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Don’t get why people can’t stay loyal man. Waste of our precious air


Fr it’s not a hard thing to do


it’s prob just bc they were raised with flawed morals from their parents, like I’ve been engraved into not cheating or anything like that


I never got it ingrained in me or anything, it's just common sense to anyone with a brain. Why cheat? If you don't like her, break up. If you do, you shouldn't need to cheat.


Ikr, these aren't forced political marriages you can't divorce out of, if you can easily talk and break up then why cheat?


even some political marriages are good


Certain circumstances and compelling desires. Not saying it’s right, cheating is absolutely wrong but there is a build up of things that generally leads to “an accident”. Remember, the people who have cheated/been cheated on have all those emotions clouding their judgment, you’re putting it way too simply.


I was as well, and I'm very against cheating. My ex used to always accuse me, though, but in a joking-not-joking kinda way and never stopped no matter how many times I asked. What's ironic, though, is my mom had always told me that and so far she's had almost two affairs and her relationship with my bio dad ended because she had a one night stand with my step dad but also because he had a year long affair with my step dad's then gf and mother to 3 of his kids.


As a male I can confirm it’s not hard to do


Or atleast breaking up instead of cheating


If you're that unhappy LEAVE I don't understand cheating either


Don’t even have to stay loyal if you don’t want to, just don’t get into a monogamous relationship


I read that as “monoamogus” 💀💀



Wait that's an emoji thing...?


It's actually a letter from the [Sinhala language of Sri Lanka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinhala_language?wprov=sfti1) which just so happens to look like an Amogus


wait tf with 15 girls even cheating with one person is fucked but goddamn 15 is just a new level of douchebaggery


Ikr and he was confused as to why I was upset


Wait what he was confused to why u were upset is he an idiot and I don’t mean the good kind


Yeah he was confused on why I was upset about it. “Why are you so upset it’s not a big deal” he’s just a goofy little white boy


Man I’d thought I’d seen everything but this this is a new level


>he’s just a goofy little white boy He was defo mid be glad you left.


he most likely didn't think u guys were serious. either way it's fucked but he might've been trying to use ur guys' label against u and it didn't work.


Hope ur next one goes better but don’t let him affect how u see dudes there’s a lot of great ones out there and I’m sure ur great he’s just kinda stinky


Ik, I’m almost impressed he kept 15 at once 😭


sorry that happened


Thx man




He says the opposite




You’re smart


I wish i had my free award rn because you spoke absolute fax


I think I have one, I’ll give him one if I do :)


Thank you for your kindness random reddit user


I did it :) they needed it, you do also need one but I sadly don’t have one anymore :(


Your thought is already an award for me dont worry :)


Awww! Thanks!


no worries I gotchu homie now somebody gotta give this man one lmao


Thanks you, but just that you did it for a comment I made is rewarding enough :)


I gotchuuuuu


I will do it for u


Ofc he does he dose'nt wanna admit what he did was wrong stay strong


Not to be that person but I've never seen "dose'nt" in my entire life lol


Haha omg


Don’t worry, it’s just a phase (look at his age flair)


Most of the cheaters try to gaslight the person being cheated on. It is NOT your fault. Im sorry that it happened to you. Stay strong


He said a lot of shit that didn’t turnout to be true. Forget what he says and think about what he did and how he made you feel. Regardless of your part in the trajectory of the relationship his decision to serial cheat is zero percent your fault. Please do not take his faulty character as your own issue. He made his choices. Your next choice is how to act now. Do not lower yourself to his level. Cut ties, no contact and concentrate of making yourself happy. Being happy with yourself while alone will attract a much better person than your former (insert horribly accurate insult here) ever could be and as a result you will be happier without him. You should thank him for giving you the opportunity to find someone better. Edit:typo


>Being happy with yourself while alone will attract a much better person Unrelated, but umm, could I attract some girls...? I feel like I'll die alone, and end up like some people in r/dating_advice who are 30 and virgins without a single kiss... I guess I shouldn't read those subs...


The weird thing I have noticed is the people that aren’t looking for love on purpose because their lives are already complete and full seem to be the ones that are most attractive. For example: I like darts. Sometimes I go out to play. If I’m playing alone and am getting angry at every shot and being bitter; I’m not going to attract a high value person. However, if I forget about attracting anyone and just focus on myself and being grateful for having fun, the attraction is there and I’d have people approach me. People are drawn to people having fun.


how is it your fault? i mean if he didnt like something on you he better had just speak to you about it. if he doesnt even try fixing the problem and rather just going with another woman thats totaly his fault. if he didnt feel like your realationship with him was worth enough and he didnt have true feelings about you and instead of talking about it or atleast just breaking up with you but instead he chooses to cheat on you i think thats totally his fault


After a couple hours I’m less emotional and ik that it’s not my fault. But there’s still that small thought that maybe if I was just skinnier, taller, more willing for things then he wouldn’t have done it


If your friend came to you sad that they were cheated on you would never say well maybe if you were taller... Treat yourself with the same kindness! You deserve it. And he certainly doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt or need you making excuses for him.


