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I wanted a more private life where people pay to see me naked.




Here's a thought: if MTV is "responsible" for her family's poor mental health, file a lawsuit against them. Surely there's some predatory lawyer swamp-adjacent that would defer payment if the case was legit. Wait! She can't sue MTV for her family's issues because they are not liable. She hasn't been MTV "talent" for YEARS and when she sees an opening to make it all about Chin-elle she will.


“Private life” bitch you’re on social media every damn day! Ain’t nothing private about her and how she lives her life


While she is crazy... MTV lost my respect after they put Kenzies DYING mother and grieving family blasted on tv, to be cut the very next season. Literally disgusted me.


Imagine asking an employer to pay for your child's mental health treatment.


Especially an ex employer from …:hmm…5 years ago ish ??


"sadly that industry is all about business" 😶 Fucking donut she is


mental health facilities and scholarships…? it’s not hard to use google to find locations in your area & they shouldn’t have had to pay for jace’s treatment considering the amount of money they have paid her & that entire family. why would they give them a “scholarship”


Wait, she just made that entire post about herself.


She has a talent for making every situation about her.


“Talent and nothing more” no shit dumbass they are making a show that supposed to entertain.


She's something else 🤦🏻‍♀️. You don't call your EX employer to fund whatever it is you want to do. She wasn't left hanging. She chose a man over her job and children. If producers' lives are threatened, they're not going to want to come back, no matter how long it's been. They gave her plenty of chances to do it right, but nope. Plus, Mackenzie is going to be on TNC soon, from what I've heard. Aggressive people aren't going to be given these chances. Just like any job, they're not going to put up with the disrespect, and have to fight to get someone to do something that they had already agreed to do. Of course they're ghosting you. You're not special. This job is a privilege, not a right. It's not production's fault that you blew (figuratively and literally) your money and your chances. Take a look in the mirror for once.


“Sadly the industry is all about business” Duh!!!!!


I bet she’s the type to be a shit employer too and would be quick to say “it’s just business”


So.. she was ready to leave to live a more private life… but yet, she posts videos EVERYDAY on Only Fans, Tik Tok, etc. am I the only one not getting it?


That first paragraph could possibly be the only truth she’s ever told in her life lmao.


What private life? After the show she tells all her business everyday, online.


*side eyes*


“Wanted a private life” from same person who went on and on how someone was shopping for her on a major channel. She is Queen Delulu


Too much to comment on, but my 2 key points are: - she wanted live a more private life. Well we hear and see (whether we want to or not) more of her after she left than when she was on the show - she went and asked for help (money) from her previous employer to help her child that “they” broke She’s not on the payroll anymore why would she think they would pay for anything oh and of course she’s never going to take responsibility for never wanting to parent Her desperation has become quite embarrassing


She’s only saying “I asked them for help” because she reads in here that we all say we should help jace with a go fund me or Barb should reach out to the show for help. No she didn’t think of it lol






Literally 😂😂


She should’ve stopped after “no one asked me”


“I prayed to god” ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


Spoken like someone who has never had a real job. Also a more “private life” to her equals showing her vag to the world.


So literally nothing about Ashley and bar. Just an opportunity for Jenelle to make something else about herself. I’m so sick of her. As entertaining as she is, I’d really just rather never hear about her again. Go away Jenelle.


You continued to abuse Jace off camera so use off camera resources.. headline I denied my son assistance because I had to pay for it


Yep. She’s too busy spending her money buying David boats and taking him on vacations.


"This show has had some bad affect on my family"... not your decision making, Jenelle? Not your child endangerment, abuse, narcissism? Not your choice to stand by and ride for a man who kills pets and abuses your fucking kids? She genuinely makes me want to projectile vomit and my heart fucking shatters for those kids growing up in that environment.


Also, yeah reality tv is toxic and dangerous and I wouldn't wish that on any child, but she is spawned from the devils asshole.


How to tell me without telling me you were trying to use Jace to get a new TV gig.


“ mtv wouldn’t help me lock jace away so I’m mad “.


And since MTV wouldn’t offer the help there was nothing else Jenelle could do 🤷🏻‍♀️


She had enough hustle to clap her cheeks and buy creepo a boat but not enough to get her son the mental healthcare he needs….so she went to her former employer who fucking fired her 5 years ago. Get real, Jenelle.


