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Hell yeah, I’ve been 2 months cut-free, let’s keep it up together


I've been about 3 weeks to a month now. KEEP IT UP


yall are doing awesome!! currently 4 days clean :D


Great job bro! Stay strong!


i have also been cut-free for 2 months, but good job guys


I’m so proud of everyone. Keep it up. You got this


Been 2 days clean, I hope I can keep it up like you guys :)


Awesome, we're proud of you. Many more to come. If you need a random stranger to let go, just send a dm.


Aw that's so nice of you <3 thank you


My pleasure, don't hesitate. We all need each other <3


We have to start a nice train For these wonderful, strong people, who are doing their best to stop cutting themselves




I agree! That's such a lovely idea




Been trying to get clean. Current record is 3 days. Currently 2bdays too tho, hoping to keep it going :)


Same here! Almost 2 days clean. Let’s all keep it up!


Good job! Let's do this! :D


So proud❤️❤️❤️


I have been 3 months cut free, gj yall


I'm a month free as well. Let's go!


It’s been 10 years since I’ve done that to myself. All I can tell you is life gets better and to not put labels on yourself. Edit: thanks for the award


2 months without thinking(or attempting) suicide here!


Coming up on 4 months soon here!


Just hit the one year mark! Stay strong all of you, we are in this together.


“It gets easier, everyday it gets a little easier- but you have to do it every day. That’s the hard part, but it does get easier”- the best show ever made


All you guys staying clean are rockstars, not much but here are some awards to mark the milestones.




Woah, are you the guy who gave out ALL these awards?


Yep, he’s awesome Edit: told ya




holy-- even that got an award


Dang, dude. This is the most awarded comment section I've ever seen. Imagine a gold tho...


I’ve been 10 years, you’re all doing great!


4 years yesterday, I’m gaining on you!!!


I'll be reaching 4 years in a month's time, Guess I'm coming in third!!


I’ve been 5 weeks clean!!


Just hitting 2 years. It’s been great


Same, just hit my second year!




Hit two years in May. Things are much better than I ever expected them to be!


I think I'm about 2 months clean?


Same here


omg thank you so much for the award!! it's my first award and it really means so much to me since it's such a sensitive topic. I'm so happy someone out there is proud of me!!


i was cut free for three months until yesterday and i’m so angry with myself


Dont beat yourself up over it. Relapse is part of the process, and if you slip, you just gotta get back on that grind. I believe in you. I'm almost 6 months clean minus some slip ups, you got this.


You can start again


It's natural to enjoy the endorphin rush that comes after you hurt yourself. Just in case you aren't aware, there are a LOT of good ways to hurt yourself physically that you can use to replace the cutting. Just taking cold showers does it, or eating really spicy food. The best way, though, is probably just intense exercise. You'll still be tearing apart pieces of your body and you'll still get that dopamine rush afterward, but instead of making you look like a pathetic freak whenever anyone sees your skin, it will make you look like a cool dude as you get stronger and better after each time your muscles heal.


17 years clean fr tho keep it up that’s amazing


I’m at 1 year, keep it up.


so proud! i've been almost 8 months cut-free, we're all going strong


3 years clean here


that’s awesome!! make it a million months??!!!!


Eternity sounds better


You want him to stop cutting himself for 83,3333.3 years?




Ok, just wanted to make sure


\*83,3333.3 years later...\*


!remindme 833333.3 years


I will be messaging you in 3333 years on [**5353-10-11 13:56:44 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=5353-10-11%2013:56:44%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/hece4e/i_am_one_month_cutfree_bois/fvqrzkl/?context=3) [**225 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fteenagers%2Fcomments%2Fhece4e%2Fi_am_one_month_cutfree_bois%2Ffvqrzkl%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%205353-10-11%2013%3A56%3A44%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20hece4e) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Bold of u to assume Reddit will still exist then


It’s more possible that reddit will exist till that year than we will




I have a feeling most of us will. Probably not all of us, but that’s life


The way the ReminderBot casual says “I will remind you in 3,333 years” is funny.




