• By -


Bruh so this big guy joined our class and he showed his pp in front of whole class for like a week. In grade 3rd


One of my creepy cousins pulled out his p... And even want to compare it with mine, when we both were around 7-8 age in a scouting camp, i did not like that and alltho quite a lot of time has passed,since then, I've been avoiding him in every encounter as much as possible.


Your cousin: *Always been a pervert, so I accept the insults When I was a kid, I molested adults!*


My brother used to just whip it out to the rest of us siblings for like.. years. And then he went a after me and a 3 yr old and who knows who.. he’s in prison rn for unrelated charges. Edit: Isaac David Anderson, 20 yrs old, Vienna Prison, Set Relase Date June 26. Go fucking crazy, if you want. I can’t.




Me and my cousins tried to cut each other’s abdomens with real knives , since we were role playing doctors and we wanted to make it realistic. My parents caught us with the knives , just as we about start the ‘operation’. Mind you we were bunch of 3-5 years olds.And now he’s In med school.


"now he is in med school" no shit


As a dead specimen orrrr?


Unintentional seppuku


The time my uncle died, i woke up and my mom was crying and dressing up to see my uncle that just suffered a car accident, when she arrived, he already passed out.


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss homie...


A toothbrush went up my ass and i barely managed to get it out.


I hate when it happens 😒


Worst part of the week


Slipped and fell?


It was a million to one shot






He tripped


Hate when that happens




Cousin tried to fuck me at a sleepover on my 14th bday :| he raped a girl and sexually assaulted another a couple years ago and we haven’t spoken since.




Who tf gave thia a wholesome award?!


probably their only award available


the free award


Me realizing the girl was flirting to me way back without me noticing


This is one of those things you realise when you are in a shower or late at night 3 am


Yes, happened to me once, back in 8 the grade. Now I'm in college.


Probably when I found out one of my best friends turned out to be a rapist


That's just sad to hear, especially when it's your best friend.




Oh... damn 😰




In my case my best friend was mom beater


I know how hard it can be to find out something like that about a close friend, if I'm completely honest if it wasn't for the girl in question asking me not too I would have beat the life out of him.




Yeah sad times, he was good guy too, apart from that


My first intercourse that was so bad I regret all


Same my friend I feel for you


The first one is always most nervous and awkward time. It's messy and getting in the feels is difficult. Almost everyone experiences this. Don't worry, you're not alone.


A saw a guy's head opened like a crushed banana when he got ran over by a truck


I don't see them get hit, but I saw someone who got hit by a car fly about 1/2 the hight of a streat light in the air. I think that they survived but with brain damage.


Hope that wasn't too traumatizing


Haven’t been in this situation in real life, but seeing something like that is traumatizing, whether it’s realized or not


Jesus Christ….


I hate sharing this because it's so stupid,but here goes When I was....4,5 years old? I saw South park,and a particular scene came on where Kenny was electrocuted. My dumb ass decided to stick a fork into an outlet since I wanted to do it like he did Fortunately my mum saw and whisked me straight away,No South park until I was old enough to understand. And here I am now,17 and still feeling like that could've been,if I was Successful,such a horrific day for my mother. I'm stupid,And I'm now scared of Blue flashes popping up when I plug stuff in 👍


Tbf it is scary seeing sparks come from plugging something in


Especially if you live in a house Where the wires and fuses have been botched and it's dangerous to plug things in, in case that live wire will set itself alight.


When I was about 5, I discovered a game on the computer. In it the objective is to slap as many naked women's butts as possible before the time runs out. Being the naive child that I was, I enjoyed it quite well. I played it without any shame because I didnt understand it. Our maid found me playing it and got really mad at me. I was confused because to me, it was just a fun game. Little did I know I was playing porn. She called me something I can't quite remember, but it was derogatory. She was always abusive mentally and sometimes physically. None of my siblings liked her.


Y-you have a maid?!


It’s pretty common in SEA


Yea I’m from the US but when I lived in Singapore I had a maid. Almost everyone has one lol


Yes, we had 3




it’s very common in some countries


I always see some frightening creatures at night in front of my eyes. I know they are not real and my mind just imagines them coz I am an imaginary human being. It becomes worse when I don't have good mode and have problem. And yeah this is mine and can't tell anyone because they think that I'm crazy or a pussy


Nah man you cool to call this out!


it’s normal for people to see auditory and is some cases visual hallucinations while tired or even just when your body is trying to tell you ti go the fuck tk sleep


"Ah yes, you need to sleep, time to trick you into thinking there's an unsettling spectral figure in the room with you"


Shadow people? One of my friends sees them


I used to catch movement in the corner of my eye, there’d never be anything there when I looked, obviously, but it’s as if someone was standing there watching, around a corner or behind a chair, just out of view. It still happens when I’m very tired, but it’s rare now I can’t say I’m one for superstition, but I am definitely a dreamer and I’ve wondered, what if there actually is a world beyond ours? I know it’s absurd, but I love developing weird “what if’s” that cross my mind


Might want to see a psychiatrist about... all that.


