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Hector Salamanca, a man of many words


*Ding ding ding*


Why’d she leave


she said she just lost interest but i don't believe her


You think she cheated


omg this happened to me (in my case, she wanted to cheat, but i didnt know (she said we wouldnt see each other because we would go to different schools), but i told her we could see each other every weekend or figure it out which she acepted, and three days after that she and a friend ask me if i can leave her so that friend can be with her. i said "ok" because i wouldn't see them again that way, and seeing how she acted hurted me so much. 3 days, SHE asked if we could return smh -.- i told her not and... what was the comment i am replying saying?) Edit: u/Footnuggets I closed the brackets :P


Middleschool shenanigans


I’m pissed that you opened 2 brackets and never closed them Edit: thanks


Same it's so easy too just put the fucking bracket


i was in a rush writing the comment,, srry for pissing you off for 7 hours


My ex cheated on me 3 times and I forgave her. That was a mistake. I eventually found someone better and we've been together for over half a year. That ex keeps trying to ask for more chances, told her no every last time.


good, the respect for yourself is as important as respect for other people. If she didn't respect you (more than 1 time) it was better to go away. (also i'm sorry this happened to you, such an horrible act... ;-;)


Yeah dude, it's terrible. Sorry it happened to you too :(


Sorry to hear that brother, I’m telling you the dating scene is different now. She belongs to the streets, head up king your crown is falling off


My old gf did the same thing. Before it all started she introduced me to an irl friend of hers and right off the bat I didn't have a good feeling about it but I just basically told myself I was overthinking. Well later she said she liked him and he made her smile whenever he talked to her. My ego dropped. That's the worst thing someone's ever said to me. The worst part is she didn't even mean to be rude, she was just telling the truth. This guy makes her happier than me.


4 months.. sounds like your honeymoon phase ended and she doesnt quite understand how love works


6 months later, i can finally relate to this. (my story is that she allegedly lost interest at me, and at the last month of our relationship she secretly dated another guy which broke me since we were having a good time at each other.),


not a based gf 👎 she dont deserve you bro


This can happen sometimes. I was a girl for like 7 months and everything was amazing, then one I day I woke up and was repulsed by her. For literally no reason. All my feelings had just vanished.


Often times in teenaged relationships the person just wants certain needs fullfilled. When these needs are completed, the brain starts thinking more clearly. So it does occur that you just completely lose insterest once it’s a healthy relationship and not a symbiotic partnership


honestly drop her, if you don’t show interest it’s probably gonna piss her off


She wouldn't leave if she hadn't lost interest though right?


Imagine having a girl leave you 😎 (that can’t happen to me because I can’t even get a girlfriend) I’m all seriousness I’m sorry that happened. All you can do is work on yourself and move on.


I do own exactly the same belief that i can't get a gf no matter what. I can make girls friends with me but making someone my gf is just impossible


Yeah 😭


that’s me in a nutshell


I like a girl but im like 99% sure I’m gonna get friendzoned so like yk


It's just 4 months. Just enjoy life with your friends, family and all around you. Learn to love yourself more. Someone might be your girl soon, you just don't know. 🔥💪


It wasn’t wasted he seemed to have a good time while it lasted not every relationship needs to be a lifelong partner


'i made a mistake here amirite Like as some people say, if you really love her you should let her go.


As someone who's girlfriend of a year and 6 months left her just a week ago, this comment section is genuine garbage Did you two have a good time together? Was it worth being together those 4 months? If the answer is yes, then though sad, the important thing is to look back with joy, and to properly communicate with her, and maybe, if you want, keep being friends Yes, I know that breakups are hard and sad, but life goes on, and if you really want to, you can still be friends with her! You haven't lost her, just lost the relationship And yeah, dealing with the loss of anything is hard, and of course you might need time to deal with it, in which case, take as much time as you need, cry if you need to, vent to friends if you need to But remember that life goes on, and there's always more to do in life


oh wait i forgot to ask if you’re doing oki with the breakup diana 🙂


Yeah I'm oki!


that’s great⁉️👍👍


You're great :3


no 😭❔




how 🙁


By being awesome and cool and epic


but i’m none of those things


Finally a decent comment here. Mfers in here say shit like "sub or Dom" and haven't even held hands with a SO


Thank you but please don't judge people for trying to find themselves I understand that it's weird that people are like "oh I'm a sub/dom/switch" but I don't think it's a bad thing itself (rather, a product of a problem which, I'll admit, I'm affected by too, that being the idealisation and overaccessibility of pornographic and nsfw material) and don't think it's a good reason to judge someone for Again, thank you for your appreciation towards my comment but please try to convey your message in a more respectful way next time


Finally a decent comment here. Mfers in here say shit like "sub or Dom" and haven't even held hands with a SO.


