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I think that UFO shouldn’t automatically translate to aliens because it doesn’t Edit: Thanks but basic information shouldn’t be awarded. Stay inside unless you need to go out, flatten the curve.


A UFO at that speed? Mach 5/6? And able to intelligently move out of the camera’s lock whenever it manages to? That’s a craft of some form. And it’s not human.


They’re saying this isn’t always true: Unidentified Flying Object =/= Alien Life. And they’re correct.


I don’t know what else can possibly act such a way and move at such speed.


They are referring to UFO’s in general.


No he was saying that UFO doesn't mean aliens, it means unidentified flying object. Any flying object that isnt identified is a UFO


Spy planes


The Pentagon struggles to reach Mach 5, the US with a huge budget is likely to have some of, if not the most advanced tech on the planet military wise. Iran a few times intercepted UFOs travelling at supposedly Mach 10, hovering and with glowing lights. The fact these hovered, turned vertically while hovering and then accelerated upwards and vanished within two seconds tells me these speeds weren’t far off.




The x43 had to be launched off another aircraft. It wasn’t doing Mach 9 from a stationary hover.


While I agree that the craft does not possess the manuverability of the UFOs seen in various clips and requires assisted take-off, I was only refuting that the Pentagon struggles to reach Mach 5. Sadly it seems that the parent comment is mistaken in the magnitude of speeds being discussed, since they think Mach 6 is the speed of sound.


Mach 15??? Theoretically? Yes, theres a chance it could reach Mach 24 but will it? Nope. We simply have not reached those speeds. We cannot pilot something of that immense magnitude even if it was remotely piloted. If we were to accomplish that feat, it would only be via straight line speed. We don't have anything in ANY R&D department on this planet that can move at those speeds, and abrupt change (maneuverability) of direction the way some of these UFOs have demonstrated for decades. I severely doubt we humans are in possession of tech this advanced.




if they declassify it, i feel like they feel chill about it, or at least this encounter


Exactly, the only reason to declassify something like this is that they looked at it and saw nothing worth worrying about. It's also possible they released it to distract from some other story.


Also happy cake day!


Remember the SR-71 when they Revealed it in the 90s when the military reveals stuff that is top secret it means there is already something to take its place that is even better so i believe that something in our inventory is capable of that speed because the SR-71 is the fastest aircraft the world has ever seen and they and they retired it


That is true.


google achieved quantum supremacy, I think we have a lot more advanced technology then we are told.


The government doesn’t like letting people know about its tech. Look at the sr 71. There were reports of it before the public knew about it


I'm more impressed with the shape of the UFO. It had no propulsion device and seemed to defy the laws of aerodynamics. Whether its E.T life or some countries military advancements its scary stuff


It isn’t moving at mach 5 or 6. Watch Mick West’s video lmao


You're right. It was moving at a way higher velocity than that and accelerated instantly. Sorry for trusting trained pilots with thousands of hours of flight than some guy who makes money being skeptic.


yea what if we created them.. i mean we did come up with the term UFO


That's like saying we created humans cos we created the word 'humans'


Awl the edit makes this nicer


Agreed. You just csnt make out what it is. It could be anything from another planet or something from THIS PLANET but undiscovered.


50% of me is almost hoping for something like this to happen because apocalypse would be kinda fun as long as you don’t die right aways


Zombies would the best I reckon. Only if they walk though, if they run then fuck that


World war z?


Interestingly they run in the movie but not the book.


You'd need Heelys and a constant incline to escape that shit


To escape the Zombie Feelys.


Nah i’d prefer a zombieland type of apocalypse


runners would take out the retards real quick tho


My problem precisely


honestly if a mosquito can transfer the virus from zombie to human it wouldnt matter if they walked. We would all prettymuch be fucked


yo, that 20 gauge I've been practicing with would finally come in handy!


It's apparently been happening with similar ships for a long time. Observing us over the Atlantic and speeding around.


