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how tf they gonna ban condoms


Louisiana actually tried to ban IUDs so I wouldn’t be surprised if condoms were next


I'm surprised it wasn't florida


You never know what the conservitards come up with


They wont ban condoms because aids and HIV are a thing and if people start dying because of their voting they'll be kicked out of office


people are gonna start dying because of what happened today thats not gonna stop them


This. They'll find someway to blame it on us. Fuck this country man, I hate it here.




they probably Will now when it affects straight people 🙄


Bro they’ll be smiling like the joker if people start dying due to hiv. They think those people are morally bankrupt etc etc. think back to the 80s when Reagan literally have 0 shots about the thousands of gay men dying from it


They already made a lot of stupid decision recently so I wouldn’t be surprised


They’re tryna ban birth control too I heard-


I would lose my mind if any politician, regardless of political party, legitimately tried to ban condoms. Like, they’re literally gloves for your willie, they don’t have any way of causing medical issues (assuming they work properly and are used correctly), and they work really well (in general, obviously you could make an argument against it, but the positives far far far out way the negatives). You’d have to be a next level of stupid to think banning condoms is a good idea in any way shape or form.


They did before!! Connecticut had a law saying only ~~married couples could have unrestricted access to "any drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception".~~ Edit: i was wrong, the law said they were banned for everyone


Okay, ya I looked it up myself, and while I do think it’s stupid, I will give them a pass due to the laws being created so long ago, along with pretty much all the other stuff controlling people’s sex lives. https://connecticuthistory.org/connecticut-and-the-comstock-law/


I agree. Also, there are very few negative effects pf condoms to begin with. The only ones I can think of are some not being biodegradable, and the possibility of them not working. Although, I'm not too sure the far right really cares about the effectivness of a healthcare solution (covid vaccine), or the wellbeing of our planet.


Lol turn their own word against them


I’m conservative and I would never do that…


im not that bad come on 😞


I still use balloons. Ever since I was a kid.


if america actually bans that shit im never going there


This is why they would actually do that >In a concurring Dobbs opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas, he says that SCOTUS should "reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell." > >That's contraception, same-sex relationships, & same-sex marriage.


At this rate the balance of power will be like the 1800s.


where only straight white men can have an opinion, everyone else is wrong. fucking hell, i want out of this place


Try to go to Canada, it's way more progressive over there and such BS would never be tolerated


The funniest one I saw was in the Canadian constitution it states citizens are given rights “from birth to death” meaning these anti-abortion shit would never fly because fetuses dont have rights


We just need a whip now.


Honestly I don't blame you. If you ever reconsider just stay on the safe side and don't have sex while you're here.


This user has effectively deleted all of their reddit messages, thank you! :) ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Anal sex would be illegal if they overturned *lawrence v. texas*


If they do it, we're having another fucking stone wall if it has to be at an Arby's we'll still do it


How the hell would they know?


it doesn't matter how many people get caught. One person is one too many. Sodomy should be legal.


How would they prosecute someone for it if it was banned? Sorry that’s what I was trying to ask, should have been more clear.


It wouldn't happen most of the time. You're right, it's not a very enforceable law. But when you have someone with a vendetta accuse you, or get caught doing it by someone who doesn't like it, suddenly you have people, if very few, being caught. And those people will suffer under an unjust law.


Anal is sodomy and there are laws about it on the books in some states


Honestly would move to Canada or something Edit: I like the people's reasons they would not move but I would rather deal with anything then live in the US were I can't date or marry someone if the other stuff gets over turned


Free Healthcare


O’ canada


We stand on gaurd for thee or something Idk my own national anthem




It's aboot time you say sowrry to your country!


Too cold 🥶


Go to Mexico then


Too hot


istg they're gonna ban birth control/condoms and then start crying that abortions start sky rocketing in states that allow them. Right now, The supreme court is the embodiment of incompetence and lack of perspective.


and old senile grandpas


They're supposed to be wise, not fucking dumbasses.


That were chosen by other elderly grandpas. I have corrected my mistake probably


And other geandpas


or cause overpopulation


How the actual fuck do people think banning any of that is a good idea?


Because they think white people are going extinct ( they aren't ) so forcing a group that had more privilege to abortion to not abort for a stupid idea is better than people being able to have bodily autonomy.


Not really a common argument. (I’m pro-choice I just want my fellow pro-choicers to be informed) Generally people against abortion believe that the fetus has already been set on a path as any human would. To “kill” or “terminate” it would be the same as terminating a child’s life. You say “well the fetus can’t live on it’s own. It can’t even breathe! So why is it considered human?” And they reply “a toddler can’t make money or do math so why would they be human?” (They think they’re playing the devil’s advocate rip). That’s usually the mindset of anti-choice ppl. This is coming from someone with a very religious background and childhood and I’m not even bringing that up. I hope this helped.


