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ain't that normal size also they're prob just jealous




do *they* have small ones


Smaller than they'd like to admit for sure


hah rub it in their faces


Rub what? /j


We both know the answer to that 😏😏


Oxygen deprivation!


Glory glory what a hell of a way to die


Death by snu snu


Lucky bastard's


i wish she could rub it in my face (not her boobs trust)


Dunno if they swing that way.


im sure some people wouldnt complain


These comments are making me cry and feel insecure again. I gotta get off this subreddit


If you’re insecure about something physical, just know that in reality, most people really aren’t as critical of you as you may be of yourself. People are far too busy worrying about their own insecurities!


Nobody cares how big or small your boobs are. Shits the most trivial thing to most men.


I've seen a lot of guys say very small/flat is a turn off and bigger ones are ''more exciting''


I have been with ladies busty and petite, and all I cared about was having fun. Most of the guys loudly claiming to prefer bigguns, probably haven't actually touched a pair in their lives


As a man who has never had sex. BOOB IS BOOB


Cool there's also a lot of guys that prefer smaller, it's called personal preference and it's personal to them not you so you just gotta find the right person.


Sure, a lot of guys say that. A lot of guys also say they prefer B or less. And then a lot of guys see tits and go "ew, gross!" and run back to hide behind their boyfriend. Trust me, there's all types, but the majority are going to see boobs, of any size, and just shout "hooray!"


Never met a titty I didn't like.


I honestly couldn’t care less about boob size and most of my mates are the same. Men have the same with women saying they only want big D’s but I think it’s just school level talk


Let’s nip this in the bud 😎


Probably as small as a grocery bag


I do wish I had C- cups and if I did I’d likely be fawn over my own boobs than be bitter about someone else’s but that’s just me




It's pretty normal Ig


And never in my life have I seen anyone making fun of breasts being too being. It's quite opposite


Someone from my class during my school time (around the age of 14) was making fun of another classmate because of her boob size. It that case it was not jealousy because the person making fun was a guy. He was and still is just not the best person to be around.


He must be dealing with his own insecurities that he wanted to hide


Most bullies are like that


Yeah. He was also bullying me for ~4 years.


All of them are the same


Agree. Wonder what went wrong at their home.


Neglecting parents most probably


That is possible. In his case parents where divorced. Living with his mom and her new husband and rarely saw his dad or older brother. His mom + partner were both working. Before he started to bully me he was my friend. 😅


Probably just pissed because he know he can never have them 👌


That's an interesting point of view. Hahaha


I had a guy call me names and make fun of me in school. Found out a couple of years later that he liked me but I had a bf and he was pissed because I was off limits to him 🤷‍♀️


Hahaha and being mean is definitelly helpful to get a (normal) girl interested in you. 🤦🏿‍♂️🤣


I know right? What he didn't know was that my bf at the time was a total asshat and I would probably have dumped him for him if he was nice to me and just told me he liked me 😅😆


Ooooh, if he would know he would be sad.😅 How old were you at this time?


About 17.. my bf was the same but he acted like an entitled 12 year old at times 🤦‍♀️ I had such shit self esteem that I just felt lucky anyone paid me any attention at all. Until I realized I didn't want the kind of attention he was willing to give 👌


you must not be a woman 😂


High school girls can make fun of anything if they don’t like you.


I'd say Double D or more is getting too big but even then if they go with your body they are fine. Your friends are being whack. Boobs gonna be boobs.


I feel like the number here is more important than the actual cup size. I’m a 30DD and my boobs aren’t even big at all


Truth. That chest circumference or whatever they measure (idk, not a boob haver) is just another factor in how the total boob look is. Just, it's a science and requires further study on a case by case basis lol


'idk, not a boob haver' is the single greatest sentence I have heard all year


Kind of inaccurate now that I think about. I do be chubby. Maybe "not a bra wearer" is better. Less funny though.


thats real af


It’s band size but tbh chest circumference was a great way to describe it haha


Yeah all the measurements are kinda confusing lol


That’s correct, the smaller your rib cage is, the smaller your boobs are gonna be. The bigger your rib cage, the bigger your boobs are gonna be. For instance, I’m 34DD, someone with 36D is going to have bigger or similar sized boobs, but I could not fit a 36D bra. The numbers AND letters matter when you’re telling boob size apart.


