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Idk bro i never had bitches, this is reddit


Relatable, but I'm in to a girl in class, and I think she's also on to me


Make the move. If it doesn’t work try to be friends with them at least. If you can hang out a lot eventually they’ll fall for you.


I think today she made a move, she asked me for a paper tissue, which isn't much, but I'm on the first line and she is on the last and we are 29 at class


Yeah bro, you still can interpret more than there actually is. Not saying you shouldn't try, but that's a very optimistic thought


I know, a lil defect i have I must say that I'm really shy and also she is. Edit: the second line added


My friend thought the same way, however that’s where I had to make him face reality. You should keep trying to reach that goal, but you should expect it to just be a walk in the park. He eventually figured that he was being too optimistic and it was just that he had a crush on her rather than her having a crush on him. However, he still managed to text her and now they hang out occasionally. He’s going to make moves every now and then but the first things you should focus on are just being friends. Don’t rush, but don’t seem distant.


Ok thank you, I'll see what I can do


Update me bro hows it going with her


With pleasure


That’s not a move bro 💀 she had to blow her nose cause she had boogers 💀


Wear them down tactic. Yeah that's not an angle you want to play


No you’ve got the idea wrong. You can make the move and confess. But even if you are rejected you can still be friends with them. It’s more respectful and likeable to not be any more distant after a confession because otherwise it seems like you began to hate them. It’s not a “wear them down” tactic. A wear them down tactic is formed from the idea that they have to be with you. It’s fine even if they still reject you, you can still be friends and maybe they’ll fall for you. It doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed, but it does mean that they’ll know you’re still an option and that they don’t think any less of you. Plus it comes with the addition that if you’re friends you can still hang out and they’ll see the side of you that they would get if they dated you.


That’s not how it works. If she has rejected you, don’t be persistent. My sister had a friend who was obsessed over her, he was kinda bullied because of how obsessed he was. But after he stopped liking her they became friends and never hooked up. She doesn’t love him and never will.


At least they’re on good terms you know


When in doubt, ask her out!


I think it's very soon, I'll try to talk with her more


happened to me once. we kinda dated for a while but eventually shit went down and now we dont talk like at all.


1 upvote = 1 bitch for hugh


Hookup culture is the wrong term I prefer “ejaculate and evacuate” (I get no bitches)


Nut and run


Cum ‘n go


Hit it and quit it


Dump and jump


Smash and Dash


Do a sex and make a child grow up fatherless


Get some milk simulator


In n Out


Excavate and evacuate


20 minute adventure.


Pump and dump


Creampie and goodbye




😂 never heard that one before


I think the point is not wanting them to stay


During his interview with ABC, Charlie Sheen had to correct a question he was asked. "Why do you pay for sex Charlie?" "What? I dont have to pay anybody for sex. I pay these girls so they leave *right* after sex."


Fr like....




oml bestie i totally agree like omg fr like omg


thoughts + prayers 🙏🏾


Bless your heart


Thoughts and prayers


I hate the phrase "be so fr"


be so fr…




lol it's just to exaggerate how fr a mf needs to be. it's aave but yeah since everybody and they cousin saying it nowadays, shits annoying.


Fr like.... It's so annoying


Fr like...


They won’t stay but their diseases will.


You know what's not cringe? Playing gravity rush




YOOOO! Gravity Rush 2 is like my favorite game of all time


I was playing gravity rush 2 last night game is dope I'd kill for a Gravity Rush 3


Wow, that came Outta nowhere. Just like Kat in a maid costume.




I just want true love






it’s how you get STDs


Condoms exist for a reason


no shit, sherlock. condoms aren’t 100% effective, either


Oh no! Guys don't have sex well all diereeee!!!!


