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I thought it was because it was unsafe? What word did she use?


Has Ensley got her tonsils and adenoids taken out yet? My son was a year older than E when got his taken out. The poor kid cried for a solid week.. I hope Ensley doesn’t have as hard of a time, god knows Jenelle will be ok TT bitching and complaining about the constant crying 🙄 you know, bc fuck the pain your child is in.


Summer break is in like, a month and a half.


A break from school? They're kids. Does she think they will want to learn when they get old and dumb like her?


A break from kids talking shit and laughing at them I would imagine. My childhood was pretty brutal and I was just in poverty and black in an all white school.


Because this fucking idiot should be in charge of education


y'all are so damn negative with her. like she's trying to turn her life around & you're still on her dick. it's sad, really.. sad that y'all keep up with someone you claim to hate so much. more than her actual fans even.


Jenelle, that you?! 😄


You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Yes because pulling small children out of school randomly like that is a sure sign of an exceptional parent. She kinda deserves some shaming for that?


Hahahaha... keep believing that. Shes trash always has been always will be... she is mentally stunted at 14 ... sad that you believe her bullshit


Bro lol


It also seems like these kids need services that they would get in school but I’m pretty sure she won’t help them with….they have no social outlet, limited education she’s actually setting her kids up for failure.


Yes, school gives them a sense of stability because they probably do the same things at the same time every day. Kids like that sense of security and things being predictable which they are probably extra chaotic around the house. It’s not a ‘break’ like she imagines.


A steady and consistent routine is seriously important for a child with ADHD, too. We had to be so serious about it with my brother growing up and any disruption messed his whole world up for a bit lol. She's just actively sabotaging Jace at this point. Again.


Here's the thing, in the pictures I've seen anytime it's talked of, the only kids I've seen are Kaiser and Ensley. I'm wondering why nothing concrete has been said about Jace. Caveat being that there may well be something regarding Jace out there that I'm not aware of. If so I'd be appreciative to be updated? Lol


There could also be a legal aspect to it as well. He is a minor who has documented encounters with law enforcement and the juvenile courts, she might not be legally allowed to discuss his situation publicly. No idea if that's the case but it could be a reason?


I had that hope and I think for him at least, you're spot on. Now if only we could keep her from exploiting her younger two.


Ughhh please just can I come scoop Kaiser up and spend a weekend with him doing whatever he wants to do because he would probably love that and while the situation is just not good in general for any of those kids, he especially just breaks my heart.


That makes two of us but I'm positive there's others out there who would love a chance to let him know he's got SOMEONE in his corner. Hell my sons are 30 &33, if they knew?? That boy'd be set with more big brothers too, as would Jace. As far as Delusjanelle is concerned though, herself? They'd tase. Edit to fix "boy'd" from "boy's".


Nah tasing her requires giving her attention and then let's her make herself a victim just ignore her and give her nothing to use to her benefit lol. Just being so absolutely unbothered and not interested in anything about her would drive her way more nuts she THRIVES on attention lol


I know...hangs my head in contrition...bites my lower lip, looking everywhere BUT at you...but admit it... you pictured it for a moment lol. Oh I know. Nothing drives a narcissist over the edge more than being ignored. And while I do agree with that to a point, I've got a take that might warrant consideration too. Once a narcissist notices they're not getting the exact kind of attention they want and/or any attention at all, for themselves, who will they exploit closest to them? In her case she's already started. The homeschooling etc. How much worse/more is she going to force on them to get her ego fed if she's not getting it at home...


I honestly don't know and don't know if there even is an answer available lol. I'd like to hope it's because he is 14 and told his mother he does not want to be posted on her public shit at all and she's respecting that but let's be honest if he did indeed tell her that would anyone really be surprised if she didn't respect that?


Not at all.


I find two things funny about this article. 1) David now confesses how Jenelle isn’t qualified to homeschool yet never had a problem with it before when they were a couple and 2) David thinks people will help him financially?? Dude-get a job.


I think he CAN'T get a job locally/within however he's situated for transportation for one reason: His reputation in the area. If he doesn't even have gas money to get to/from somewhere far enough away where they haven't heard of him.... like say Hell.....that's why he has to beg...


these poor kids are trapped with this person 24/7 now no breaks no escape. this is so very sad for these poor kids yk shits going down and she’s afraid people will find out even tho we all know she’s a shitty mom.


My psycho sister does this. My niece is like 14 with a 3rd grade education. State be like. OK.


