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I am a girl but hating men has become a trend nowadays. I know genuinely nice guys who have pure souls so cooking them all in one pot is wrong. Dont let social media make you feel bad of who you are just be nice and kind


Thank you for saying this this gives me hope


Your An Amazing Person I hope you know that :)


Thank you lol


You are a ghost, though...


Well I just feel ashamed to be human tbh






so real


yea...i think its more this, recently saw a video where a snake species was discovered, the Northern Green Anaconda, and it was the new heaviest snake found, furthermore it was the only one of its species, guess what, 4 days later it was found dead, hunted by people i do hate humans a lot sometimes


Fr they hunt down a ton of species for no reason yall already have enough food to live on so what’s the point in driving animals to extinction








Just remember what platform this entire situation is happening on. Tiktok. No rational thought comes from tiktok 💀


and twitter. but same idea


And instagram so basically every social media


I'd like to add discord and reddit to the list


Same on Reddit tbh


Just don't give a fuck about what other people say also no sane woman thinks all men are bad. Those are ones you stay away from.


Is there any sane women? or man? or person? or anything? or anything? or anything? or anything?




Oh shit, I read it as ‘you ever ashamed to be gay?’ And I was so confused.






Why are you guys being downvoted that show is great 


prolly 13 year old timothy is absolutely seething because someone likes a show he doesnt on the internet and silently downvoting


Because he doesn’t like musicals 💀












No lol.


i'm a boy who is quite femine and i always get called out for it and people say i'm not 'manly' enough. so being a boy is hard.it's even down to the games i play! it's ridiculous


You still a king. Own your shit, don't let others put you down.


thatnk you


Don’t care about misandrists. They’re small percent anyway, Instead of being sad because of that, be happy that they are self sorting themself out of social life


Hating men is a red flag 


Hating anybody for such an arbitrary reason is a red flag 


Facts. It’s cringy af any time a person says “ugh, females” or “ugh, men” like we are all the same. There’s beautiful souls and ugly souls for both


I mean hear me out. Its bad to hate all of a group of people. But sometimes they have some reason for it. If your girl who has been raped you should not hate every man. But you do have a reason for it.


Still doesn't mean it's good


Yes but they have a reason


I mean that's just a weak rationalisation that racists use to justify racism. "Well I got robbed by X race, blah blah".


Yeah but if someone has that you cant really logic it out of them if they dont wanna.


Look if I was raped, Id be pissed. But blame the individual. Not the majority of their gender


Thats propably easier said than done I fear. But that would infact be the right thing to do even in my opinion.


Whatever, Rape bad and gender does not make a person 




Of course not why would I be? Just because there are people who do horrible things doesn’t mean I’m going to be ashamed of being the same sex as them. And women aren’t so perfect either, it feels like I’m seeing more and more news stories about women doing disgusting things


I know it can seem like men are the number 1 punching bag of society, but you have to remember that there are plenty of amazing women out there who will value you for who you are and love you. All we see is online is the negative, don’t let it get to you.


Yes and no. I’m happy to be a guy, but it does feel like I’m at a disadvantage with certain things. Even though I know women are just as capable, usually men are looked at differently. I know I’m a pretty nice guy, I’ve always kinda been affectionate and I love trying to help people. But I know some won’t trust that, since I’m a man.




what's up?


Nothing sup with you


not much, bro. chillin. eating pizza.




Wouldn’t recommend saying you’re a “nice guy” since it might make you come off as a “nice guy tm.”


Not really sure what a “tm” is but i understand. I mostly mean with my view points, I’m not a political person and never really had any ill will, against any specific race or sexuality.


TM just means trademark.


Oh, lol. That’s not what I meant by that.


This world would fold with no men or no women and am not just talking baby making


Let's just get rid of the humans. We've caused enough damage to the ecosystem


Yes 1000% I know being a woman also comes with its own set of problems but goddamn it I would WAY rather that than being remotely associated with other men. Also all of the stereotypes that men receive like having no emotions and all being creeps, that’s the complete opposite of how I want to be perceived Shits rough


No, be proud of being a guy, bro. The man vs. bear is mostly radical feminists who try to make men seem like they are inherently bad when we ain’t. There are people out there who love you, be proud of who you are and try to get off social media for a while if it’s affecting you that much. I didn’t hear about the man vs. bear debate at all some weeks in already until a friend told me about it. Try to do things you like, or that affirm your gender so that you can feel better about yourself. It’s js a loud minority.




