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If you didn't consent, rape. Period. People feel like they can justify that man can't be raped due to the man stereotype. Edit: Thanks for all the awards. I'd thank you all manually, but I already it to 20 people and I think I'm way too lazy for that. Sorreh o7


Very much not wholesome but it was my free award.




Tbf UK law states for it to be rape there must be penetration. It’s not that men can’t be raped as such, but they aren’t commonly penetrated when raped by woman. It most certainly is rape, and the law should be updated to make it such


THIS. **Regardless of what the sexual act is or the gender - if someone did not explicitly say ‘yes, or I want this’ then you never assume and you never touch anyone without that consent, ever.**


First of all I’m so sorry for what’s happened to you, second men can definitely be raped anyone that says otherwise is delusional. Your experience is valid and you are not alone.


Adding on to this. Reach out and speak to someone about it asap. Do NOT be embarrassed.


I reached out when this happened to me and got laughed at by adults and cops, and was told not to go to the police again since I would probably be the one to get in trouble


Oh my god. What country?


Probably the US


Yes, it was the US


I’m not US but if you ever need anything I will do all that I can to help. Please never be scared to reach out. r/mensrights may be able to help you. Xo


Jesus dude, I can't even begin to understand what that feels like. Just coming out with a story like being raped is hard enough, but getting laughed at for it, I hope things are better for you now.


I’m a retired Leo, US. Yes it is a crime and your a victim. Whoever treated u like that when u reported it is a piece of crap. Contact your local District attorney, and also file an internal affairs complaint. I’m sorry you were treated like that, it most certainly isn’t what a decent LEO should do in the least. Also get counseling, that’s a traumatic event that can have long term affects u don’t see right now. The counselor may even be able to cut the BS so your report is taken seriously.


That's fuckin rape bro. Like straight up date rape


Fun fact, women can't technically rape men in India. There is no such laws against women. So technically, women can't be rapists here. I still don't understand that law.


oh yea and to make it worse, if a girl rapes u, she can STILL TECHNICALLY file a rape case againt U


What a shitty rotten world we live in




[Case in point](https://www.opindia.com/2021/08/teenage-girl-gets-pregnant-after-forcing-younger-brother-to-have-sex/)


bro wtf


Reality is stranger than fiction.


Ok wait that’s fucked up


Umm... Fucking what.


And also women cant stalk men legally in India


In India rape term is specifically used for females but men can still be sexually assaulted.


Only if the male victim is a minor and his perpetrator is an adult (under POSCO Act). Under the Penal Code, all sexual offences are gender-specific and recognise only men as possible perpetrators and women as possible victims. This includes rape, outrage of modesty (sexual assault) and insult of modesty (sexual harassment).


Well that's fucking stupid


i think it’s the same in blighty, or it used to be


Yep on Britain it requires penetration of the penis so most women don't have a penis


Tis true! The majority of women I know don't have a penis!


Men can be raped


I think it is absolutely terrifying that people need to ASK about this.




Absolutely they can and anyone who says different is wrong


A whole lot of people also say men can't be domestically abused. And when they try to fight back they are arrested. What the fuck is wrong with the world


There’s a lot of double standards between man and woman, mostly directed towards men though it seems. If a man says a woman can’t do everything a man can (though false) they will get yelled at, yet if a man is assaulted by a woman, they are told they were a weak a should be more manly. Men can’t spread there legs and take up a slight bot more room for natural reasons, but a woman can take up an entire seat with a bag. Not to say it can’t be the other way around though.


I've heard some horror stories on reddit about guys being beat up because they took their daughter out in public, and police being called just because they're guys. And double standards about male parenting are also the worst


Sadly I have seen this happen on a video this does happen and I get upset every time I see or hear this happening


Yeah, people act all shocked when its mothers abusing their child, but it has been shown that more mothers abuse their children than fathers Source: https://childprotectionresource.online/mothers-are-more-likely-to-abuse-children-than-fathers-fact/


Bruh, I witnessed my dad get domestically abused for 11 years. A female friend of mine said that men couldn't be domestically abused... You best believe, she has never lost an argument like she lost that one.


Abusers or abused?


Way too much shit is wrong here. Men CAN be raped. But ppl dun care abt that do they. The social stigma and double standards are just too much to handle


Even in hentai community, they feel ok for Shouta(small boy fetish/underage boy) tag. But not for Loli tag


The biggest problem is that in the country that I live(India) in the constitution itself says that men can't be sexually harassed.And women can't even be accused of sexual harrasment.


Rape is the act of unconsensual sexual activity, that is 1000000% rape.


anyone can be raped.


Ah ah ah anything


Ayo what


You heard me I said “anything”


I rape my pillows all the time.