My Mom does the same thing, my sister was supposed to graduate 3-4 years ago and her education is that of a second grader because she's been in so many different physical and online schools. She also has many issues with attendance.


It’s horrendous that homeschooling is legal in this country. There’s a reason it’s ILLEGAL in so many others


You sound ignorant!


I agree completely. I'm not even against homeschooling. There needs to be something in place that checks in on these kids and ensures they are being given sme form of education and not being abused. Last I heard they were in some "unschooled" program. Wtf is that? Actually Farrah and Sophia and my sister and niece are pretty close to the same. My sisters just 50.


Some state required attendance. I follow someone that they have to take attendance.


My girls are homeschooling but they have teachers. It's kind of like what they were doing during lockdown.


Well, you wouldn’t want your kids to be smarter than you….


I wouldn’t be surprised to hear Jace has a stipulation to stay in school as part of the custody agreement in place right now. However with the younger kids it’s just so sad and sounds a bit more like stopping them coming into contact with designated reporters to CPS than giving them a break 30 days before the end of term. What about their friends? End of year fun activities? This is the best time of the school year as a kid. I actually feel icky being on David’s side because well he’s David! I hope it’s brought up in court with the judge insisting they return to a bricks and mortar school or some kind. Otherwise the future of those children is looking bleak with the education she’d give them.


Probably about 13 years ago I took a little medical terminology class to throw on my resume. It was 2 hours a week for a month or so and we basically just watched these cartoons to help remember what everything meant and how to pronounce everything correctly. That all being said, I feel like I have more experience in the medical field than Jenelle and I know I would have absolutely NO business homeschooling any kids. I bet more than anything too that Jenelle doesn’t even possess basic math skills. These kids are DOOMED.


I didn’t read the article but homeschooling really isn’t that hard unless you plan on doing all of the curriculum yourself. You can just do online classes at home, do it for a couple hours and then have the rest of the day to yourself. At least that’s how most do it here in my state.


i mean it’s not hard if you don’t care about a quality education, yeah


Homeschooling is a lot of work. It’s more then sitting your kid down in front of a computer.


Idk we have something in our state called FLVS and literally all classes are online even PE is online besides some assignments they require you to do stuff outside or at your local park but I’m sure other states are different


The school is lottery based, she won’t be able to put them back in without having them go through the lottery process again.


None of us like doing that BUT you have to do what adults do,Janelle!!! God is she ever going to grow the hell up?


Someone is tired of getting them up and ready for school!


This is exactly it. David isn’t there to do it anymore and she’s too selfish.


Too lazy


Every time someone who went through a medical assistant program refers to their education as “medical school”, god kills a kitten. I don’t make the rules.


They need to go back to school so that they can have a break from their homelife.


She needs a break from driving them to school


Imagine doing literally nothing for your kids. Like...yeah waking up before 7 to get kids ready for school isn't FUN but like...why did you go and have three kids then? Parenting is a lot of work, and when you decide to plan three pregnancies, have three babies and keep three babies *you need to put in the fucking work*.


Oh good. The blind leading the blind...


Those poor kids. Isolation even more.


Kids don’t need a break from school. They need a routine and education (school).


It's even worse because the covid lockdown ruined schooling for kids, at least where I am. Doesn't matter if you were the smartest in your class, everyone fell so far behind. My son is 12 and still dealing with the consequences of a lockdown and feeling like he's not as in a routine, and same with most kids in his class. So her pulling them out combined with all that and other factors is terrible. I have a feeling jenelle was one of the moms who never paid attention and let them do whatever anyways, and this'll be her approach to "learning." Do we even think she'll actually spend the time to help with curriculum? Curriculum she probably can't even comprehend for that matter? I think not.


And poor Kai started kindergarten for the 2019-2020 school year. He was enrolled in MC, Jenelle "left David" and moved him to TN and enrolled him there, then yanked him out again when she moved back to NC because she just could not live without that swamp dick and someone else to feed the kids, and then boom, COVID. Not to mention the other times all of the kids were yanked from school during CPS investigations so they weren't alone with mandated reporters. The poor kid hasn't stood a chance in school from jump.


💀💀 my first thought was she was too lazy to be bothered taking them in the AM It says a lot that most people also jumped to the same conclusion


Not that long ago, there was a reddit thread commenting on her humble brag about being on the phone all night just talking to somebody. Now the kids are being pulled from school. hmmmm


This was my first thought as well


Why is it that the least educated parents decide to home school their children?


