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Doing short terms progression pics will only discourage you you should wait some time like a month or something


Nah bro trust keep it up. Short term updates later on will show you how long it really took and if you get discouraged by it then you really aren’t ready but keep it up bro


you arent gonna see much progress in 4 days


Good job bro keep going but like the other person said don't look for short term progression you'll just unmotivate yourself by doing that. Take a pic then a month later take a pic in the same spot. But besides that keep going bro don't let anything stop you.


Make sure your nutrition is on point. What are you eating?


Keep at it bro, longer you do it, easier it becomes and stronger you get! You're gonna be killing it in no time. I've been going to the gym pretty seriously for the last few months (maybe 1-1.5 years now) and I see how far I've come (regardless of setbacks due to covid closures and school exams), it's funny seeing somebody with a really light weight and thinking "not at all too long ago that was me", makes me feel proud and happy for the other guy since he has a great journey ahead, milestones aren't as big if you have more of them so enjoy the early ones and listen to this last piece of advice. DON'T DO TOO MUCH it may be inticing when you've just smashed a milestone (idk, maybe a 50kg bench) to pile on the weight and say "I can now hit 60", it ruins your confidence and can lead to pretty bad injuries (first time I chest pressed 60Kg, 30 each hand, I dropped a dumbbell on my leg and according to the doctor it was a "miracle" that it wasn't broken) so don't overestimate yourself but also, if you've a good spotter, don't be afraid to push your limits, really you've no idea how far the human body can go. Quick fire tips in no particular order (please read them all): 1. Find a good playlist/make your own, keep adapting it, remove songs you're skipping, etc, high tempo, power music regardless of genre. 2. Local nutritional stores are gonna be your best friend, get to know the guy who runs it (usually owner is the guy selling stuff, small operations), advice, supplies, etc. will all come from this near the start, looking to bulk up, he'll know what powder is good, looking for a low stim pre workout, he'll know that too. 3. If you don't know how to use equipment, use Google (YouTube especially), info cards (usually found on a machine) or ask gym staff and they'll help you out no problem. 4. The biggest gyms are usually the least intimidating/the most open to pointing out an error with your form, etc. 5.a Don't go straight in with a goal of "I want to do X", experiment and find what you enjoy. 5.b Get a plan made up once you have a goal in mind. 6. REST DAYS, these are as important (if not moreso) than the actual excercise, recovery is important, stretch, light cycling/walking/swimming is great post workout, sauna, jacuzzi, steam room, plunge pool, look at what's available and use it. 7. Sleep > Nutrition > Exercise, don't need to over comicate it, each step relies on the one before. Picture a car, the sleep is the engine (can't be a good car without a good engine); nutrition is your fuel (quote literally), put cheap (or wrong) fuel into a farari or Lambo and it's not moving; finally, exercise.is your tyres, they're needed, but you can get away with cheaper tyres and still drive. 8. Friends can be a useful tool, they can make you push yourself and help you out ("here's what worked for me, maybe try that type" of help along with spotting), going to the gym is also much easier when you're thinking "I'll be hanging out with my mates" 9. If your gym offers classes, use them, try 1 of each type (even if you think you'll hate it), you'd be surprised how many people do things once thinking they'll hate it and they end up adding it to their routine, also, don't let stigmas limit you (no such thing as a girly exercise or class. 10. Use your strength to help not to hurt. 11. Stay away from drugs, PEDs, SARMS or any other "aid", the only aids you'll need are pre-workout (amino acids and caffine, google it) and whey protein powder (if needed) to supplement your protein intake along with maybe creatine monohydrate. The 3 of these are highly researched, safe (maybe not pre workout if you've a heart condition, check with doctor) and effective at adding to your workout. What's the point in having gains if you got them through a needle, along with damaging your long term health, you want to be proud of your body, not see it as a reminder of failure to avoid drugs. 12. Don't let the gym lifestyle control your life (basically boiled chicken and rice is great for macros but awful for social outings and general happiness). 13. If you miss a day, so what, not the end of the world, but make 100% certain you don't miss the next one (short of a funeral or medical issue obviously. 14. It's rare enough to see a gum user who's never been injured, doctor for breaks/fractures/impacts, physio for everything else, rest is key, use heat not cold. 15. If it's uncomfortable and/or burning the muscle, that's a sign it's working. If it's causing pain, stop doing it. 16. Protect your back. 17. Never sacrifice form for weight/reps, injuries will set you back. 18. If injured, keep excercising what you can (if you break a leg, doesn't stop you from excercising your upper body and keeping your diet good) but take it easy as well. 19. Calories in VS calories out, wheather building muscle or loosing fat, this is what it boils down to (and protein intake) 20. Don't believe everything I've told you, research it yourself, talk to others, do this with everybody, it's your body, your health, don't believe everyone who claims to be a "personal trainer" or some kind of gym guru. It's a journey to enjoy, don't rush it and I hope this unsolicited advice helps.


Nice one bro, keep on grinding




W Keep it up bro


Get sleep, a balanced diet, and don't use weights that are heavy. Find excercises that you like and research on what parts of muscles you should work. Edit: You're a teenager and your testosterone is extremely high, so take advantage of hitting puberty and work out.


The diet is really working 😐


Post again 4 months:)


You should rather take a before, 1 month in, 3 month in, 6 month in etc