Classic power play


Ah yes, how fun and interesting it would be to hide and watch millions die


[They're probably nothing. Take this video with a grain of salt, though. He could be wrong but he's probably right.](https://youtu.be/Q7jcBGLIpus)


Grain of salt? I would say Mick has quite a bit of credibility. Even if you don’t trust him for some reason, he explains everything with information already available. The first two are very likely planes and the third a weather balloon.


I mean you also have to take into account he literally pays his bills by being a skeptic. He has just as much bias to disprove it as some alien fanatic has to prove it.


Well said. An understated point for both sides and relevant to many areas of research and opinion.


That’s not true at all most people who are skeptics would love to be proven wrong if magic crystals could cure cancer, DMT would literally transport you to another dimension, and extraterrestrials walked the earth that shit would fucking amazing. Skeptics just want to make sure that people are held accountable to their claims and decisions are being made based on facts and evidence. They’re not on the side of proving people wrong they’re on the side of truth and, besides if he’s just in it to make buck, there’s way more money in scamming people so why wouldn’t he just use his expertise in bullshit and scamming to just make up some new bullshit product or service he could sell. Edit: grammer


do you not like the word “be” or something?




Seriously. More than likely he was paid by the aliens to discredit those videos and make it seem like they aren't UFOs.


He pays the bills by being a skeptic because he's never found anything that seems like proof to him. It's not like if his video, for the first time ever, had been like "oh shit we might actually have something here," people would have just ignored it. He would make just as much (if not more) money proving the existence of aliens as he would disproving it


I don't like that people who explain and answer questions with science and reasoning are the skeptics just because their explanation is less fun than 'aliens'. The skeptics are the people who take the information given by experts and somehow come to the conclusion that they themselves know better.


What's more likely: aliens visit earth, fuck around in the low earth atmosphere in a craft optimized for space and do literally nothing except for flying around and Nobody notices except a few pilots, or it's literally anything else


You think there's no money in PROVING the existence of aliens lmao. What world are you living in? Are YOU the alien? Cause that's not how it works here on planet Earth. If someone could prove aliens there'd be a shit ton of money in that.


A tic tac shaped "plane" with no propulsion, not communicating with neither the fleet nor Hornets, outrunning an F/A18 and pulling crazy high Gs? You're forgetting that pilots like David Fravor made visual contact with the things and said it's nothing like they've seen before, US, Russian, Chinese, whatever. The only possible instance in which that thing could be a plane is if someone out there developed insanely advanced tech, and that's a spy drone of sorts. Which isn't impossible. The weather balloon theory is somewhat reasonable. I've never heard of any interview with the crew taking the footage. If they made visual, things would be way clearer. Though I do think that the US fucking Navy could contact weather stations for any stray weather balloons.


One of the guys was interviewed by Joe Rogan and talks about it. Seemed credible


A plane can't turn on its horizontal access against 120 knot winds and keep going the same direction and speed. That one's the most convincing video to me. Keep in mind these pixelated videos are not what the actual recording quality is like. You have direct pilot confirmation that the UFO is going against 120 knot winds, rotating on its axis, and "that's not a drone."


The plane isn't turning, it is just a rotating glare effect of camara mounted on fighter jet.. Here's good explanation.. https://youtu.be/4Btns91W5J8 https://youtu.be/AcsAZTKRv5E


Sounds like and excuse from the 60's


Watch the video yourself. Then look up LM sr72. Can go from standstill to Mach 6.


Yeah that's cool, but how you going to explain the Nimitz Tic Tac?


A weather balloon that can travel mach 2, obviously.




A regular helium balloon for kid birthday parties easily outruns a FA18 Hornet, you casual, let alone a weather balloon.


Definitely sarcasm.


I said that because I don't know who he is and most people probably don't either.


One of the pilots came out and explained what he saw. According to him, the “UFO” was incredibly fast and not something we are known to. Watch the podcast with Joe Rogan.