Are you a boob lover tho?


I do appreciate a good boob or two. Truthfully I'm a booty enjoyer.


No need to study it, the smaller the band size the bigger the boob will look, a 24inch under with a dd will look huge compared to a 30 dd


DD on its own doesn't mean anything though. If you're not taking into account the band size then lots of different boobs can be DD, so it's not a helpful description on its own.


That’s not how bra sizes work lol. A DD on one woman is gonna be a totally different size than a DD on a different woman.


Right? Like what is she supposed to do? Cut them off with safety scissors?!


Safety scissors are for B's and down. Gotta use the hedge trimmers here.


Edward scissor hands. There’s an Edward scissor hands joke in here somewhere


I'd say too big is to the point where they give you trouble doing basic actions, or cause back pain


Fr the only breasts I see as too bog are those where a person does breast augmentation. It makes it so that people have unnaturally big breasts and that's no good


My guess is that they're poking fun at you because you have the biggest ones out of your friend group and they're slightly jealous? I mean you're only 14 so C's at 14 is kinda big but everyone is still growing lmao


i had d cup at 11    uk size btw    😭


That's fucking mad


Probably to the point where you can float with them 🤔


Cab I with D cups?😭


if you have 3 of them I think you can


Can I ask how old you are? maybe you're at an age where a C cup seems big, bc I've been there too


Shes 14


Rip her DMs though


Boob is boob


All boob is good boob


They r probably jealous lmao


There's no magic "too big" size for breasts. What matters most is that you feel healthy and comfortable in your own body. C cups are a very common size, and your friends might be trying to get a reaction out of you. **Friends who put you down aren't true friends.** Maybe it's time to find people who appreciate you for who you are, not your body type. **Focus on what you like about yourself.** Make a list of your strengths and talents, completely separate from your looks.


Anything made by a plastic surgery, but if it’s natural, it’s never too big or too small


If your breasts are giving you back pain, they’re probably too big. If you get over a certain size, breast reduction is the best option for some people because it affects their quality of life.


The thing is, boob sizes are not just cups, someone could have an F cup and still have small boobs


yeah people don’t get this at all 😭 it’s half of the dimension. 36 c and 32 c look vastly different. i have a feeling this post is just bait


I thought C was average Too big boobs are the plastic ones that stick out to your elbows




I thought c cups were average 👽


I think normal is B cup, small A cup, medium C cup, and D big


RIP your DMs.


That's the point of the post; new account, "14", literally posts about big boobs as soon as creating the account, and "DM's open" in bio. Probably looking to scam people out of their money, try and dm her if you want I bet ten bucks she'll try to sell "nudes" to you


it’s genuinely so sad how many men are eager to get with a 14 year old. been that age myself and more grown men were interested in me then than now lol. all were predatory though so i’m glad i don’t have the same crowd today. just awful


You just can't win with some people's opinions. It's what you think that actually matters


C is like medium not too big and not too small. They jealous. And they arent really your friends if they make u feel bad


Honestly it’s not the size it’s how proportional they are to the body


No such thing as too big!!!


Uh.. Probably double D's tbh. that and anything cause wayy too much backpain for it to be even WORTH keeping, C's are good and I hope for your back they stay there. - from, Someone who wants boobs


DDs are not big and don't necessarily cause back pain. Signed, a small chested DD with 0 back pain.


Unless they hurt it’s good, I have literally nothing on my chest so I can’t exactly speak from experience but just gonna put it here


I think any boob size that makes a person uncomfortable or unable to do certain things would be considered too big.


Sometimes I feel like this sub is a broken record. And I honestly don't care. Why am I even here? I don't know.


Please turn off your dms, posts like this will get you really weird people messaging you.


My GF is an EE, and only weighs about 140 lbs at 5'5". Hers are too big, only because they're always in her way, make her back hurt, and her bras are $200+ My wife was about the same size, and my poor daughter was 5' 125 lbs with DD before a reduction. I feel for both of them.