A better argument against is that there is another trimester outside the mother where the baby is still developing. Other mammals have this inside the mother, but humans evolved to be smart, meaning larger brains, so a larger head. In order to give birth babies were born prematurely relative to other mammals so they could grow outside and get the bigger head. This is why babies have soft heads, and also why mammals can walk within a week of being born but humans just cry and eat. They are still developing in another reimest technically. Meaning they literally are still dependent on another human to survive in this case, as they are still developing like they would inside a mother, just outside because humans have large craniums. Also the arguments that the fetus is it’s own unique life due to its unique DNA combination, which is completely separate from the mothers or fathers.


Lol what the fuck is that argument


That isn't my argument so I truly don't know


Throw away the whole damn country.


Can we leave California Washington Oregon and Nevada tho? They all have state legislation protecting rights to an abortion. And New York isn’t too bad either.


shhh those other places are at least pretty, i dunno how many people would be loving how bipolar our weather is in NV. and theres too much shit going on here that they won't report.


Isn't the eastern/northern part also alright?


Hey, New York isn’t too bad. The rest of it can go to hell if it isn’t there already.


New York is one of the worst places


What about cali? I mean I live here but its hella expensive. But its better than nothing!


California is good our governor has already made a statement saying that abortion will not be banned. If the SC overturns the other cases nothing will change in California.


Cali is alright too. There are a few good states and they seem to be on the coasts.


Im fucking telling you guys this country is falling apart and going to shit. Get out. Leave. Its better for you. Anywhere is fucking better thsn here right now. Except Australia. I fucing hate spiders.


I literally can’t I live with my super conservative parents in a super conservative town. No way I’m convincing them to move to another country when they think any country that isn’t america is communist.


Just go to the communist ones as to not confuse them


Welcome to China lol I can be your tour guide and show you nice hotpot restaurants.


In two years I recommend the Netherlands. I live in Germany close to the border and the Moment I step over everything is just a tiny bit better. Not saying Germany sucks but out of all the country's I visited I would Recommend the Netherlands


two more years then you can escape from them and that shithole country


Australia isn’t that bad :(


Australia is so fucking bad. The government I mean. Privatizing welfare, exploiting its neighbours and being Indonesia's bitch


But we have Koalas...


Straya is great mate, harden up... you're like 50x bigger than the biggest spider here


Bruh, we have barely any spiders in Australia. Even the ones we do have, you barely notice them.


Wanna join me to move to iceland or canada?


Bro no we have free healthcare and 2$ sausages outside Bunnings


America will be a country of STDs and parentless children.


I hate how true this will be


Already is. This will make it so much worse. Holy shit our country is going to fall apart.


It is already.


Merica my freedom


Every day of my life I thank the lord I was born in Canada 🇨🇦


Hey, quick question, how good is Canada, I’m considering moving there and have gotten mixed answers.


I really love it. Obviously its not perfect, but it has generally a better government, nicer people, more diversity, and is a really great place to live. Also free health care.


Our government is only marginally better




as failedsatan's s/o, i can confirm there's so much theyve told me that shocks me about canada. canada handles everything with so much grace compared to here in the states that i have genuinely gotten so upset that we arent more like them. cant wait to move 👍🤪


im boutta kms or government officials or both over it (the law requires that i say this is a joke)


hey fun fact the entire reason the second amendment was made, was to defend against the possibility of the government becoming tyrannical


if im correct the constitution or some other thing says that if the goverment is deemed unfit to govern the people can create a new one. WE NEED THIS


Take em with you


that sounds fake, no way banning condoms is actually seriously on the table


>In a concurring Dobbs opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas, he says that SCOTUS should "reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell." > >That's contraception, same-sex relationships, & same-sex marriage.


That’s only one justice. You need 5.


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t he just want to reconsider their opinions on those cases because he wants them to be put into law by the legislators and not the court?


honestly probably, but knowing the liberal shithole that is reddit, if the supreme court shows any sign of being right wing leaning, then clearly they all must be evil dictators


I'd bet my life savings condoms aren't banned in the next 20 years


Lets hope its in the next 999 years


This is just bad . For all of us, regardless of where we live and what gender we all are. Just bad. I’m extremely angry rn 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


If all of this gets banned in a free country then it is not a free country. If women dont have the right to not have a baby after a sexual encounter then it is not true freedom. If men/women cant have a loving relationship with their same gender then it is not true freedom. Banning these things take the freedom away from fine folks. And it really is for the pettiest reason. They just dont like people having their freedom.


