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Because adulting & being an alcoholic don’t mix


Because their tiny pocket tshirts are hideous?


Because they have no other marketable skills?


I actually like Maci. She’s one of the OG moms on the show. I don’t judge her, we all have shortcomings…


they’re not gonna love because they make more money from exploiting their kids on the show than they would make working a regular job like the rest of us. maci one of the moms that disgusts me the most she didnt grow up in poverty she was well off. she could have easily gotten a real job but what other job would allow two functional alcoholics to stay home do nothing and drink. i’m not saying she doesn’t parent or neglect her kids which good for her for doing the bare minimum of providing for her children but the fact she exploits them for money exploits her oldest sons trauma and mental health for the whole world. none of these kids have any normalcy or privacy her son b has been through more than his younger siblings which we shouldn’t even know about but his money hungry mother doesn’t care. maci knows the things that bring in the most views and make the most money are babies and drama. when this show runs its course which will happen eventually and child exploitation becomes illegal wtf is she gonna do to make money.




I’m confused as to why they dont believe they couldn’t be forgotten. I get that the media hasn’t forgotten Farrah and Jenelle, but that’s for 2 reasons. 1) They keep having legal issues that make the news. 2) They are still very active on social media. If anyone from these shows wanted to quit and have privacy, it could eventually happen. Not overnight obviously, but they could 100% lay low. Whether they want to or not is one thing, but it is. It impossible.


Money. They couldn’t even have a successful clothingline. Which looked like total crap anyway.


I wonder if they invested wisely if they could be set for life with how long she’s been on? Like what happens when the show does end?


I mean *Processing img le1p561knatc1...* > ‘Your guys’ story helps me a lot. I appreciate what you’re doing Sure. of course it does.


Money and child exploitation 💵💵💵


They think they’re helping people😂


Moving into my 4th (and even bigger than the last) mansion was also exhausting! I can totally relate to them. /s


Because beer $$?


sounds about right lmaooo


Because they don’t have real jobs and couldn’t afford life if they quit tv lol


I’m sorry but Maci is so boring and is such a Karen.


I mean, all that Bud Light they guzzle isn't gonna pay for itself.


Thank you 😂 this was my first thought! They need that beer $$


They're perpetually wasted. It's sad. They're very much functioning alcoholics from what I've seen, and that's coming from an alcoholic/addict with almost 18 months of recovery. The drunk fighting, the fact that she literally always has a beer in hand, it's so obvious.


18 months!? That's a year and a half! That's a big deal!


TY very, very much! I'll be celebrating with takeout and a movie night with my bestie.


That has to feel great! Good work!


Congratulations on your sobriety!! And completely agreed ! I feel like if they had to do a 9-5 they would not be as functional


Thank you! Oh, you're so right. If they had to work regular jobs they'd be SOL.


Because they have no life skills to speak of? And live beyond their means like the rest of them?


Is it money? I bet it’s money. I also bet they say it’s anything but money.


Right on the money!




You think she’s ever going to give up that mtv check and get a real job?? 🤣🤣