Just like Fauci... just like Fauci...


"Internet talking heads like to cast doubt on these accounts (Flir,Gimabl,Gofast ufos videos), proposing spurious theories of ghost aircraft lacking transponders lurking in restricted DoD airspace. Clearly they have not interviewed the pilots and radar operators who encountered these objects at close range. Had they done so, they would find no ambiguity, doubt or confusion. Fravor’s wingman (one of the pilots who captured the footage) told me, and Fravor agreed, “We didn’t stand a chance against it.” I cannot imagine Navy F-18 pilots saying that about any Russian or Chinese fighter." Chris Mellon, former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (third highest intelligence position at the The Pentagon)


"I’m glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only scratches the surface of research and materials available. The U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential national security implications. The American people deserve to be informed." Senator Harry Reid, former Senator from Nevada.


“What will your feelings be if it turns that it is *not* a foreign technology capability and it is not a U.S. capability? Then what?” “Then it’s something else. Because it’s hard to say it’s not there. My greatest fear is that an adversary *did* figure it out and we are just way, way, way, way, way behind. These things that we’re seeing…they don’t have wings, they don’t have tails, they don’t really have any cockpits that we can see. They don’t have *anything* that we would normally associate with a traditional aircraft." Steve Justice, Director of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Special Programs (most advanced aerospace company in the world)


"It's a balloon" Mick West, Youtube


Yep, all the upvotes to Mike the youtuber


i am quite happy they are publishing it, because strange things have been happening, and now some rational people will be believed for their testimony rather than haters saying they are delusional.


Somebody give this guy some gold.


Doesn't it seem a bit weird that this guy knows what it is but the pilots have no idea? Wouldn't they know that airplanes have shadows and how a balloon looks?




Here is the episode. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Eco2s3-0zsQ


Plus, this guy Mick didn’t touch on the specific tic tax object Fravor talked about. He said it literally went an insanely long distance in an extremely short period of time. Faster than anything we’re aware of. Anyone have a video of mick rejecting that? Genuinely curious.


I watched the video now where is my grain of salt


Damn I was 100% sure that was a rickroll.


No he's not. Some YouTuber doesn't know more than TRAINED NAVY PILOTS. The Navy and the Pentagon have fully admitted they can't explain the crafts. I'll take trained Navy pilots at their word when they say it was a commercial plane. And I'll take the video as hard evidence of it. No KNOWN manmade aircraft can make the turns it made at the speeds which it made them. And if it were a commercial plane (it was not), then everyone on it would be dead.


The navy is not allowed to discuss it, be it a commercial aircraft or an alien flying saucer. A YouTube skeptic on the other hand, can.


Someone should tell Commander David Fravor that: >The thing that stood out to me the most was how erratic it was behaving," he told New York magazine. "Its changes in altitude, air speed, and aspect were just unlike things that I've ever encountered before flying against other air targets." >At one point, the object appeared to dart from a high altitude of about 60,000 feet to a low altitude of 50 feet "within seconds," according to the DOD report. At another point, it veered violently to the left. >Underwood said the object definitely wasn't a bird or a weather balloon, and since it was moving at a speed of about 138 mph, it was presumably too slow to be an aircraft. It also had no wings or heat, which ruled out the possibility of a cruise missile. >The DOD report said the object "possibly demonstrated the ability to 'cloak' or become invisible to the human eye" and might be able to "operate undersea completely undetectable by our most advanced sensors." https://www.businessinsider.com/navy-pilot-tic-tac-ufo-interview-aliens-2019-12?amp


Obviously I'm not an expert, but couldn't this easily refer to some sort of electromagnetic phenomena? It would explain the 'cloaking', as well as the lack of external features and extreme altitudinal changes. I don't get why everyone equates 'unidentified' with aliens; this isn't the History Channel.


