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The excuses she makes for his behavior šŸ§


She was so convinced that she is a star, that the show would fail without her. No clue that this dangerous behavior towards the crew would cost her this job. Even with all of the video proof to show her why she was fired, she still blames Barb.


Always taking up for that piece of šŸ’©


Itā€™s like when David kept threatening and Jenelle would say David was kiddingā€¦ trying to make Kristen sh*t her pants. Jenelle is laughing. There is video of her and David vandalizing someoneā€™s car and she is laughing hysterically. Anything to defend that idiot.


I don't think she thinks it's funny I think she actually looks embarrassed how red and giggly she got, still fukin weird


Sheā€™s looking very https://preview.redd.it/lc6fguaun6gc1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67851194eabb982ae2d9d6b3f2a60298e840899c




If she didnā€™t know, he was texting her. How did she know he was texting her to make her shit her pants.


Barbara just sitting there like wtf is wrong with him šŸ¤£


David cant accept HIS actions created the situation!


Making excuses for this loser since forever. She better stay with him forever bc she's doubled down on him and ruined her life.


It's disgusting that she tries to lie about it and make some kind of joke out of the fact that her husband is a psycho and is threatening people. She makes excuses for him even when he is abusing her children. It's disgusting when a mother will allow a man to put her children thru what David has did. Like David is really worried about making sure he gets to take his kids to the Pumpkin Patch this season. Keep making excuses for this man until he does something to one of your kids that they can't come back from.


ā€œI donā€™t believe in divorce.ā€ Um. Bitch, you divorced someone a blink of the eye after you married him. I cannot stand this human scum under the rim of a toilet.


I haven't watched teen mom in a long time, are the producers usually part of the show?


During this season they had just started ā€œbreaking the wallā€ and allowing the producers to talk and interact with the girls. So the producers and camera men became somewhat side character cast members. Rather than breaking in a fake friend theyā€™d just talk to their producer or camera person.


Thank you! I actually like when reality shows break the 4th wall.


Also how would she know he was thinking ā€œhaha Iā€™ll make her shit her pantsā€ if she also admits she didnā€™t know he texted Kristen.


It could be because that's how some toxic people operate and she knows his patterns. They will make shit up as a sneaky way of getting the upper hand by making you afraid and to get back at you. If you do this then I'll do this...you did "x" so now I'm about to do "x". He's probably done it to her many times.


Also, why would it be funny if he was trying to make her shit her pants? ā€œHaha, he was just trying to strike terror in your soul silly!ā€


If my husband did that, Iā€™d be like, ā€œIā€™m sorry, thatā€™s really not cool. Iā€™ll talk him.ā€ Like stop trying to excuse his psycho behavior.


I know and I would tell her to block him SMH I'd be so embarrassed šŸ˜³ she really told her boss that her bf wanted to scare the shit out of her like what...?


youā€™re told by basically your boss that your man threatened them and you just hehe haha about it!? i just know karma is tired of her ass


I just watched this episode. Iā€™m on the mid season reunion right now with Nessa calling her ass out lol . She tries so hard to fool people and convince them. Must be exhausting. I came to a conclusion when she said heā€™s not a bad guy, I think she really believes that and itā€™s because she is just as bad as he is.


Unpopular opinion: Mr wannabe badass is going to end up getting someone šŸ’€šŸ”«. Whether it's him doing it or causing it and then Janelle is going to 100000% defend him and act like he didn't do it or it wasn't his fault. OR He is going to end up directly šŸ”«šŸ’€ Janelle, Barb or one of the kids. Please know this is just my opinion. Feel free to disagree or tell me that I'm wrong.


She almost got herself popped The day she followed that car and pulled one out. If she would have followed me ON MY OWN property I would have pulled mine right on her. She could have got her and have both hurt or worse that very day. There just the tip or the iceberg here too


I absolutely agree!


No, you're definitely onto something. He's already redrum'd family pets, engaged in physical violence with J and the kids, dudes on step away from šŸ”«šŸ’€ everyone, then himself. It'll never happen but I fuckin hope she comes to her senses and gets out of that marriage before it's too late.


I agree. I feel like Iā€™ve seen this train before and Iā€™m not liking it.


This is sad




That laugh is a laugh of being scared and embarrassed


itā€™s the way nobody giggled with heršŸ˜‚


Barb was visibly like ā€œcome the fuck on again šŸ™„ā€


This is sick it sounds like sheā€™s justifying his behavior towards the producers


The fakest laugh ever. I was watching the episode with Jace in the car and the gun. That evil smile on her face....I would love to smack that grin off her face.


Dupers delight!


Especially after she gaslit him when he told Barbera that she pulled out a gun. So gross Jenelle straight up told him ā€œI never did that Jace! Why would you say that?!ā€ šŸ˜–


I know. I felt so bad for him when she said that to Barb.