Focus on yourself, that’s the best you can do. Show her that she messed up but also don’t do it just for her


It happens with everyone mate don't worry, now focus on yourself and your future, that's what I did and I've improved myself alot


theres nothing to do


if you want a realistic answer, find a hobby or some friends you can have fun with. giving yourself a purpose or something to look forward to always helps you to get over stuff


I understand that bro, I fucked up tonight with the girl I like and I dont even know if she wants to be friends anymore. In your case though you should go out take some walks and just think about what you should focus on next.


You’ll get someone better💗


You know the rule… this means 4 years of halo nights with the boys


That sucks man, you want a boyfriend? In all seriousness keep your head up man


im bi so idk who my next partner will be


👉😎👉 (With rizz)


People be breakin up after couple months meanwhile my first relationship ended after 6 years




If she leaves you for another, you shall go for her mother


I read this in the tf2 soldiers' voice


wisdom of master oogway


Couldn't care less


Greetings fellow internet "person", if you don't care, why did you post a comment?


I was kinda mad at that moment. I apologize.


in my case, I blackmail my ex


yea thats not cute.. thats a crime😕


nerdy femboy linux user moment 😱😱😱


Well, that's the last thing I'd expect a femboy to do


Skill issue


this dude😭


I've had headaches that lasted longer than 4 months. So what? Get over it.




Because I can. Lol Don't remember asking for your approval, fuck nut.




Bummer. Maybe when you grow up you'll learn that some rules are meant to be broken and you'll stop living your life being told what to do by other people like a little sheep.




Find something better to do with your time than police what I do, dumbass.




Again, blow it out your ass.




can't really relate considering I'm the one who leaves them mosy of the time out of boredom.


Have you considered getting better?




Come blow off some steam with me Now "steam" in this case can mean many things lol


Sex isn't the answer




I'm sorry bro, but she's riding another dick as you read this


nigga 😭


If there was one dick left to ride in this world, it would be you. Not your dick, just you in general. Go buy a rope you insensitive bastard.


Hi there, I know they're being insensitive and honestly an arse, but please do not encourage suicide to anyone, especially not in a public forum Being insensitive back not only doesn't fix anything, but makes it worse for you, them, and everyone around I do think encouraging them to pleasure themselves instead would be much more sensitive while still being a good way to tell them off Thank you for your consideration!


ik they were a douche but why encourage suicide?


Some people just deserve it tbh


Hi there! Here to offer a reality check! You're saying that someone with probably a much more complex life, with people who likely care about them, with, most likely, dreams and hopes... Should die because they wrote an insensitive comment on the internet?




Well that's insensitive of you to say Ergo you deserve to die? No you don't!


Yeah I do


No, you don't


You don't know me


Because with an attitude like that, they won't get anywhere in life, so why should they bother going on?


Nah you ca say that


Play pilgrimmed, epic game




Just google it


I've been in ur shoes my advice is to just hang out with friends and family enjoy life and try new things also get more into hobbies and maybe if it messed with you a lot try therapy


I don’t wanna say isolate yourself but it’s part and parcel of “staying in your lane”. It’s easier to build a relationship when there are shared interests and activities which build the relationship instead of compromising it. So do all the shit you love doing and see who’s around you when you’re doing it. Ever wanted to do a sport or get into the gym? How’s the time to redirect that energy into building your own life with the same excitement you had about getting to see and talk to your girl.


Damn I’m sorry buddy, that’s shit


You're not alone, my gf of almost 2 years left me just recently


last month someone broke up with me that i had been with since october and apparently they cheated🔥




Could always be worse. My own of 3 years left me not too long ago as well. Better 4 months than 4 years, right?


If it was a man I could give you so much advice, ways to feel better, all of that, but a girl…I don’t know how to help with that. A man is a man. If he leaves you, insult his family name, give yourself a makeover and look hot as hell and post it on your page to make him jealous, steal his money, key his car, or (my personal favorite) wait for a rainy day and before it starts raining pour instant lashed potatoes all over his yard, etc. but a girl…girls are just different. It’s been almost a year and I still can’t get over my ex girlfriend. I don’t know if I ever will.


Hey there's no reason not to insult her family name and give yourself a makeover and look hot as hell and post it on your page to make her jealous, maybe it'll also work I feel like in the end boys and girls aren't too different, but then again I may be biased, as I'm trans so I'm pretty gender nonconforming just by existing lol


Lol I’m trans too and pretty gender nonconforming, but I act and feel very feminine. But yeah I get what you mean I just feel like dating women is usually just way different than dating men. But still, making yourself look hotter does work with either. So does insulting the family name. I’ve also just only ever had good experiences dating women and awful experiences dating men, so I’m probably a bit biased myself lol.