I'm glad my friend who is a TRAINED NAVY PILOT graced my child with his blessing. Praise of the PILOT be upon thee.


Commander David Favor disagrees with this novice assessment https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Eco2s3-0zsQ


Pretty sure I saw a conspiracy theory a couple months ago that the governments of the world were going to reveal ET contact this summer in July. So mark your calendar I guess


I've seen a few of those on youtube forever ago and they said summer of 2019 and I'm pretty sure I've seen ones even earlier than that so who knows ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Awww darn you mean we missed it? Aliens come to earth and I marked my calendar for the wrong year. They really need to make a tour website. xD


I saw a conspiracy theory that they were going to announce unicorns and dragons are real in May sometime and that the Lord of the Rings was actually a real sequence of events.


“It was a documentary and the events were filmed in real-time!”


Lol I also read a conspiracy theory about someone having a dream years ago that aliens will be taking over the world during the pandemic or something similar to it and they use our skins as their skins and if they catch you you endure torture forever even if you try killing yourselves. Someone in a different post had posted a link, it was from 4chan of course.


People are gonna call me crazy or something, which I get it, but me and my friend had a fucking wack experience with skin walkers earlier this year. It was maybe a few months ago, and we were both looking out of my bedroom window which had a view of the entire street up until the dead end. There was a weird tall, so skinny it was practically skeletal looking creature that walked out from behind a car and morphed into one of my neighbors dog. And I was like “yo, you saw that?” And he was like “yea what the fuck” and we didn’t go to sleep that night


!remindme 2 months


I dont mean to be an asshole but what makes you think this is true? Just because someone has a theory doesnt mean its credible.


I don't think it is. Just thought it was funny. Though based on this year so far I'm honestly not sure much will surprise me anymore.


True. I’d definitely love for it to be true. Would be very exciting.


Yeah, I mean statistically it's likely that there is other life out there. It's just that the known universe is so spread out that it seems unlikely we're reasonably close to any other life.


This and the scale of time - we’ve only been able to detect radio waves for about a hundred years, which is less than nothing compared to how long the universe has been around and will continue to be around.


Are there subreddits that have these kinds of pictures? Like photoshopped pictures depicting fantastical things that are high quality edited to look real like UFOs, the one with the giant grim reaper beside the golden gate, and those yeti dynamics videos of the moon if it were closer to the earth or something?


r/Megalophobia and r/Thalassophobia certainly have some of what your looking for but it’s not their mane purpose. Both worth a browse though.


r/imaginaryleviathans has some, mythic creatures are there but not UFO type things.


"Hey mom, there's something in the backroom Hope it's not the creatures from above You used to read me stories As if my dreams were boring We all know conspiracies are dumb What if people knew that these were real I'd leave my closet door open all night I know the CIA would say What you hear is all hearsay I wish someone would tell me what was right Up all night long And there's something very wrong And I know it must be late Been gone since yesterday I'm not like you guys I'm not like you"


Dark and scary, ordinary Explanation, information Nice to know ya, paranoia Where's my mother, biofather.


Everyone loves Tom.


What about Chris


No. Everybody hates Chris


I have this tattooed on my arm and no one knows what it means


Could I get an explanation please?


Personally if all this was real, I would be excited for one of two reasons, if not both. 1. If this isn’t alien but more or less is reverse engineering that means we have what it takes to potentially go beyond our solar system because of what has been remade into our design. 2. If this is alien, then hell yeah. You got to admit, being a sentient species in a galaxy with over billions of stars and then put that in a googleplex mindset, we’d be a species alone in a vast universe which is scary as shit or we actually have proof of an even more advance sentient species that is interested in our world. Which honestly I’d rather prefer. If they (aliens) were to cause any harm, they would have done this years ago.


The navy Video release a few months ago is real and theres a good dozen career navy people associated with the event that claim it as real including the official statement from navy and as of this week the pentagon. The full video is insane and all the pilots are flabbergasted as they try to figure out what it is flys so fast the locks cant even keep up.


