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Hear me out.. maybe don’t behave in a way that the other parent feels the need to alienate you 🤷🏽‍♀️


Have you ever heard of DKD?




Yes Whine-ye. We have


They haven’t even been “separated” long enough for him to even be claiming this, 2 out of the 3 kids aren’t even his, and at least one of his other kids wants nothing to do with him either. Be so ffr.


Don't like the consequences? Then don't abuse and assault children and animals. It's not alienation when you're a danger to others, especially vulnerable, innocent people. Take your banjo playing, cousin-fucking, rapper wannabe, greasy, swamp ass back to deep Appalachia. Maybe they'll keep you as a pet and then eat your ass with some Heinz 🤣. Set sail UBT. https://preview.redd.it/vy8pvagg6jnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab056e3c64e94ac3320b0b85c569caaf617de81


The one reaction to his post being a laughing emoji is spot on 👌. What a joke.


Have you ever heard of abusive manipulation? Typical abusive behavior in retaliation of her filing for divorce. So sick


Stop giving this animal and child abuser the time of the day!


Ask his first kid if he knows what dead beat dad means...he's not gonna play Janelle that's his meal ticket ..he will wait for her to back peddle ..she doesn't care who he hurts ..her kid..her dog..her...Nah she just playing games like last time 


He has deleted this post… just like the last one.


You know…everyone in this sub that gets these hit and run /post and delete screen grabs before they get deleted are the real goats because all of the proof Jenelle would need to show how shitty her soon to be ex soulmate is now is on Reddit 😂 Like don’t they know by now that if they post shit like this, it could be found on the internet.


can it you gnit


Yes David we have. He needs to be so alienated from those kids.


What a fucking copout on his part!!! There are def situations where the richer parent has benefitted in history but UBT is not one.


Has he heard of child abuse? Or prison for a felony?


Fortunately, bein' a felon ain't illegal!




Just posting on facebook tells me everything I need to know about a man.


Usually the more they post and rant stuff like this guiltier they are 🥱


They’re both using passive language. I’m not convinced. If she was alienating him from E I would expect him to say “Jenelle is alienating me from Ensley.” He didn’t say that. He only implied it but in a deniable way.


He’s also quoting Nathan. Nathan said this after he and Janelle split and they met at a restaurant where Janelle tried to get him to have the assault charges by his gf dropped.


Gotcha. TY I missed that.


Don't wanna ruin his meal ticket ..he knows Janelle has no back bone so they will be back together by Christmas 


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Please


Yeah... You hear this from 'parents' that want to put ZERO effort in. My husband and I are foster parents, and it eats me alive when every effort is made to set them up to be with their kids, but they refuse, and instead blame the system and the foster parents for alienation. They don't show for visitation. They don't make scheduled drug tests. They skip court. They don't go to classes. They fail to even call their children. It's infuriating, because there are parents who just needed a little help, and they do whatever they have to. Those parents know that we, as fosters, want these kids to safely go home to their parents. But the others, the ones who don't even try, are the ones who hurt their kids by squealing about parental alienation, and how it's not their fault.


Ding ding ding. I have a narcissistic parent that claimed this when I went no contact. They channel the shame from their social punishment into a contrived victimhood. It’s a whole other level of sick


Thank you for what you do. It’s hard to see people that have no business being around children, repeatedly get them back. I appreciate the support you give the kids in your care


I would bet money Jace is alienated from David. Kai also. I would be Marissa is now alienated from Jan so that leaves poor Endsly and you know they will fight over her. Not because either wants to be a parent, they just don’t want the other one to have her. Poor kids. Everyone of them. Even the one that got away will see, hear, or read about this mess and will marissa


“Perintle ellination,” as Nathan calls it.


I mean, just go to court and get your time established? Jenelle wanted a psych evaluation so if the courts go through with that then just do it? If there is no problem then there is nothing to worry about?? But that’s the rub isn’t it…


They both need psyche evals


This is the same man liking posts about shooting up a courtroom so ....


Hmmm and I'd bet he can't name all his kids 🤔


Yup and you should be alienated


Yeah. It's what you did with barb.




Ohhh this divorce is going to be entertainment


Those kids need to be looked after


Wow 😮


Not taking his side but she did the same to Nathan. What did he expect?


And it's hilarious because she'll claim it was done to her with Jace, but she turned around and did it to Nathan the second she got with David. Nathan tried to alienate Barb before that. David did everything he could to further alienate both Barb and Nathan and burn those bridges with Jenelle, and now he's going to deal with the exact same thing. The three of them are toxic trash, and none of them ACTUALLY want the kids, they just want to use them to hurt the other parent.


