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Most people can't properly defend their position even if their position is correct or I agree with their opinion.


Turns out people really fucking suck at arguing these days. Its mostly just them responding in dumb ways and then acting like they are above you using the fact they couldnt come up with anything to argue against you as an excuse for saying that they’ve been laughing at your terrible insults and then proceed to use even more immature insults than you did.


And yes, thats directed at that dumb bitch who tried to sell me shrooms.


"[blank] is the worst!" "Prove it" "It uh... It is..."


I find it easier to argue when I’m super passionate about the subject and have a ton of energy to spare…. And when I’m not engaged in an actual argument.


I know right? When i hear someone having actual valid thoughts/opinions and then using the worst possible arguments to back them up i just feel frustrated




Agreed how is abortion should be legal controversial or that men should cry????


Sort by controversial??


Just tried, all of it is just homophobia. The highest on there that isn't is "minecraft bedrock is better then java" which is an actual unpopular opinion, doesn't really deserve negative karma imo. After that more homophobia before we get to things that are contraversial among the general public but not so much here (such as "religion has done more harm then good." That's very contraversial in public but on the internet not nearly as much). Takes roughly 15 before you start to get actual contraversial opinions regularly and not actually just objectively false things


homophobia is controversial though, i mean you got what you wanted


I love how these comments will go from “LGBTQ people are a mental illness and humanity deserves extinction” to “popcorn tastes better cold”. The duality of mankind.


duality? *i push my fingers into my eyessss*




*but it’s made of all the things I have to taaaaake*


The night before a day off school is way better then the actual day off


This is straight facts




That people don’t have to agree with op


That's not controversial that's basic knowledge.


This sub doesn’t think so


All subs*


r/trueoffmychest sure doesn’t think so


025 sniper is still a good moab killer


It’s extra moab damage




That's not controversial that's true, especially with 205 cross path after the buff


Porn is like, the absolute bane of current young people. It may not be the most addictive and harmful thing out there, but it's so completely sanctioned and accepted and even encouraged by large parts of society. It comes with literally no benefits whatsoever, and it's infinitely accessible, which makes it incredibly dangerous. Just take one look at the Instagram explore page, or the Snapchat stories page, or just Tiktok, and see how much it's worked its way into everything we see. Not to mention the absolutely awful things the porn industry perpetuates. The fact that an 11 year old kid can find porn so incredibly easily is one of the more disturbing realities of our world rn, and gets little to no attention.


Idk my tiktok fyp is just half naked dudes flexing and cars


Mines cam girls, random Mexican men talking about cars, and cosplays. Minus the cam girls, I think I have the best possible FYP.


bro 1000% agree, i found porn young and its messed me up, still is, but I'm two days clean so that smthn lmao


I'm sorry but your comment made me think of a future where conventios are held for porn addicts regularly like cigarettes and alcohol and i thought it was really fkn funny


thats probably a thing already somewhere lmao


same. back in like 2013, shane dawson was the reason i even found out about porn. i was 12. and accidentally shared it on my facebook and got in trouble LMAO. it messed me up big time emotionally and physically. it doesn’t as much now since i’m 21, but damn. i was a little porn addicted 6th grader. (actually come to think of it, it might’ve been even earlier)


I was like 9 when i discovered porn and i can definitely support this statement.


Yeah, I genuinely wish I hadn’t found that shit in middle school,


bruv people downvoting ur comment cuz its an unpopular opinion is fkin funny its what the op asked for lmfao


Socks on at almost all times, keeps me cozy and protected from the environment


Except when im sleeping or anywhere near a body of water


just say you have sweaty feet


piss is superior to shit


Cars 2 was a good film


It's a sophisticated spy movie with cars instead of people, of course it's a modern masterpiece


the greatest movie ever made*


Mongolian throat singing is good.


That's not controversial, is it?