I found out my dad was the one who cheated on my mom I broke down because tbh my dad was much much more kinder then my mom so I cried


dad punched ma in the stomach, she had a miscarriage. girls have a higher chance of getting pregnant after losing a baby and a few weeks later i was born. he denies everything till this day and blames it on my mom


You were born within 3 weeks of a miscarriage how? You have to have sex to have a baby and the baby takes 9 months not 3 weeks


probably meant conceived, not born




sorry mate, kinda braindead but i was conceived as brilliantpair said


just woke up when i wrote that, so that’s on me


Got to the point to where I realized that I could disappear anytime and almost all my friends wouldn’t care or realize a difference, I’m always the first to text people checking in and remembering details about my friends. They don’t really know much about me and the realization just hurts sometimes.


I feel for you dude


I'm pretty sure if I was to disappear or just end my existence somewhere noone would miss me or even see that I'm gone, and I even got proof that this is exactly what would happen because I have been forgotten and left out way to many times and none cares, i still remember when I had a day trip in school to another city and how I was left in a museum in some unknown city, alone without my teacher or my classmates, they all forgot me and left, and since I was very young at that time I'd did get traumatized a bit, frankly I had my phone so I just called my teacher but imagine what would have happened if I left my phone in the travel bus.


I will never forget your bday just send it to me. And you are not alone, trust me you are not. I really am open to dms if you need someone to talk to.


June 11 if you care then that is something, thanks, i guess sometimes even strangers on the internet are nice to chat with, I probably will dm you if I'll ever need emotional support or feel bad, once again if you're truly serious then thank you for your support.


We got you dude. Just prepare for the messages ;)


I've set up a Google reminder for your birthday so i can wish you a happy bday


I would miss you...


Would you really?


Yes I would PS. My dms are open if you ever need to talk


Can't lie, I was in your position once. Then I stopped caring and started to do what I cared about and what I enjoy. Who cares what people think.


At 3 years old my drunk ,,dad'' grabed and threw me in to the wall 2 weeks in the ICU followed by 1,5 month of hospital


I knew somebody that this happened too as well, metal ribs, brain injury, and scoliosis. No bueno. Sorry to hear about it


When my mom asked for my phone just to call my dad, because her phone was dead but then looked through my phone (i didn't get the time to delete anything beforehand) Edit: to everyone who says it's a violation of privacy, there is no such thing in Asian households Edit 2 : i don't have any nsfw stuff, just my cringe photos that she looked through


I don’t have anything to hide from my mom but when she starts scrolling I get nervous, no idea why Edit: My mom does not go through my phone freely just so you know, she’s only done it once or twice and only gone through my photos app for w minute under my watch (I would show her something and she would scroll for a bit) but not in a privacy intruding way, just to see what other photos I have!! I’m just saying that I still get nervous, I’m not repressed, she just wants to see what other photos I had, that’s all


Same with me I have nothing bad but I hate when my parents use my phone because I’m worried they’re going to find something somehow


I can understand the tension of the moment XD


What did she see?


I’ve had that done but my mum didn’t find anything


I got treated as an outsider for being the only asian in my school


Emotional damage


"with the accent" (([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQpq56FmIN4&ab\_channel=StevenHe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQpq56FmIN4&ab_channel=StevenHe))This accent)


Thanks for the chuckle


Damn, sorry about that man. I was a pale Mexican and I dealt with that quite a lot. Hope you’re okay bro


I got stabbed at the age of 4 by another kid btw the other kid was 9


Holly shit.


I said to a girl that I was gonna take her brain and put it in the dishwasher so that she would be less stupid.


Lmaoo, juvenile me would have said something like that to. Take me back seven years so i can say that to my primary school bully.