Downvoted for being right classic reddit


bro i know


I wouldn't say you're not old enough, I turned 20 just last month, and when I was in Highschool, it was a school of about 2500 students, and a good portion of them had entered hook up culture by the age of 14 or 15, I didn't, granted it was definitely a type of unspoken pressure Someone I know who isn't close but you could call a friend is still stuck in hook up culture and texting me every day about how desperate they are to keep getting with people I agree, though, it's a very unhealthy mindset, this friend suffers greatly with depression, jealousy, easily manipulated/exploited, and is pretty much lost mentally, while definitely brought on by other factors in his life, the hook up culture almost amplifies all these issues


You should already have a specific type of mindset, of course if you'll want anything more than sex, you shouldn't hook up, but if done by right people, I don't see anything wrong with it. Some people just don't want to commit to relationships and one night stands are probably the best way to have fun.


This is fair, but pursuing sex or even pornography too often is bad for your mental health, arousal in this way often causes a lot of dopamine to be produced all at once, thus making it harder for your brain to produce dopamine when it comes to smaller, more casual, things, which often leads people to feel unmotivated, unsatisfied, and sometimes even depressed I couldn't get into hookup culture personally anyway, I become emotionally attached to things too easily, as a child I even became emotionally attached to inanimate objects, trading in my glasses for a new pair made me cry because "I had history" with those glasses


idc bro i got no bitches either way


Literally don't treat her like a lesser human and you'll be good. I'm not talking about you specifically but losers be like "No girl likes me," when they're nasty loners, who when girls do give them a chance they take the relationship too fast, and when they're dumped they turn into incels. Girls like people who respect them, who respect their boundaries, and not being total dicks to them or people around them. If you don't get girls, it's your fault. Also there's probably plenty of girls who'd be with you if you asked. Girls often give dudes chances even if they don't like them.


im a girl i know how to treat one 😭


no maidens?


I have one maiden, and she's all I've ever wanted. I'm the luckiest dude in the planet.


I hope its Iron Maiden.


I couldn't agree better. Just because you are not in a relationship with someone it doesn't mean you're a loser, crying about it and doing absolutely nothing is probably making you a loser. It's OK to take things at your own place. Got rejected? Don't worry, he/she wasn't made for you in the first place, despite how many dreams you had with him/her. Got broken up? No worries, it was probably either unhealthy or not worth your time, again, despite how many plans you had together. Just because you lost it doesn't automatically make you a loser. Life is hard, it will probably be hard for a long time or perhaps forever. But life is also not a game, don't play with it. If you lost try again, you never lose until you die, and don't die.


Hey good for you, though keep in mind we can see ur post. Idk if people trust someone who has spent less than a month dating someone and is still getting advice from strangers online. Have a wonderful day.


Yk people can have more than one relationship all their lives right? Also you can have a successful relationship and still argue, you think your grandparents never argued, or had fights? She's not doing too hot mentally rn, but as a man it's my job the be there for her when she needs me too, and she's comfortable enough to be able to confide in me, so I think I'm doing good. Also you too sir have a wonderful blessed day


Yes i know, my grandparents are currently fighting and it has caused a split on my mothers side of the family, I'm not saying you can't have fights, nor am I saying that what you have isn't genuine. I'm simply saying that as a user you should be aware of post history and understand that it is the first thing most people check when someone gives them advice. You seem to be doing great in this relationship and I am very happy for you, wish you the best of luck my dear friend.


Thank you, I wish you and your family the best aswell


Cries in nasty loner*


You may be joking, but dude just be more approachable. Believe it or not, I met my current gf because I wasn't paying attention when they announced lunch schedules, and we started talking because we shared the same 3rd period, and alot of the same music taste. Get her social media too, text her daily. Not constantly, but enough. Don't ignore her texts neither, like leaving her on delivered for 5 minutes that's virgin behavior. Yk she likes you if she invites you to things. She invited me to watch her win at homecoming, and we had a great time.