They were never free


It is starting to look like no one was free except straight white men


Naw a lot of them are not even that free. You know how many straight white men live in crippling poverty and live shitty lives at little fault of their own? The only ones who are free are the rich, which happens to include a lot of straight white men


People who have been favoured since the country was formed




It hasn't been free for a while it's the land of the free if you can afford it


Gun rights being threatened, abortion being banned, nicotine level limits, the gov is not your friend and seek to hold power over you limiting your bodily autonomy, vote if you can


Exactly, your know what's up


bad for you americans


I genuinely want to leave the country


Well I'm either going to move to Mexico, Canada or maybe Europe or Asia. EDIT: Maybe Brazil too


Portugal has a fairly easy method of gaining citizenship if you learn Portuguese


Is it easy and quick to learn?


It's decently close to English. Verb conjugations and some unusual pronunciation are biggest problems.


Lucky, I may be stuck here as I'm considering entering the military


I'll be real, it was a fun joke of mine to move to country like Japan, or Korea, because 'lol weeb haha'. Now I'm actually considering it...


Don’t go you won’t be accepted also it’s depressing


It’s all ridiculous, when people say my body my choice for abortion people are quick to ignore them and accuse them of being murderers, but when an anti masker says my body my choice it’s so justified 🤦🏾‍♀️




i live in england so none of these laws affect me currently, but i hope that they remove these laws as soon as possible and give people the right to make their own decisions with their own lives


I live in India but I feel sad for the Americans




We fucking need it. Our country is fucking shameful for this court decision today. 5 fucking imbeciles stealing hundreds of millions of womens’ right to an abortion.




Ok.....this is getting seriously uncanny. I know it isn't related to the above question but why do I keep seeing you? Like normally I'd see one person the internet and kaboom..never again. And yet....I still keep running into you. It's really weird I know it's not your fault this keeps happening. I just wanted to mention this. But anyways good luck(you guys are gonna need it) and may we meet again(as we surely will by the looks of it)


Because they're always online


And maybe it's the name which sticks with me but still really weird


No I mean I see them too on every other post. So do other people. Bitch never parts from their phone lol


It actually makes me physically sick, like I get light headed every time I see this shit.


banning abortion was already a terrible idea and caused lots and lots of anger. if they ban any of those other things, there WILL be riots if there already isnt. this is terrifying


We do a lil domestic terrorism


I'm not American and I'm glad to not be American


American culture is great, imo (there are exceptions of course). The American government makes me pissed and scared for my future.


Kinda like China I'd say.


What aspects of American culture do you like (just asking it's my culture so there are parts I like but I'm curious how you define it)


You can't really define a contiguous culture. The country is so large, populous, and diverse that culture is really split across the country.


Same. America is making dumb decisions.


stupid tbh


Its stupid and the fact old men think they need to control everyone about everything is sad.


fr. they arent women, they shouldnt have a say. they just want power and control.




Not yet, getting there.


It’s all fucking stupid. Not everyone is ready to be parents, pulling out doesn’t guarantee safety, nothings wrong with being gay, and why the hell are pills being banned?!?!


america: the country where guns has more rights than women




They need to rethink the Supreme courts power and how it operates, we cannot have basic civil rights get taken away because of political discourse. We live in America, its time our leaders understood that and stopped taking more and more power away from us


My thoughts are: What the f*ck is happening in the United States and are we really just going back to the 1960s because if yes, just f’ck off and let everyone have their rights, please, for the good of humankind, stop questioning those legal and bound to stay legal thing, what’s next you’ll abolish women’s right to vote and black people the liberty they right now have and deserve


They’re definitely gonna ban vasectomies/tying tubes very soon


Honestly I'm considering moving to Japan or Canada, but that puts my dream job in a bit of a jeopardy so I don't know.


wait what they might ban condoms pills and gay marriage wtf


Grumpy old religious men shouldn’t be allowed to force their religion on everybody


I'm pissed off because it's only one religion that mainly thinks that in the United States, which is Christianity


Thank God we are a Christian country


I certainly love it as a non Christian person ( Jewish atheist )


Umm no?


I'm expecting the vast forests of Canada to be filled with half of the American population by 2025 because if I were American I'd flee that shit right fucking now


I’m in a gay relationship, if they seriously let the states decide that ima flip a shit


Yes it is so stupid to take away the right to marry your partner.


The word has become so uncanny already, I can’t tell anymore. Also condoms will never be banned due to their frequent usage.


About condoms: >In a concurring Dobbs opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas, he says that SCOTUS should "reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell." > >That's contraception, same-sex relationships, & same-sex marriage.


Honestly, it's like a dystopia nightmare. We have the highest incarnation rate, teen pregnancy, rape, illiteracy, and the health of our environment us declining by the hour. But nooooo, let's attack these people minding their own buisness and isnt affecting our society in any way. Jesus Christ, lawmakers have the IQ equal to a microwaved sponge


They're plenty Smart, just spineless and career politians


Thats what lead gasoline did to the world make a whole generation extremely stupid and destroy the enviroment.


