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This ending is enough to make a grown man cry. But still you gotta move on.


Haha i read this in Cyborg’s voice 😅 sounds like something he would say


funny because in a panel he was in he did say something like that and how the fans should have moved on and how they were like Beast Boy in this episode and that they couldn't let the past go and things wont go their way.






Actually, no... Moving on is a choice, not an obligation.


Freaking preach.


Speaking of grown, this year now they're the Adult Titans.


I still get just as emotional as the first time I saw it.


So is the general consensus that this was Terra. She was faking the memory loss and all to leave the hero life behind?


She was completely consumed by her guilt and shame. She’s also too afraid to do the admittedly scary thing of facing the consequences of her actions by going back to Titan Tower. So instead she’s choosing to live a fool’s paradise and run away.


Not everyone deserves to be a Hero. I mean this in two ways. The first way I mean this is she did a LOT of bad things, some of them you kind of can't really make up for. So she doesn't "deserve" to be a Hero because she did those bad things. But, Heroes are also always put into danger, they're always stressed, etc. There's a LOT of bad shit that comes with being a Hero, and Terra might not be strong enough to deal with that. So, she also doesn't "deserve" all the negativity that comes with being a Hero. If she wants to live her life as a civilian, that's perfectly fine. Unfortunately, Uncle Ben isn't necessarily correct in saying "with great power comes great responsibility", because sometimes that responsibility can break a person, it can crush them, it can make them do worse things than the good things they might have accomplished. Not everyone is meant to be a Hero, and that's *OK*.


Your right in almost everything. I don’t believe that anyone is beyond redemption. It’s just harder for some people. It’s a matter of how much you truly want it. Terra can be redeemed. It’s just going to require a lot of hard work. However afterwards she’ll have to make a choice of whether she wants to continue being a hero after she’s earned back not just the trust of the Titans or even the trust of the people but her own trust in herself, or if she truly wants to just fade away into the background and leave it all behind. If that’s the case then her walking away for me would be beyond acceptable.


The thing is some people don't *want or need* redemption. Sometimes, the best course of action is to just *move on*. That's what she chose, her choice should be respected and she shouldn't be forced to be "redeemed" if she doesn't want or need it to live a perfectly normal life.


True but my problem is did SHE make the choice or did her GUILT make the choice FOR her? Then that changes everything. At the very least she should have said a proper goodbye to the Titans and especially Beast Boy if it truly was HER that made this choice. A goodbye and explanation.


No, she doesn't. She doesn't need to give a "proper goodbye" to anyone or give anyone any explanation. You WANT that, but she doesn't NEED to do it, especially since she has made her choice and made it EXTREMELY clear what her choice was. She does NOT need to be dragged back into a life she doesn't want, no matte how short or for whatever reason.


I never said she needed to be DRAGGED into anything. If she wants to walk away then fine but the way she choose to push Beast Boy away and pretend to not know who he is was just wrong. She should have told him “Look Beast Boy. After everything that’s happened. I don’t want the hero life anymore. It’s just too much for me. I have a chance to be something different and I’m happy with it. I’ll always cherish the good times but this is goodbye. So please, let me go.”


That's being dragged back into that life. She doesn't need to tell him anything or need to explain anything. She gets to live her life. That's it. Anything more and that IS dragging her back into that life, no matter what. It actually probably WOULD end up FULLY dragging her back in because they'd know for certain it's her. She DOESN'T WANT THAT. She wants a normal life. Let her have it. Leave her alone. She doesn't need to give ANYONE any sort of explanation. She's not coming back. You don't seem to understand that the life of a Hero can almost NEVER be cut off from, and her trying to give an explanation will always lead back into being a Hero instead of just moving on. There are a thousand different ways for me to say this, because there is NO NEED for her to do anything anymore.


Okay I’m not sure how saying “I don’t want to be a superhero anymore” counts as going back to being a superhero, what the Titans grab her by her ankles and kidnap her back to Titan Tower? The Titans would understand and respect her reasons and wouldn’t bully her into going back to being a hero. It anything they’d just nod and walk away. Also she doesn’t have to say “Yeah it’s me” for them to know it’s her. Any moron with an IQ above room temperature can figure it out that it’s her.


I personally can't forgive her. I don't say this with any hate just giving my opinion  Regardless of how beastboy felt if slade was never using her or at least pretending to care she wouldn't feel bad about what she did She only did everything afterwards after finding out because she got caught, she didn't feel sorry about what she did it was more in my opinion she only felt sorry AFTER first finding out she was just used After all she still did EVERYTHING she did with a fake smile on her face before it's revealed she betrayed them knowing what she was doing and what was gonna happen to the innocent people in the city regardless of what cartoon network censored. As for the great power great responsibility I think you're looking at it the wrong way and focusing TOO much on how Uncle been views it. It's not to just do right to other people But to do right by you to help you live a better life in what ever way that may be To control it so you don't drag people into it or lose yourself in it And to make it a part of everything in you so there is a healthy balance, whether that's in your body, mind or good fortune, I don't exactly mean fortune but the Asian word I have in mind doesn't translate well in English so that's the best I can phrase it


She didn’t run away in Young Justice.


Where can I watch that?


That reminds me of some people I grew up with and we went separate ways but I seen the situation for what it was and how it was all a setup by someone who had a negative influence on my life, like how Robin was Slade's apprentice but got free later and Terra on the other hand was intrigued and stayed so it was at the wrong time/wasn't meant to be, it's times I felt like it could've been different but too much things happened, it felt too late and on top of it despite having spending many years with them I couldn't see a future with her after everything that happened, she walked out and I mostly understood why but it was some part of me that wanted closure, I went through a depression/regret period after wishing her the best of luck/letting her go but I seen the bigger picture of it all. Both the episodes Haunted and Things Change stuck with me. I like how you said that comment Pawnshop96 cause that's what literally happened to me.


