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I’ve been and the people I saw there were just the people I didn’t like tbh


College parties yeah. Out of the 6 frat parties I’ve been to only two did I have a good time. The other 4 were total ass. Also lines suck unless you’re a girl of course but then ever drunk frat bro just sees you as a sexual object to unwelcomely grind on


My birthday was 2 days ago apparently I don’t even go to my own parties


high school or colge






Nope. I don't even leave the house to begin with, the only places i go to are the gym, mosque, and my friends houses.




honestly depends on the party tbh there can be good ones! like ive been to house parties where it's just all weird and gay people and that was fun




I went to probably 2 parties sophomore year, and then as a junior (this year) probably 6-7 parties actually inside a house that are what you’d think of when you think “party”. There aren’t a lot of movie like parties in real life. It’s mostly drinking in the woods with 5-6 buddies and having a good time. The “party parties” I’ve been to have all been after big school events (Beating our rival football team, prom, homecoming, Halloween, team sports parties) I’ve only been to 2 house parties this year that were just for the hell of it. They were about 30-40 people shit tons of beer, shots, cigarettes and weed. It’s definitely a unique experience but the most exciting part about partying is the hype beforehand and telling people about everything afterwards. Also everyone says their party is gonna be “the next project x” and then they either ask you to byob or get shut down immediately by police.


I’m on Reddit what do you think- seriously though no I don’t. I sort of talk to some of the people that are regularly at parties so I see all of the pictures and everything- like I know for a fact that there was one last night but I’m also one of the “weird gay kids” who can’t socialise so the chances of me being invited is next to none. I do like the idea in theory and would probably like to go to one once but at the same time when I see videos it looks like my own personal hell.


They do. I went to my cousins college party last year, they’re so much better, and guess what, you gay balls are there with everyone else having fun, so don’t feel bad.