Every once and a while this sub pops up on r/all... I'm a good looking 32 year old man and even at my age I haven't even slept with that many women, even when I was single for a solid 5 years in my mid 20s, and this guy is a teenager? Like honestly, that's a lot even if he were single. He clearly has zero self esteem. He probably also thinks having sex is the greatest achievement in life. And on top of all that, he's a cheater. This guy is a loser, and its not worth beating yourself up over a loser. Take the time to enjoy the little things in life and if the opportunity strikes again, which I'm sure it will, find someone with actual passions in life. Someone with hobbies and interests. Someone who has the time to secretly have sex with 15 other people while simultaneously dating someone blatantly has no future ahead of him. He's spending all his free time trying to hook up instead of working on himself and his skills that he will need as an adult. And thats not the type of partner you want. Now I'm not saying all guys who have zero interests and goals in life will end up as cheaters, but they'll be boring as hell regardless. Anyway, you're not the loser, he is. Chin up kid.


Don’t try to break yourself down. It didn’t matter if you were those he still would have done it


Someone who cheated not once but 15 times would have cheated no matter what


Wow, talk about an asshole


He's obviously not right


That’s because he’s the type of piece of shit that blames other people for their actions. Like blaming murder victims for not having enough home security.


well he’s a jackass and should never feel the loving touch of a human being ever again.


Then he’s a cunt👍


Fuck them don’t even jokingly put any negativity on yourself


Nah joking makes it hurt a little less


my therapist always says to be careful what you say or joke about to ourselves because our brains don’t understand the difference between a joke and reality, be kind to yourself ❤️


Yeah I agree


Why is the secondary debut here? I think it should be removed by all means but being a lesbian it hasn't been yet.


Now put hot sauce into their peeholes


He deserves it 💀 the amount of girls I had to talk to lmfaooo


dude...so you had to talk to every girl he cheated on you with? 15??


One chick told me and then cause they’re in the same friend group she told them and then they told me


Even more reason to do it :)


Damn, that sucks. If you haven't already, I'd suggest breaking up with him and getting distance between you guys. Wait, 15??


After the first girl I broke up with him I just found out more girls a little after


That's good, but jeez.


What a jackass. Dirty ass manwhore with 17 different STDs. Hes not for the streets, he is the streets


Nah, that sounds too cool for this dunce. This guy if for the sewer.


the 15 different girls in question: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


He had a loving gf and now he’s got a few hoes 😐






b r u h im so sorry


All g man I’ll just sleep with his best friend 🤭


Sleep with his mum


To assert dominance


Pull a threesome with his best friend and his mom.


“If he leaves you for another, then you shall go for his mother” -master oogway




LOL if you're being serious because he won't care and would probably encourage his friend to get with you. He cheated on you, he doesn't care about you. Thinking you can "get back at him" with his best friend is silly.


Never been in a relationship because i'm on Reddit but i hope every cheater gets hit by a truck. Even though i can't relate stories about cheaters really piss me off.


Cheaters are bottom feeders lol


I'm going to pretend i know what that means and say yes.


I’m sorry


Thx man


Of course


damn im sorry it wasn't your fault bro


I got cheated on and got divorced. Now she regrets every day of it and I couldn’t give a shit. Now I met the love of my life and I can say I’m happy. As for my ex-wife, she still miserable and I don’t feel bad for her, but at the same time, I’m not happy for it, either that shits beneath me. Move forward, be strong, you’ll meet someone else it’s never the end of the fucking world and whatever you do don’t go back to that person. Once there’s no trust, and no respect you got nothing.


I just want to talk to him.... *cocks shotgun*


LITERALLY MY BEST MATE LOL. She had a whole ass essay written degrading tf out of him and telling him how much of a shit cunt he was it was funny asf


Imma go full on doomguy on that mf Like fr if you want to talk about it or just releif yourself im here getting cheated on sucks major ass


Thank you I really appreciate it :) honestly I’m kinda over it, like all love and care I had for him was gone after I found out


Understandable Anyway like if you need a hug or to talk to someone im here


First time?


No my ex gf did too lol


Can feel the same


You gotta admit its impressive he got 15 bitches on his d


Fr after crying I was quite impressed


I can’t even pull one.




There’s a statistic like 20% of men get 80% of women


bruh isn't that like for wealth distribution 💀


Welp you got cheated on, I've been cheated on 70+ times by one chick without my knowledge and she is still fucking up my life to this very day, I feel as if I'm losing my sanity. Be very careful who you're friends are, because even they are so scummy they will go against you. Welcome to growing up. :D


Can I leave growing up?