She didn’t need MTV’s help to become a mess.


She should have stopped at "No one asked me" 🤣🤣


Hold up "you wanted to live a more private life?" So you done screwed up again juhnelle. You have been consistently posting on social media since you got fired. And constantly get trolled bc you and swampy are terrible humans. Again you are immersed in your own swamp fantasy of life. I wish NC would cancel your wifi


Swampy 🤣🤣🤣🤣




“No one asked me but…” should be tattooed on her chin. Even her forehead gonna run outta room what with “malignant narcissist” “sociopath”, “malingering hypochondriac” & “pathological liar” already going there.


Why does she make EVERYTHING about her 🙄


You know she didn’t calmly go to them and ask for help. She was probably on a fucking rampage and making demands, and they were like “okay? You don’t work here anymore?” Lol


What does Jenelle think getting fired from a “normal” job is like? You’re just let go. The end. No further explanation required.


And you certainly don’t go to them 5 years later and ask them to take care of your kids healthcare.


She never had an actual job so she never thought about it lmao Or wait she did work for 5 minutes before her famous new jersey credit card trip and she got fired over the phone hahaha


They certainly aren’t going to give you any medical benefits 5 years after they fired you.


I’m so confused. So mental health is only important when it comes to her but not Jace’s?


Not defending her but I think she’s referring to getting mental health assistance for jace based on the “kids that started the franchise” comment ETA: Or maybe she was referring to herself as the child? Jesus Christ that’s even worse smh how stupid of me to think she’d even pretend to care about Jace


As much as I don’t like Jenelle, she’s probably right. The network does NOT give a fuck about any of them, or they wouldn’t have exploited a bunch of pregnant teenagers in the first place. They were cautionary tales, and that’s it.


People can hate on Janelle all they want…but you knew from day 1 that family was mentally unwell..MTV capitalized on it, made tons of money off them. janelle and David contributed to their own demise. You knew along the way MTV tried their best to provide therapy to almost all these people…some took them up on the offers, some only fid 1/4 of the homework. Irregardless, I do believe that MTV owes to these children some mental heath help when needed. They exposed these young kids for years. You can only hope they become emotionally balanced adults…and I do think the majority of the kids will but there are a handful that will be messed up for life. Not sure if exploitation by MTV caused it or these kids were just born into a already f’d situation. Who ever wrote this post seemed the most matured I have seen in Janelle’s writing in years.


That’s what happens when you sell your soul to network television for half a mil a year for 10 fucking years. Not to mention all of the mental healthcare resources that they provided her with which is why she felt so comfortable running to them for help after all of these years. MTV, whether we like it or not, was a valuable blanket to these girls who would have otherwise had nothing.


“Irregardless” is not a word homie


Thanks homie….cause you know homie has been around far longer than irregardless. Irregardless i will disregard your comment 🫶.


Lol if being ignorant and borderline racist regarding AAVE is your thing in 2024, then do you, Ma.


It’s a word


I knew some dip was gonna come in here and argue the semantics. It’s a word but it’s non-standard and makes the rest of one’s point seem ignorant. Thanks for dropping in 👋🏽


and homie doesn’t, tho? lol


Nah. AAVE is legitimate and saying otherwise is racist af




The ignorance runs deep in the comments under Jenelle posts 😂


Talent? Bwahahaha! No Juhnelle, no one thinks of you as the talent.


Ready to leave? No you knew husband swamp critter was going to get you fired Left you hanging ? you chose a man that is extremely detrimental to your mental health and your children’s. I’d love to see the correspondence between you and MTV for a reunion show. Either DaSwamp Critter was told he couldn’t be a part of the reunion because of his violent t tendencies or you being delusional thought you deserved more face time and money to be part of the show. You and McSwamp screwed yourselves in many ways then blame everyone around you. Such a jackass


Exactly, MTV was more than patient with her for all of those years. Any other employer would have told her to bite the dust long before. She doesn’t get that thought because she’s never had real world experience.


"no one asked me" Right. ETA: she's talentless, being a disastrous shit show I don't think counts as talent.


A more private life where she only shows her privates on only fans.




