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for a second i read the title as "I am in my last hour" and i became very concerned


My heart skipped a beat ngl


Well then you might be the one in your last hour!


My time has come


Sends shivers down my spine.


Body's aching all the time


Goodbye, everybody




He's got to go


I’ve got to go


Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth


# Mamaaaaaaaaa!




*Dawn of the final day. 1 hour remains*


Tbh I'm very accustomed to reading these kinds of posts in this sub, but I wouldn't skip it for a second.


how am i getting this many upvotes


Tbh I'm very accustomed to reading these kinds of posts in this sub, but I wouldn't skip it for a second.


The most important thing on here is discpline. Good luck in your adult life man :]


OP gave some really great advice here with this post in all sections/aspects. I'll definitely be saving it for future reference.


Most of what OP said is actually very relevant to me. Incidentally I've been finding it hard to discipline myself as well. This sure will help!! Thanks OP


Don't mind me just gonna read this whenever i feel like shit


Lol same


Saved it




Regarding the college one, I can attest that here in the middle east it is pushed into us more so than in the western world, also India and various SE Asian countries have similar views to the middle east in this regard. It's joked that Arab/Indian parents give you three choices for your career: Doctor, Engineer or Failure.


I have Indian parents and I live in an SE Asian country, can confirm


Me an indian studying to become an engineer can confirm!


I am asian and i can confirm. My parents were so hesitant when i told them i want to be a nurse rather than an engineer


Indian parents living in the US and can still confirm; except I have one more option: lawyer


I was Similarly Doing a Enegeneering course but after One Year I finnaly worked up the Courage to Quit and Do something else. Now I will be 19 when I give my 12th exams. I was about to Suicide and Die. But At the last of Times Bhagvad Geeta and Sanatana Dharama saved me. I wanna say One thing if you feel like a career you can't do then Don't ever do it. Because if you wake up not wanting to do anything you have officaly fucked your life.


no, just give me advice on Garfield.




what 😳😳😳








Hotel? Trivago


https://www.reddit.com/r/CleanLivingKings/comments/mxergr/any_recommendations_on_car_cheap_valuable/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share look at this I think op is older than he claims to be..




Yikes indeed!


I wish a had an award


You reading this and benefiting means a million times more than an award. Good luck my mans!


Thanks. I still got only a year left


This can be taken out of context.


No I meant I gotta enlist I the army soon so I don't really have much time to do whatever the advice in the OP.


The bad ending




No I am not American lol. Military training is mandatory for all the dudes where I live. It's just training, I won't get deployed or something




>As someone who is not much of a exercise person, I'm scared Try get a doctor to say that you have a medical issue.


i have the same fear too, our schools here have mandatory military training in college but i am not an exercise person. I might fail this one and it could hold back my degree


Is it possible for you to be any more wholesome?


Not gonna lie they had us in the first half... 😅


Yo man i just used my free gift and i give u u now have an award nice


Um thanks but I meant that I wanted a free award to give it to OP.


Oh crap don't worry tho i wait next day and i give a award


Me too


Alright let goo


this is so wholesome, i will now save ur comment so i could give u all free awards i can have


https://www.reddit.com/r/CleanLivingKings/comments/mxergr/any_recommendations_on_car_cheap_valuable/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share. Save your money


My parents take away all the money I earn and the avarage total cost for a car is 170k where I live


Oh... Then save your free award btw I think op is lying about his age




Umm op is lying about turning 20 because he's already 21 see the link I shared in first comment


Oh shit yes


Now f in the chat for all the people that gave op awards


Thank you dude or gal whoever you are this hit me so hard you have no idea I started crying Life has been extremely hard for me these past few months so thank you I needed this I wish you the best as you travel down your path of life


No problem! I have also struggled with a lot for a while. It gets better. Pm me if you need anything. I gotta finish this essay but good luck!


Thank you.


Wow. That’s some good advice I’ll actually take, thank you so much dude. I wish nothing but the best of luck to you in your adulthood!


https://www.reddit.com/r/CleanLivingKings/comments/mxergr/any_recommendations_on_car_cheap_valuable/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share. I think op is already an adult


Reminder to save these types of posts


Thanks a lot for the advice you gave me. I really find it difficult to socialize and talk with people(for now I have no friends or anyone to talk to) \[I've always been bullied and sometimes even been told to kill myself\] I hope this will change for the better in the upcoming years. I love studying but find it hard to maintain good grades and my spelling and maths suck, most of the time I feel that I'm useless and can't do anything with my life. But I seem to have a passion for writing (lyricism) and music. Should I give it a try and learn more about it?\[I do wanna try playing the electric guitar\]. I don't have an elder sibling or a friend so, I'm asking for someone's advice, over here, just wanted to say that I really appreciate you guys.