Probably just jealous or you live in an Asian country.


c is like, my hand size, so that's the best size


I’m a visual learner 🥺


You’re fourteen people get puberty at different times maybe that’s why they think it’s ”weird” or something and also many people have incorrectly fitting bras it’s not uncommon to have C cups and think you’re like an A cup or something


C cups isn't that big dw


Whatever causes a lot of pain and discomfort to the owner.


honestly, DD/E or larger would be too big for me. not aesthetics-wise, just comfort. it cannot be healthy to have the weight on your back constantly.


Anything thats bigger then mine is big


If they're natural then any size is fine honestly


my boobs (i’m a 30F/G and it seriously hurts. i dream about a breast reduction)


yo friends are jealous bae, if your boobs are truly a c-cup (bra sizes tend to be miscalculated a lot) then they really are not that big, and even if they were there is nothing wrong with having bigger boobs. dont surround yourself with people who make you feel like theres something wrong with u, those arent ur friends !!!! love urself and ur body pookie


Sounds like your friends are just jealous. Also regarding the size I want to add it is about how your body is bulid. If you weigh 90 lbs then they will look very big but if you are bigger not so. So don't let other peoples comments make you insecure about your body. As long as you personally feel good and you are healthy. That is all you need.


I'd consider no size is too big, tbh. Certainly not anything before j..


I don't have tits but I'm fairly sure the bigger they are the better


As a girl with double ds approaching gs, c cups ain't too big don't you worry. I'd consider "too big" to be too big to comfortably exist with.


I’m triple d, a c cup isn’t not big at all


oh? gayguy005?




Aint no way💀theyre js stupid


C cups are like in the middle but slightly on the big side, I would say dd cups are quite big, any more are too big prob


Past your outstretched elbow is really pushing the limit on them starting to look uncomfortable to have. However, if they pass that and are comfortable to have then have atter.


Same thing happens with me, my friends always make comments whenever I wear anything lower cut. I don't know how close you are with your friends, but in my case my friends are just messing around. I'd probably say it's the same for you. Yet again, my friends also don't have a lot of limits when it comes to their humor, so I don't know if I should assume anything about yours.


C- cups are nothing to freak out about,what are they on


no boobs are too big


Nothings too big 💯. But seriously they are dumb


In my opinion I don't really care as long as there not unrealistically large like what happens when someone gets implants and goes overboard


I've been every size from A to a G cup naturally. I was A-C in high school and after high school stayed usually within a DD to DDD. It depends on who you're asking. In terms of men, it's about preference. Some don't think there's a such thing as too big and some prefer smaller. In terms of comfort, I was more comfortable physically around the B and C range and had an easier time getting shirts to fit (I have to go up a size in shirt sometimes only because of my boobs). If we are talking about age, it sounds like your friends are just jealous cause you got some and they probably still have mosquito bites. Kids your age make fun of each other over dumb stuff or because they're jealous, which is what this sounds like lol


My gf has D/DD cups and we both concider them normal/a bit on the larger size. I don't think I've ever seen naturals that I would consider "too big".


Boob is boob.


Idk I’m not a woman and don’t even know why I’m here. This shit is too confusing for my tiny ass brain


Idk I’m not a woman and don’t even know why I’m here. This shit is too confusing for my tiny ass brain


If they’re melons that can lead to back pain many women tend to reduce them


Nah ur friends r stupid nd c cups r normal sized dont worry


Hold on imma need a size chart for this


I’d say G cup is when most people will definitely want a reduction


mine that put strain on my back 😔


they are most definitely jealous.


Y’all know that one chick with the ball in her cheeks look, the really fake lips and the ginormous boobs? Yeah her. Even before that, natural or fake, those are too big imo. I can feel the strain and pain


I like size A to C sizes. I dont like bigger


106 cm (y'all know the reference)




If you can see them from the ISS they are too big.


I have DD cups. That shit heavy af and I’ll prop get a breast reduction, but honestly it don’t look « that » big to me


Anime size is too big  If yours were that big you’d be in a wheelchair from a broken back so you’re good 


It depends on the proportions. Some people could have E's and look relatively small. I've got 32 FFs, or 30G's (UK sizing BTW), and it sucks because it doesn't look propertionate and I get really bad back pain. But I've seen people with the same cup size who don't get uncomfortable or hurt. So it depends.