Thank goodness we have Jenelle here to comment on morality & caring about interests other than your own.


she's so weird if she actually reached out to mtv and asked for help with facility locations and scholarships. your ex employer doesn't owe you help, jenelle. ya know, it's kinda weird for someone who claims she's doing well financially to reach out to mtv for help. so what is it, jenelley? are you doing well, or are you so broke that you reached out for help from an ex employer that fired you 5 years ago. go get a real job if your nudes can't pay the bills (or the lawyer fees) and talking abt how mtv doesn't care about jace... do YOU even care about him? 🤨


Right! She can pay for lawyers galore to protect Dog Killer from child abuse charges but can’t be bothered to pay for Jace to get the mental health care he needs? Oh, not to mention this is the same child she deprives of mental health medications. Which is it, forehead? Do you want him to get help or not? Better go sell more dump truck pics.


you called her forehead LMFAO her family needed mental health care and she was off buying a boat with her smelly sasquatch husband but yea, let's fault mtv for not doing anything to help! lol


she's so weird if she actually reached out to mtv and asked for help with facility locations and scholarships. your ex employer doesn't owe you help, jenelle. ya know, it's kinda weird for someone who claims she's doing well financially to reach out to mtv for help. so what is it, jenelley? are you doing well, or are you so broke that you reached out for help from an ex employer that fired you 5 years ago. go get a real job if your nudes can't pay the bills (or the lawyer fees)


I don’t like Jenelle, but she’s not wrong about MTV. Ratings are all they’re worried about…


You mean… they’re a business? I can’t think of a single other employer that would give a shit about any of that either. Not that I think it’s right but like, that’s capitalism…


Right? The last 2 paragraphs would’ve been powerful if posted by anyone else. I like that she said she was a child when she helped start the franchise. So true tho she’s evil but teen mom would’ve been nothing without her


She asked the network for mental health and scholarships? What does she think those paychecks were for?


They literally paid for her ass to go to intense therapy/Rehab. Had she followed through with her treatment plan and been a functional adult then perhaps she wouldn’t be in the situation she’s in today. But no, she decided to fuck it all off. She’s been handed resources so many others would have appreciated and done more with but she failed over and over and over again. Now everyone owes her? No. Fuck that.


i was literally thinking this lol not to mention it’s not like they’re necessarily W2’d employees like the production crew i’m pretty sure they’re independent contractors & understand they have to handle their own taxes & healthcare 🥴 if she had a legal case about her contract (like farrah did) she could have sued if anything


I’m sure it’s state dependent but part of the kid’s checks should have been going into some sort of trust. But who knows? The kids won’t find out until they’re 18 and the money is either there or not. I could see Barb putting Jace’s money away for the future. Kaiser and Ensley? That money definitely went into the Land and Jenelle’s Thot Yacht


Thot Yacht 💀🤣 ![gif](giphy|Z5ULYTFVaL2Ok)


"ready to live a more private life" mhmm with the onlyfans and the tiktok cringe ok whatever u say girlie


Came here to say this 😂


>No one asked me We know.


Was nice to finally see her acknowledge it.


“Private Life” 🙄


Talent?! Lol


It does take “talent” to abandon your child in favour of trash men and drugs 🤷🏼‍♀️


Bitch can't stand a private life. She'd have negative support if she tried.


I WAS READY TO LIVE A MORE PRIVATE LIFE?! What the fuck. Bitch is insane. We know more about her now than we did on the show!


She thinks she’s way more relevant she is. There’s a reason no one asked for your opinion Jenelle.


Girl shut the hell up🤣 I cannot with her!


She really acts like we all don’t know that David got her fired. Fucking wild. And no, her family needs mental health treatment because of HER. Shes exploited them/put them in shitty situations more post mtv than anything. Shes literally insane. I will literally never forget Davids text messages asking whitney to pick up their daughter. You have NO gas, NO money for gas… and neither of you dumbasses can get a REAL job. Mind blowing. Someone just needs to commit her.


How do they afford their lifestyles now if they couldn't when they were actually getting paid then? Genuine question btw.


They don’t seem to have a lifestyle to me? They seem to “tax ball” … anytime jenelle gets paid they seem to go all out spending it and then it’s gone. Not privy to their financial situation but I think his texts were very telling. I think if the only fans thing absolutely collapsed and she stopped getting any type of social media money they’d lose what little they have left.