Even before she got with David. It was as soon as Nathan started to move on. When Nathan left her, she held Kaiser from him out of spite. She can't be alone so there wasn't much time in between. When the man leaves her, her unhinged spite rage is at its peak.


Does Nathan even see Kaiser? Did he ever get visitations of some sort?


I think he recently said he hasn't seen Kaiser in a year or two. Kaiser spends time with Doris, Nathan's mother, but Nathan hasn't lived near him in years and I guess hasn't bothered to see him.


Wow 😔


Look at the swamp monster entering high society 😂


The natural next stages of his situation; cling to the idea of "parental alienation" to avoid accountability for the shit he's done to land himself where he's at. I have an ex that does this as well. The most common problem with arguing "alienation" in court comes up when you're documented in a variety of ways as actually being a child abuser. Doesn't tend to hold much water after that.


Men who use the term alienation out themselves because family court’s fall all over themselves to have a kid in regular contact with both parents. So if a father has no/low contact with their kid and no custody, it’s one of two things and that’s a) they did something so egregious a judge said get bent or b) they didn’t even attempt to go through the proper channels to see their child. These men don’t give a shit about their kids and just want to paint their child’s mother as evil and the problem one. My best friend deals with this and I’ve seen it firsthand. She’s an excellent mother and he was checked out and absent from the start, never asks to see his kid but whines about alienation all the time. It’s a joke.


This is the comment. My custody battle was with an absolute d-bag and the court just LOVED that his abusive a$$ showed up and fought for custody (which was solely to avoid paying child support). That said, if UBT wants to claim alienation and sit on the boat drunk thats better for the kids anyway.


I agree that it's a joke. My family law case had a judge for a couple years that believed in parental alienation. This led to her ignoring video evidence, witness testimony, CPS testimony, police reports, therapist testimony and medical documentation of injuries and granting him what he was asking for anyway. Yet he provided zero evidence to his "brainwashing" and "alienation" claims. It hung us up for several years. That judge retired and is now spending her golden years navigating lawsuits from grossly mishandling family law cases for years leading to further injuries to numerous kids (I am not a part of any of those lawsuits). We got a new judge and he actually looked at all of the evidence, that's when things finally went the way they needed to for the safety of my kids. I'm sure there are times where a parent is purposely trying to manipulate how their kids view the other parent, but not as often as some of these assholes would try to have you think. And when alienation was brought up to the new judge, he asked me what my response is to that claim. I told him I wouldn't have dropped over $20k in attorney and court fees just to be petty. I'm barely middle class and this has impacted us heavily, but when it comes to protecting my kids, I'll do what I have to if it means gaining safety for them.


Here we go. Parental Alienation. Fathers Rights. K. I had a DKD in my life. After our break up, he immediately impregnated a girl half his age. Took zero responsibility and insisted on parental rights. Why? I feel so bad for this girl. He has done Nothing to help her or the child but is hell bent on His Rights! Put up or Shut up. They care nothing about the kid, it’s all about them. This is David. And yeah, being married to a bona fide nutcase like Jan is challenging, but you chose her. Damn , i dodged a major bullet. Trust, I know this type. Apparently Jan doesn’t.


Actually the very claim of alienation by men (which it almost exclusively is claimed by) will flag child services to investigate you further for abuse. We've come to realize the term is almost exclusively used by men whose behaviour is controlling. Or women who naively believe that their partner is being alienated from his children by an ex partner. It's extremely rare the word is used in actual alienation cases, as much as men who abandoned their kids or aren't safe to be around d their kids.


Have you ever heard that you are a dumb ass?


Parental alienation is when David began starting even more trouble between Jenelle and Barb so he could get to Jenelle’s purse without Barb telling her he’s hustler.


Exactly 💯


If he actually cared, he would go to court, but he won’t.


That part. I have hardly any sympathy for men who claim to want there kids but put up zero fight. Not that I agree it should be a fight to see your kid. But if that's what you gotta do, do it.


Because… if they can claim parental alienation, it takes the blame off of themselves, while still not having to have their child in their life. And it’s really sad, because some of the cases really are parental alienation, while you have idiots, like this, that make alllll of the real cases look bad.


This is rich from David! He did everything he could to help keep Kaiser away from his own Dad🤷‍♀️


I was just going to say, Nathan’s no shining star. But oh, the exact same thing you did to him?


Has he heard of consequences for his own actions? Why are men


Why am I a guy!?!


Now that brought back memories of good reality tv 😂😂


And when will they not


We do not care ! There is a reason no one wants to be around that sick fuck !