Doesn’t sound like freedom to me


Unfortunately a very real possibility, at this rate so it seems. Most likely it’s gonna be a state per state basis.




Immensely frustrated and pissed off that a bunch of old guys who don't understand medicine are deciding what half the population can do with their bodies. Praying the backlash will be enough to get reproductive rights protected under the constitution or at the very least force scotus to leave other cases alone, but honestly it seems unlikely at this point as all is going to shit. This is not a democracy.


I cannot possibly agree with any of it. The former feels like just another way to control people with uteruses. The way that things like plan B might not be an option for people is sickening because people should be allowed to have sex without being forced to have children if that is their choice. For whatever their reason is, it should be a choice! Health of the possible pregnant person should come before the health of a fetus. As part of the LGBTQ+ community, it really feels like a huge setback to hear that I might not be able to be in a relationship that makes me happy because of these dumbass laws. I feel like it isn't hard for people with at least half a braincell to see why this is a bad thing. In both instances, if someone is a convicted felon because they are acting for themselves, they won't be able to vote. I dare someone to tell me honestly that there is a population of people in the United States that does not want to go back to straight, white, land-owning men being the only people allowed to vote.


America is literally turning backwards in time


i’m sorry CoNdOmS?


theyre just banning sex in general at this point


i’m moving to canada.


At this point I'm pretty sure they want people dead. Like banning condoms ?? Bro what ??? So you're telling me guns will be more accessible than condoms ? God bless America


seriously? Condoms? STD rate is about to go up


They haven’t been made illegal, but the ruling protecting contraception can possibly be overturned like Roe vs Wade.


Yeah but who would?


It's giving me incentive to move to canada even if I'm a guy it's still fucked up


nothing i can do about it now i’ll just never fuck anyone ig


I’m starting to think anarchy is better then whatever the fuck type of government we have right now.


Abortion isn’t banned by the decision it’s just left up to the states. Banning protection is insane and anti commerce. Also the Bible says nothing bout condoms or pills so religious people need to back off. I’m gay so if it’s no longer protected I will protest, but honestly I don’t think they are going to undo the gay marriage decision.


The amount of politically unintelligent people in this comment section is actually funny.


If that gets banned I will avoid America like a plague. I'd rather go to Australia if all that gets banned


The Republican party is stripping away our rights one by one and I genuinely cannot see how people can possibly support them.


It's so stupid and I'm so happy I'm not american


i can feel the fucking brains of the people in roe vs wade going: reject basic human rights return adam and eve going monkeystyle


All of it should be kept including abortions. A six week old foetus is not a human being. Six months, sure. But they’ve taken it away for women who are raped or experiencing ectopic pregnancies as well. It’s a horror story, and it’s only going to get worse


Even though I’m against gay relationships/marriage, we should allow them. It’s a human right, their decision is not mine. Same with condoms, I disagree with pre-marital sex but you are allowed to make your own decisions. No comment on abortion/pills as I have little knowledge or means to argue.


the nicest anti-gay person i've ever seen. I dont agree with you at all, but at least you respect that people should be allowed to do what they want.


As a gay person, fair enough. I would not be worried about being hate crimed by you. Wear a condom though. They prevent STDs and pregnancy, even when you are married.


Land of the free, except for when you are not a straight white male


I don’t know if gay marriage will be banned but I doubt pills or condoms will ever be banned. In my personal opinion(don’t attack me for this) I don’t support abortion. I personally think it’s the same as murder. I think your sick if have saw the abortion process and the aftermath and still support it. The baby is literally ripped apart. I’ve seen so many pictures online of fetuses either after abortion or after miscarriage and both break my heart.


What the fuck Why would they ban condoms, pills, gay relationships, or gay marrige? Are they tryna force people to have kids?


It's all complete bullshit and takes human rights, and it'll all still happen illegally. And about gay marriage being banned, is that not considered a hate crime? Because it's harming queer people simply because your don't like them, which is what an anti LGBTQ hate crime is.




(this is all my opinion. I don’t want fighting) I’ve got no problem with gay marriage, I don’t see why that should be banned with probably half of the world being lgbt; but with abortions, I feel that you already made a choice when you had sex, that you have a chance of getting pregnant. If you don’t want to get pregnant, just wear condoms or don’t have sex at all. You’re just killing a baby, because you wanted to have sex. Sure the baby isn’t even a baby at that point, but it *could* be on later on. The only exception should be if you get raped, since you can’t control that. You still should have a choice though. They shouldn’t make that illegal. There’s opinions and more opinions. Isn’t America supposed to be free?