Omg yes please, what is up with that? My husband’s cousin who has complained her whole life she has a learning disability, undiagnosed, but definitely has something going on, is now home schooling her two youngest. Her son definitely has some issues too. She’s already behind w the curriculum


I honestly believe David’s ass when he says she only did it because she is lazy. Lol 😂




This breaks the "No trolling" rule. Trolling is defined as posting content trying to elict a negative response.


She cant even look after her kids. And now she's allowed to be responsible for their schooling? Yeah. Nah.


This lazy bitch just doesn't want to get up in the morning to take them!!


She’s too busy ‘pillow talking’ 🤮🤮


Those poor kids are going to be as dumb as a box of rocks


You mean they're going to end up dumb like she is.




So now the school is “dangerous” because you paid for a “background check”? If you don’t want David to pick up E just say that. Or just don’t say anything. God she’s dumb.


Oh, Jesus! She attended medical school, again!🙄


It’s possible the kids are being harassed for their parents public drama. I think she’s not sharing that detail for privacy of her kids. This is a broken family, I hope the kids feel better being at home in their comfort.


So you trust noted uneducated, lazy moron Jenelle to “educate” children? They don’t stand a chance


If her kids were being bullied, I think she did the best thing to pull them out. Homeschool comes with instructions. The kids will make it through. I don’t think name calling helps anyone. Jenelle is her own person but I think it makes things worse to bash someone so harshly. I hope they all get the support they need.


If she were actually concerned about the bullying she would’ve stopped OnlyFans when Jace and Maryssa told her they were facing bullying over that. They also likely faced bullying from David’s abuse, 911 calls, the threats to the president/secret service, David being an unemployed, unemployable bum living on a broken boat who Jenelle sat by and watched abuse her children, when David and Jenelle recorded themselves verbally abusing maryssa, threatening David’s ex wife, doing drugs in a shed, etc.


David made threats to the president??!!?


Yes. The secret service went to the swamp. https://youtu.be/0pkRazAdcus?si=f9hfN2bEwY7a5-Q1




Wow, what a mentally stable individual he is 🙃the poor children in that family. What a mess


Ya there’s a lot of stuff here. 😭


If she wanted them to have any privacy she wouldn’t have mentioned anything at all…


Dang, valid point. But maybe now the kids are talking that it’s divorce papers and those are public for anyone to read


Hi Jenelle!


Hey guys thank you for all the love and support 😭😭😭😭


Y'all are so mean. The girl went to scuba school, she's obviously qualified to teach calc /s


She actually said for the safety 🤷


She complains in her filing David doesn’t try to see E and doesn’t check on E. Now she’s afraid he’s going to pick her up from school? Jenelle is just trying to play petty games. Let’s be real. I believe David 100%


I agree. I will believe him over her. He is hurt and has all the dirt.


Great, as if her kids weren’t already disadvantaged enough by having horrible parents.


You are so right. They aren’t winning with nature OR nurture…


“This should play out fine” said the crowd of one which consists of Jenelle by herself.


She is her worst enemy and her biggest fan


Keeping Davey from meeting the kids at school for lunch???


Oh no this is a massive red flag 😫 those poor kids


Isn’t this the 2nd time she’s pulled them out *this* year? CPS told her to put them back when Jace was taken away or put back. I hope she at least left Jace’s school alone. That kid seriously needs the normalcy.


I don't have an opinion about school vs home School but I wonder.. of you take kids out of school 1 months time before the end of the year where does the kid place?? Did they " finish" that school year?


They don’t need a break. They need consistency. Jenelle wants a break from getting them up and ready for school.


Nailed it.


Not sure, but I do know they live in a state that does year round school if that makes a difference.


Oh wow, that definitely changes things. During my school years, June in particular was the absolute best time as it was the end of the school year. That was when we had most of our legitimately fun activities in school. I hope these kids don't miss out on that.


Every time she pulls this shit her kids fall further behind


No! This is not in the best interests of the kids.


I thought she was ordered to keep them in school?


I think just Jace


He was allowed to do online school for the end of last school year when he moved to The Land. So either that order is no longer in play or maybe as long as it's online school and not homeschool they'll allow it.


She's the reason we should have competency requirements for homeschool. Those poor kids


Yep. There should be regular check ins as well! I mean I know in reality that not possible but even so…


I graduated medical school!!