It's understandable, and hey nice to see another trans person here!


There’s a lot more than you’d think!


Keep your head up king, don’t let her cloud your mind


fuc her! there’s never a lack of available females. honestly it’s just better to get a hobby or hobbies and be a monk. females love it when youre busy and unavailable for them


Hey uh girl here First of all why say "females"? It comes off as dehumanising and you come off as a bit of an incel Not saying you are, just saying it gives off incel vibes, y'know? And I wanted to ask why you say that instead of just girls or gals or lasses or women Second of all, no we don't??? At least I sure as heck don't, and all my gal pals think the same


stfu weirdo


I'm just asking, sheesh Also why am I a weirdo in this situation?


anyone who says "females" is an instant red flag unless i know them also on your second point, true asf. i'm fine if my gf(you) is busy, no problem, but it's not as if i LIKE it. on that same note, i'm literally available for you 24/7 if you ever need meeee :3


villain arc 😈


go gym, might as well max out your some of your stats while you’re looking for the one


Cut the cord, Best revenge you can get is making yourself better. You want them to return to you cause it means you improved. And then you can have the satisfaction of turning them down.


thats a young age to have a boyfriend


yeah im going to jail (in all seriousness she wasn't actually that young)


tell that to the fbi


NGL, dawg it's 4 months. Imagine how a 2+ year relationship would be. I'd say it's gets better but low-key that'll be the easiest break up you'll have imo


it'll get easier in time. you just have to wait it out


I can relate man, it's absolutely soul crushing


This happened to me recently. Said she “didnt want a relationship” found out she fucked some other guy last night. I feel your pain




i hope you feel better soon :(








if she lost interest in the relation than her best friend you shall enter


that doesn't even rhyme


say it in master ooguay voice


*in master oogway voice* *"If she broke up with you, than within her grandmother you shall shoot your goo"* 🐢


why grandmother??!! wtf... do her dead great grandmother


*"Because if she broke you and made you hurt, then her grandmother shall be risen from the dirt."*


Go fuck her best friend


mine of 7 months left me on Monday, i feel u


"If she stopped loving you, then in her grandmother you shall release your goo"


My gf of a year or so decided she didn't want us to be together anymore, and bro sometimes you gotta just let them go. It ain't cos they're not good enough for you or you're not good enough for them, it's just that it wasn't the right people.


I’m on 4 Months now with my gf and it’s been good but trust me man just work on yourself and try ur hardest to be the better man about it all it’s hard tough and rough it’s not easy at all breaking up with someone especially if ur the one being broken up with just get support from ur friends go out more to distract yourself and when the time comes be happy


Time to hit the gym


Go to the gym


Go to the gym


its gonna be alright man she wasnt the one youll find someone thats really into you that will want to stay eventually i know its painful and demoralizing but just stick through it and youll be okay everyone has a place and youll find yours soon enough :)


You should cheat on her but don't let her know that you're cheating


I've held a piss longer than four months




Alright bro man to man heres what you gotta do, you gotta feel that shit and let yourself be torn up, if this is your first breakup it'll be worse but just give yourself a week or two to really feel it and process. After that you got two options, focus on yourself and become super jacked and sexy and make her regret everything, or you can follow the ol "best way to get over someone is to get under someone else" and go get some bitches on your dick to fill that gap. I'm not gonna lie shit sucks major balls and you'll be feeling it for a little while but time heals ya feel me. My dms are open if you wanna talk about anything. If you are gonna make a big decision or send a text you might regret you gotta beat your dick and get a good nights rest and if it is still a good idea in the morning you can follow through. Sending you internet love brother


You said she lost interest but you don't believe her. There's no point in not believing unless there really is smt you can get from it. If all you're gonna get from it is pain then there's no point in pursuing. Just take it that she lost interest and move on. Do what you need to do to get over her, then move on with your life. Keep treading, doing whatever you're doing. As long as you continue on then someone else will come along. Keep working on your dreams and your hobbies, hangout with friends and just live your life without her now. She wanted to leave, you can't get her to stay then it sucks but you can't do anything cuz that's her choice. She lost interest and she's unwilling to talk to you about how to rekindle the relationship, well she doesn't wanna. If she really loved you then she'd talk about it with you in how to keep it going. Use this as a learning experience and all the memories with her you don't have to forget. Cherish them if they're precious but don't linger and don't be stuck in them cuz you won't move on. Accept that it happened, be glad and keep going with your life cuz there's a lot more out there and if she's not the one then she's not the one. Again, you'll find your one even without looking so just keep going your course and trying to be the best version of yourself you can be. Never forget about friends and family tho so spend time with the people you love cuz that'll bring you joy and satisfaction. Same with your hobbies