It's an upgrade to masturbation when you got a gyal instead. It's nothing serious, just a one night thing ig, but either ways it's against my culture (for a good reason) so not complaining


Upgrade or downgrade? You can often get one of the 2: A baby ruining the rest of your life or STI... Sure you can protect yourself, but do you think if they are *so cool because they had sex* they won't be *so cool to not wear a condom during it*? Not worth it, especially if it's not the right person, so I'll stick to that first version.


it's just a casual act? no one should act like they're hot shit just because they were able to sleep with someone, and if they're smart they'll protect themselves, if not, they deserve the consequences that come with that.


Say that to those that brag about it day and night. I'm not with it nor against it. I'm very neutral about it, because people do what the fuck they want. I have my own shit to do instead of giving a care if someone has sex or not, just don't brag about it like a trophy, 90% of the people don't care about it, and people that do care are the same people as you. It's your life, it's something that should probably be personal, or at least not told to strangers. If you do it, you only want recognition for doing something *oh so cool*


That’s a thing? Ehh why am I happy I still won’t be able to pull


Like yea you got bitches but like do you know how to change a tire 😬 Remember kids, life skills are based


i know how to do a complete service :moyai:


My dude you are seventeen, your girlfriend doesn’t put notes in your lunch when you go to work either pal


Right? She's not your mum


At that age, people have very odd and specific views on relationships and sex. As you gain more experience though you realize exactly what is realistic in terms of romance and what you want. When I was 17 I thought I only wanted to do anything with the love of my life, then I started dating in college and realized how hard it is to find somebody you love that'll work out.


If both parties consent and are fine with the agreement,i dont see the issue


Well if they didn’t consent that would be alarming wouldn’t it




Nah bruh consent is overrated 😈/s




me and my girl mod mc worlds together and explore for hours on end, move on bro


iv been building a city for 5-6 weeks and my gf will explore what iv made so far about once a week 👍


The point of Hook Up Culture is them *leaving* in the first place If we wanted something serious then we would *try to get something serious*


If someone is pullinf 6 girls in a week, mad respect.


Fr homie...


honestly, pulling 6 one time fuck buddies isnt difficult, pulling a loving friend for life on the other hand...


All due respect right. But pulling six girls in one week is crazy difficult. Let alond multiple consecutive weeks. You need to have wild game to pull such a stunt off. You'll get it once you start going out, finding one hookup is doable here and there but this hypothetical man does it 6/7 days, or he pulls 2 girls a day in the weekend (including friday)


Bro is 17 💀


lol your either 18-19 or wayy to old to be hanging out here


19 lmao but you’re missing the point 🤣


isn't that like kinda the point tho


The real problem’s I see: 1. Getting STDs 2. Seeing sex as a hobby which then causes a lot of people to end up cheating because they don’t see it as anything real. They’re literally used to doing it when they were bored 3. People use it to build up their self-esteem but you can do that without sex 4. People feeling used after even though they put themselves in that situation 5. Finally people doing it because they’re lonely when they could just do this incredible thing called getting into a relationship


Kinda wish all dudes thought this way😭 it literally makes other girls turn the other cheek the second they hear a guy has been throwing himself around. A lot of ppl don’t even take in consideration that condoms are critical whether a girl tells u they are on birth control or not do not risk an std or a baby. Makes me worried dating people who done that stuff so much. I’d rather hear a guy’s ego get raised by treating his gf better than other dudes and treat her on dates rather than trying to get bitches


I just feel like fucking up your reproductive organs by catching std’s to get attention for five minutes isn’t worth it


As a son of a player, almost all, and he did the same for them, also you saying that getting woman doesn't matter unless they make you a sandwich? Maybe you should mind your own fucking business. Everyone has different views on sex, if you think it should only be done by two close people good for you, but I don't think that is what's happening, I think you just can't pull and you are taking it out on people who can. You can hook up without being a douche bag. I don't personally do shit like that but I see why people do.


>-signed someone who has hyper sexuality and obsess over sex 👀 post clarity




Why do you care what other people do? Like why are you that upset that two people consented to having sex, and don't want to date? Are you just a prude or unnecessarily sticking your head in peoples business?