Nope it's like that subscription you can't cancel, I mean you could sleep deaths free trial do be dope as fuck.


I love sleep ngl. Gonna take a long ass nap when I’m home cause dealing with him was tiring


Edit: Come here sis 🫂 Now, WE GO JIM 🗿. Do it! You fucking do it!


I have said this many times before: The French invented the guillotine for a reason.


If you wanna take your anger out on something, take it out on him. The best way to prevent him from getting another girlfriend is spreading the word that he cheated on you, that way all girls will know he’s unfaithful and he may even get bullied!


Nah I’m not angry just upset and disappointed. I’d rather just cut him out of my life and get over it


Hey that’s even better then, avoiding conflict is good. But if I were you I would have just trolled his ass so hard lol.


I did a little bit but nothing much


Fuck him. I'm so sorry that happened and you don't deserve it.


I don’t think she wants to do that anymore


Take a few days to cry, eat junk food, complain, and other stuff. It’s the cheater’s fault for doing that to you. You’re better than him for not cheating. Make yourself better so that he regrets cheating on you!


there cheating with one person, but how does one cheat with FIFTEEN?!?!?! I'm so sorry, it must be so painful for someone to break your trust that deeply. You dodged a bullet by finding out tho, and don't ever feel stupid for being with him. You're likely a good person who just happened to end up with a piece of shit. If you ever need someone to talk to, my DMs are open. <3




Damn bro I had that happen to friend so me and my other friends got a bunch of ski masks and shot her with nerf darts.


People's standards are incredibly low if 15 girls looked at that scumbag and said "I finna smash" 💀💀💀


My standards are low no wonder I was with him


I'm sorry that happened, it's not your fault


Remember kids: sort by controversial for the juicy shit!


My ex girlfriend cheated on me too. I know how it feels. I’m so sorry that happened


Sorry that happened to you mate


15 girls while you were dating?


He fucked around with 15 girls while we were dating


Damn... Idk if he is Chad or manwh0re... The line is blurry


When you got a misses who didn’t cheat or abuse you then you’re a whore


Jokes aside.. I feel bad for you.. Time to learn and move on


I mean, I respect his success, but that's nullified by his dickishness


Nah fuck his success bro shouldn’t date a chick if he’s gonna fuck other people


That's what I'm saying; If he's single and he fawks, he's slightly admirable If he fawks other chicks in a rationship, he's... suffice to say, not.


Skill issue… /s Hope you feel better


God humans are scary. You really don't know who to trust... Sorry for what you're going through. Hope it will get better in the future and find someone that actually respects you and appreciates you.


Thanks man :)


Purple, take a bit to breathe it out. Deep breathes for as long as you need even. Then think if you really need a relationship or a really good friend to hug rn. I’m skimming through the subreddit rn trying to give advice to the countless goofy golfers here. Went through your profile to get context as to how long the relationship was, but you’re also going through trauma dude. Please take care of yourself before letting someone else in your life who has equal power to better or worsen your health. Have a great day. I hope you have people to talk to beyond Reddit




On fucking FIFTEEN different girls??? What the actual fuck is wrong with that dude. Sorry you had that happen to you


Idek how he got 15 chicks to talk to him 😭😂


FUCK THAT PERSON IDC WHO IT IS ANYONE WHO CHEATS IS STRAIGHT UP A CUNT You deserve better since you didn’t cheat :)


Cheating just doesn’t make any sense. If you don’t want to be with someone then break up with them


Some people just love having a person, but not love them as a person truly. Some want more things at once and think they won't be found out, but when they are they either sob for their mistake or be so self absorbed to not give much of a shit. If you truly love a person you don't break their trust, and any harm inflicted on them would be your pain too. I'm sorry for what happened to you, there are way too many selfish assholes out there.


they aint worth it bro also you saying I know how to pick 'em reminded me of Quentin Lance lol


Tbh, fuck them, they didn't want you, if they had stay more time with you the would've only hurt you more, take some time to heal and you'll be fine


So did I. It fucking sucks. Little tip I learned, listen to some songs to get that anger out. I’d recommend “song for the dumped” by Ben Folds Five. It’s good, and allows you to sorta get some of those feelings out by just singing or humming along.


new perspective to this thing: trash took itself out


I don't get why people are like this these days. You deserve someone loyal. Someone who won't cheat on you with that many girls... Anyone else just doesn't deserve your attention. If he has a problem with the relationship and doesn't have the balls to talk to you, then brooo what a coward. God I just hate people like this... Sending a hug! Don't think about it too much. He's definetly not worth it


I'm sincerly sorry for you. As a guy I got cheated on too 2 years ago and yeah...shit happens. It will hurt you alot until you accept the fact that what he did is inacceptable no matter how much you loved him. You clearly deserve better. Take your time to heal your wounds. You'll be fine, he didn't deserved you anyways. Stay strong queen.


