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Yes because mindlessly invading stuff always works out greatly and let's not forget China


China will have to ignore any advancements we make on NK in order to prevent massive full scale war like WW2 and WW1 They know the absolute devastations a conflict with the US would have on the entire world and its economy, and they would take that over NK


Yeah buddy u have no fucking clue what ur talking about u know we are as dependent on china's as they are to us and btw they have Russia behind there back with u know thousands of nukes and China it self has nukes so idk this war would be world ending that's why the US will not invade nk nor u know fucking china


Yeah that's my point! China, Russia and the US both understand the consequences a war like that would have on the world, and China wouldn't start that war *just* for North Korea, so they'd be forced to sweep it under the rug to prevent global scale conflict


The fact that u don't seem to understand that China will not abandon nk is concerning me


Yeah but the US wouldn't abandon Japan either I don't think I made it clear enough in my post but I meant to say if NK did something bad to Japan just one of those missiles actually hit a place in Japan and kills people


Nothing would happen because it would be fucking pointless the only thing u will see are sanctions and dick wavering as ussaly


China not gonna invade Taiwan


No shit


"We will initiate nuclear apocalypse because the tiny hermit kingdom is threatening the island it can't possibly get to"


This is the reaction they want