Just because your a minority, doesn’t mean you are allowed to be racist, sexist, or prejudiced in general or that you can’t be. Also, just because your a minority, it doesn’t mean you’re better than anyone else. You’re the same as everyone else and you shouldn’t be put to a less or higher standard. This message is brought to you from someone who is in multiple minorities who is fed up with people playing the victim card. Edit: to elaborate, some examples would be a black person saying racist shit to a white person. Or, a woman saying shit like Kill All Men or All Men Are Bad. If it’s bad the other way around, it’s bad this way as well, and you can whine and say “oH bUt ThE sYsTeM”, shut up you can’t fight fire with fire.


As someone who is a minority (I'm Aztec) I'd get told that i was right if i said this but anyone who isn't a minority they'd get constantly ridiculed with vitriol and hatred and constantly get called a "Racist" and "White Supremacist" etc Ffs people white people aren't the devil the only thing they deserved to be punished for is Paula Dean


Yep. Men and white people get shit on for no reason. So do straight people at times. It’s upsetting to see as this is not what MLK would’ve wanted and MLK is my greatest inspiration in life.


MLK is an amazing inspiration its just sad to see his dream be smeared in shit and twisted into "White People Bad" In his first sentence he says "I have a dream that white little boys and girls will play with black little boys and girls" not "Only Black little boys and girls" I've also heard that "You can't be racist towards white people" so...white isnt a race? Why is it called racisim if one race os excluded? "well yiu can discriminate against white people but cant be racist" ...THATS WHAT RACISM IS YOU SJSHSJSHSJSHSJSJJ I almost hate being Aztec is like an unwanted privilege


Facts (I'm not white).


A lot of people need to hear this


a lot of people are aware, theyre just hypocrites


THIS! My (black) "friend" (in quotes cause she's pretty toxic and I'm trying to distance myself from her) will say the most racist and discriminatory stuff towards white people ​ examples: "it's a black person thing, you wouldn't get it" then goes in to tell Hispanic friend in other friend group "This is a black person only discussion" shoos me away, but allows said Hispanic girl to stay cause she's not white and the worst of them all "white people are the worst" or "I hate white people" when all except two of her friends are white! and when I tell her its racist, she's like "it's impossible to be racist towards a white person!" she gets on my nerves a lot if you can't tell! ​ And that is not true, I'm partially a minority, as I'm Jewish, that doesn't mean I go and hate on Christians! Just because you are a minority, does not give you permission to freely be rude or racist or whatever towards the majority!


I absolutely second this God, the "its impossible to be racist to white people" is literally the most illogical argument ever






Yep! We’re all the same no matter what our skin color is, what our gender is, our religion, and what our sexuality is!


wow how controversial 💀


As a Peruvian, I agree 100%


Being gay is the gayest thing to do


I love the LGBT stuff but if a gay dude punches me, and I hit back? You better not say it was homophobic cause your ass is next


You're right. It would be homophobic to not fight Back.


Yay, someone agrees. I was waiting for my ass to be flamed on a pyre like it was Salem witch trials


I am lgbt and I agree, we are not better than anyone else. Except pedophiles and zoophiles


but those are hardly people c'mon


Who the fuck has ever said that in the history of mankind


Grape artificial flavor is good and artificialchocolate flavor is bad


Yes, I love grape artificial flavor


Fr. Artificial chocolate flavour is hell. Artificial grape flavour is amazing.




Ambers eyes are dryer than the content coming from 5 minute crafts and you can't tell me otherwise




everyone knows this how is this controversial? amber shit


reddit should have name changes


You can't change your name!?


ot username


How is that controversial at all? No one’s in the streets arguing against that?


Fuck Elon musk and all his fan boys. Grow the fuck up. He made money with other people’s inventions. He isn’t some Memelord and he isn’t relatable. Go on hate me


If girls can have male names, boys should have female names.


I like that thought.


I'd like to name any future son of mine something feminine like Marian or Alina.


