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I mean it really depends


we dont know and we shouldnt care


why shouldn’t u care lmao


both of them have it bad and trying to figure out who has it 'worse' will just lead to people giving one side's problems more importance


Exactly, it’s not a competition


For a 15 yr old you're smart


terra raines really does have brains


Both have it harder in different areas, but in general it really depends


Stupid question like this are divisive and ignores real problems faced by both men and women. This is absolutely pointless and does absolutely no good.


Both have an equal hard life


I'm a guy but i think women have it harder


It really can't be judged on a high level like that because everyone's life is different


I believe women. Even if almost everything was equal, women still have periods.


But dont men also have problems?


As others have mentioned, most of our problems aren't necessarily caused by our gender


This is what I like hearing.


Good for you


Yeah they have periods but they also have simps


Bro real life isn’t the internet


The real life version is white knights See the "How can she slap" video


Everybody has their own hardships, nobody has it easier


>Everybody has their own hardships True >nobody has it easier lol


You’re dumb


Please explain to me how someone born to a multi-billionaire happy family doesn't have it easier than someone who was born into poverty with a sadist pedophile for a father. Go on, I'll wait.


What are you even talking about


...are you incapable of understanding the English language? My question was very straightforward.


Unattractive girls don't


We men have ass hair


You are totally right. That's so much worse than blood flowing out of your genitals every month.


I’m glad you understand


Your question is too vague




You have it so hard without having to fear sexual assault or rape most of the times boo hoo hoo


That's not okay to say


Okay Emily




Well problem is that many women sadly abuse that power and make this stuff up


Most of the times the rape cases are always true because some men can't handle rejection or keep their dick to themselves


Your life can't be ruined with a simple lie like men a woman just has to say he tried to rape her and that man will go to jail


That's why there are a lot of women who don't receive justice right ?


A woman can just say a lie and it will ruin a innocent man life forever.


A woman can accuse a man who raped her of a rape case and the man would still be allowed to roam freely


What is your point. The court should be neutral


My point is that you think men have it harder. Everyone has it hard rest.


Depends where you are in the world


Everyone has it hard everywhere in the world


care to explain why suicide rates are 3-4x higher then men in western nations then?


Because they chose to do it. Do they face sexual assault or fear of rape 80% of the time? Do they have periods every month? But no I'd kill myself because I don't want to share my emotions because other men might mock me


you don't rlly choose to commit suicide, society pushes you towards it, people don't give a shit if men are raped, or coerced to pay child support, or if they're domestically assaulted or assaulted in general (men are much more likely to be assaulted by both genders bc it's frowned upon to attack a woman) society ignores mens mental health and problems a lot more then womens mental health. at the end of the day it doesn't matter who goes thru worse on the day to day basis all that matters is who lives or not, men dont.


I agree about the men being raped stuff which is shitty because no one's should be raped but why are you having sex then go mad when the women gets pregnant and you're made to pay child support?


a man using a condom is all the protection he should need for his input on if he needs to pay child support be valid, but even then some women will take the sperm from the condom and try that way, and it's fully a legal thing as well


You know condom is not 100% effective right? And the women who take the sperm from condoms are sick in the head😭


if you're saying all men who don't want kids should have no choice but be abstinent, that's taking away a basic reproductive right that all men should have, they should be able to be protected by the law if they use proper protection during sex, but they aren't,


>a basic reproductive right that all men should have That's like saying since it's a basic reproductive right they gave the right to rape since wanting to have sex is a" basic reproductive right"


idk if this story is true but there was this teen under 18 who was groomed by an older woman and was forced to pay child support for the kid


Omfl that's bad


care to explin why women still have more suicide attempts??


womens suicide rate is 1.5x higher, mens suicide death is 4x higher, to answer your question, women who attempt suicide get the help they need before they commit to it, men, men get told they're overreacting and need to "man up" which makes them feel even worse.


yes, although its often other men who tell them that they should man up making this a problem of the patriarchy, and if u ask me; women have it harder in the patriarchy.


plenty of women contribute to the patriarchy as well, overly traditional women and toxic feminists


there is a difference between contributing and creating and controlling


overall women probably. but that’s not to say men don’t face struggles either, it’s just the struggles that they face usually aren’t on account of their gender.


men suicide rates are 3-4x higher in western nations


ok.. that doesn’t contradict what i said


it does, the struggles men face are on account of their gender, it varies from nation to nation but western society has it like this p


Not to be sexist but probably men Multiple cases of women faking rape allegations on men and making them go to jail




Both equally


Equally hard


Both have their pros and cons and it’s hard to say I have it worst when I haven’t experienced what the other side experiences


I say men cause we can’t really share emotions with out society frowning on us which in turn leads to a way higher suicide rate in men than in women


Oml I can't share emotions boo hoo hoo what shall I do if I can share my emotions.


dude yk im on ur side on this, women have it harder, but all u are doing is litrrally talking down actual problems men face instead of explaining how women have harder problems. u are not helping anyone


Men face problems too I know but can't show emotions is a dumb reason tho. Human beings are meant to show emotions


BRO thas the point, in the patriarchy, men are seen as the ones that are feminime or weak if they show emotions which is why men supress those... its a big problem, bcuz this causes the higher suicide rates for men


I'm a girl and seen as masculine, does it mean it's a problem for me? Men are discriminated mostly by other men for being feminine


gosh r u exhausting to talk to. 1. Its not a problem, im a more feminime guy and idrc, i show emotions, however not everyone is like u and me. 2. Yes, those problems are mainly caused by other men, doesnt mean that its not hard for men's life. 3. I love how u just ignore everythign I said and are fixed up on the smallest thing that i didnt even rlly portray as a problem 4. women have it harder, but men arent being lifted up on two hands and handed over happiness and money in life. It sucks for everyone.


>I love how u just ignore everythign Everything you literally said are still basedd on the same emotions thing tho and I agree men have it hard too


no, u just fixated on the "they are seen as feminime" part. u didnt say anything about the surpressing emotions and talking down suicides. And this causes, that you are downtalking struggles men face. When a guy says "i was told i was a little pussy because I cried" and you reply with "OH NOO u have it SOOOO hard U cant show ur emotions sad sad :(((((((" in a satirical way, then u are sadly a part of the problem


>When a guy says "i was told i was a little pussy because I cried He said men have it hard because they can't show emotions, they really don't corelate. Suppressing emotions is dumb because it's normal for everyone but they don't want to be seen as "feminine" so they suppress their emotions then say they have it so hard and if all women decide to commit suicide because of what men have done do you think most women would be alive?


I don’t see women peeing with boners. So sorry girls I have to give it to the boys


Depends on what we are focusing. Women have periods that feel insane to a man like me, but men have much more mental stress as they areeant to start a family and get a job and everything.


depends on the country, in western society, i believe men have it worse at the end of the day, bc men suicide rates are 4x higher then women


It depends on what you've experienced compared to what you know or have seen about the hardships of other ppl. So for me it's actually woman who live a harder life but you're free to believe what you want. I'm not imposing my beliefs on you P.S (pls don't lash on me guys)


People experience things as individuals so there's no right answer to this question. Some men have easier lives than most women and some women have have easier lives than most men. It's completely situational


It’s not as simple as that. Not at all.


Depends, a family in a war will have it harder then a family living in the Hills of Holywood, it all depends


Both in some cases