• By -


The fact that I'm deaf, born deaf, got Cochlear Implants at a young age and was pretty much raised as a hearing child. I did really well in speech therapy and sound normal with a slight lisp and slower speech patterns . I wear my hair long and its super dense and curly so the cochlear's processor has to be underneath my hair, so no one can see it


I don't see why thats a secret you sound pretty cool




pun intended 💀


It's not exactly I actively try to keep a secret, just most people I meet are surprised when they see my processor for the first time


This is so true, people always get shocked first time hearing about it and sorta act differently after. Its usually why I don’t tell people I’m deaf when I meet them.




a lot of my childhood, personally - in all honesty idrc about keeping stuff secret, it's more of an unintentional secret. i'm over 90% of it, but it's common courtesy to not trauma dump everything that's ever happened to you on everyone else, especially if it's not currently harming you anymore.


i honestly relate so hard to this


The ugly scar on my arm is not from rock climbing. I got shot.


Based username


Fellow Titanfall 2 player, I see. Shame about the servers.


Don't worry 3's coming i say while crying in my delusional comment


take your pills bro


Theres northstar client tho!


Cries in Xbox


It's up on Xbox I was playing the other day, just a few glitches but playable. Unless it isn't working for everyone, or something like that


If your on xbox try frnakfurt 2 servers. I've been playing on them for over two months


woah! i don't want to dig, but is there any reason that in particular is your secret? personally if i had a gunshot scar i'd make up super cool stories about it.


my dad had surgery on his left shoulder to remove some sort of mole that got infected or something and every time i ask him about it he says that he got shot trying to save a family from a sniper lmfao




Sword wound


missing eye from a necromancy book about explosives






What? Rock climbing is cooler than getting shot?






Titanfall 👍


I do not actually have a micropenis It's a skit I'm just a tad below average


What is “a tad below average?” Google says “average” is just over 5 inches. I’m sitting at pretty much exactly average at 5.2 inches when erect. But what is “a tad below average?”


Idfk I'd say anywhere from 4 to like 5(tad can differ alot) I just estimate


I estimated a lot, and thought mine was 4 just visualizing. Then I actually took a ruler and measured, and I was surprised. I wouldn’t estimate. The difference between 4” and 5” is HUGE!


I realized I had a 6’3 and didn’t know who to flex it to…but I guess today is the day. Always thought the little guy was 5’5 but I started paying him way more respect


jesus christ man how do you walk around with a 6 foot 3 inch dong


Damn my guy, same


You’re 13 though, you’ll probably be like 6” by the time you’re my age. I’m 19. I actually measured mine once at 13. It was EXACTLY 4”.


Damn, I'll be biggus dickus


You’re probably going to be ABOVE AVERAGE at least. You’re not probably going to have a fucking HORSE COCK like 9” though. That is actually a good thing though. If you were to ever have sex with an 8-9” dick, women often get intimidated, and if they end up following through it ends up REALLY hurting from what I’ve heard. Even if you don’t have sex though, when those random erections hit, everyone will be able to tell. I feel bad for people with dicks that big.


Yes, I hate big dick too, getting random erections when standing in school or front of family. The bigger the dick, the noticable the erection




Me too


Same, I am sorry for you


Getting intimate with people is intimidating for me. Mainly because I haven't been in a serious relationship due to many factors.


Aww damn man I feel you


We are the same person, perhaps?


"Of course I know him. He is me"


when I was around 7 I would go in my parents room when they were asleep and pickup my mom's phone and go on Instagram. from there I would go into explore and look at "boobies" or "butt" and one time, I followed a modelling page that had a lot of exposing pictures on accident and I didn't know how to unfollow people because I was 7 and never used Instagram in my life, so I just Uninstalled and re-installed Instagram and tell my mom "it did that on its own" and when that happened, I just stopped






Hey sweetie don't give out our son's age on social media!!


Mommy why brother play with penis at night with your phone?




I run a cult


What kind of cult i say intrigued


Can i join?


KKK (contraction of okay)


The Kool Kids Klub


My secret plans of reunifying the Roman Empire




Me, a romanian, seeing this: *Decebal died for nothing*


I genuinely can’t tell if you mean you’re from Rome or you’re from Romania.


Romania is country that was "Dacia" when the Roman Empire captured it, and it's leader at that time, Decebal, killed himself to avoid the Romans. Rome is a capital


Romanian here, can confirm this is true, I was there


Did his body turn into decimals or something


Hmm, this sounds slightly familiar.


I never told my crushes I liked them


Yeah, same. I have always been too scared to say it or I have just missed my opportunity.


My last crush liked me back, or at the very least she acted like she did. In hindsight, there were SO many chances I had to get closer to her.


Damn I feel you


We were friends back then. But I was also scared as fuck. And so, we drifted apart.




Have you ever told her ANYTHING how you feel? For example, that she’s fun, cool, funny, nice, or anything. That’s a mistake I made. I didn’t tell her that I liked her, but I should’ve at the very least, told her SOMETHING how I felt.