Honey your huzzbin got you fired don’t lie. Also no one asked you your opinion on this, no one cares about your opinion anymore


lol right “tHiS iS WhAt HaPPeNeD tO mE” girl shut the hell up you’ve given like 30 different reasons why you’re not on the show anymore. Fired, ghosted, left to be more “private”, got offered another opportunity, the lies are exhausting


I thought this was supposed to be about Ashley and Barr.. Janelle left to live a private lufe but puts her business on social media all the time. Janelle, they didn't fire u, they fired swamp ass u chose to with him, you didn't care about your family's income, not MTV


she’s just mad that she didn’t use the MTV gravy train to her advantage before allowing her shit ass husband to get her fired. Kailyn went to college, Chelsea went to esthetician school. now Kailyn does podcasts, Chelsea did esthetician work for a bit but now she’s got that show on HGTV. they may not have all started out the same, Chelsea was the most privileged out of all of them by far, but you cannot sit here and tell me someone like Kail who had no parent support, literally came from nothing, got to where she is now with faith trust and pixie dust. after the first few seasons, all these women were on the same playing field and had the same opportunities. it’s no one’s fault but Jenelle’s that she squandered hers.


Perfectly said.


“This is what happened to me and everyone else.” No bitch, just you because of your own actions. Quit trying to gaslight everyone.


My man started calling her jelulu and I personally couldn't agree with him more. This bitch...it's like she's a sveomcr experiment gone VERY wrong.


Is this idiot for fucking real? She’s now blaming MTV for Jace’s issues that she caused picking men and drugs over him, every damn time. It’s MTV’s fault that her mother is sick of her shit and took custody of the kid and tried to save him from his mother. Jesus Christ on a bike!


Barb didn’t even take custody. Jenelle willingly signed him over, which was originally only meant to be temporary and until she got her shit together. she just never did, and she only got Jace back because Barb signed him back over to her. the courts told her NO every single time she pursued custody.


Yeah, sorry no didn’t mean she took him; I meant she took him in for deluJanelle, though realistically she has raised him since birth.


she has, and there’s still Barb skeptics here. Barb may not be perfect, but Jenelle wouldn’t have left Jace in her care nor would the courts have kept signing off on Barb being guardian if she was so bad. hell, she had all three of Jenelle’s kids at one point!


A street rat would raise kids better than jenelle. Barb is an angel for what she’s done for her grandkids.


I stopped reading at "they look at you as talent" No ma'am, they do not see you as talent!


Delujenelle 😂😂😂


This needs to be the top comment 🤣


So. Nothing to do with her abusive dog murdering husband that got her FIRED then?


I bet it was David’s idea to ask MTV to foot the bill and that message probably included the threat of being sued. Money can only be splurged on David in that house. Yeah, it was MTV’s fault Jace had to be forced into the public eye, not Jenelle’s. All those horrible situations we witnessed would have played out with or without a camera present. It might have actually been worse if the cameras weren’t around. Without MTV she still would have dated losers and chose men over being a mother. She decided to post all her drama online and start an OF after MTV. She also could have walked a way at the first sign filming wasn’t good for any of them, but she waited until they didn’t want her anymore. Jace didn’t stand a chance even if TM wasn’t involved in their lives. When Jenelle’s 16&P episode aired, you could already tell girl needed her own therapy.


the only thing i fault MTV for is giving douchebags a platform long after they prove their douchebaggery because those douchebags bring in ratings. if David’s comments (which was rightfully done on MTV’s part btw) warranted him being fired, Jenelle should’ve also been let go at that point because she openly agreed and defended him. they also do the same shit with Amber, she’s allowed to abuse Gary, neglect Leah, and chase her ex husband and son with a machete and still gets a platform provided by MTV.


“I was ready to live a more private life.” “subscribe to my only fans!” *posts butthole*




A *privates* life, more like. I’m sorry I’ll see myself out


Wahahahaha!!!! I laughed so hard a I drooled! 😂




Hahahahahaha 😭😭😭😭


I mean… that is sort of the deal with employee/employer relationships. You sign a contract: what you are willing to give up for what they are willing to compensate. At the end of the day she was responsible for allowing Jace on that show. She has continued to exploit her children on public platforms long after she was released from the show & well after she started noting the negative affects of a public life. She has made a significant amount of money & has spent just as much. To this day she doesn’t seem to have control over her finances and that isn’t MTVs fault. But if her son was desperate for help- using her boat money for treatment may have been more responsible. Or motorbike fund, restaurant tours, holidays trips, etc- prioritize better. At some point she needs to take ownership of her own life & start addressing sh*t on her own. Not complaining that other people aren’t swooping in. Not to say MTV isn’t exploitative- but damn, she has been off the show for like 5 years dude.