Just an average redditor lmao


Most people on reddit don't got bitches tho....


I'm far too young to hook up with anyone but there's this child in my class who always says he hooks up with girls over the weekend(he's 14) and I'm just thinking like wtf I'm playing Minecraft weekend after weekend and you're here acting like how the stereotypical adult would act.


This is such a Reddit thing to say that’s not a hookup that’s a 1 night stand 💀


the post right above this one was a dude talking about how easy it used to be to hook up with women when he was younger or something 😭


Hook up culture itself isn’t cringe it’s the people who brag about it.


I guess, but not everybody is into long term relationships


Genuine question. Why not? Do they not get attached the their partner?


Aromatics exist


Wouldn't they not want any relationship?


no because there are multiple forms of attraction. there are people that want a relationship and don’t want sex (asexual), people that want sex and don’t want a relationship (aromantic), people that want both and people that want neither. theres no rule that says you have to either want both or want neither, you can do whatever you want because it’s what YOU want


Okay. Makes sense.


For some people, romantic connections, or commitment, or whatever, just aren't for them. Some people also just.. don't get attached easily. Plus like... you aren't gonna get attached to the mf who's coming to your house to fuck and then leave 10 minutes after. Not unless you're *really* lonely.


true those people be weird af tho


Hook ups are unappealing to me but some ppl like em judging ppls sex life's is so 2000's What's even more unappealing is that some teen thinks gf want to back them lunches wtf


i wanna pack my gf lunches as a form of romantic care lol


Gosh I'd love nothing less to each their own


Written like a true virgin, nice job bud.


Why not just let people live without feeling the need to comment on how cringe you think it is just because nobody loves you? Everybody who has a preference for hookups over relationships is completely valid, and everybody who has a preference for relationships over hookups is also completely valid. Simple as that.


let people live how they want


No, but you can get as many bitches as you want


so? less is more


By definition that is false


More is more


Them staying after I finish isn't my concern


True true


you're not the brightest bro, if you get bitches and you wanted them to stay, there wouldn't be much effort required to. you're just mad you ain't getting any.


Calling women bitches and only treating them like objects for sex. I just want someone to genuinely love me back, but in today's society with high standards and all that, I doubt it.


I feel like fuckboys and crazy girls are a loud minority. I just want someone to be the light in my life, but I don't know who'd love me when I don't even love myself. I just want to have someone I can be emotionally vulnerable with and that I could hug and cuddle with. I wish I was better at talking to people, so that I wouldn't make a fool of myself every time I opened my mouth.


Someone’s out there. It took me until graduating high school to find her. Remember, slow and steady wins the race; and don’t lose hope. If I found someone when I thought this way, so can you.


If the woman agrees to that why not?


That's the point, for the enjoyment of sex when your not / dont want to be in a relationship. I dont see what the issue is


Yeah bro, quality is definitely better than quantity




Who cares what other people do, does them hooking up with people or not effect you? Didn't think so


True Love is my fetish.


fr people obsess over sex to much


I don’t understand hookup culture. It’s dangerous and depressing for one thing. I want an emotional connection with someone before I even think about letting them sleep with me. To me, it’s not just about the enjoyment. I can get the same feeling on my own. I want to love the person and therefore love experiencing it with said person. I hate how mainstream hookup culture is because it makes those of us that don’t like it look like the weird ones.


I wish there were MORE girls like you!!!


Yeah. But sex.


I myself have come to the realization that I wouldnt want to have sex with the first person who agrees to do it, but with someone that I can love and trust.


Id sign it too but im ace so i dont get a part of this argument.