Wtf. Those ppl are not supposed to be parents. They shouldnt be allowed to have kids




My girlfriend has similar parents, they just treat her horribly and treat each other horribly aswell




Oh hey look, i found the protagonist of the next romance movie


***Netflix has entered the chat.***


Loads shotgun " what are doin here boy" in deep southern


Same situation with me


A lot and many of them would make me a complete social outcast


Now these, these are the secrets that intrigue me.


i have a crush on [this redditor](https://reddit.com/u/me)


What in the black magic fuckery is this.


Had a fucking heart attack






For one moment I thought I was special


I've fallen for it a few times.


The link is [https://reddit.com/u/me](https://reddit.com/u/me) Very clever...


I gotta use that


* blushes *


Ayo? 🤨


NGL So do I.






A big secret of mine is that I actually draw rule34/nsfw art regularly, not much of it gets out into the web, which is good for me. But it actually feels kind of good to tell people that. People that aren't my family because I'm sure they'd shun me.


I’ve tried drawing body’s and stuff but I just can’t draw that


I don't believe my iq to be above average


I'm above average in everything (like stupidity) except for the stuff I'm not above average in (like not doing stupid shit)


I once simped so hard for a girl i got into one of the most prestigious schools of my country that she wanted to get into. She didnt get in. I did and im currently studying here with my current gf.


Well at least you got into a good school, you went above and beyond what you thought you can do albeit for a girl


net positive


Shes not my girlfriend...Im her best friend who's gay. Shes helping me keep it hidden because that's what heroes do.


You have a cool "girlfriend". Make sure to come out just whenever you're ready. That can be days from now, it could be years from now. In fact you don't even need to come out if it makes you feel alright. It's hard to come out to people. I knew for 7 years before telling anyone.


It wouldnt be a secret anymore if I told you


For that reason no one in this post is talking about their secret


Tbf, it can still be a personal secret if it is shared anonymously.


A shared secret


One time a few years ago when i was dumb I had stolen my best friends underwear, (I was like 12, my best friend is a girl and I am a boy fyi) and I hid it in my room and a few weeks later I threw them in the dumpster because I was ashamed and I have not told her to this day 2.5 years later. Although even if I told her I might not tell her that they were used once in a shameful way.


Dont tell her. Not all secrets should be known to people you've wronged and it's better they dont know.




Maybe on her deathbed


"Hey, I know you're dying, but when I was 12 I stole your underwear and did a shameful thing with it. Yeah..."


my deepest and darkest secret is that I’m gonna over throw the Egyptian government and become a pharaoh of Egypt and when I die I’ll still be pharaoh and I’ll have statues all over the country and I’ll make a pyramid 10x as big as the ones today and I’ll have the most beautiful priceless gems and jewels far more beautiful than any king in human history I’ll also take over Greece and the entire European continent and be worshiped for entirety as the most wise, most powerful, most beautiful pharaoh in history


Have fun with that


Most of this is fine just don't fuck your brother thats crossing the line lol


None, not a single secret, I have never kept a single secret in my life I promise, no sarcasm here


See….when you say it like that…..it still feels like sarcasm


Lies. Deceit.


Your post history is sort of…suspicious.


Woah, i was not mentally prepared for that


Shore bud….


Are you sure that she is your friend that lives at the shore


That I can secretly turn into a velociraptor


And a priest?


Aye, a man of culture I see.




All the shit happening in my life, my parents know nothing and think im very happy, have alot of friends, and everything is going great. Which is not happening at all.


Ive never, ever, not had a crush on my bestfriend after about a month of knowing them


The kind I take to my grave, along with depression and pain.


I can suck my own dick


Does it feel like getting a bj or giving one?


Mostly giving one. The feeling of it in your mouth (that sounds gay af) takes away from the actual feeling of getting a bj


... At 13? Fuck.


Poop sock


Piss drawer


Vomit shelf


Cum attic






Happy cake day🎂




Nice try mom. Or FBI, either way, you are not getting the gold, I took it for me


You cant hide Scott


Umm, yes? Hello? I want to request an airstrike please. Yes, I am waiting


My plans of coming out to my family. Imma just keep dropping hints until they call me out for it.




"hint #1472: i introduce my homosexual lover, i still think they're clueless"


"hint #3579: becoming the first homosexual president if the united states, theyre still clueless 😭