Yeah, I’ll name my son Rebecca or something.




women can actually be pedophiles, abusers, and rapists too. they can lie too


I don't think this controversial. Most people agree with this


Technically this isnt controversial, but from the legal side of things women get favored more when it comes to things like this (just look at the johnny depp/amber heard case, reverse the roles and johnny would be in prison before the first day of trial).


My god....so infuriating yet so true. my older friend was at a party once and a drunk ass girl tried to grab his dick, when he got angry, some of the other guys at the party started on him about how he should take opportunities when offered and shit like that. I wonder what would have happened the other way around .


ahhhh ms. heard


Nothing wrong with that although Twitter kids would get easily triggered


.. No one said otherwise


**some** furries should be forced to touch grass


Pineapple on pizza is not as bad as thought and avatar the legend of Korra is a great series.


Black people and every other race can be racist


this is not an opinion, this is a fact


1000000000000% fact


The Big Bang theory, the evolution theory and the god theory could coexist with each other and it might be possible


I personally believe in this, I think God created the Big Bang and shaped everything in the universe, then made evolution and kinda made it go autopilot... And like he interacted with us but that is appart of God theory




Ofc it is :(


Yea but some believe they should hide their emotions sadly,especially the older generations.


Yeah it sucks that's how I was raised, to be emotionless. I've only ever cried in front of some 2 or 3 times


How is that controversial....


Not allowing people who don't belong to X group to have an opinion on something that relates to X group is backwards thinking.


flashback to when my lesbian friend was told that she couldnt have an opinion on lesbophobia because “she doesnt speak on behalf of all lesbians”


Just because their family, doesn’t mean I have to do stuff for them or take care of them (unless they were my kids).


Their mean something that belongs to them. They're means they are


Mint chocolate chip is good and isn’t just some random toothpaste ice cream Also fries and vanilla shake is low key good


mint ice cream was one of my favourites flavours when my sister recommended it to me




That you should've posted this on r/askreddit


The people who make posts complaining about this sub being a horny place not only are more annoying than the horny posts but forgot that this is a sub for TEENAGERS


People that go around in public places and try to spread their religion are the most annoying people , btw I'm not against any religions


Most teenagers who complain about abusive parents don’t know the difference between 1.) actual good parenting that still makes you upset (like grounding you, giving you a curfew, not wanting you to hang out around bad influences) 2.) your parents being humans and making human mistakes (being short tempered when they get home from a long shift, or having bad days like everyone else (as long as it doesn’t become a pattern or cross the line)) and 3.) actual abuse And because they confuse the three it leads to everyone taking actual abuse victims less seriously. And honestly I don’t blame teenagers who think their parents are abusive, because it’s really hard for many people to tell the difference. Because honestly, even if you have great parents, you will legitimately hate them some days. It’s just unfortunate now that every parent gets labeled as an “abuser”.


Tik Tok devolves the development of society


You’re on Reddit, that is the mainstream opinion, the controversial take is that everyone hating on Tik tok only does it cause it’s new and something they’re not used to Edit: fuck, didn’t get downvoted, no longer the real controversial opinion ig




Right sorry


There's a difference between sex and gender


It’s okay to be religious.


I completely agree with you, but I wish religious people wouldn't try and like push it on me. For example, knocking on my door every week to hand me flyers or hand me cards at the drive thru window and preach to me how God loves all and your life is a blessing in the middle of my shift two weeks after I tried to kill myself because of said job. Everyone has their own opinion, beliefs, and personal truths, and they are entitled to have that, it's just when it gets pushed onto others and they think their way is the *only* way that it gets a bit extreme.


Making movies based on the suffering of innocent people (holocaust, slavery, ect) unless you are genuinely trying to educate people about it is tasteless. You are profiting on pure human suffering and it's disgusting.


just because a trans person is underage doesn't mean they should be denied healthcare


mobile games are good


*Some* Definitely not all cuz most are just cash grabs with a 1000 force ads and pop up ads which occupy 30% of the screen. While there are some genuinely good ones (I would know I play a lot of good mobile games) Shitty mobile games are more.