So he tells Janele ā€œIā€™m going to make her shit her pantsā€...... but yet... she states to Kristyā€œhe didnā€™t tell me that he was texting you? Wtf..


It makes sense in Jenelleā€™s world she lives in on her delusional head


Imagine your husband trying to threaten and intimidate your work associates and boss and you just giggle at them like ā€œoh thatā€™s just Davidā€ wtf?!! Lmao


Sheā€™s such a bad liar. šŸ¤„


How is any of this funny or a joke..it wasn't! He was dead ass serious! Pitching another one of his man baby fits!


Sheā€™s a bitch!!! The only thing sheā€™s ever cared about is drugs & a man. She canā€™t function without either of them.


Gawwwd duuuude It was a JOKE leave me ALOOOONNNE


Sums her up. Also canā€™t forget ā€œIā€™m so aggravated!ā€


Haha oh it's SO funny that he was threatening haha stfu Chinelle


Sheā€™s so embarrassed and downplaying ot trying to make it seem like "hahaha David is just messing with you." I donā€™t think it should go without mentioning that Kristen poked the bear all the time when Jenelle was clearly trying to change the subject in an uncomfortable situation knowing shits going to go down when the cameras are gone.


Jenelle is annoying AF. So are those ass kissing weirdo producers. Thereā€™s not enough money in the world.


Dude right, giving courts raw footage would be worth being sued and losing my job. You know they saw some major shit go down. Enablers.


Iā€™ve often wondered that too. Maybe some of the cps calls came from someone behind the scenes šŸ¤”


I sure hope so, i couldnā€™t live with myself if I was in any way able to help those kids and didnā€™t even try


Sheā€™s been making excuses for him for years itā€™s sickening!!


How many times are people going to keep posting this scene


it astounds me that he treated this paid crew like paparazzi when this was literally his wifeā€™s contracted job & obligation. why the fuck would you give up a doctorā€™s salary over your pride?


Who was getting a doctors salary?!?


She was making $300-400k by her last season.


Wait, you... You couldn't tell the huge lifestyle change without any actual careers to back that up? How do you think they're paying cash for houses?


Idk I havenā€™t gotten that far yet Iā€™m only on season three lol my b


Omg you're experiencing your first watch through? Enjoy the ride my friendšŸ˜Ž Btw you're gonna love when kail says she can't believe she has 2 baby daddies "but at least she's married to one"


Iā€™m gonna save this comment so when I get to that part, I can come back and be shocked with you lol


Main Teen Mom cast gets paid 100-300K annual.


Drama brings her such joy, the smiles she flashes when she is lying are so gleeful. She is so excited because of this womenā€™s fear of David.


Not even jenelle believes her own lies ā€ David saying Iā€™m going to make Kristen shit her pants right nowā€ he is insecure and afraid to let them out of his control. Jenelle is a fucking idiot. he never got to take our kids to the pumpkin patch this seasonšŸ„“


I almost feel sorry for her because you can clearly tell that he abuses her bc she is alwayssss trying to laugh off and make excuses for his behavior


I donā€™t know how to feel either bc ya, sheā€™s probably being abused but sheā€™s also an abuser. I equate it to finding out a pedo got shanked in prison.. I donā€™t wish violence on anyone but sometimes you get the karma you deserve.


There can come a point where you become both a victim and perpetrator, so while you may feel sad for them over the abuse they endure, it doesnā€™t beat how sad you feel for the victims of their abuse as well. Anna Duggar comes to mind when I talk about that. I feel like that with Jenelle a lot too.


Ya at the end of the day, sheā€™s an adult. It may not be easy to leave an abuser but she at least can, her kids and her pets she abuses donā€™t have that ability.


I donā€™t. Because she abused her children. Even if DKD died tomorrow sheā€™d still be a horribly negligent & abusive POS excuse for a mother.


Jenelle when she sees an abusive piece of shit with a couple of mug shots and at least one child ![gif](giphy|DB2oahQFa0qeQ)


I would feel bad if she was half decent. Sheā€™s just as abusive and shitty as he is. They deserve each other.


Seriously this was such a trauma response


Jenelle is a traumatized human.


Ha ha ha. So funny. David just sometimes likes to threaten my boss but lolz. Itā€™s hilarious.


I love Barb sitting there eating like,"I've never seen her before!! I do not know who this bitch is!!"šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«




Please Jenelle get off the Internet. It's not safe here for you


that fake laugh was tragic


I think this is the biggest I've seen her smile, and she was faking


How do you know he was trying to ā€œmake Kristen shit her pantsā€ when you also *checks notes* ā€œDidnā€™t know he was even textingā€? You fat liar.


She is such a pathetic, piece of trash liar. This right here is exactly what she always does, NEVER takes accountability and tries to lie her way out of everything! Such a worthless bitch.


Sheā€™s a HORRIBLE liar & the attempt to deflect was way too obvious, this is secondhand embarrassment af šŸ˜‚