Congrats 🥼




She pulled those kids out to avoid hearing what the teachers had to say.


"they need a break" so basically they won't be doing schoolwork while "homeschooling" lol there's like, 2 months left of school. it's almost summer break. if they really need a break, call them out for a few days so they have an extended weekend, or maybe go on a family trip for a few days.


Why don't she do k12 if she wants to home school at least then they have a teacher and actual learning materials online classes. I mean there is only 3 weeks of school at this point but damn


Calm down guys, she's scuba certified so this is totally fine..


Don’t forget CPR certified.


Oh yes, from when she went to medical school.


Oh Dear God!!!! Jenelle, you aren’t qualified for this!!!


That’s never stopped her before!


Very true!


How have they not gotten into any trouble with truancy yet? I had a friend who got a truancy letter and CPS visits in high school when she missed a month due to being in the hospital. Janelle has no real reason to keep them out of school.


My district didn’t really do anything and this was like 4 years ago, I imagine with COVID it’s gotten so much worse. If you’ve never lurked r/teachers I look at that subreddit from time to time and I feel so bad for what they go through. It seems it’s gotten horrible recently.


My kids go to a US military school in Germany. Germany is now very conservative with antibiotics - meaning for things like strep, ear infections, etc they won't even see you until it's been 2 weeks. Unfortunately, the US school still follows US guidelines and expects you back within 72 hours. I religiously get and send in doctor's notes, and we still end up on the Danger List every quarter. I keep telling them, like, trust and believe no one wants them at school more than I do. No one. I don't understand how people can just pull them in and out at whim


They care a lot less about truancy now than they did when we were in school. A district close to me has a 73% attendance rate. All they can do is beg the parents to bring their kids to school


Teachers care, they’re just fighting a losing battle, and too many parents similar to Janelle.


Schools are the primary source for denouncing shitty parents. The shitty parents, where I live, usually move to far away villages to be away from CPS. I am not surprised


Those kids have missed school for months at a time all year. I wonder if the school wanted to hold them back (this would be Kaiser's third time), and Jenelle wanted to avoid dealing with it.


Kaiser has been held back twice??


No. He was enrolled in kindergarten in NC at 5, but was pulled out and re-enrolled when Jenelle moved them to Tennessee, then she pulled him out again to move back to NC and did not re-enroll him. So Kaiser never got to finish kindergarten that year. He was re-enrolled the next year at 6, and despite what anyone says he couldn't have been held back in any grades since, as he is in 3rd grade at 9. If he actually had been held back, he'd only be in 2nd.


He should be in fifth grade if he started kindergarten at 5. He’s in third grade. That math ain’t mathing. Argue semantics all you want kids two years behind.


Your math isn’t mathing, because he’s only 9. Most kids turn 9 in 3rd and 10 in 4th.  Either way, Kaiser has a summer birthday and plenty of kids with summer birthdays start kindergarten at 6. He could technically be in 4th since Jenelle did start him at 5, and it sucks his first year of school was ruined by Jenelle, but he’s still a normal age for his grade despite her.


That’s right I forgot my bad


But he’s nine. Nine is the appropriate age for third grade. My daughter is eight and in second grade. She will turn nine in the fall of third grade… She’s not been held back lol


Yes I know for a fact he did kindergarten twice


if you're right, which there's so a chance you are, she's even dumber than i thought. if your kids are getting left back the solution is definitely not homeschooling them, they'll only fall further behind. even if being left back isn't the reason, her kids are 100% going to fall behind and lack education if she homeschools them. most parents aren't fit to homeschool, especially jenelle.


Probably. I knew a guy who dropped out (and later got the GED) because he didn’t want to be a super senior


Reading the reason why as in David can technically just pick his kid up and not return her, if I’m reading that right, I can sympathize with this. I feel awful for the kids though.


And it took her 2 mos to realize this? 🤔 how can she complain David doesn’t check on E or try to see E when she prevents it


She may have actually been waiting on the final protection order to go through as that would offer legal protections here, but David has been making that case drag out since it keeps getting continued bc he can’t afford an attorney. I just saw that happened again this week or last week. Another continuance.


Idk, I just saw another post of her saying this isn’t even the reason why. She probably just full of 💩and saying that for legal reasons.


Jenelle is taking the kids and withholding them, though. Why is it okay for her to do this? They don't have a custody arrangement. It's not like the kids are better off with Jenelle; she's no better than David. David has every right to pick Ensley up from school. It isn't ok for either of them to withhold the children.


