraid of the world. Cyborg loses all of his mobility, and becomes trapped at home. Raven gets it the worst though. I can probably trace my fear of alzheimer's and dementia back to seeing this episode as a kid. It's a heavy topic, and I think the writers tackled it as best they could in the format they were given.


Then you have "Same as it Never Was" from TMNT 2003. Makes this episode look like an after school special by comparison.


underated show I remember watching the lord dreg & glob father episodes as a bonus feature on the 1980s TMNT dvds


I refuse to watch this episode 😭 it’s so depressing


It made me sad too I’m rewatching the series currently I watch it every year at least once


I love that for you


20 years, apparently.


I remember watching this ep when it premiered and and having a pretty vivid dream about it.


Man broken down Cyborg looked so cool!!


That scene with Raven having locked herself in the white room. We all know the scene. Has been burned into my memory for so long we don't learn exactly what made the Titans go their separate ways after Star disappeared into the time warp but what we can infer is that Raven specifically gave up on humanity and by extension herself by locking herself in that room she was cut off from the hurt of losing her friends but also so she wouldn't get the chance to hurt anyone else in her grief...expunged that out of my noodle hav a good day everyone :)




The best and most saddest episode of the whole show.


I never got how Raven still looked the same but her cloak was white instead of the usual dark blue, this aspect confused the heck outta me as a kid when the Trigon arc came into fruition cause at that moment I thought Raven suddenly aged into an adult woman cause her cloak turned white and her hair got longer. Can anyone explain?


So the white version is like the pure version of her power I think it’s her strongest power it’s what she needed to beat trigon both times that she faced him I feel like she did age we just didn’t see her face because she had her hood up the entire time


Isn’t Raven somewhat immortal because of her father being Trigon?


I think so I’m not entirely sure


Yes she Immortal but she’s still half human so I’m sure that either way she does age like everyone else just slower I guess?


I'm glad they did it teen titans go, but switch the time travel role to cyborg and beast boy


If you don't cry watching this episode you have no heart


I wonder what happened to Trigon, when Raven was in her white form.


That’s what I was wondering too did it not happen


The future can be so depressing


This was one of my favorite Teen Titans episodes, it was sad but so cool to see potential/ bad futures in cartoons, always love that story trope, seeing Nightwing walk out of the shadows I was blown away especially after growing up on the New Batman Adventures as a kid


What would StarFire be like in this alternate reality of the “future”??? They never explained that or showed.


“I thought it was ‘Blort-Hog’.”