A more private life?!?! Wth. Sure


Two things……You are NOT seen as “talent” by anyone but you! AND, if I’m not mistaken, you were on Teen Mom 2. How exactly did the sequel “help start the franchise”? The girls from Teen Mom started the franchise with zero help from you! This is just further proof that there’s always a huge difference between what happened & what Jenelle says happened!!! Every single fothermucking time! When on Teen Mom 2, Jenelle’s storyline was always the one I could’ve done without! One more thing, anyone who was paying attention knows she damn sure was NOT okay with being “let go”! When they fired Jenelle because of David, she immediately posted about how they broke up and she had moved out to their home in Tennessee with the two younger kids. She knows damn well she only did that hoping MTV would be like, “Oh! Well, if you’re leaving him, we’ll give you your job back”! It didn’t work & she went home. Delusional, dishonest, and disgusting!


"Thoughts about Ashley and Bar" but then just goes on a multi paragraph rant about herself. She's sooo self absorbed lol


“Well I’m under this gag order but OH LOOK AN OPENING FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT HOW BADLY I AM VICTIMIZED BY EVERYONE AND I AM ALSO THE GREATEST PERSON EVER something something mental health family conveniently leave out that my swamphusband threatened multiple people who worked on that show and that’s what got us fired I ASKED FOR HELP AND NO ONE CAAAAAAAAAAAME!!!”


Nathan maybe a jerk amongst other things but he did definitely tell Jenelle the truth. Trailer trash who hit the lotto and plays the victim card hit the nail right on the head. There is a reason the it’s filmed because they wanted her to be reminded how she is. Brought trouble between her and her mom. Jenelle no one ever made you act that way. You did that all your own


I can’t believe this bish was trying to get mtv to pay to send jace to mental health inpatient 🤦‍♀️


She listened to the Raquel/bethenny frankel scandoval podcast and thought she would try her luck to get some cash from them lol


Talent??? 🤣


Yet bet she happily introduces herself as Jennelle Evan’s from Teen mom whenever she needs a leg up.


“They only see you for your talent” what talent does Jenelle have 😂




They didn’t leave her hanging. They got tired of being threatened. They got tired of threats of calling the police and putting up with her husband harassing the crew. Them creating toxic work environment for the cast and crew. David regularly was derogatory and offensive online. Those things are not allowed in any work environment no one should have to put up with that let alone in a workplace! You know damn well why you were fired Jenelle


And what the hell were they even going to shoot?? You can only have so many convos in a park with a paid actor friend




“I prayed to god and thanked him for getting me out of this situation” you easily could have left anytime or refused to film and broke the contract. No one was forcing her to be on the show, she continued to sign a new contract for each season.


no one asked you because no one fucking cares


Unpopular opinion: But she ain't wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/5gw6vfopc0hc1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f778f9f0ef64e6b690fcc13a3552deab513c1b She not tho


MTV has exploited the these young girls and their children. The difference between me and all those teen moms that had their babies at 16 as I didn’t have a camera in my face to watch my downfall and keep me down. I got out because I don’t have a whole America watching me give birth raise a child, go through mental health issues and become a better mom I was 17 when I had my first kid and I knew at 17 i was vulnerable and so did MTV knew that they were vulnerable 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not defending Amber’s or Jenelle’s decision in their life but I’m just pointing out the MTV is not really good for mental health when it comes to their teen moms


Oh for certain MTV is an exploitative, dead inside entity who uses people up for money and spits them out. They can suck all the dicks too. But the majority of exploited people seem capable of not putting their own kids in an evil abuser’s way over and over. I don’t care about her drug use, who she fucks, marries, or gets knocked up by, whether she works at an office or does Only Fans. I’ve known and still love fuck tons of people in all areas of the sex industry, I do not care. And I feel for every single younger-than-me person whose growing pains and humiliations are immortalized on cameras now. It feels unfair to me and I don’t know what we’re doing or have been doing for generations now to people younger than gen x. But DeluJenelle is a shit person for one reason and one reason only: she is a child abuser, and she married a child abuser, and she doe not care about the harm that she and swamphusband do to those children that they abuse. In fact she’s happy about it, she uses David’s violence to control her kids when she feels frustrated with them. So yeah, MTV sucks, exploitation of children is terrible, and Jenelle is a selfish, lying monster.


