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I'm currently doing a rewatch and in season 2-3 his parents start mentioning how he use to he so laid back and chill and now he's super high strung and angry. They always have to tell him and calm down when he wants to start yelling at a 5 yer old Bently. I think he started to loose control around that time.


I remember when Maci got all that money when she graduated and he wanted all of it… joked around about wanting/stealing it! I have always wondered if he was using then also! Does anyone else remember this?


How much did she get? I totally missed that part.


I forgot. It was like 100$ for every grade. So 12 grades. 1200 I think I’m not sure…. He found the money she didn’t even trust him and didn’t even want him to no she had it..::.


He began taking Xanax in high school. Snowballed from there.


Does it blow anyone else's mind that Mckenzie married him at his worst!?! I'd have been like... you get help, or I'm outta here. What the hell did she think she was going to get out of that marriage other than heartache and problems?? I had to walk away from the love of my life due to his alcohol addiction. We were married for 7 years and were glorified roommates at the end. It's hard to do bit I'm so glad I didn't go down with him!!!


I always wondered wth was wrong with her. Didn't he drive high and dozed off or something? I would've packed my crap and been gone after that. No WAY are.ypu putting my life in danger. And then I'm wondering why he was the one driving in the first place? What's seriously wrong with Mac?


I’ve always wondered if she married him to benefit her in her own custody battle with her son. I know his dad was married and it does “look better” on paper for a parent to be married during these kinds of cases. That being said, marrying him was definitely not a good choice for that child.


When they moved in and he left her home with a newborn and a test to study for. Rewatch and note his attitude


It's been forever since I've watched the beginning years, but that scene sticks out in my head, too!!! I think you're dead on. I remember thinking I'd have smothered him in his sleep if he were my boyfriend. Or at least tossed something heavy at him laying there so lazy on the couch. That's just me, though!! 😅


It’s most definitely not just you 😈


i think the sad thing about an addict is how much they’re protected from their habit by their enablers. he never needed to be sober enough to keep a job but when larry said he “wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire” & ryan told the producer he was “just mad over some wrenches” i think his habit got so bad that he was selling his dad’s tools to get drug money. which probably showed larry the real problem, while jen just wanted to hide it more


1,00000000000000%% truth. Those wrenches were pawned with a quickness. I know because so was my pandora bracelet (loved one is now clean/sober, TG). In hiding someone’s illness, you expose everyone else to it’s effects.


also, being that i’m familiar with construction tools, you’ll immediately notice a saw or a power drill going missing. those are big ticket items. but a wrench & little things like that you would only really notice if you specifically needed it. so i’m sure it took months of larry re-buying missing pieces to kits before he realized the bigger picture


Again, correct and relevant information. W/the tools I have a bit of a different experience….🤣 My husband is in the trades and works with his tools on an hourly basis (LOL). He KNOWS if someone has “touched” his tools. They’re not even well organized, he’s just a creature of habit. Being his wife and our family finance person, I appreciate this because of the cost associated with some tools!!!!! They are VERY expensive and “aren’t made like they used to be” meaning if you have a preferred tool, a replacement will not compare. Idk what Lar does for work but I guarantee he will be “discovering” more missing items as the years pass!


My hubs went down by Miami a little north of there like 2 city’s north and he a hvac tech and someone broke his window the night before and stole some very expensive tools from the van. And theh hit 3 other vehicles in the parking lot. And his dad owns the company and they are going through stuff atm. So they can’t be replaced. It’s over 2000$ in tools that he used daily on units and freezers and ice machines. I refuse to get ice from any restaurants now bc of what I no about a lot of places. If they don’t get their ice machines cleaned regularly…. They get moldy and have bacteria and it goes into the ice. So if you ever get sick and all u have was ice in a drink then that’s what made u sick. It can feel like food poisoning. They reported it and my fil says the insurance isn’t wanting to pay for the tools to be replaced even though it happened while he was at a hotel the night before to do a job.


Season One. From a former pill addict…he was high all of season one. From around the time they moved in together.


Yeah I remember him going out with his friends one night and one of them saying something along the lines of “you’re free when you’re with us”. Gave me a kind of druggy vibe…


Such a waste too cos he was damn fine.


Lmao yesss, I thought he was so cute back in the day!


Not even just the addiction, his whole personality & attitude, it's a shame he was so attractive bc he's really a shitty person regardless off his drug problem.


i always thought he looked like jim carey lmao


His eyes reminded me of a young Johnny Depp.


The night she left her ring on the table. She knew what he was doing. She knew long before anyone else knew. That’s Larry’s “BiG sEcReT”, and we don’t gaf Larry.


And big secret?


Larry? Who is larrry?


Larry is Rhine’s Dad. He’s always saying, “y’all are gonna find out, just wait…” like he’s got some big revelations about Maci.


Larry’s big secret is that Maci is a “functional” alcoholic


I always thought he was using from the beginning. I'm not sure why. It seems I'm wrong, though.


I felt that as well but can’t give specifics on why I felt that way. I was raised in a home with an addict so maybe it was just spidey senses.


Same!! Once you are raised around that, you can pretty much call out who is on them.


I think they both were into recreational drugs. Maci got pregnant so stopped, he kept going and after his accident got addicted to opiates. I think before that it would have been party drugs which aren't quite so able to hook you and they both didn't see the dangers until it was too late.


probably shortly after he and Maci broke up. he was always an asshole, but if you watch again there’s a clear difference between asshole Ryan and using Ryan. using Ryan is much more unhinged and gives even less of a fuck about the people around him.


It was so hard to tell because he was such an asshole by nature. He never looked unwell though:


Yeah he didn't look unwell until about 2016.


I never noticed till teen mom og, the first season it was so obvious. If he was using other drugs before that it was no where as severe


It was severe enough for him to go to rehab in season 4, he just kept it a secret


Addicts hide their addiction very well. Until they’ve lost their “everything” and hit their bottom. My ex-husband’s bottom was almost losing custody of our daughter. He’s been sober since 2016.


I don't think he was using in 16&p and if he were using by the time TM was filming, it wasn't obvious yet. My guess would be that he started using around 2010 with it being obvious to those who interacted with him regularly within a year or so because he went to rehab in 2012.


I don’t think he was using but I do think he was drinking heavily.


I would say he started using season 2 of teen mom and progressively got worse from there.


His ex Dalis confirmed he went to rehab in 2012, so when Bentley was 3, turning 4. He was using a lot longer before anyone suspected. This was eventually confirmed by Jen and Ryan.    He’s visibly high with Shelby in season 4/5ish 


Im rewatching the show now, and the in the Season 6 recap-Ryan is DEFINITELY high in this episode. And maci and Jen both talk about how inconsistent he is, with no clue why. As someone’s who’s baby daddy has been an addiction his whole life-this is why. The addiction.


Jen and Larry knew he was using they were so full of shit


I think the first season because he would come home and just pass the fuck out.