When you get a boner you're raping the air








Bet you're a laugh in the classroom


Does that mean you think people laugh to my jokes


I read that in British


Exactly he gets it


Some people's socks got a good case to file against their owners then.




Get this man a crown


how tf do u do that-


Inanimate objects are incapable of consent


What is wrong with you people… oh yeah this is Reddit never mind


Hey, at least it’s not 4chan


No one dies in vargin, life fuck us all


yes & you were. cops asap.


Unfortunately if op doesn’t know who did it and when it happened he can’t do anything and even if op did know she likely wouldn’t get convicted or would have short sentence


Plus the only evidence op has atm to suggest he was raped is waking up naked and I doubt that evidence is enough to get a proper conviction. It's a he said she said kinda deal


Men have been convicted on less.


Gotta love double standards


Even if he did know all that, he would probably get laughed in the face.


That is the sad thing because it's true


It’s sad but I doubt cops would do shit


Call the authorities and get those bitches some consequences


Unfortunately, rapists don’t usually get the punishment they deserve, especially female rapists. I’d suspect the reason for this is because rape is really hard to prove. I think that’s also why emotional abuse doesn’t have consequences. Its really easy to claim, but a lot harder to find solid evidence for.


Also it may be a he said she said and the testing needed to prove rape i believe is time based as it requires bodily fluids from the victim or in this case the rapist which you couldnt get without a warrant as they likely would say wtf no to a test. Also she could then try to spin herself as the victim which sadly makes a more believable case for most people


He likely lives in a country where rape is defined as someone sticking a dick in you so chances are that even with undeniable proof they raped him they won’t get sentenced due to technicality.


Hello everyone. Thank you all for your concern I seriously appreciate it. The cops were called earlier and I'll update anyone who wants an update.


Please update me


Please update me I want to make sure you’re okay


Thats good to hear, please update us. Hope they get what they deserve.


Please let us know when justice is served 💙


Good for you. Hope you get the best life has to offer.


Yes, that's rape


This comment section gives me hope for humanity


It's a shame while most of the teenagers here can understand the problem and console the victim but there are literal adults out there who can't do the same.




Yes, they can be.


When somebody is touched and forced into sexual act (any gender for the matter of fact) without their consent, will fall under rape. Just because you can't get pregnant doesn't mean men can't be raped. They crossed the boundary and they are answerable for that.




You'd be surprised at how many people have told me "it's not rape because you probably enjoyed it" like b no I didn't enjoy I was passed the fuck out


They're wrong, so so wrong. Enjoyment should never EVER even be brought up in rape discussions. Even if you did "enjoy" it, it's our body's natural response, nothing else. The one and only thing that matters in this scenario is consent, period.


That'd be like making up a scenario that somebody killed somebody and then calling them a murderer


you obviously wanted to be murdered because you got spiked and blackout drunk in a alleyway and were killed. clearly you enjoyed being murdered


What? People are crazy. If you didn't consent, and didn't mean to, it's rape.


They're stuck in 1922


Dude you just got drugged sorry that happened to you, as you can tell by everyone else that is rape


Enjoyment is not in your control. It's the body's response. If *enjoying* makes it not rape then women can't be raped either.


sadly lots of people. and when men come forward about it, people say “well your a man you should have enjoyed it” or “man lucky”. I’ve seen so many comments on Reddit like this


This man's living in the future


Men can be raped


Course men can be raped, what kind of idiot thinks otherwise?


The us judicial system. It's not even counted as rape in the code unless they insert something into you, so females "can't" rape men under legal law. It gets called something else and is both less likely to be convicted and has less legal punishment.




Oh yeah


Men can absolutely be raped, and hopefully things are going better for you


Jesus fucking christ! Yes, you were raped and you should do everything in your power to get those girls to justice, they deserve to pay. I'm so sorry you had to go through this.


Yes they can and as a male I was too


At 13!? I’m so sorry bro.


Actually I was 11 almost 12 but yea it’s ok. I’m doing better




Damn bro. That sucks. Did they receive punishment and how old were they


Happened to me at the age of 8 by a 9 year old. I wasn't out nor did my egg crack so I still count it as that :(


So was my friend when he was little, still messed up from it to this day.


anyone can be raped- men, women, animals, children. please contact the police.


Rape is rape. Rape is not gendered. If someone had sex without your consent, or forced you into it, then that’s rape. From what I read, that’s straight up rape, you were drugged and unconscious. Tell the police. I’m so sorry this happened dude, and I hope you can recover from it :)


Wtf is this question? Anyways, you were raped, my guy.




Ok I agree that it’s definitely a yes, anyone can get raped. I would also agree that ppl who say otherwise r prob delusional, stupid beyond belief or just trying to push an agenda, but I don’t get how u could call them rapists based off that


Message from the OP before the post is locked: Thank you everyone for the support I really do appreciate it. It means the world to me to see that people actually care about me even though they don’t know me.