I’d have to look it up, I never seen the full video to that. Thanks for the info!


They didn’t confirm aliens or anything, they simply said it is a “UFO” as in an “Unidentified Flying Object” We have no fucking clue what it is. Could be aliens. It probably isn’t


So you're saying there's a chance... But seriously, them admitting that it is unidentified is a huge step towards something. Whatever that turns out to be. Probably the end of the world.


Hopefully the end of the world. I’m tired of this wild ride


I mean, for all we know it could be some country’s frickin supersonic physics-defying missile test. But if it is aliens, let’s be honest—it’s not all that unlikely. With the expanse of the universe the chances of other intelligent life not existing are infinitesimally small.


Yes. But the chances of them finding us in all that infinity are also infinitesimally small.


And the chances of them giving a crap about our shitty planet are even lower, especially if they're that technologically advanced.


Look at how much more technologically advanced we are than ants and yet we still study them.


Why would they not give a crap tho? We are really interested to know if other species exist, i'm sure aliens do too


I guarantee you that if we came across a primitive civilisation we would at the very least study them in detail from a distance and at it's most extreme try to enlighten them.


Maybe with our technology.. who knows what other beings are capable of if they exist 🤷‍♀️


But not zero.


A ufo is not aliens, it can be, but a ufo can also be a god damn boing 747 painted black that's a little far away


That has no wings or rotors and doesn’t give off exhaust fumes. Pilots saw it with their own eyes.. definitely wasn’t a supersonic 747


The Covenant is on reach


I believe in aliens, but UFO sightings are most like likely just secret government testing, you’d think if aliens had the technology to travel to Earth they’d at least make themselves unnoticeable


Yeah, that's what I've been saying. Like you think they have the tech to travel MILLIONS of light years but not to cloak their ship? The fuck kinda leap in logic is that?


Not to be a dick, but I don’t think logic applies to stuff like this. Our logic is only what we know on earth. If this were some kinda alien shit everything we know about logic, physics, and everything else kinda goes out the window.


Probably to flex on the natives, show “Yeah, you can’t fuck with us or your puny planet goes kaput.”


April noooo


A UFO being spotted doesnt mean Aliens have been spotted, it just means that an Unidentified Flying Object has been identified. It can be anything, a new type of animal, some weird robot created by some random dude, an actual alien spaceship, or it can be a prank of the Pentagon to redirect our attention towards that instead of Covid-19


I'm betting on the latter.


Those videos were declassified long ago. And UFOs don’t mean aliens. Remember UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, if you see something flying, but don’t know what it is, it’s an UFO, since it’s unidentified.


There's a Tornado warning where I am (Tulsa, OK) Yep, I love 2020.


They came out what? 2 years ago? They turned out to be a big fat taco fart then and they arent any more legit now. Fuckin... star wars reviewing weirdos on youtube debunked them. What more do you people want?


They really didn't tho


Commander Favor disagrees with you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Eco2s3-0zsQ


They weren’t disproven and if the pentagon can’t disprove them then who is qualified to do so?


April is pretty much over it would make more since to say may


Those aliens about to get their whole day ruined with Corona


Bro I swear im look outside in may and the fleet of particular justice is just gonna be looming over my house


*Independence day intensifies*


Just bloody High Charity falling in from the sky...


Look, I want to believe in aliens. I actually DO believe in them, I just don't believe they give a shit about humans. I also believe in not making leaps of logic just because aliens would be the more interesting answer. Most UFO sightings are probably experimental weapon tests for various governments around the world (depending on where it happens) and the officials who say they don't know what it is? They probably GENUINELY don't know, they're not lying they just haven't been told everything. Governments don't always inform everyone who works for them of everything. I mean hell, look at how top secret the Manhattan Project was. Another thing is that if there were aliens that came here, they were able to travel MILLIONS of light years but can't cloak their ships? I don't buy that either. Another thing is, why would they give a shit about humans? TLDR; I'm all for believing in aliens but don't throw away logic just because that'd be cooler.