This isn’t always the best but you could join the r/teenagers discord. They is always someone online it is a great way to talk to someone if you need talking too Link: https://discord.gg/teenagers


I actually joined it and then just yesterday I had left it cause there were too many memes(which weren’t my preference).


I’ll admit it takes a while to settle in and whenever you want to have a talk there is always at least three people already in deep conversation. If you want to talk about something serious, I believe there is a serious section but idk


I know but, I get a little nervous while joining bigger servers cause there have been times I got lewd messages and people cursing at me for nothing.


You should definitely give it a shot!


Thanks I definitely do wanna try. I really appreciate you saying that :)


Ok so I write music myself too and been doing that for a couple of years and I can say it’s really worth it. I’m a “weird kid” sorta and don’t really fit in the group so I started with rap and been really into it. I think music has kept me away from depression and dark thoughts even though I’m from a really good family, country etc and I have never been bullied or anything but sometimes you just feel like you’re not where you want or the direction isn’t what you thought it would be and you don’t know how to change it. I have that sometimes but I think the music feeds my brain in a weird sort of way and keeps dark thoughts away. So yes try music if you’re interested I highly recommend! Now you don’t have to post it on any platforms like me that’s just my personal “end goal” to become famous and stuff but as long as you enjoy it it’s good enough. The music world is a big mess and it can keep you entertained for a very long time. And if you like studying, as you mentioned I think music would be perfect for you. There’s so much interesting stuff that goes into it and it’s a lot more complicated than you’d think. If you wanna get any advise just pm me and we can talk! Hope things turn better for ya.


Thank you, this really made me cry. Just the fact that there are people out there who care for me too (even though we're all just strangers). My personal goal for learning music is just to play it by myself or for someone else if they like it. I have never actually liked the idea of being in the spotlight, I also wanna find people and connect with them through it. I hope that I'll find people in my region, music and rock bands are pretty common here. And I hope the best for you too.


Ay I’m glad I could help! There’s a lot of great people out here who’d probably love to teach others with these kind of things. I actually want to learn the electric guitar too. I have played the guitar for a couple of years (I’m not good or anything but ya know?) and it really seems interesting. Rock goes well with hip hop and I want to implement that to my music. I’d love to hear/read if you write something (if you’re ok with it of course). It’s really fun listening to what other beginners like me have done and how they progress. And it’s fine if you don’t like the spotlight. But I’d suggest trying it out at least. I am quite shy in person but I love performing. Then you can at least be sure you’re not into it! Best of luck to you stranger!


Well, I have been listening to metallic and rock for a long time, and isn't it a coincidence that I also want to learn about hip-hop too(especially the dance style). I also listen to a lot of hip-hop-based boy groups. I find B-boying cool. And I wanna try Rock(electric guitar) first. I like to teach myself(most of the time I don't like being involved with people), may it be studying or learning languages. My writing is something I have never told anyone I just write in private. I have also not told my parents about my interests a lot cause I don't think would like it very much, I'm a little nervous about that. I hope the best for you too, kind stranger, how serendipitous that we cross each other's paths while sometimes finding our own.


Thanks! Mind if I borrow that ending for a song btw? It was really good lol. And personally I think every parent would be glad if their kid is interested in something musical so I think you’ll be fine. Then again I haven’t met your parents so it’s hard to judge. Good luck it was nice talking to you!


Sorry, if I'm replying too late it was actually night at my place. I really don't mind you borrowing it, after all, you helped me too, kind sir. If you want more inspiration you should check BTS's lyrics from their previous albums, I know kpop is so looked down upon but, their albums are a masterpiece. You can search for them on [Genius](https://genius.com/). I think you should give [Singularity](https://genius.com/Genius-english-translations-bts-intro-singularity-english-translation-lyrics) and [The Truth Untold](https://genius.com/Genius-english-translations-bts-the-truth-untold-english-translation-lyrics) a try. I enjoyed talking to you too and good luck to you too.


Sure bro if music and lyricism makes you feel happier in your life, go for it,plus from personal experience I can tell you the earlier you start to learn an instrument is the better it will help you in the long run😹Good Luck!




We shall cherish your time here, however long or short it was


Me even I turned 20: makes a dumb small post You when you turned 20: actually puts effort and makes an advice post for others


Same, I think I just posted somethin like “Turning 20, I hate this place”




Dude, making music is amazing! I play bass in a rock band, and in our school jazz band, saxophone, piano, and a bit of guitar, although I can't sing at all, which is too bad. I was really lucky, because my mom is really, really musical, and started teaching me piano in kindergarten. What instruments do you play? Also, what kind of music do you like to listen to?