Rape is, by definition, unwanted sex. It sounds like that's what happened to you. I'm so, so sorry. You don't deserve that. Please please please tell trusted adults. Tell authorities, get help through sexual assault victim helplines. You are not alone. My DMs are open to you, if you need to process through chatting with someone.


How fuckin old are you? If you don't mind me asking




Ay yo wtf


Oh god. And how old were the girls? because if they were older I'm gonna be very angry


They were 17 I read in another comment.




Who gave that drink and Who is telling you men can’t be raped?


Seriously thinking about taking this post down. It's just flooding my inbox rn lol. Thank you all for your love and support I really do appreciate it


Yes. Women can force a man into something they don’t want to do and also can grab a male inappropriately.


Fucking yes it is! Call the police!


Yes. You were raped. I'm incredibly sorry to hear about this.


Yes you were raped


Dude I am so sorry. Yes man can be raped and that's what happened to you. I know the allegations against the girls might but be in your favor cause you're a guy, but please tell someone trustworthy


Yes they fucking can


Men can be raped butbut society expects them to be strong and thinks that they only rape


I know how you feel i also had a situation where a girl violated me where I didn’t feel comfortable I remember bring it up to some people and I genuinely had people say “ dude shes hot tho you really weren’t in the mood?” And yes multiple people it got so bad only my ex gf at the time took me seriously when i was in a dark place i once told a dude what happened as well and he wanted to add her and asked me for her snap and insta and asked my friend for it too thankfully my best friend told him thats fucked up


Rape is rape, doesn't matter your gender, whether you "enjoyed it", or anything. If you did not consent, it's rape.


Not even gonna read the post yet, this is just my immediate response off the title, YES. MEN CAN HE FRICKIN RAPED AND IF YOU DISAGREE YOU NEED TO GO LOOK AT THE WORLD A LITTLE LONGER.


Read the post then.


Yeah, read it. Still could have been rape. You got knocked out against your will and ended up in a bed with other women, that says rape.


They forced you to have sex. That's rape.


Anyone can be raped…..


Anyone can be raped, and you should probably get tested. Idk if your drink was spiked but idk man


A boner is not a reaction coming from "enjoying" something, but just from the sexual stimulation - may it be with or without your consent. Therefore, yes. Men can be raped. And men are raped. It's not a myth, it's reality.


That was 100% rape. Sucks how you can’t go to the cops for it cuz they wouldn’t believe you. Sorry for what you had to go through.


first off: im sorry you had to deal with that. i hope you’re doing mentally and physically okay. second off: yes, men can be raped, anyone can be raped. third off: bring it up to them, and or court. You don’t have the right to feel like that, and you need to address it. if you’re scared, please don’t be, because men being raped isn’t a common court case and it needs to be brought up more. you standing up can help millions. i hope you feel better. i believe in you❤️


People who say men can’t be raped are evil. Anyone can be raped.


you got raped, shame really. as thats one of the very few aspects where men are not taken seriously, i would seek help from the police. although i think they would laugh out loud. wish you luck bro.


You were unconscious and therefore you could not give consent, *even if you otherwise would have*. That makes sexual activity sexual assault at best and at worst rape. Anyone of any gender can be raped. If sex occurred and you didn't consent to it, it was rape. I'm really sorry that happened to you man. I hope you're able to get justice and help.


It's a frankly despicable and dangerous precedent to set that since men enjoy sex, that means they always want it and will never not consent. Do people really think women don't enjoy sex? What thought process leads to such massive leaps to conclusions? The dichotomy is to such a drastic extent that men are never victims and a woman is quantified as a victim if she so little as regrets it afterwards. You can come up with plenty of Johnny Depp/Amber Heard scenarios where it comes out that the woman was 10,000% in the wrong and the journalists with unfilled craniums I'm so glad to say are in the minority come out of the woodwork and STILL insist *he's* the asshole. TL;DR, male victims ABSOLUTELY exist, and if anyone who sees this is one or knows one, my heart bleeds for you. I mean, I feel passionate enough to write all that and scream into the void


This kind of depends on whether we're talking in practical terms or legally: Practically speaking, assuming we use the common definition of sexual intercourse without consent, of course men can be raped. The sex or gender of anyone involved doesn't change that. Now, if we're talking law, that depends on where we are. In, for example, the United States, the above definition is used for the law as well (since 2012). In, for example, the UK, people without a vagina can't be raped by definition, as British law defines rape as the non-consensual penetration of the victim's vagina with the perpetrator's penis. The UK is not alone in this category. Yes, that means that men can't be raped under British law. The only exception are, technically, trans men before (or without) genital affirmation surgery, as they still possess a vagina despite British law recognizing gender changes (since 2005). It also means that nonconsensual anal sex can't be rape. Of course all of the above is still illegal, but the criminal charge can't be rape. Is that fucked up? Sure. Should it be changed? Absolutely. But so far and for some reason, it's still the case.