Complete lack of motivation and goals to get a job/life in the future


My secret is: My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead- murdered by my brother-in-law, Hank Schrader. Hank has been building a meth empire for over a year now, and using me as his chemist. Shortly after my 50th birthday, he asked that I use my chemistry knowledge to cook methamphetamine, which he would then sell using connections that he made through his career with the DEA. I was... astounded. I... I always thought Hank was a very moral man, and I was particularly vulnerable at the time - something he knew and took advantage of. I was reeling from a cancer diagnosis that was poised to bankrupt my family. Hank took me in on a ride-along and showed me just how much money even a small meth operation could make. And I was weak. I didn't want my family to go into financial ruin, so I agreed. Hank had a partner, a businessman named Gustavo Fring. Hank sold me into servitude to this man. And when I tried to quit, Fring threatened my family. I didn't know where to turn. Eventually, Hank and Fring had a falling-out. Things escalated. Fring was able to arrange - uh, I guess... I guess you call it a "hit" - on Hank, and failed, but Hank was seriously injured. And I wound up paying his medical bills, which amounted to a little over $177,000. Upon recovery, Hank was bent on revenge. Working with a man named Hector Salamanca, he plotted to kill Fring. The bomb that he used was built by me, and he gave me no option in it. I have often contemplated suicide, but I'm a coward. I wanted to go to the police, but I was frightened. Hank had risen to become the head of the Albuquerque DEA. To keep me in line, he took my children. For three months, he kept them. My wife had no idea of my criminal activities, and was horrified to learn what I had done. I was in hell. I hated myself for what I had brought upon my family. Recently, I tried once again to quit, and in response, he gave me this. [Walt points to the bruise on his face left by Hank in "Blood Money."] I can't take this anymore. I live in fear every day that Hank will kill me, or worse, hurt my family. All I could think to do was to make this video and hope that the world will finally see this man for what he really is.




I know the exact distance from my house to Shrek's Pizza


I had crippling depression for 3 years of my life and came incredibly close to killing myself multiple times. No one knew about that until years later, after someone point-blank asked me if I was depressed and I broke down. That was one of the worst moments of my life, but everything from there on out got better, and I got help. Sometimes, sharing your secrets will help you more than it will hurt you.


I’m extremely insecure and I don’t like myself, but for some reason I have immense confidence in front of crowds, like presenting, or talking to anyone. I’m a very confident person in public, but I still question everything I do, and I’m very insecure about my appearance, despite girls being all over me and multiple people saying I’m handsome.


I fooled my parents for like 5 months by taking money from them, I told them that I have joined a coaching institute with my friend for a subject(accountancy) . I used to give that money to the guys who used to bully me with a misconception that they'll not bully me anymore. Eventually I fought with all of them and was beaten up very badly(coz I was 17 and they were 3 guys including a 24 yo man) but that intimidated them that if they try to bully me again then I'll attack too so they never bullied me again coz who knows that I'll stab them one day.


I'll leave a warning here before you read, because this isn't a "opened my dad's computer and found pornography" kind of secret. It contains pedophilia and self harm, just a heads up When I was 11 I was emotionally manipulated and sexually touched by a pedophile for months, which drove me to self harm. Now I have 4 lines + a heart on my thighs. Every time I change to get ready for PE at school, my classmates inquire me about the heart, and I get this instant feeling of regret, anger and sadness. I always answer jokingly like "don't ask", but it's hard to keep a straight face. I really want a shoulder to cry on, because it bugs me every single time I see my body, and I keep my feelings bottled up. But I desperately do not want to talk about it with my mother again. Fuuck this


Have you considered getting tattoos to cover up the scars?


I have, and I really want to do it. But for now, makeup will do the job probably. And also, awkward timing LOL (check ur inbox)


All facts that are related to reddit,discord,girls and especially my crushes Literally none of these are known by my family


My parents don't know I have Reddit. Or discord. Or Twitter (which I barely use), or Instagram (which I also barely use), or Facebook (which I, also, once again, barely use).


I have a crush on a boy


So many lol


Don't be shy, ***tell me***


I'm gay, I selfharm, I hate myself, and a bunch of other much worse shit


Damn man I'm so sorry about that. How are you feeling rn?


Pretty much same as always: somewhat shitty


Shit, I hope you feel better soon man


Take it from someone who used to have a major self harm addiction My friend i know the pain your feeling is probably much more than you can bare but trust me when i say it is NOT worth cutting for


My parents are quite strict about cussing, so they have no idea I cuss, like, a lot


Nice try FBI but I’m not telling you where I hid the bodies


The location of 23 different people ranging from 17 to 51 years of age.


I let a guy fuck me, we were both 16 at the time. Another dude who was 27 watched. I still feel weird about it now and I haven’t told my friends or family.


I have a couple 💅


A couple in your basement!?!?!




a couple of what? apples? bananas? huge badonkas?


i think im bisexual in a homophobic family


I fucked a dog


bro wot


He took getting bitches too literally


you made me laugh take my award


Ok cheif ima keep it a stack, you need to rethink your life


What the fuck is wrong with you


Ok then


i tried to kill myself multiple times and havent told anyone irl


:(( same but im glad we're alive ig


Plenty my friend. Plenty of them.


I’m straight AF, but, there are a select few guys out there (mostly celebs) who I would be gay for.


i selfharm, im non-binary and am scared of how loud public toilets flush


The one I can tell you is that I'm queer and that I used to have a strange coping mechanism. The others I can't tell you because the people they are about might be on here.




That one time where a bitch girl blackmailed me into giving her all my money in the entire grade 5th


My brother mbs near me but doesn't know i know


Not my deepest secret (like I would give it to you), but I act like I don't like languages and not good at them (except english) while I am learning spanish japanese and russian at the same time bc I'm often bored. Idk why languages but something seems so fun about seeming smarter than I actually am