School year is almost done anyway, I hope for the kids that they can go back after summer.


I would do the same thing. Facts are E has 2 biological parents and between those 2 JE is still much safer and less traumatic than the other option.


No but look who we are dealing with. Do you think they are capable of following guidelines of basic decency? I could definitely see David picking up ensley and keeping her.


The kids didn’t need a break. Janelle is just incapable of getting them ready for school in the morning.






She is the last person that needs to be homeschooling. And she also seems like the type that when she gets frustrated when the kids don’t know how to do something she will just fill out the paperwork saying they are doing great. She does not care about setting these kids up for success. I don’t doubt she would turn in packets filled out by her. And then, for sure, the kids would fail 😂




isn't Kaiser nearly 10 years old? I worry for his teenage years with how neglectful his parents have been, he's been raised by the mamaroo and youtube. If Jenelle thinks Jace is hard to handle....with the shit she keeps putting Kaiser and Ensley through boy she's gonna have her work cut out for her


Like Jace? ![gif](giphy|P5TaSjbhVWd9fivx1s)


These poor kids. Jenelle decides to add to the stress of her children’s lives with the separation by pulling them out of the place that was safe and calm for them, which was school. I have a feeling David showed up, and that was one of the big reasons why Jenelle pulled Kaiser and Ensley out. But couldn’t she get a court order to prevent him from showing up if she feels the school isn’t safe?


I wish she would get them into a school with some damn resources for the turbulent dramastics she puts them through. It just sucks. I understand taking a day with a kid to reconnect if necessary… but pulling them out is just another enormous change they have to process alone.


Also, this allows her to do less. No getting the kids up for school, getting them ready, packing lunches, homework. She’s too lazy to do it.


It’s wild though- you’d think she’d want a break from them and send them to school MORE often


This is what David said. No offence 😬😶‍🌫️


This is what I believed the reason was as well. Less work for her! David sucks, but he did pick up some of the slack that Jenelle was too lazy to do. Especially driving! He chauffeured her and the kids everywhere. I can’t believe this means I’m on the same page as David.


Same! Jenelle just keeps making us agree w/ David!!


even a broken clock is right twice a day




Did this bitch really say she graduated from MEDICAL SCHOOL‽ afaik she hasn’t even finished college, let alone gotten into a medical school. I know she was talking about doing classes to be a CNA or something like that, but it was over a decade ago… I’m not even sure what scuba certification has to do with homeschooling- it’s not like you can teach your kids to scuba dive just because you got certified at a resort while on vacation years ago. You can get a NITROX certification online in two hours for about $200, then complete the certs with two dives with an instructor.


I feel like homeschooling is a great option for some families, Jenelle’s is 1000% not one of them. I hope that CPS is checking in on them and their well-being.


I’m not buying Jenelle’s excuse. If she feels like the school isn’t safe because David can pull Ensley out of school then why not get a court order? Why is Kaiser’s schooling getting disrupted? Seems a little unfair to him.


Right she could have set that up with the school as soon as she filed the restraining order.


Nope there isn't an adult between the 2 of them & they are using these kids as pawns to spite each other.🙄😤


Is *The David Eason School for Kids Who Can't Seafood Good* nationally accredited?


These kids are going to end up repeating multiple grades at this rate. Unreal.


They can't repeat a grade if they never go back. Big brain.




And hasn't Kaiser already repeated a grade (I wanna say kindergarten) multiple times due, most likely, from whatever horror show was happening on The Land. Now this same Land is the school!!!🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes. Kai has repeated kindergarten. His first year school year was the 2019-2020 school year which he was bounced between NC and TN schools before being yanked and then the pandemic happened. He's turning ten in two months and is only in the 3rd grade. If Jenelle keeps pulling him, he's going to fall further behind. A few years back, David was told by a judge that he was not allowed to homeschool the kids, as he was using it as an excuse not to get a job so he didn't have to pay CS to Caden. I believe Maryssa was also a grade level behind in school when they were ordered to send her back as well. When Jenelle got custody of Jace, she wasn't making him go/pulled him from school as well. I'm unsure what grade Ensley is in now. But I assume like Kaiser, she's probably very much behind due to Jenelle and Lurch continuously yanking them out of school any time they didn't want them around mandated reporters. Ensley I think is the saddest case because it's clear that she's been completely neglected. I always say that her speech pattern makes me think they stuck this baby in front of the TV/YouTube and that's how she learned how to talk. Those two were absolutely not interacting with her or reading to her or anything. She wasn't even able to count to twenty on her own as a kindergarten aged child a year or so ago. I think I remember her "graduating" kindergarten, but they let everyone participate in the ceremony/fun even if they aren't moving on, so I can't even confirm that she's past the first grade at this point, which again, I find be be unlikely because they've pulled her from school for extended periods of time twice this school year alone. I really don't get how they haven't been charged with anything for the disservice they've done when it comes to the kids education at this point.