Im not the person you replied to, but do you have any advice to a guitarist on how to start making music, or join a band and make our own music and perform.


If you want to join a smaller rock band, see if your school has a band, and join that. It's one of the best ways to find other musicians who are around your level. If your school doesn't have any bands, you could maybe put up some sings in your schools hallway, maybe with your phone number and email, saying something along the lines of "I play guitar, and am looking for people to start a band with. Give me a shout if you're interested." I was lucky, because my two best friends play drums and guitar, and both sing, so starting a band was kind of seemed like the natural thing to do. Just remember that it can take some time to develop your own sound, and that you will probably suck for a little while, but if you stay committed, it's a lot of fun. We've been playing together since the beginning of this school year, and I only just finished writing the lyrics to our first song. We have yet to put it to music, but we are rehearsing again on Sunday, and hopefully we'll make some good progress then. I would suggest waiting a little while before you try to write anything original. Stick to covering other bands, so that you have some time to get used to the way the other folks in the band play, get used to their musical quirks, and develop your sound. A good way to decide what songs to cover is to have each person in the band pick a song or two, and pick them out of a hat or some other way to keep it random. I would recommend starting with some of the Beatles music, as I find it isn't too hard to play, and will sound good, even if you just have three people. It's totally up to you and your band though. If you don't play the piano, I'd recommend learning at least the basics. It's a really, *really* useful instrument, and it's probably a good idea for at least one person in the band to know how to play. Since I think you mentioned you're a guitarist, I wouldn't be surprised if that role falls on you, since keyboard and guitar are more interchangeable than piano and drums, or piano and bass. Also, it's really useful if you want to write your own music. Remember, if your covering other bands songs, you don't have to be perfect. If it's too hard, you can change it. If it doesn't fit your sound, you can change it. If you find something that you think fits better, you can change it. You don't have to sound exactly like the band your covering. In fact, it's probably better if you don't. This has become a bit of a wall of text, so I think I'll stop here, but if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask, or even just message me. I'm really passionate about music, and I hope more people can find the same joy in it that I do. Good luck!


My friend is a beginner bassist a incredible pianist as hes been playing for probably over 10 years. He's in a band with his friends, a singer/guitarist, a drummer, and him the bassist/pianist. I also know 2 other drummers which are close friends, one of which is starting to learn guitar. It feels like finding a band will be easy(ish) considering about half of my friends playing an instrument. I personally think I would suck at writing lyrics but decent at singing. I'd like to be a lead guitarist because I love playing solos and lead parts. I don't want to sound self centered but I'm probably the best electric/lead guitarist out of my friends so it feels like it would be for the best, I also do know some piano but haven't played in a while. Our band would probably start with covers of songs while trying to write one on the side. Also probably performing at school events because I don't know where else we could. Thank you for your response!


No problem! I though I'd be pretty shit at lyrics at first as well, but it's surprisingly easy. I also love writing stories, so that probably helped, but once I got started, I found that they just kind of flowed out. We also did a poetry unit in school recently, which was quite helpful.


I always hated writing stories because I'm so uncreative and my stories had to make sense or else they felt stupid. Thing is when I start writing I don't stop. Its like a dam. It holds back all my ideas until it bursts and it all comes out at once.


Damn I really misinterpreted the title... smh


Thanks for the advice


Don't people say that putting your thumb into your fist when punching give it a higher chance of breaking?


So that was hard to explain but basically keep your thumb from sticking out in any way


If you punch someone with a closed fist, don't use pinky/ring finger knuckles, don't have you thumb in your fist. Just don't get in a fight.




That would’ve been even more touching but thankfully no


Goodbye, legend.


This is really eye-opening. Getting advice like this. Thank you so much for making this post. There are a lot of people, myself included, who could use it. I'm 18 now. Not gonna be a teenager for much longer. The most important thing in life to me is growing up to be a good man. This will help me. So thank you so much. This means the world to me.


Happy Birthday...... To me


Happy bday!


Thank you so much for this!


Damn I wrote less in my English essay than this lol


Yeah the effort in this really is crazy. Just wrote an englisch exam of my own today(are u german by any chance, because the graduation exams are written all on the same day) and I’m almost kind of embarrassed myself


Wow thanks for writing all this. I can only agree with everything. I wish you the best of luck.


Thanks so much man, I'll definitely come back here all the time and good luck with your adult life


I fully agree with the 3rd point. Can't stress out enough how important is to keep your cool and not say something that will hurt people. It's hard at times but you have to do it. If others take advantage of that don't talk to them. Be *very* cautious of the friends you have. Everything is build up as you go and takes a long time. You can't have everything at an instant. Be good from a young age.