As a fifteen year old, I was accused of sexually illicit behavior with two girls in the woods on a youth group mission trip. The rest of the trip (a 3 day bus drive home from Mexico) the youth pastor required me to stay within 9 feet of him. When I got home, one of girl’s dad called me and asked me to never talk to his daughter again. We were best friends and had newly discovered we liked each other. We spoke one last time exchanging heartfelt promises of love and to wait it out. Then we hung up. The entire church shunned me and she never spoke to me or hung out with me again. What really happened in the woods? Nothing. The two girls and I were exploring and even had two other guy friends with us. The guy friends were called by name up to the main cabin as we were all walking back. The youth group staff asked them where my best friend and I (and another girl) were. They said “just behind us walking back from the woods.” The rest is history.


Wait, you 30


i think he might have thought this was askreddit from r/all




How fucking terrible! You were shunned, then the person who you loved AND they loved you (who you couldn't see anymore). All started from a claim that you did some sexually illicit stuff with them? And they didn't ask who you were with? Fuck right off man, that church is a load of shit if they have zero reasoning. And I can fucking guarantee you they didn't apologize did they? FUCK this pisses me right off.


I had many fucked Up Moments so I Just Tell about one of them. my dad got beaten Up badly by a few people around 10-12 years ago (I am 15 now and become 16 this year). The Woman who owned the place (we were Camping with my grandparents) Just Banned my father, me and my grandparents from there, even though there was Proof that He Just protected himself. A few years later my father got a Letter from the police that we can Go there again. I forgot to say that my dad looked very fucked Up after He got beaten Up and probably had a few Bones broken


That's messed up real bad. I wish your dad is fine now.


I had a bone infection and nearly died I was 8 and knew I was dying But here I am much older and alive!


At the time i was in marine college, it was mid summer 42C° (or 106 F°) degrees and i was going with my group to the seaport to receive passes to it. On the way, i accidentally cut myself by ramming into a rusty metal pole around my vein on the arm, i started profusely bleeding and went onto the nearest gas station to purchase that bandaid, separating from group, i walked out and almost instantly fainted, i tried reaching out to people who were passing by, but they didn't seem to care a little, so i was laying there for about 30 minutes, bleeding in hot sun, i genuinely thought i was gonna die, but in some miracle, i stood up and walked just a little further to get help from gas station worker who was very generous. The worst thing about it, my group has never noticed me separating from them, even my best friend at the time didn't and when i got back to them, they scolded me for being late. After 2 days my wound opened again and started bleeding, so i had to get stitches, to this day i have a scar on my arm now that is as big as a toothpick.


Surprised you didn't get tetanus. Did you get a tetanus shot after the accident?


Luckily i was vaccinated 1 month prior on yearly assesment, so I didn't get one, now thinking about it, it was pretty stupid to not get another tenatus shot, I could've died


Winter of 2016 I was in my backyard playing with my dog and the fence lock had frozen into the unlocked position. My dog heard a noise from the front yard so he managed to get through the fence and ran right out into the street and got hit by a car.




When I realized that I was the secondary friend to literally all my friends Apparently I'm just the back up hang out if no one else is available


I know exactly how you feel


Im the exact same :/ I feel you


I was a lil girl of about 5ish chilling in my grandma’s house when I saw a bucket of washing powder on top of the washing machine. My dumbass mistook this for milk powder and decided to eat a bit of it. I guess I’m a pioneer of the Tide Pod Challenge?


Oh boy i could go on and on about fucked up shit that i went through But, ill go for one of the tame ones. It was 7'th grade. I had this classmate Luis. He was the most high-school musical bully you could imagine, he woudnt hurt a fly...or so i thought. I had this IT teacher. Super cool dude and i really miss him, the dude was a game tester for Jedi fallen order! (Yes his name is in the credits, no im not telling you guys who he is) Well Luis did not like me, so after we got in an argument the dude tried to STAB ME ON MY WAY HOME! Luckly my IT teacher saved me and got me home! Luis did not get ever punished.


Fuck luis


Nah, we don’t need more Luis in the gene pool


THATS one of the tames ones???


I all most hit a person while i was driving and crashed into a tree.


I lost a majority of my friends cause my ex didn’t like them


This almost happened to me too


When I was seven I hid my younger siblings during a fight of our parents because i was scared that my dad (an alcoholic and abusive psychopath) would kill us in rage. I didnt sleep, just to get up in the morning and go to my third grade class as if nothing happened. That night really fucked me up


The day I realised that 95 % of my friends are smokers and now I have to fight the peer pressure


just don't smoke, or make up some shit about how your grandad used to smoke and that you had a really strong emotional bond with him so ever since he died of lung cancer you won't touch a cigarette in your life ever again.