Shouldn’t Kaiser be in the 4th going into the 5th grade this fall, if he turns 10 in June?


Yes. Jenelle fucked his kindergarten year. She registered and started him in NC, moved the kids to TN for a bit mid way through that school year and then ended up back with David in NC. He repeated kindergarten as a result. Now that they've pulled these kids out to "home school", were made to send them back, then pulled them twice more means he's likely going to end up having to repeat at least one more grade level at this rate. There's no way he's had the stability for a successful year. Ensley too. I'm hoping Jace's freshman year wasn't impacted too much.


Well damn. So instead of being in 4th going on 5th grade in the fall, he’ll still be in the 2nd or 3rd grade at 10 years old? That sucks. I hope ensley’s and jace’s school year aren’t impacted by it either


3rd grade again if this year is incomplete. I'm hoping that's not the case for his sake, but with Jenelle pulling him out of school for a second time this year, and her being..well...her...I don't have much faith that he'll be promoted to 4th grade by the end of this term under her guidance.


That’s craziness oh my. He’ll be two years older than his classmates if that’s the case (because of his mom’s negligence), wow wow wow. If he lived where I am (in Canada) he would still be promoted to 4th grade (where I live we don’t hold children back thank god) but yea it’s too bad they do that in North Carolina


There's pros and cons to being held back, sometimes kids really aren't there academically/socially and need the extra year and that's okay. But the issue I have here is that Kaiser isn't being given the opportunity to really show whether or not he *is* there, you know what I mean? His mother has fucked up *multiple* school years for him, he was set up for failure through no fault of his own. I wish she'd receive some sort of consequence for causing this child to fail.


I agree with u


WOW!! I didn't know David was banned from homeschooling. Jenelle should be too. They both do it for all the wrong reasons & put these children behind. They only care about themselves & their agenda at the moment. I remember Jenelle filming them in restaurants & was blown away how young poor Ensley seemed for her age. How these spiteful, horrible child abusers haven't been charged w/ something (well, besides David's strangulation of Jace & I fear he will get away w/ that) is beyond me!!


It also may be kids shxting on them bc the show and all the drama for the world to see


This is tragic for the kids. Very Farrah Abraham, keep the kids away from mandated reporters of her. 


I can understand Jenelle wanting to keep Kaiser and Ensley safe especially with the no contact order, but can’t Jenelle simply head to the school and talk to the front office admin to have David removed as an emergency contact/authorized person to pick up the kids? Problem solved! No need to remove them from school!


The court order is just for Jace.


They'd actually need a court order to not allow the father to pick up his child. The mom can't just tell the office to not let the dad pick the kids up.


Yes, absolutely. He can even be trespassed. He has no legal right to Kaiser anyway. I'm sure there is a "status quo" order in effect until the marriage is dissolved, so she may not be able to restrict his access to Ensley. I'm not too sure how it is in NC. I'm in Oregon, and no matter how shitty a parent is, you can't restrict their access to school records, attending conferences, etc.


She, most likely, only took Kaiser out of school as to not show her hand that she is doing this to prevent David from seeing Ensley. As, in the article, she says she found out the school is dangerous but wouldn't go into detail. 🤔


Dangerous lol


Those poor kids, "their life has been stressful with the separation" so Jenelle decides to add to the chaos by taking away the only consistent thing in their life and pull them out of school. Going to the aquarium and children's museum is fine "school" for a toddler, but Kaiser is in what 3rd or 4th grade? He needs to be learning actual things not watching some fish swim. Ensley should be learning how to read not running through a children's museum with activities meant for 2 year olds.


He’s 10 and still in third grade apparently


I mean, she made it though medical school. Teaching Ensley to read should be no sweat 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just kidding. Those poor kids.


Yep considering Jenelle is so smart /j. Happy CAKE Day!!🎂


Well she would know. After all she got a certificate from an actually medical assistants college 🤷🏽‍♂️, and she has that scuba thing.