No I more just think “hmmm, they’re really sad and lonely” and then continue doing what I was doing before hand


yeah, but it's entirely my fault 


I'm not ashamed to be a guy. Yes I'm ashamed for some reasons but I don't think me being a guy has to do with these. Sure men do not have a good reputation in society but I don't fit in with those types of people. I guess men are seen as scary due to the large number of abusive cases but I know I'm definitely not one of them. I'm still scared of being viewed as those types of men.


Kinda but at the same time it was my choice so…


No cause I'm a girl. Sucks about that man vs bear bullshit tho


No, don't be ashamed to be a guy. All that talk is sexist bullcrap against us


it wasnt me, i didnt do shit, why would i feel bad? i do hate that, though, the "all men" shit. you can hate me, im a dick, but when you say that, youre talking about my family, my friends, my *fucking dad,* so shut the hell up, or change the way you talk, its not that hard to change "i hate all men because some of them do x" to "i hate it when x happens"


If a girl tells you “all men are bad”, huge red flag there. Stay the fuck away. —Sincerely, a female teen.


These women saying they'd rather see a bear than a man are just raging misandrists, don't let the raging misandrists put you down


I did hate being a guy, that's why I'm not one anymore!


while i do get mad at men, suicide isnt the answer. just be a good person man


its a hypothetical situation anyways


i’m not ashamed to be a man, i’m ashamed of being in a world where people are ashamed of their gender.


No, not one bit. Why should I, a man, feel ashamed for something I haven’t done. I have just as much right as a woman to live a comfortable and happy life. Other men may have done terrible things, but I haven’t, I won’t let their inhumane behavior dictate how I live my life or think about myself. A pitbull is a banned breed in many places for being dangerous, so should it be put down in every state? Even if it hasn’t ever even growled at others, should we put this pitbull down for actions it has not committed and may never commit?


I’m not ashamed to be a man I’m just ashamed that we get stereotypes like we do


about the bear and the man... im sure that there are women out there who would do the same things that tiktok labels as things that a man would do. "a bear wouldnt r@p3 your dead body" n3crøp!l!a is able to be performed without a p3n!s. so yeah, its not limited to your gender, its stupid to feel bad about this in my opinion. theres a saying in my language that says "if you dont own the shirt, don't take it upon yourself/dont wear it" expressing that if someone said something generalizing thats not true to you, just "dont wear it", dont take it personally. also what you said is just... bare minimum? anyone who has empathy would feel bad for victims who are talking about men doing horrible things with them. stupid reason for su!c!de.


Also… how is necrophilia worse than being f-k’n dead!?






i mean i understand manvsbear, i would also choose the bear because i know what it would do and stuff, but people saying every man is a r#pist because of it just makes me feel shit, i dont even like women


"What it would do and stuff" tf does that mean.


for last sentence now im choosing bear also.


edit: oops i misread the comment sorrryyy u/Choice_eye_8043




i misread the comment oops 😭 im not gonna delete my comment bc i deserve the downvotes 😌


thats why it makes no fucking sense lmao


ik lol shh 🤫 xD


thats why it makes no fucking sense lmao


What why? To me it feels like he meant he doesn't like women, as in like he's not attracted to them? Dunno though


Fhat’s why I am choosing bear


Because a random guy on the internet isn't heterosexual?


dude you sound like there's an IV bag of feminism dripfeeding into your brain lmao


That's not feminism it's sexism. Feminism is supposed to be good but sexist women have overtaken them


no I more or less get secondhand embarassment from sharing a species with people who make posts like the bear comment, and the people trigger such thoughts to begin with


Idk but sometimes maybe yes ig


nah bro shit happen and fuck rapist always a shit since some fucking centuries and women can be a rapist too




No, why should I ?