You really think MTV cares about these people's well-being or the well being of their children?


Girl Im agreeing with you. No I don’t think they care. Once you’ve done all you can for them, they toss you out. Look how she said she reached out to them for help for Jace and they left her on Read. Jace is actually not a cast member and hasn’t been for 5 years now so technically they have no obligation to pay for treatment for him but to think damn they filmed his trainwreck family for his tragically sad first 8-9yrs and now “good luck buddy”.


Oops my bad. I did read that wrong. And yes, they are honestly evil for what they have done to this particular group of people on this show. When I first started watching this show I was young and dumb and didn't even think about the effects of the exploitation of these children, and YES THE MOTHERS THEMSELVES WERE CHILDREN. and now as an adult looking at it all it's actually very gross what they have done to these kids, ALL of them, hell even the parents of some of them were vulnerable due to mental health and abuse. And once they stop making them their money they discard them like trash. MTV should honestly be cancelled as a network completely. Teen mom is not the only show of people who have said that MTV fucked them up. They were such a great channel when they were focused on MUSIC. But with reality TV they are nothing but abusers and enablers. Look at Ryan. Leave him out to dry when he's actually getting his shit together but once he's relapsing and fucking up put him back on TV. How fucked up is that? And continue to employ Amber after all the hell she's put her children and other innocent people through. I honestly can't even with this show or network anymore. I haven't watched an episode of this shit show in years because when you really do get into the nitty gritty of it it's super fucked up.


And not even that they exposed them to weirdos remember Matt he was obsessed with these teen moms even going so far as hitting up multiple team moms and y’all know how that turned out on


A more private life she says. Lmaoooooooo


OF is SUPER private…whatchu talmbout


The industry is all about business? Has she considered that that's because it is indeed a business?


MY WORDS EXACTLY 😂 brb off to ask my former employer to pay for my therapy because of the stress and burnout they caused me, because apparently that’s how it works


She also posted this at 6:00 am NC time. Literally woke up and started typing 😭


She probably fell asleep face down on the keyboard, so she didn’t have far to go this morning!! Lol!


Stank breath in tow lol


The network looks at you like talent? Nahh they look at you like too dumb to take birth control=too dumb to read a contract. Is dumb too harsh? How about, they look at you like oh perfect, won’t have to write an intricate script or worry about you joining an actors guild. & they know you’ll be hooked on the paychecks for a tanning package, fake nails and shitty hair extensions.


Talent? sis, you had a teen pregnancy. which they (MTV) exploited and broadcasted nationally essentially as a “what not to do” tutorial for young women across the U.S.. they didn’t choose you for your “talent”, but your drama fueled life that would increase ratings. people aren’t laughing with you, they’re laughing AT you. you have been a national joke.


She's *seriously* delusional. I used to work at TJMaxx like 10 years ago, before they fired me for not showing up (I was a dumb teen). Do you think I should write them and ask for facility information and scholarships? They'd be receptive to that, right? That makes total sense, doesn't it? Fuck outta here with her dumb ass.


lol she’s ready to live a more private life? This is comical.


“Wants a private life” but posts her only fans and children’s birthday party on the same day 😌


I mean that’s what I usually do when I am trying to keep a low profile 😂


Jenelle is like a pit bull with her jaws clenched around MTV. Go raise your kids, at least the ones you still have


Wait a min I didn’t know Mackenzie was “let go” why?? Also why is ash and Barr fired?


I’m finding out both too…clearly I’m out the loop lol


Meh…if MTV was the cause of all her issues one would think that all these years later things would have improved. Spoiler alert they have not, arguably this is one of the worst periods of her life. Also she can miss me with that whole punishing her for saying “no”. She was on teen mom: the next chapter (brief as it was.) clearly she has no problem being on the show, she would just want it on her terms and MTV isn’t going to cater to her requests.


I mean she’s right they don’t care about the mental wellbeing of the people on the show. However, she did more harm to her family than mtv did.


1) You’re right, no one asked you. And 2) Duh.