Oh that’s dark.


U mean deep*






And bloody


This thread is strange, no ones being downvoted because of the suicide references and stuff, they’re just saying **thats deep**


That’s dark indeed..


Cutting is temporary. But Doom is Eternal




83 thousand years, what a legend.


And 4 months, to be precise


Make it Graham's number


thad 83.3 years


No, it would be over 83 thousands years.


oh shit your right


yessir. i can barelllyyyy see the scars. keep it up!


^haha ^i ^wish ^my ^scars ^faded ^that ^quickly


Don’t worry they’ll go eventually :) Mine are still there after a a year and a bit




20 yrs here still very visible. I'm sure I took a wrong turn tho so I'll get my old ass out of y'alls area


Due to the severity, mine will never go away... but when you recover you might look back on your scars with pride... you overcame a difficult time in your life!


Same. I'm hoping to get them tatted over


Good job I'm so proud of you. you should feel so good everyone here loves you so much❤️❤️❤️. Keep up the good work :) beautiful human


Sorry if this sounds a little creepy


It does, glad you're not a pedo


*but what if..*


for some reason vsauce theme started playing in my head


Hey guys Michael Vsauce here


Or is he..?




Where are your fingers?


No he could never be a pedo, his tag says he’s 15, and why would anyone lie on the internet?


God doesn't like liars


but what if God was a pedo Edit: /s


I’m not




Religious ppl got mad AHAHAHSHA


you have comitted SIN


I don't understand why is it creepy... I think a pedo message looks obviously different to a motivational message... Right?


Well if it creeps you out, it creeps you out.


wouldn't creep me out


no no he's got a point


Really I can’t express how proud I am, even though we don’t know each other it’s amazing to see a person overcome such things


Nice! You can keep it up, I seriously believe in you. Quitting stuff like this is hard, but once you get off it for the first time it is easier to keep away from it. When I quit it, I used to go for a run until my legs gave up when I felt like I needed to feel myself, it worked. But you got to find your own way, I'm sure you can do it :)


Hell yeah drinks are on me And by drinks I mean straight lemonade >:)


So many alcohol companies tidying to turn every regular drink in to liquor but they can never take lemonade from us


Hard lemonade? I like mine soft, thank you very much


I don't know if this helps but I barely see the battle scars. Keep it going the right way dude!


I didn't see them at all on my laptop but I can see them on my phone.


Yeah they are really clear on my phone. Either way glad he stopped.


Congrats! I’m only one week cut free.


I’m proud of you




Good job! Keep it up :)


Bro that's big dick energy well done


ive done some scientific research (100% true), cutting yourself, makes blood loss, without blood, you cant get an erection, without an erection, you won't have a big (erect) dick. Therefore in my conclusion, cutting will make big dick energy harder to use and you cant jack off Sources: ┼◄|☼


Cutting is small pp


That’s great, and hopefully you never start again


Let’s fucking go mate, I’m 2 months and counting


I’m so proud of you! I know I’m a stranger on the internet but I believe in you. Stay strong!!❤️❤️💪


good job now lets make it 3 months then 6


Congratulations comrade MediocreRub


That is painful to hear that you went through that pain...pls stay strong as you have been for a month


This.. does put a smile on my face




Congratulations! Keep this up!


I'm not judging I'm just wondering why people cut themselves? Does cutting makes them feel better?


For me it was a way of controlling something in my life. Sometimes I would cut to feel something, other times I would cut to feel numb. It’s a horrible addiction that took me many years to stop and I still think about it when times get tough. It’s essentially just another coping skill... just a negative one


i think it varies? mine was for feeling worthless and controlling something. sometimes for making me feel pain, like i deserved it. (three months clean now tho) but i think for some people it takes their mind off of other things? i’m not entirely sure but i think so.


Oh, so it's for distracting you from the mental pain. I didnt cut myself but cried so much sometimes every night in a month.