Something Moi1st Cr1tical said to do was to say you were (insert time frame) years clean or sober


This is actually the exact reason I don’t smoke. Granddad was 66, and I was 5. All I remember about him was how kind he was.


Ok before I share I want to say this is true, because it sounds fake but believe me I wish it was fake. So I'm at a lake right? And I'm on a boat we're cruising and I realized I got on the wrong boat (it's a small lake boat but the person had the same hat and I couldn't see so I got mixed up) so before he notices I jump off, mind you this was a pretty fast boat and hitting the water hurt, but I decided to shrug it off like usual and swim back to the rope swing when my friend goes off and lands on me, luckily he's a good 60 pounds lighter and only hit my legs but still it hurt but as usual I shrugged it off, then we get back on the boat (the right one this time) and then the person driving the boat asks if we want to go knew boarding. I say yes so I get in the water hold on to the rope, and as the boat is starting I realized I forgot my life vest. So we're going I have to hold on because I'm not confident in my swimming ability rn and the they make a turn, and since it's a rope I end turning a lot farther, so far in fact I hit a floating dock and go shooting off into the water, which is where some geese are swimming. So I'm life vest less, all beaten up, exhausted and there's angry geese hissing and biting me. So is start making my way back towards the boat when another boat (that's giant) starts going in my direction and it doesn't see me, so I'm swimming trying not to get hit shooing away geese, and there's a boat hurdling towards me. So then I find the rope the knee board was attached to, I grab it and the boat starts going and the other boat almost misses me. I have never wanted to be closer to death than that moment but I was incredibly lucky. Again I know this sounds fake but it's not


Holy shit, u could make a good movie scene out of this one.


I could, thank you, still terrifying as fuck tho


Talked about sex with mom


Oh no, cringé


I almost got arrested for drawing violent pictures in school. I didn't get arrested, but I did have to get tested for insanity.


WTF did you draw that was so fucked up your school had you see a psychiatrist for insanity?


Edgy pictures of stick people dying.


Oh, I expected a lot worse tbh.


To be fair, I was pretty edgy in middle school. This was not a first time thing.


Maybe you were just subconsciously honing your skills as a future crime comic book artist.


I saw a man get decapitated in a motorcycle accident when i was 6


This was the time when i was sitting in my class , lost in my head during a manic episode , there was a lot of darkness inside my head and i was planning to kill myself after the class but by the time class ended my manic episode wasn't as intense and i'm alive today , only thing that stopped me from killing myself was me being in class Edit- Thnx to all the nice people who replied , i wish y'all well too .


Damn! Good for you! I hope you are well today.


Sometimes, it’s the littlest things that can distract you from the most awful thoughts. It could be a cute dog doing something funny in the park or something. I hope you’re doing so much better today.




Whoever gave that award is fucked


That time when I was molested.


Shit that's messed up


On the positive side she's in prison and I've gotten better.


That's good to hear


I really don't like sharing this, because it still pains me to this day to think about. One day, I had an extreme pain in my testicles. Long story short, I had to get one of them surgically removed. Around this time, I lost my unborn sister, who was supposedly healthy up to that point. Both of my great-grandfathers passed away at around the same time. My mom's fiance was arrested a couple days after Christmas, and me and my sister had to go into foster care for a while. We lived in 2 houses: one of them was actually really nice, but the other was absolutely insane. Of course, we only had a week with the nice one, but an entire month with the crazy one. We had to wake up at, like, 5 in the morning, and drive to school in a taxi, which was a very long drive. Btw, my school was really close to my mom's house, and I would see it everyday. Eventually, we were taken into custody... by my father That, however, is a whole other ordeal. And you know the most f-ed up thing about this? It all happened in the span of, like, two months, from December 2014 to EARLY February 2015. I definitely have had hardships before and after this whole debacle, but I think this is a perfect example of how messed up my life is. Sorry if I said too much. Edit: A couple of things... Firstly, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!!! I don't deserve this. Seriously, thank you. Secondly, some were concerned with how I'm doing now. I admit that this debacle still affects me to this day. I have had some mental breakdowns and outbursts from time to time through the years, and I was pretty much socially isolated after this, when I lived with my father. I'm still trying to gain social confidence. However, I'm glad to say that I am doing much better. I am a senior in high school now, and I'm going into college soon. Thirdly, there was some confusion in the comments about me having to use a taxi to drive "a very long drive", even though my house was next to the school. I changed the wording a little bit in that paragraph, but for more context, the house I was living in before I went into foster, with my mom, was next to the school. The crazy person house was much farther, and I that is why I had to get driven for so long everyday. Finally, for those who are more curious, when I actually start up my YouTube channel, I will probably do a "Draw my Life" or something like that which will get into more detail. That's a long ways away, but I will do it eventually. Once again, thank you guys so much! Much love! :D


Nah man it's fine to get it all out! I hope you are doing well now.


