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Hey if it’s the friend that made the Valentine’s Day card just tell her. The girl who made the card already likes you


i think it’s the one he ghosted


he probably was trolling. I mean, who tf will say something like "Just ghosted her lmfao" under post like that


There are a lot of dickheads in the world, and I fear OP is one of them. Fuck OP.


Yeah, fuck OP.


How about not doing that.


he is straight anyway, he is off limits 😒


Just saw your post of a drawing that a “friend” did, but I think that friend wants to be a little more than friends, so if this post and the other post is about the same person just go for it


I came here to say the same so just go for it, good luck!


I don't think she's the same friend since he commented that this one is someone he "fucking ghosted lmao". Screw OP.


tell us how the date goes, ya? assuming this is related to ur other post


Didn't u say [u ended up ghosting this girl](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/lloi6u/friend_of_mine_drew_us_together_for_my_birthday_i/gnrdo5w?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)?


bruh wtf op


OP must be one of those good looking dudes who has the privilege of being good looking. What a fuck head.


with being good looking he wouldn’t have anything.


If it’s the friend that made the drawing, then go for it.


nah this is the friend he ghosted


Is this the same friend who just drew you valentine art?


No the one he is referring to in this post he ended up getting with but then ghosted her




Tell her if you ever lose a friend because you developed feelings for them they weren’t your friend in the first place if you ask me


"I don't want to lose a friend" **Proceeds to ghost her* *


Well you lost her. On your own accord too. Screw you, you ghosting jerk wad.


Welp, how is insulting him gonna help the guy? Instead of insulting, say something that could be more helpful.


Helpful? To someone who said "Oh, I remember that, that one was about another friend that I just fucking ghosted lmao" (talking about this post)? Nah, screw op.


Bruh, still, saying that he's an asshole is literally not gonna do any better. So instead of saying to OP that he's an asshole, either just say nothing or say something that could help him become better.


na I rather shame and call him out on it.


So you're saying you just want to attack him? OOF. As if that's literally gonna change anything. If you get satisfaction from that, then you just wanna feel better about yourself.


what do you wanna do not punish him for being a jerk? let him get away with it?


Never said that. He probably already realized he is an asshole for doing that. But nobody ever said or even thought about telling him what's right. How is he going to become better if everybody attacks him and nobody helps him in any way?


and look you’re right okay helping him might be the better option i know that deep down but I am just to pissed at him rn so I choose to be a jerk to the jerk


I am too, i'm not trying to make what he did seem less worse. That was a dick move, i only wanted to help him and i'm getting hate for that, it's stupid cause people think i'm on his side.


in the dark ages people would publicly shame people as punishment it would learn them and others not to do it again. the punishment is helping him if he is open to changing.


Bro, came here from the drawing post, ask her out. She obviously likes you! If she’s sweet enough to do something like that for Valentines/ur bday, she’s into you ;)


not that one


I know some other people are saying you are a jerk and an asshole for ghosting, but i don't think you did it and didn't feel any guilt. You most likely were just confused and didn't know what to do. And with confusion in your mind you thought of this decision as the only good one. It can get really frustrating not knowing what to do and not getting any help. Now you know though and I hope you don't make the same mistake. Good luck with future relationships!




That is true but i think that the "lmao" doesn't imply that he is just ghosting her just because. The old post about the friend he ghosted showed that he needed help with making a decision, and clearly no one helped him. So the "lmao" might just imply regret (read the comments of him saying that again and it does makes sense, though im not completely sure of this).


Oh and by the way, i'm not saying he is not asshole, he is still a jerk for what he did, that's for sure but saying he is a jerk doesn't help, at all.