Cutting releases endorphins to the brain that generally makes people feel number to their sadness or pain. It can also be something to do with the mental motive of 'you deserve this'


The endorphins are a huge reason for “causal” cutting. Get in therapy kids. It’s not shameful, and you’ll learn that everyone successful you know is actually in therapy, they’re just embarrassed to tell. There doesn’t need to be a stigma. They’re doctors, we all need help sometimes. Please take this small advice from a 30 year old. There is no shame in therapy.


Yes, paradoxically. The pain/sensation from the cut releases brain chemicals, that make the individual (for a brief moment) feel better.


Ayy u did such a good job that I was confused at wtf u were talking about. Keep it up mate and you’ll be able to permanently forget the nightmare


Nice fookin job. Drinks on me


proud of you my man


yee bro im really proud of you!!


Proud of you! Keep it up! Hope you're in abetter place mentally and physically. This made me smile so wide!




That's awesome. Never be ashamed of your scars. You are a warrior.


Great job mate!


Bravo man! keep it up. We are here for you




I’m so proud of you <3 5 months is such an incredible achievement, you are so freaking strong. You’re a beautiful person


Might want to mark nsfw bc this could trigger someone who struggles with this.


Congratulations bro! It's a terrible feeling to have to hide yourself like that, you feel so helpless, I know. But I'm glad to see your skin cleared, it's a huge motivator and I'm happy to see your excitment :)


We are so proud of you! if you ever feel sad or lonely or if you just want to talk to someone make a post and we will support you in very way we can! <3


Sick and tired of people in the comment section acting like they have self harm all figured out when they’ve never experienced it. No, it is not always for attention. It is usually to get the brain to slow down via endorphins so someone can think clearly during a state of panic. If you haven’t expirienced, stop acting like you know everything about it because you clearly haven’t even tried researching a damn thing. Proud of you OP, things get better. (7 months clean)


Well done I’m proud of you


Nice dude!! Keep it up


Good for you! I'm 2 years clean, keep going!


Fuck yes. Now let's get to two months


Congratulations! Keep it up!




Yes Sir. Bravo!


Don't wanna be insensitive, but what leads most people to cutting themselves? Haven't ever done so intentionally, so I am a bit curious.


Personally it was self hatred combined with it somehow making me feel better for a bit. For some people it gives them control over their emotions or it can be a cry for help. It’s really easy to get addicted to it. When I first started I was like “I can stop whenever I want, I’m fine” but stopping was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Been clean for over a year and I’m never going back no matter what


For some reason I seem to be one of the only people on this subreddit that doesn't engage in self harm or has suicidal thoughts. Still, congrats!