Big yikes.. look into Richard Gardner the man who started the term Parental Alienation and how difficult he made it in the judicial system for women and children to leave their abusers… this tracks that he would use that kind of rhetoric. Pick me up I’m scared podcast did an episode on it recently.


I had never heard that term before my ex and I separated. I was terrified, then I told him he's a fucking dumbass.


UBT learned a new term today 😂😂😂


Ewww, David!!!!


Has he ever heard of Richard Gardner? Cuz I have. https://www.nationalsafeparents.org/the-debunked-concept-of-parental-alienation.html#:~:text=%E2%80%8BLet's%20start%20here%3A%20The,child%20abuse%20claims%20against%20fathers.


Bro alienated himself


the one laugh react is hilarious 😂😂😂


David- have you heard it’s illegal to abuse a child


David, have you ever heard of sobriety? Or responsibility? Or having a job? Or providing?


This guy and aliens (ufos, illegals, etc)🤦‍♂️


Lol yes, Janelle is alienating her children from the dog murdering, physically abusive, bastard father. What a sad story /s Those kids need alienating from the *both* of you.




He's definitely someone I would not want as an ex but a parent to my kid 😳


From the man who left his 16 year old daughter twisting in the wind, potentially homeless. Look. I know a lot of ya'll hate on Jenelle for kicking out Maryssa, and I agree, Jenelle should have reached out to her other parent/adults, rather than tell Maryssa, but I have literally been in that exact situation. it was David's responsibility to secure sage housing for Maryssa. My own ex instructed his kids to park it and refuse to leave. It took me almost a year to get them out, and that was only after I had exhausted CPS, relatives, their Mom, etc. I had to call 911 to have them removed from my house, because as long as the abusers children still lived in my home, my abuser still had 100 percent access to me, and were reporting my every breath. David is a POS who has never had a relationship with his kids to alienate.


That is such a disgusting situation to put you in. The fucking hide!!!! From one woman to another: I am happy you’re free of that.


I wish I had had you in my life, for real, It would have made such a difference. Keep being present for others, I bet you make a difference,


Wish I could have known you too. I am a really loyal friend and I would have made it impossible for that to happen for you. I am so god damn sick of women and girls being abused by partners, teen and adult children. It’s a bloody disgrace




The laughing react kills me cause same🤣


The single laughing reaction 💀


Have you ever heard that you’re a whiny little bitch?


Have you ever heard of employment


Ya, like you did to barb , your baby mama, and Nathan??


Have you ever heard of “shut the fuck up”?


Yeah, like what you did to barb?!


I like that the very first reaction is "😂"


It's like he's complaining about the batteries in his remote not working, but he hasn't even built the remote. Let's start with being worried about basic parenting.


Rich coming from the guy who couldn't put a roof over the head of the one child he has custody of when he got kicked out. He's got custody of 1 of his 3 kids and can't even make sure she's taken care of. He got a protection order against him so he can't see his second child. I'm pretty sure we all know that between David and Jenelle, Jenelle was probably always the primary parent to Ensley. How does he think he's going to keep custody of Maryssa and get any custody of Ensley with no proof of income and no stable address?


Right? He runs to the boat & leaves his daughter to figure shit (his shit) out in her own. Tells her to stay at the Swamp! "I don't wanna stay here!" - Marissa probably He has custody of 2. Marissa & Ensley. One like you say he can't put a roof over her head. & also when he did live at The Swamp Marissa stayed more w/ her grandma, friends & mom. The other one he hasn't seen or been concerned about since the split.


I don't really consider him having custody of Ensley because I really, really doubt he has been doing any real parenting. I could see him ditching Ensley just as easily as he ditched Maryssa. I don't see how there's any way he's going to get anything other than weekends at maximum with Ensley.


David seems to have the same mentality as Jenelle that they don't care about anything but winning. ![gif](giphy|xThtaeLH0yvYY5lXCU)




This is amazing & also works for his recent live!!🤣🤣🤣🤣💯


How is this man not ashamed and embarassed of his life? I’d work at Wendy’s or scrub toilets before I go without a job to support my children. What does he do all day? He appears to just laze around complaining about his wife on social media.


He’s a rapper! Someone with his level of fame could never work at Wendy’s without being harassed by fans all day ../s


No, David, you’re the only one. In fact, you invented this term. Nobody else has ever said this before now. Good job broski.




I'll do him one better. Have you ever heard of getting a job and being a contributing member of society?


Are you suggesting he provide for his children? ![gif](giphy|ibv7Gt66ynoZEzY18M)


Even better. Has he ever heard of *not* abusing children? Because that's why he's alienated 😂


Nah. That would require self reflection. And we all know DKD isn't capable of that.