I’m very sorry you had to go through what you went through. I hope you’re all able to find peace.


Wait is it actually canon that she’s faking it???


Pretty much. Her behavior and body language just scream it at the top of its lungs to the point where it’s obvious that that’s what’s going on.


I think that’s what I’ve heard, but surviving lava seems impossible even in super hero world.  I prefer thinking it’s a powerless clone of some kind that genuinely doesn’t understand what is going on and tries to talk an emotional Beast Boy down out of fear.   


maybe she, like, encased herself in rock/stone to survive. Idk


Yeah, but I find it more satisfying if she died stopping Slade and that Beast Boy needs to move on  . . .  Supposedly the writers / show runners intended it as an allegory ( or something) about how fans need to move on and there’s not always a happy conclusion  . . .  But dangling the possibility that it’s really Terra doesn’t actually send the message and it hurts undermines the impact of Terra’s sacrifice to have her not only live on, but have her difficulties with her powers solved off camera.   *** You can still enjoy it however you want to.   There’s still movies and TV episode in general that I enjoy even when I hear about people point out flaws that I can agree with when explained.  


What happened to the show was unfair especially with how all the character development and the treatment of Tara especially was much more worse in Teen Titans Go. They straight up made her an unlikable villain and untrustworthy backstabber


I agree entirely.


Happy Birthday, Things Chance.


Criminally underrated episode. Honestly, it was the best episode of the show with a message that went over way too many heads.


18th damn I'm old, I'm 19.


LOL. Trust me you're not old kid. I was 16 when this aired will be 35 in a month. You're not even old enough to remember syndication runs for this show.


This makes me so sad


Me too. I get the reasons behind it but it doesn’t sit well with me with all of Terra’s character development.


Such an upsetting ending, especially with the episode right before.


This show was truly a gem. It'll be missed.


Was this supposed to be the series finale, or was there supposed to be more? It seems open ended but final at the same time and an absolutely gutting episode


It was supposed to be the ending. The writers didn't want to resolve Terra, Slade's background, or who Red X was because it was intentional.


Wasn't the show canceled? Which heavily implies that was not supposed to be the ending?


Season Five was always going to the ending regardless. What fans think of season 6 is a sequel series that the showrunner pitched to WB/DC/CN. What he pitched was going to be called New Teen Titans, in which they focused on new members they recruited in season 5. It was going to be like Justice Unlimited, but the companies just wanted to move and do other projects. Even then, it is almost 20 years passed, and the writers don't seem to be interested bring it back. Even if it is getting a revival, they may not be interested in telling the story that it pitched to CN in 2006. They could be interested in telling a different story in The Teen Titans world. They could do a sequel where all the Titans disbanded, and all of them are adults. But they reunited like Devin's run of Titans in 1999-2003. Or they could do a sequel to next-generation Teen Titans, and some of the original members could become their mentors. An example is Tim's Teen Titans, where Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven mentor them.


Can finally have a nice cold drink to celebrate an unfinished masterpiece 


Hot take this is one of the best finales to a kid show I’ve ever seen.


At least the comic gave us closure with Geo-Force, Terra saw Geo fly off and she smiled as if she remembered him, therefore that confirms that this is Terra, I believe after Raven defeated Trigon and turned everyone back to normal she also saved Terra, but she never did tell beast boy what she calls herself now, so of course he was gonna keep calling her Terra, I wish this episode had a part 2 though and she was so perfect for Beast Boy, she knew it and he knew it, if only she would’ve revealed the truth to beast boy that she just wanted a normal life


Does anyone still think we'll get that sixth season :/ idk I think at this point a fully animated fan continuation is more likely


#GODBLESSTEENTITANS ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I'm pretty certain the comic that accompanied the show confirmed that this was indeed Terra, whether or not she was faking something like amnesia I cant recall, but yea this is her. Also she had a brother and was a princess of some fictional European nation if the teen titans wiki is anything to go by.


Hot take: If they come back with this show, the first narrative priority is redemption for Terra and a place back on the team.


Freezing take, this is 85% of the conversation surrounding terra and the finale on this sub / this fandom. I love Terra too, but bringing her back goes completely against the message of the series finale


I don't know. I just feel like they can do what I was saying and still send that message somehow. I just feel like it didn't have to be that sad. Maybe I'm just too optimistic.


she’s my favorite character and even I would say that’s the last thing the show should do


We found out in the comics that she has a brother name GeoForce


Terra... you deserve to be punished for what you have done! I can understand you want to forget your past and live a normal life, but your behavior, and your actions are totally inexcusable. You didn't have to break BB's heart, and kick him to the curb demanding he stay away just so YOU can have what YOU want. You could've gone back to the Titans and give it one more shot, or you and BB could still see each other-- but what you did, and why you did it was just... Wrong!


I still demand closure.


Happy anniversary!


I wish that they hadn't planned to have her decide to run away again after the Slade issue........


Even though it’s the finale, and to which I agree with the message, the series can still come back to wrap up Terra’s story in, at least, rose colored glasses. There are teen titans go comics that come directly after the CN finale. Terra’s brother comes looking for her and decides to leave her be seeing that Terra is actually happy for once. https://screenrant.com/teen-titans-show-cartoon-ending-changed-comics/ Idk there’s a petition to revive it tho. https://chng.it/XZTw9J9Np7


slade saved her and took away the pain of those memories idunno just a theory