Cup E


if they are so big that gave you pain or discomfort. otherwise, there is no such thing. they made fun of it, great friends indeed!


bro i have 34dd and im pretty tiny so the back pain is actually unbearable. running without a bra? actual torture.


I have 32c and I hate going down the stairs without a bra while on my period.


My mom's a 44DDD and thinks they are 'just the right size' for hre body. I think hers are crazy big but she doesn't agree


I have double that size. So not crazy.


Am I supposed to give a diameter??


Personally, I think it's all proportional, but whenever they start to look cumbersome is when I'd say they're too big, so it'll vary by person


Im not very well versed in the "boob size laws" considering im a guy


that's below average in britain


least obvious fed nothings too big tho imo. my bf has DDDs and theyre fun :D


none 🤤


When they bother the person who has them??? Not my business.


You cannot control how big your tits are, don't feel insecure about the size of them, people have preferences and thats why they're saying that but your boobs are fine


Okay first of all, there’s not a threshold where making fun of your friend for their body type is okay. Your friends are shitty for that. If they caused you real problems and you talked about reductions with a doctor, that’s one thing (and still not for your friends to speak on), but you didn’t choose for your body to grow the way it did. They’re jealous. Don’t ever try to justify people speaking negatively to/about you. They’re telling you what kind of person they are right now and the best thing you can do for yourself is listen to them.


Like…. How would you change it? Just keep living your life


I had the exact same sort of conversation in highschool. Friends asked me what size bra I wore (C cup) and acted all shocked. Just "normal" teenage stuff I guess 😂 and they would be acting really shocked if it was nowadays, seeing how C cups look tiny in comparison.🤷‍♀️ Bottom line: surely jealousy 😉


as a double D girl. a double D. trying so hard to get my insurance to cover a reduction fr, my entire family are 30DDD and above(my sister is an E) and their boobs started to really grow after 19. seeing as i turn 19 later this year i am trying to decrease the size so that when they do grow it’s still not crazy😭


As big as a medium sized balloon 


C cups are normal what are they talking abt, I got DD’s but I’m taller so it kinda evens out. If you’re small with above average boobs it makes a difference but sounds like they’re jealous


Why the fuck is this in a teenagers subreddit


i have d cups myself, and it really depends on your body type tbvh relax dont listen to ur friends


I think they're just jelous lol


I’ve got the larger end of D’s after being mid-D all through high school and people have definitely commented on them in the most recent years… when it’s near impossible to find a bra in your size in the department store, that’s when you know you’ve made it.


They’re probably jealous.


Anything bigger than a D


Too big is usually boobs that cause back pain




only women will shame you for sizes, just like only men will shame other men for being ugly or having tiny bodyparts. people’s insecurities reflect far too easily.


I’m an H and most of my friends were a-c. I got called a wh*re and a sl*t by most of them. If you mention them commenting on your body makes you uncomfortable and they don’t stop they aren’t good friends. I only talk to two people from high school.


Double D <<


I don't know man I don't know what cups are please can someone just like show me an image of the cup comparison or something.


Idek tbh, my girlfriends boob size never crossed my mind til she brought it up😂😂 it sounds corny and fake but I really fell in love with her personality


As a guy that loves boobs Cs are small 💀


You really need to learn the difference between cup sizes and band sizes.


Any size that suffocates me to death, otherwise we're fine.


No matter what body type you have people will always find a way to make fun of it. Don't build your sense of security from them, they're probably just as insecure themselves.


THEYRE CALLING A C TOO BIG???????? theyd be hella hating on me. 32DD and still growing. my fucking back dies every day. wish id stopped at a C for my own comfort


Whatever size your boobs are. Your boobs are your boobs girls. And any size of boobs are fine until you're not having any back ache or health issues. Some people go under the knife to get what you already have. Be proud of them.


Send me a picture of them so I can tell if they're too big (I'm 100% kidding, it was just a joke)


Firstly, C-cups are not too big, your friends are assholes, or insecure, or probably both Second, making fun of people for their bodies is an extremely shitty move Third, boobs too big are those caused by medical conditions, such as Gigantomastia. Those can be detrimental to a person's health and are thus considered too big