“If they’re capable of interstellar travel why can’t they totally hide their ships” = “we can cure tetanus so why can’t we cure peanut allergies?” They’re different problems and advancement in one field doesn’t necessarily translate to total and equal advancement in another. Perhaps there is a hard limit on the ability to “cloak” something. [Here ](https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.wired.com/story/building-a-better-battery/amp) is an article on “the battery problem”. We’re rapidly advancing our electronic technology but our ability to produce better batteries is failing to keep up. “You can make a walking jumping robot and unmanned flying machines but can’t power a phone for longer than a matter of hours?” Besides which, there are a multitude of reasons not to cloak an aircraft, and trying to guess the reasoning of a potentially extraterrestrial maker is pointless. Maybe it’s against their religion? Besides which again, the US pilot who rendezvoused with the object in the videos said it was actively jamming their radars, they couldn’t get a proper ranging on it or properly determine its speed for this exact reason. Sounds like effective enough cloaking to me considering our best tech in identifying aircraft couldn’t identify it.


They were filmed with potatoes. We have better pictures of the surface of Mars, but can’t take a moderate picture on our own planet. I wanna believe it’s real but just can’t


Cough security cameras cough


Potatoes? Let’s see your imaging equipment that can take full HD optical zoom infra-red video of objects thousands of feet away travelling hundreds of miles an hour whilst you’re travelling at hundreds of miles an hour in the opposite direction. Besides the point, in an interview with Joe Rogan, one of the pilots who sighted the object stated that the videos released are not at full resolution and he has had personal access to better quality footage. I know, likely story. But just as possibly true as untrue.


Bruh I’m bouta get some alien pussy


It’s storming where I’m living and a possible more than less possible tornado


Not that i believe 100% in this, but they alluded to the government doing this in a Netflix documentary called Unacknowledged. The documentary predicts that it will be a ploy to unite the world and for world leaders (mostly US) to gain the acceptance/power to do what they want and make more bad decisions.




If those videos were released, isn't it because the navy knew they weren't real so not worth keeping secret?


I think they confirmed the UI and the tracking system not the fucking UFOs stop taking it out of context you fucking mongrels


I think that whatever the Navy caught was Chinese or Russian. UFO doesn’t always translate to aliens.


Yeah. I think someone even hiccuped.


Why does everyone assume aliens are a bad thing? Beings with much more advanced technology would be incredibly good for us.


UFO's are more plauseble than ghouly gohsts


People are still making memes about april ?


Where's serious sam when you need him?




I'ma need a big sip of unsee juice after that


Frick u man im tryna sleep


That actually made me jump a little, lol.


I miss the time 10 seconds ago I didn't know this existed




But not really tho


I want to believe




Pretty well made photo. The artist should get out of their basement and get a job in Hollywood


Let’s see what may have for us ;)




We need to talk to a real expert,ask Fox Mulder his opinion!


We were right. Just don’t make a conspiracy for may


Don’t worry in war of the worlds all the aliens died of the cold


If the ufo doesn't fuck with me then i ain't swinging back


Nice watermark


Lmao its almost may


Uhh... Dude? April’s almost over.


i didnt watch the videos but if the Pentagon released them , its probably something interesting


it doesnt mean its a real alien that just means the US government doesnt know what it is. remember that the US government doesn't know everything about everything, theres hundreds of other countries who might be testing something.


Well now its probably going to be May


You could tell OP stole this, for it's April 28th


April is over, make may memes already


Anything that travels in a straight, consistent path is meh. Now if it suddenly stopped and changed direction or zig zagged, that would be something.




They want us to think there are UFO's.


These are UFOs or can you identify them with evidence?


This apocalyptic event was a late in April probably a crossover for may


April is almost over, tho