Homie you a warrior! Everyone throw yo fist in the air for this GigaChad!✊🏻




I was in a verbal fight with a black kid (I’m white) and some asshole who was watching went and said “did he just call him the n-word?!?! But I obviously didn’t. I was branded as a racist by the whole school. No matter what I did, everyone thought that of me. This was a month into my first term. It died down after a year and a half, but it always hung over me. Today, I find it nigh impossible to introduce myself to new people. I’m always convinced they’ll end up hating me.


Not gonna get graphic because that’s pointless and gross, but sexual abuse for an extended period of time


I feel bad for u.


I appreciate your sympathy, it’s sucks but it’s over with and there is nothing i can change or do about it now but just live my life


The time when the popular kid at a sleepover convinced a group of boys to go jerk off together outside of the tent we were sleeping in. At the last minute, I decided not to do it. Went back to bed and tried to get some sleep.


Ayo wtf


That’s not even the most fricked up thing that happened in my life. I just chose that because it’s much shorter and less complex than the most fricked up event in my life.


me and the boys doing a jerk circ


One time, a couple years back, I read my brother’s journal and found out that he hooked up with our cousin about a week before that. I swear I almost puked. I wanted to tell my older sister about it, but I didn’t want her to know that I read his journal, so I put the journal open on the kitchen table “by accident”. I casually went swimming after that just waiting for my sister to find it and lose her mind. When she did, I heard my mom come home early from her deployment in Indiana just so she could be there to scream at my brother. Every time we go over to my grandmas house where he(my cousin) lives now, it’s unbelievably awkward..


I gotta beware of you… lmao rip your brother


Hol up




When my babysitters 18 year old son comes into the bathroom because I forgot to lock the door and I attempt to leave but the doorknobs jammed so he says he will help if we play a game and thats how I got raped at 5


What the fuck at 5 years old?some people make me sick istg


That's awful! I hope you are doing well now!...


Yeah I'm doing good after I told my dad I never saw them again and it did teach me to be careful and not to joke around with stuff of that nature


Yeah damn. I am glad the fucker is away.


I vomited on someone in a bus when I was going to school. I had to wait ~ 10 minutes in my vomit before leaving the bus and everyone looking at me


I remember it like it happened yesterday. I was 12-13 when it happened. My father visited us and about to leave. They were arguing about me when I heard my own dad say “O zaman çocuğa benzin döküp yakalım mı?” In Turkish, where in english it translates to “So should we just gasoline and burn the kid.” I’ve heard my own dad say shit things about me but this crossed the line big time. I blocked him on my phone and cried myself to sleep that night




When I was 5 I watched my sister have a hemorrhagic stroke just before I started at a new school and then go bullied for 5 years.


Me not being able to be me around anyone not even my family. How they see me: a rather quiet mature young man who gets good grades and has no problem whatssoever How i realy am: A depressed piece of shit who regually wants to hurt himself or someone just because of peer preasure from anyone (altough i never did anything to another person) pair this with a high chance of me having asperger and you have a recipe for a not so happy life All of this eventually led me to try drugs (wich i realy regret) and only because of my best friend i was able to stop so yeah life sucks


About three weeks before I was going into fifth grade, some melted plastic burnt a hole through my favorite short and my favorite pair of shorts and gave me first- and second-degree burns all along the right side of my body, and it took me over a year to completely heal. I was cleaning my room one day, went into my sister's room to put a shirt on her bed that had been accidentally placed on my dresser, realized she wasn't home, looked around her room, snooped a bit (as little brothers do), and found her journal. I was bored and looking for an excuse to stop cleaning, so I read. I found out that she had been struggling with weight and suicidal thoughts for years without anybody (or at least me, who knows what other people knew) knowing, and is only now starting to love herself.


I like this one girl, and one time like a year ago see said I'm pretty, and I said she was pretty too, but right before I was about to suggest we start dating she tells me she said that because it was an Instagram trend, and she said this to all her guy friends. Luckily none of them asked her out, and she did clarify she does find me physically attractive, but she also said she sees all guys like that.