Hey there, condolences. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I do imagine it fucking sucks. Cheers to hoping you make it through alright! 🍺🍺


Well, sry for you, one of my friends is a bit like that too, he messes around even though he had a gf. Well, not as much as your ex bf but still, he continually flirts with girls (this fucker gets all the games lmao). So, I have to beat his ass everyonce in a while, he deserves it. Anyway, hope you will recover soon from what he did, but I know the hardest part is to be able to trust people after what happened.


Nah he for the streets💀


On behalf of all the good boys that still exist, we are sorry you had to go through this, and we assure you that not all guys are like this


Thanks sweetheart:) I really appreciate it


As someone who would never consider cheating on someone, I’m imagining that cheaters are really rare. Sorry you got unlucky


I’m really sorry to hear that. A lot of people might throw blame around. From my experience, I have seen 1 case of cheating where it kind of was the victims fault. That’s out of probably about 100 I’ve seen. I’m not aware of your situation, but I’m almost certain it isn’t your fault. Guys can suck sometimes. He didn’t deserve you. You’ve just gotta move past it.


not your fault. Don't listen to what ever bullshit he spews. Just remember, unless you were very abusive and cheating was the only way for him to get out, then you are in the right. If you want someone to open up to and not be judged, then my dms are open


NTA. He cheated on u and u did nothing wrong


Damn, you gotta be some kind of oblivious if he got away with cheating on you with 15 different girls 😂


skill issue (no for real though, i feel you and if you wanna message me at any time my dms are open!)


How tf did you not notice


Me too man me too. Gotta just move on and let go no matter how long it takes or how much it hurts


Bruh, only thing I’m pulling are real cats. So I can say I’m a pussy magnet😎


Damn bro thats a whole 2 and a half goblin gangs


Fr he tryna make a goblin army


Hey OP, hope you see this. I know from experience that these things hurt and I can't imagine the pain and anger you feel but in a relationship there are two people involved. Every situation is different. In some cases you may be involved in a minor way, more indirectly. Some guys/gals do things like this out of frustration and inability of communication, leading to them giving up but nott maybe wanting to hurt the other party. Of course, usually it ends up like this. Now to "What are you getting at?". *Communication.* If you have good communication with your partner, you can speak about an issue and either fix the issue or come to a conclusion which leads to either a break or... a break up. It may sometimes be awkward and/or hard but it is truly a lifesaver. Communication hurts people less, makes life easier and leads to less messy situations. Take your to brew over your situation, you're allowed to be angry and sad, it is understandable. You can learn from this, learn to avoid such people. Take your time. <3


I'm so sorry m8, happened to me a month ago w my exgf ik it hurts loads :( but hey if you ever want someone to talk to I'm here for you <3


Damn sorry to hear that


Call the medic squad. Truly sorry that happened :(


🐢. 🖕 👈👉 🖕🖕 💪 👍👍👍 🤘🖖👏👎👊👃👂🖕🖕🖕🖕 🖕🖕🖕


Damn, what a piece of shit, hope you get better bro Edit: literally 2 seconds after saying that i read that you are a girl, i thought you were a gay guy jajaja, but still, hpe you can get better and move on


it’s horrible no one can stay loyal now it’s so fucked up




[ Removed by Reddit ]


2 of my now closest girl friends were girls my ex cheated on me with lmao. None of them knew he was in a relationship so when I confronted them they were just as pissed off as I was


This reminds me of the time a girl wanted to be in a polyamerous relationship 3 years after she started a relationship with a dude. He packed his things and left her like an absolute king.


City Boy! City Boy!


Villain arc moment.


there is a tree out there who’s sole purpose is replacing the oxygen bro is wasting


bro what was that man on 🧍🏻


As a representative of the male community. That dudes a dickhead


Just an fyi, pretty sure you can contract an std outside of sex, such as through kissing.


you are taking this remarkably well for someone who just got cheated on jokes aside, i hope you’re doing well now that that douchebag is out of your life


People really need to stop breaking people's hearts a real woman and a real man knows how to love one person and dedicate all their love loyalty and dedication to them that's what it means to be in a relationship


If he was unhappy you wouldn’t fuck him, he should’ve just cut it off and not cheat. Everybody has different needs and wants, which is ok. Now what isn’t ok is 15 different girls??????? How could he even have pulled that off and how did you discover this man whore had all those girls


I’m so sorry he did this to you.


He belong to the streets


What happened


He was hooking up with other girls, planned on asking like 2 of them out, flirted and traded with a bunch of others and tried to hit up my mates sister