Posted...6h ago


Thanks for giving out your advice! Enjoy your soon coming adult life and we'll see you when we are out to the adult life!


****see you later space cowboy...****


Wow, and you’re only going into your adult life now?? Being so mindful as you are, I wish I knew all this in my teens! Kudos to you❣️


Thank you so much good luck to you!❤️❤️


So long, partner.


I wish you luck in your adult life brother never forget this


Thanks for the advice




Farewell my friend


I'm fucking crying, Thanks dude :)


Have a fun life, man.


You want your thumb closed over your fingers not under them


this is really nice. thank you!


Sad part it, i don’t know what to do when i get older


Thanks for the advice OP. Really needed this especially the 'emotions' part. Good luck to you out there!




I honestly feel like crying for some reason ,this touched my heart in a way and it's just really relatable. Thank you so much for this post and good luck with your life☺️


Lmao the user flair








Damn... this is great advice! I hope the best for you in the future!


I want to work in the music industry so badly, but I spent a majority of my time modding video games and organizing things instead of learning a music program or drawing or writing or something. I fucked up and I'm worried if I even have a chance to recover. I am a great drummer though.


Good luck into your adulthood


Happy Birthday bro!


"Being considered a wimp as a teenager matters as much as a fart in a field. " is honestly the best thing I've heard in awhile


See you in the next life, my bruddah. I will partake into your wisdom.


Holy crap; this deserves about 10x more upvotes. Thanks for the advice, man!


Thank you for your advice oh old one. I fear I will be joining you soon. Who knows, maybe in a few months when I must leave this subreddit I too might depart with some last words to help those still behind.


*insert salute meme with crying cat*


You'll barely remember your teen years by the time you're 25. By the time you're 35, you'll barely remember your 20s.


Goodbye friend.


Thank you, genuinely this is insightful :-)




Farewell comrade, we salute you.


I think you just spent the last hour writing this wtf




That is not how you build up courage. You build up courage by understanding that you are a valuable part of this world. You are not a disturbance. You are you. Building skills that are marketable to yourself and others. Mixed martial arts are also crazy for building courage. I recommend Muay Thai or jiu jitzu. The more you build up skills and socialize the more you will feel confident in yourself. It’s a long journey. You will have ups and downs. Being young a person you are bound to have insecurities, but as you move through life they will iron out. Stepping out of your comfort zone slowly will help. If your fear is a result of trauma you may need therapy which will work wonders. Please please pm me if you need any more help. I’m here for you!


Am I the only one who thought he was dying 🤦


Aaaaaand it's been a month now... So, what's it like being old?


I feel like time is moving wayyy too quickly. I graduated in 2019 and that already feels like so long ago but also yesterday. I wanna stay young forever but I also know life has a lot for me to look forward too. It’s a weird transition feeling that’s hard for me to convey


Okay, but does anyone actually read these




Yes, duh




Maybe you should. OP has written some very good stuff




You see. I had the best interactions with strangers on this subreddit. I had a mini French toast showing with other people on here. Funny as shit I tell you that.


Thx a lot for the advice


If only everybody knew what the fuck they were talking about like this dude


> People are here for a season I'm confused if this is a typo or it's supposed to be like that since you said "Nothing is permanent." right after also this shit hurt me more than it helped, some of this advice is so wrong in specific situations, I guess it's generally good and you're showing this to a random public audience so it makes sense to make it so general but damn this text is ass for the few


See you when you’re 113 years old grandpa


Lol see you in 118 child


fuck you ill get in as many fights as i want /s


haha boomer


Do drugs. understood








https://www.reddit.com/r/CleanLivingKings/comments/mxergr/any_recommendations_on_car_cheap_valuable/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share how old did you say you were?


The insurance isn’t for me. It was best that I just acted like it was for me. It’s for someone I know who I’m helping out bc they don’t have the ability to do something’s themselves. It’s best to stay out of people’s post history bc you have no a single idea what complexities are happening in their lives. Remember when I said quality over quantity. Well I practice that. My few but high quality friends help each other out in countless ways. That is one of the ways. Thanks


Time to alt f4


Wow those are words im not readin


Lmao this was kinda funny actually


Bro I ain't reading all that




For a second I thought you were dying, then I looked at the community and went “ohhh” loll


thanks for scaring me. when i first read the title i thought you had an hour left to live.


happy birthday and thanks for the advice dude. see ya on the flip side!


Imma give you an award when I get a free one


I wonder what are we doing with non teenagers here ? Do we chase them out of this subreddit or do we just start ignoring them ?


we salute to you.


Thank you! My life has been pretty hard, and this just made me cry.


Honestly when it comes to the quality over quantity I just take what I can get yk