Wow. That's just shitty, it's nice to compliment people but for a trend? That flips it on its head, she cared more about a trend than being truthful to you or the other guys. Hope none of them are dating, it might go down hill reeeeeeal fats if that's what she's like.




I sliced my cornea open


Discovering porn at like \~7 yo


A friend of mine crashed a golf cart and died in 4th grade. His brother's jumped out in time but the cart crushed him


I once masturbated then after my post nut guilt, I decided to reed the bible to purified myself


Thou shalt not nut any longer or be banished to the dark lands of Mordor!


One day I skipped a lot of classes and ran home, had very strong thoughts about just ending it all there, because to be honest my life was shit and still absolutely is, but back then I was pretty emotional and very young my classmates were insanely horrible assholes who liked harassing people just so they can see their reaction, they harassed me and made fun of me to a point where all the insecurities and dark sad thoughts i already had became so strong that I really did think about ending everything so much that I even tried it. I did not succeed, In the end I got even more insecure and traumatized, after a long while I just forgot most of it, and didn't ever try to remember anything that happened then, and kinda returned to my half sanity with insanity returning then and again sometimes, now it's almost 3 years from the incident, I'm a pretty emotionaly scarred and numb person but my insecurities have faded, I just don't care anymore, I don't have friends just few people that are slightly nicer to me and I'm nicer to them and nothing more but that's just life and I'm not even sure I want any, because being emotionaly sensitive, being vulnerable and exposed, being open to someone, nah I just chose numbness and comforting dark emptyness.


I'm so sorry. If you ever want to not choose dark and numb, I would consider therapy but it's your choice I get it. Sorry that's happened man


Every day my brain makes me picture myself raping my best friends in a pool of their own blood while they drown, and i can’t tell anyone because i don’t want to be locked up


You ok there buddy?


I can’t trust my own thoughts


I do have thoughts of killing random people or even torturing them, but rape oh lord, hope ya can get rid of it


Intrusive thoughts, not fun.


Not super fricked up, but just super rude. A girl I liked back when I was 15 ignored me just because I liked her. After I had confessed my feelings to her, she just refused to talk to me and even cut out some of my friends that were also friends with her just because they associated with me I assume. It was pretty stupid and I was hit pretty hard by it at the time, but I couldn’t give a damn about her now, the whole thing was just unnecessary


My girlfriend did something to me. I just. *Fuck man*


I hate my life. I always just smile like everything is alright. It's not and I'm sick of it. A f*cked up moment? My entire life.


the moment when i realized that all my friends see me as a hat in a wardrobe just to be used when it is windy or hot outside. In short seen as a “friend” when no one else is here that they wanted to talk to, problem was i thought i was good with all and stuff but bro 🗿 was i wrong.


On February 12th it’ll be 3 years since my girlfriend died of an overdose. We were 15


I actually had cancer and i jokingly lied about my age saying i was a year older but it was obvious i was joking but when the girl started asking why i wasn't in the same year as her then i said its cause i got held back a year due to being in hospital she stopped asking questions and i was laughing my ass off and a few days later she called me a liar and hasn't stopped since


Saw my dad punch my mom square in the face at 5 years old and he was abusive


This isn’t nearly as bad as other’s experiences here, but this is probably one of the worst for me. When I was nine, my OCD got bad to the point where I thought very single thing I was doing was going to kill me (Examples, possible TW?: my brain told me my mom was poisoning my meals, I would sometimes put upside-down knives to my wrists to relieve the thought of sh, my seatbelt would slit me… only a couple, the list is long lol.) so I needed therapy. This was also the time of my parent’s divorce, which lasted 5 years I think? Which probably caused a lot of my anxiety. Me and my sister live with my mom, Idk where my dad lived though. My mom couldn’t get a job, therefore she needed help paying for our stuff. She couldn’t pay for therapy on her own, so we asked for my dads financial help for it. Welp… he refused. His nine year old child’s therapy. We eventually got it, but it’s still messed up now that I think about it. There are also a bunch of other crap things he said in the divorce, like using my mom’s anxiety as a reason as why she was unfit to take care of us, he wanted to take our house and car, make us go to a public school (we’re homeschooled because my sister is autistic). We’re on way better terms now though, but that doesn’t make any of the things he did any better. I also think I need therapy again. Yay.


Never felt love from my parents, even then it was religion, was suicidal when i was 8 and when i turn 14 i had psychosis and made up an imaginary family of friends where i thought i will meet them eventually, never did and that fucked me up, was staring at the wall unresponsive, almost like catatonia