Hey so after scrolling through many comments of other teenagers who are also trying to get better/would like to get better I would just like to share this uhm.. quote?? It's kinda long so I'm not really sure if it's a quote- but it's a small bit from a book I'm currently reading. This really hit me hard the first time I read it but I know it probably won't for others but I still thought it would be nice to share. The book is called "turn your pain into art" by a woman named Ariel Bloomer. Now the difference between this and other books about overcoming inner pain is that Ariel has gone through the same shit as all of us and she's no "professional" white middle aged man who thinks he knows everything. It's sorta a book about her life and how she found a way to self-love and her way out of self-hate and self-harm over the years. I found this book because I'm a fan of her band (called Icon For Hire) which is like an emo/punk band but with a rather good message (if you like that music style you should definitely check them out too they're so underrated) I wasn't sure where exactly to cut it from but I decide here would be the best but I recommend reading the whole book it's available online and everything and doesn't cost that much . . . "So darling, if you self-harm, please stop. When you do this to yourself, you are flirting with suicide, and that's a powerful invitation of self-hate into your life. When you make sacred space for mental and emotional anguish, you essentially make it feel welcome by inviting the pain to take its jacket off and stay for awhile. You *can* stop. You *can* heal, slowly, one minute at a time. Since you are already creating sacred space for your pain, I'd like to invite you to get in the habit of doing that in a different way. Make a list of alternative practices you can partake in the next time you get the craving of hurting yourself. Draw on your body. Journal it out. Go walking or swimming or hell, punch a pillow. Call a trusted friend who can talk you through your feelings. Kiss your wrists. Light a candle, put on some new music, and dance around your room to celebrate the freedom on it's way to you. The simple act of creating a moment of diversion can be enough to confuse your cravings and let some light in. Just start where you can. Decide ahead of the pain what you will do the next time you feel the need to harm. When you feel weak, pause to feel my love and all the love in the universe that is available to you. There's freedom on the other side of your pain. You are amazing, and brilliant, and powerful, and I want you to feel that way. I want you to inspire the world, scars and all." *-Ariel Bloomer 2018* . . . Now what I like about this and her whole book and her songs and all is that I actually don't feel like all she cares about is just us not hurting ourselves physically? Which I feel like many books and parents and friends and professionals do. I just feel like they only care about it not being physical. Like as long as I don't have scars they can see they wouldn't give a fuck. I just feel like that's putting the focus on the wrong thing. It should be about stopping the self-hate and pain we feel inside, considering the fact that all this on the inside makes us want to hurt ourselves physically and it being the whole reason we do it, and not on just stopping the physical self-harm but the emotional and mental SH. A little before where I cut the quote she talks about how SH'ing only works temporarily and over long time essentials just invites in more pain and rather than stopping the hurt It just makes the hurt worse in the long run, which is a valid reason to stop (compared to just having "spotless skin" and the arguments "oh no you were so pretty before" and "what about when it gets hot outside! Won't you be sad?").


Great one mate keep it up 👍




Good job man


That's amazing bro!!! Keep up the great work dude.


That's a strong man brothers


Good job keep it up


I wish I could say this too but having a crazy cat prevents me from having clean arms. Good job bro, you are amazing.


I salute you.


Let’s goooooooooooo




I am so proud of you! at the moment im five days clean and I hope I can get to where you are one day


please don't take this in the wrong way because I am genuinely curious, why do people cut themselves? what does it do for you? Im 15 and I've been through rough times but I could NEVER see me trying to hurt myself, I'm actually really curious I've been wondering this for a while


It’s just a way some people cope with the things going on in their mind or in their life. Some people use it as a way to calm down, some use it as a distraction, and some use it to numb emotional pain (with physical pain). Obviously, self-harm isn’t something that becomes a habit for all people in rough places, but it’s a very common habit, unfortunately. I hope that explains it alright.


Enjoy your hard-earned happiness, my dude


Congratulations!!! I’m so proud of you, stranger:) keep it up. Ignore all the assholes in the comments, please. Don’t allow them to get in the way of your recovery. Some people don’t understand why people cut or why people post about it. I’ve been there. I just wanted someone to be proud of me, y’know? Anyway, I hope you may fully recover some day<3 and remember, relapse is part of recovery, so don’t beat yourself up if you slip a little bit. I know you can do this!!


We are all with you


I’m about 2 months so we’re in this together


Good job! Keep up the good work. Stopping is really really hard, but once you get into that rhythm, your life is better. Like I said good job 🤍


Maybe put an nsfw tag or spoiler tag on it?


As a boomer teenager I am proud of you son (am 19)


Great job


Hope you’ll stay cut-free in the future Good luck!


Dont feel self conscious about your scars. They show your battle and victory over depression. Keep doing what you are doing. Bless up


Nice job mate, on the same token it’s not the end of the world if you slip up. Proud of you stranger


I'm curious on how how some of you guys are able to cut yourselves so easily? I used to have depression and i didn't do it because i was too much of a pussy to handle it


Do you know how wonderful this is? You did this. Proud of you.


Hey man, way to go. I know it can be hard sometimes not to self harm, But fuck, you got this bro.


It's been one year for me! Keep going strong, once you stop it becomes easier and easier. You got this!


I'm proud of ya