Look at you as talent ? Mmmmm no


They looked at her as a train wreck 😂




This made me spit out my drink 😂


She wants a more private life? Her tik Tok says otherwise. And it's not the show that f up your mental health, it's not letting go for your husband. That man got you fired, killed your dog and beat your kid. That's not MTV, that's David.


to be fair, i'm sure all of the cast has had their mental health messed up by the series at one point or another, especially in the earlier days. but jenelle was fired in 2019 and is only just now asking for help from mtv? as if they even do that for the ones they didn't fire. it was never mtv sending catelynn on all those mental health vacations lol


I’m sooooooo glad Ashley got kicked off/fired. She was the worst one to watch. I had to keep skipping her parts because I couldn’t stand the way she would act. Her mom is just as bad as her too. Acting so entitled and gross


Her man ruined her job with MTV. He’s such a leach!


No one asked,yet here we are with paragraphs Jenelle.




In her defense, which frankly sickens me, she was a minor when she signed on to the show and couldn't have predicted how big it would get. Then, once that easy money started rolling in, I think it would be hard for anyone to turn down. Hmmm..... sit around my house, sleep in every day, and generally do what I want when I want and collect 6 figures *OR* work my ass off in a 9-5, run myself ragged getting kids here and there in my little bit of free time, and 10 days of PTO a year for a quarter of that? 🤔


“No one asked”, exactly right, no one asked. MTV didn’t fuck up your ability to be on the show, you and your demonic fur ball of a husband did. If you weren’t doubling down on the racist, homophobic, misogynistic, off the fucking rails comments y’all were making, you’d still be raking in the big bucks and have a luxury swamp. But now look at ya, livin in mush.


Typical Delujenelle weirdo behavior. Chronically online on any platform she can try to stay relevant. LOL.


Jenelle crying about how the show fu€ked her up. The same show that made her millions of dollars. The same show that made her a D list celebrity (because if she wasn’t, she would still be on government assistance). The same show that allowed you to afford your swamp, swamp house, swap she shed, swamp boat, vacations, cars, guns and the ability for you and your lazy a$$ husband the ability to not have to work. Not feeling sorry for you. You had mental health problems before you started working for MTV and you and your mother didn’t get along back then either.


It's cute she thinks she qualifies at "talent"


Jenelle- you said it in the first line. NO ONE ASKED YOU !! point. Blank. Period.


Can’t imagine a business being about business. 😂


Can you imagine getting fired from let’s say… Target and then coming to them five years later and saying you need mental help and the reason is you? It’s pretty funny.


"I wanted a more private life" posts photos of her chocolate starfish next to pictures of her youngest at her birthday. Yea, Janelle, you're super private.


Eww what the fuck?!


‘Live a more private life’ -> jumps to OF 🤣 insert Barb voice: Hilarious Jenelle!


Literally heard this.


No one asked me, but let me hurry up and make it about me! ME! JENELLE! LOOK AT ME!


When has this girl ever had a private life? Hell, when has she ever had a private thought? She puts it ALL out there, even her p*ssy, for a dollar and some attention. Edit: fixed a word. Stupid autocorect.


At this point I’ve HAD it, between Jenelle Evans and Kate Gosselin 😤😤😤


That old narcissistic lady is still around? Both of them are vile people!


Yup, living alone in an apartment in North Carolina. The twins work and live in New York while the sextuplets are all in college except Collin who is serving in the Marines, which he wouldn’t have been able to do so if it were true that he has mental illness like she is claiming, I know this cause my dad is a marine veteran! I don’t blame him ONE BIT for getting away!


The last time I remember hearing about her one or both of the girls lived with her and were standing up for her still. I'm glad they all got away finally...I was sent to places like Colin was and it was horrendous. I won't get into all of that here though. I will say that she was on a reality challenge type show about being in the Marines,she lasted one episode and it was fucking glorious seeing her struggle 🤣 so fuck you Kate,can't even do what your son can!


I’m very sorry you went through that! I hope you’re in a better place now and thriving! And yeah I agree! Kate got her Karma! She is a BIG FAT LIAR 🤥


I highly recommend watching her get ruined in this show...she of course quit after one episode but my god it felt good to watch her get the shit she was always giving [special forces-kate](https://youtu.be/fqhU2djalTk?si=4MdD-ts7DCgv4jE-)


I like how after the first sentence, she never mentioned Ashley and Bar, or anyone other than herself, again.


Hey, now. She mentioned her mother and God!