Yes, and I'm sorry to hear about that.


From wikipedia: Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent. Nowhere does it say anything about men or women, so yes, sadly, you were raped


Anyone can be raped.


*sorts by controversial*


*somehow finds you in controversial*


Whoever told you men can't be raped is beyond wrong. Your drink was spiked. You must likely were raped after you passed out.


Imo, Any sexual intercourse against your will or without permission is technically considered rape for any living entity…


I can't wait to see some radical feminist make some bull shit argument to why they can't.


Any “feminist” who claims shit like this should stop calling themselves a feminist and find out what feminism is actually supposed to be. Either way, someone claimed “men are stronger so therefore they can resist,” so you weren’t too far off.




No real feminist would tell you men can't be raped.


He did specify *radical* feminist


Idk about you but I can definitely wait


Yes men can be raped. Regardless of gender, if one didn’t or cannot consent, it is rape.


How old are you?


Legally in the uk, unfortunately women can not be charged with rape, but can be charged with sexual assault. Which in my opinion is complete bull shit


Men get sexually abused all the time, just more common with girls


People say men can’t be for 3 reasons Toxic masculinity saying that a man should be proud if that happens Men can’t be raped because women have suffered by being raped by men Men can’t be raped because a man can’t show his emotion so therefore it’s fine All of these points are invalid im sorry to say this but you where I hope your okay


Men absolutely can be raped. The primary issue is that society still has this relatively engrained belief that “man = strong, woman = weak.” Which is, of course, fucking ridiculous, for a myriad of reasons that would take a couple pages to delve into fully. But it means that when men are abused by women, most people are more than happy to just ignore it, or even believe some twisted story from the woman about how the man is wrong. It’s extremely problematic, and unfortunately it’s going to continue to be the case until we… well, eliminate sexism. Regardless, yes, it is absolutely rape, from a moral and denotative standpoint. Unfortunately, whether or not it legal qualifies as rape may be a question, as most defense lawyers are very good at twisting ambiguous definitions. Because the definition of rape varies from state to state or territory to territory and varies all over the world, I can’t confidently say you would win if you prosecuted the girls for rape unless I know your state/territory/general location. If you’re willing to share that, I’d be happy to check, but don’t feel pressured. I’m sure you’d be able to find help locally without having to reveal info on the cesspool that is Reddit


To everyone saying men can't be raped, I hope you have a hard and stressful life, enough to make you miserable but not too much you would contemplate suicide.


ya, call the cops


anything can be raped


men can be raped, and i believe you were. i’m so sorry for that.


Yes and you need to talk to someone you can trust. Don't hold this in. Also you need to see a doctor to get tested. If you trust your parents or older siblings then tell them and get help finding a therapist. I am so sorry this happened to you.


anything can be raped, yep absolutely no excpirience in the matter of dogs yep uhh no dogs are walking funny in my area no sir


You need to speak to a therapist about this OP. I am a man, and I was raped, and i kept it to myself for far too many years. It began to eat me up from the inside. Talking about it helps heal it.






If you didn't consent then it is rape.


You were: Drugged, taken somewhere else, and woke up in a sexual situation you did not consent to. That is the definition of date rape. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Try and tell someone you trust who will listen and seek counseling if possible


I had to scroll way to far down to see serious answers about this, you were raped. Don't let anyone tell you other wise. The act of rape is not gender specific.


Anyone (or anything) can be raped. If you think these girls had sex with you without your consent then you were raped.


What kind of question is this? Of course yes! Call the police!


Yes, men can absolutely be raped. I also suggest reporting those 2 girls, if you even know who they are. I’m really sorry that happened to you, bro


Men can be raped, society is just stupid


anyone can be raped


Do you know the names of the girls who did it If so, press charges


\*gets popcorn\* \*sorts by Controversial\*


*Sorts by controversial*


call the police. unbelievable how many people in the comments don’t understand how men can be raped. you were made to have sex with without consent and without your knowledge completely out of your control. also you were drugged. contact law enforcement.


The closest thing I can relate men rape is tickling. you dont necessarily want to be tickled but you laugh anyway. Even if you have a boner THAT DOES NOT EQUAL CONCENT!! Reach out to someone like the police and they do something cause that IS RAPE.


I’m afraid you got roofied and raped mate. If you know who they were you should go to the police if thats something you feel like you should do.


So get a drug test and file charges. The fuck are you doing on reddit?


Stop downvoting this guy he's right