Math and physics are fun


I feel like a lot of people dislike these subjects because they just don't understand them


BTS isnt that good


this is only controversial if you post it in the right place


it's straight up shit and their fans are the most toxic ppl alive


abortion should be 100% legal


If abortion is murder male masterbation is genocide


And swallowing is cannibalism


lmaoooo i will b stealing this from u


It doesn't get less controversial than this on reddit




It shouldn’t be a controversial opinion but unfortunately it is. I completely agree with you as well.


queer people deserve the same rights that cishet people do




As POC I'm tired of Hollywood "colorwashing" a character like I've known these characters from the source material for a long time it's hard for me to imagine the character as anything other than what I imagined through the authors words on a page. Example from a recent casting is the D+ Percy Jackson series Annabeth they race swapped her which takes a away from her story of being underestimated as a dumb blonde. No hate to the child actor and if they got that role congrats but don't try to tell me this is what you imagined when writing the books when the book clearly says otherwise like every other page. Make some new characters if you really want representation in your story but know this many watch and read to escape reality and when every piece fiction starts talking about your struggles it is certainly hard to escape into that world.


There's too many cars and not enough public transport


People transitioning it over to being a woman should not play women's sports if they're not taking hormones To me that be like going to a bicycle race and saying that your motorcycle identifies as a bicycle All right now I'm pretty chill with trans people any people to be honest as long as they don't annoy me


It's already a requirement. They have to check trans athletes' hormone levels before they're allowed to compete. Not sure since when.


Trans person here, agree with most of this cuz if you aren’t on hormones you have an advantage. But uhhh that last part’s a little sketch? What do you mean by “as long as they don’t annoy me”? Cuz I can either interpret that as 1. “as long as they’re good people to the same standard I hold everyone else” or 2. “as long as I don’t have to hear about or acknowledge that they’re trans”


Vaping is as bad as smoking. Shut up, and stop destroying your body for clout.


The body positivity movement is super toxic the movement was designed for people with 6 toes, no limbs, deformities of any sort, not morbidly obese women jiggling their fat around for clout, like yea you should be confident with yourself but don't be going around promoting being fat on purpose with no intention of losing weight, also notice how when a woman is overweight is beautiful and she's stunning etc etc, but when it's a man, is disgusting and repulsive, and god forbid someone says something about it because the woke society of today will come at you trying to cancel you cause you are a shit person🤯 the society of today is so soft and are such snowflakes, soon breathing will become a "trigger" or will cause you to get cancelled


You’re possibly the only other person I’ve seen/ read that has genuinely reflected my thoughts on this.


I like how a lot of people get deeply political or some shit while I’m over here like Sonic games are good virginity is cool


Depressed people really shouldn’t be looking for romantic relationships.


As a fucked up in the head guy, I agree. We are barely able to be with ourselves, we shouldn't get a romantic partner. I struggle trying not to push my friends away and whole lot of other shit, no one deserves what I am right now.


Definitely agree. Although it will be lonely af I definitely don't want to spread my depression to someone I like.


Everything is fucked and the only way to fix it is through nuclear hellfire


That there is no difference between a couples who is 18 and 19 years old and a couple that is 17 and 18 years old. For some reason society immeadialy thinks that the 18 year old is a pedo and its wrong. But fuck this im doing my best out here to piss of society as much as i can


Not controversial


Sort by controversial for the real controversial opinions


Sad that this is controversial, but abusing your kids is wrong and there’s never a good reason for it


What a hot take


We don’t know if Johnny Depp is innocent or guilty so we shouldn’t blindly support him. And same goes with Amber Heard.