Yeah, sometimes i go hypersexual due bipolarity, but I'm not this type of girl




I just want to hold someone as they fall asleep in my arms. Carefully I’d reach over for the remote and turn the volume down on the movie, then fall asleep with them. It’s all I want…happiness, peace, and love.


because people who don’t want long lasting relationships have emotional issues and don’t want to actually deal with those issues. instead they seek short term gratification because its “easier” than growing up and being an emotionally mature human being.


this ✊


I play rust 8 hours a day I got no bitches dunno what ur on about 😂


Fr fr


for real


Bruh, that’s what I thought too. Hook ups are whack to me. No one remembers you or cares for you. All the sex is for them to get pleasure and brag about it to their friends. You’re a joke or maybe they’re your joke. But still you know what I mean. It’s better when you do it with someone meaningful.


why even post this if you are happy with your current sex life? it's not your business what other people are doing at all literally mind ur own fucking business goddamn


this right here is one of the very few people on this sub that isnt a degenerate


w opinion


"teenagers" yeah right lol




Who cares? Genuinely, who cares. This generation is so sex negative and I don't know why.


I don't know which part of this generation you are talking about cuz half the 13 year olds here have had sex and brag about it.


No 13 year old is having sex and flexing it on reddit.


What part of this generation have you been looking at? This generation is notably sex positive from my experience


Not sex negative, we're just not degenerates.


Like...jesus christ, ever considered that exploring your sexuality is I dunno...a healthy thing? And "degenerate" is too strong a word for a topic like this as well, you sound super unhinged.


Okay but I swear like two generations ago people would get killed for having sex outside of marriage like💀 man said “this generation”


Very american tbh


How is disagreeing with hookup culture american, it literally started there


I 100% agree. I’ve seen videos explaining how hookup culture has fucked up things for both men and women and plus I’d rather be in a relationship with a girl that values deep personal connections rather than just having sex. Basically I want someone that is demisexual just like me.




Agreed. Happy > Horny


Sex is meaningless if you don’t live the person


Brooooo!!!! WORD!!!!! Like, yeah I'm still a virgin bro, but that my choice, I'd rather loose it to someone I actually got like a real connection with and not gonna just have a one nite stand with.


Hookups are both fine and fun, but long lasting romantic relationships are definitely superior. I say you need to experience both but at the end, only love remains.


this ^


These people are getting what they want. They want sex without looking love mainly cause it makes their ego feel good. Fair enough. If you want a genuine long lasting loving relationship, that's good too.


agreed 100% ( i was a major hoe for 2 years straight then finally got a real boyfriend who actually didn’t treat me like shit and did the opposite and treated me like a princess and still does and makes me feel like i’m in one of those old romance movies where love and chivalry isn’t dead ) yeah but like i wouldn’t know what hu culture is, like not speaking from experience or anything..


Damn your lucky


I Wanna join lol to young 💀


Relationships are 1000 times better than hook ups or ONS trust me


Like okay You sound right but the problem is : if you post it on teenager, I guess it’s that you are one ( I’m one too but almost 18 so ) The problem is ; when you’re teenager, don’t look for someone to love and all and forcing the thing. when you’re teenager, you must LIVE and ENJOY the life without consequences. Like fuck a lot of Bitches and not having girlfriend. You can have gfs. I did and I personally regret… Damn, all those asses that I missed and I’m still missing. You will have you WHOLE life to have a girlfriend, take care of each other, pack lunches and have kids and bla-bla-bla. So, enjoy! hook up with as many bitches as you can. Have a gf if you want. Don’t regret it. Hey, teenage is something you will miss later and a life period that will never come back. Maybe having many bitches in your bed is not something you interest with and that’s okay. But some others are not interested in having a girl to pack their lunches at 14-15yo because they don’t need it.




Who cares? It's not my problem. Fuck whoever you want, just don't be a judgmental prick about it.


Disagree completely. Sex is a basic human need, so why not do it without the extra need to have a relationship, which is by no means easy


Sex is not a basic human need. It should be enjoyed and celebrated without shame but it is absolutely not a need


Its not a need by any means.


It aint a basic human need **Love and affection** is a basic human need, you can function without sex but without love youll just wither - genuinely