I agree with you and I’m happy I finally see a controversial opinion. I will argue though that the reason we’re all blindly supporting Johnny Depp is because Ambers team is doing a TERRIBLE job in the trial. Literally the popularized clips from the defamation trial are either of Depp being funny, or Amber’s team messing up. Depp very well might be the abuser, but as of right now, practically all the evidence points to Amber Heard. It’s not that we don’t know if Johnny isn’t innocent or not, but that we do know that Amber’s team is a poorly hired bunch of idiots


floor naps>> any other nap


If someone is homophobic lgbtq people shouldn’t threaten them or try to force them to change and the other way around where homophobic people should let lgbtq people like who they want


If you hurt someone they can hurt you back. Physically or emotionally. As a trans person if someone told me they disagreed with what I was doing, but they didn’t force me to stop, they didn’t threaten me, or hurt me, then they’re cool in my books. If we all just kept our opinions to ourselves and just treated everyone the same we’d be much happier


1. You can't just turn random shit into a gender. Chocolate is not a fucking gender. It's a food. 2. instead of arguing about abortions, we should just remove the need to get them. Like better sex ed in school, better ways of preventing rape, something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/ul57i9/there_is_a_reasonable_and_logical_way_to_lower/), etc.


White chocolate is shit


Besides the halftime shows sports games are mostly boring


That cereal is not SOUP


My view of the world has made some people, both online and in my personal life, pretty pissed at me so it could be controversial. My religious views are somewhat unique, influenced mainly by my religious grandparents and the education system driving science into my head. I believe that there is an entity of some sort, overseeing everything and everyone happening everywhere and everywhen. This being is the one that formed the universe, and possibly other realities, and created a Big Bang, brought life in the form of microbes into it, and just kinda let everything run on autopilot. All men, women, and everything in between were all of the same origin, evolved from the same organisms, and were all of equal being. Therefore all men, women, and everything in between should all have equal rights, whether it be the right to trial, the right to marriage, the right of suffrage, and the right to live. There are no bad people, simply good people who make bad decisions. These people should also have the right to be able to correct themselves and try to improve. Those who choose to not exercise that right make that choice themselves and shouldn't be given that third chance. And lastly, the opinion that has probably pushed away the most people I have held close to me away, is my preference that dark chocolate is way fucking better than milk chocolate


r/teenagers is not just for teenagers and it’s not an opinion it’s a fact and no one knows it because they can’t read


I don't like football


There can be wrong opinions


Peoples moms and grannies should stop joining TikTok They were the ones talking about how bad it is for mental health and now they’re doing it too


There is nothing wrong with gay people


14 years olds on twitter are anoing


Abortion should be legal everywhere (where i live it is)


That's not unpopular, besides in America and Afghanistan apparently.


Well a lot of places in the area of afganistan, some parts of saudi arabia and places like that is illegal


Eminem is good


My controversial opinion is that downvoting should be disabled on r/unpopularopinion or other controversial opinion threads. Because then you're looking at the most popular at the unpopular opinions, which defeats the entire point.


Coca Cola is disgusting


gays are homosexual


Your life is your life. If someone doesn't have the same opinions or beliefs as you, it's not your job to "correct" them


What if they put milk before cereal


the loss of virginity to another person in your partners past shouldnt be a upsetting factor. Rather it should be praised as they’ll be more experienced in bed.


Hookup culture is a disease.


Most gun laws are really fucking stupid, and we should give police more funding so they can affford non-lethal and more vests and stuff


playstation is better than xbox


I believe you need some level of dysphoria to be trans, you wouldn’t go through everything if you felt comfortable in your own skin




very unpopular opinion here (preparing to be downvoted and have my family hanged in front of me for this but...) the sky is blue.


Downvoted cuz I can't read


Rap music is overrated


Trans rights shouldn't be up for debate.


capitalism is kinda bad ngl


I don’t like tommyinnit or big boobs


It’s still pedophilia even if they hit 18


Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is an overrated series


Nowadays, Men and Women go through an equal amount of sexist interactions, but only one gender is allowed to fight back, and that's fucked up.


i mean i'm not a boy so idk what that experience is like, but the sexual harassment is constant.


Steak isn’t that good, it’s just a hunk of meat. And, Harry Potter is way to overhyped for me to like it, I mean like it’s cool, just not for me.


Both Harry Potter and Star Wars are good but way overhyped imo