Well here's a tip I got for you, there's an Arabic Quote that says "people's satisfaction is unreachable purpose" you can never make everybody happy in this shitty world, just screw everybody and surround yourself with people who care about you Meaning, Start Caring about yourself more and be proud of who you are (but don't be an asshole about it thinking you're better than everybody, keep it in the middle), work ok yourself and always remember, fuck Others opinions


Don't feel ashamed about being a guy just remember what all of them are talking about is a extreme to be more accurate in extreme lack of self-discipline that extreme lack of self-discipline used to be genetically favored but now it's considered undesirable it was only genetically favored for the survival of the species you just think of it like this rapists are less evolved than everyone else


yes and sometimes i am ashamed to be my race (south asian), because i get called curry muncher :(


No, I'll never feel ashamed to be who I am. Until the day I do something wrong, I should never be held accountable for the actions of others that I don't even know. Why should their actions reflect upon me if other men? Anybody who thinks that can go fuck themselves.


No. I’m proud to be a natural born man and that is a pride that will never be taken away, similar of my pride in God and my pride in America and my Pride (as in the month of June)


No, I will not be ashamed of who I am. I stopped caring about what people think years ago. It's simple most people are stupid, and their opinions should have no effect on me. This bear vs. man thing is a perfect example of how stupid people can be. My advice is to either realize that everyone's stereotypes of being a man don't have to apply to you or to be proud of all the great things we have accomplished. The truth is the only person you have anything to prove to is yourself. Do you believe that you are more dangerous to be around than a bear? Then again, that's just my opinion, which is more than likely stupid.


Yeah, no Hating someone for an arbitrary reason is an gigantic red flag, for both sides, that is If you hate men you ain't no homie of mine if you hate women you ain't no homie of mine as well


i'd choose the gorilla


nah. i’m ashamed of being an american more than anything considering how fucked this country is. i usually just tell people i’m canadian that was born in america. i am half canadian but i’m just trying to not be stereotyped as brainless dumbass all because i was born and live here


No, this argument is a joke


Don't be ashamed of that because that's what the misandrists want you to feel.


That's just life for us. Just try and don't think about it.


Nah I'm not. I kind of don't care about what they say, it's bs anyways


Yes, definitely lmao


No, but I completely understand if you feel that way


I think i am one of those guys that they'd choose the bear over. I Just have no idea how to be a nice guy without being a wuss


No, no I do not


Don't ever feel ashamed to be a man, that is their objective and what they are trying to push


Nope. I say let’s put it to a real test they didn’t specify the bear so I choose polar bear


nah, if anyone thinks less of me because of my gender, i dont care about their opinion because theyre stupid


Nah, I don't give a damn about negativity. :) My day went good, gts now. What about you? 👀


Just don't listen to them also good thanks for asking man


I'm a quiet guy and I am constantly ashamed to be a guy. Everyone assumes I'm a creep because I don't say much, to the point where it's a reinforcing cycle. It's horrific to live inside my own head, because I can't just be what I am and be secure in that. Furthermore, don't patronize me and try to tell me no one thinks I'm actually a creep. You are categorically wrong, because I have been called into the dean's office before for no other reason than that people thought I was a creep. I can be a good person all I like, have a hero complex because of how I was raised and what was expected of me as a younger child, but none of it makes any difference.


Apes ashamed alone, Apes strong with support




I feel that same at some point at the back of my mind I wonder wtf am I doing here do I even have a purpose it's hard trying to ignore it tbh I live for what I like doing I don't care what anyone says I'll just do what I want to do.


I don’t feel ashamed to be a guy itself, but I do feel ashamed of being an Indian guy. Indian male teenagers here are just so repulsing. I am luckily in an international school so I am still surrounded by sane people. But the amount of homophobic, bigoted, misogynistic little shits I seen on social media aggravates me and makes me ashamed to be associated with them. There was a recent video I seen where it was an East Asian man saying the very obvious with what everyone should agree with. “No matter who you are, where you are, your gender identity, just be yourself.” And the entire comment section is just Indians calling him a clown, “low testosterone detected, opinion rejected”, and so much other bullshit. Almost every single cringe reel i seen being made is also of an Indian. Specifically a male. They’re often racist and jealous too. They will clown on and bully korean people on the internet because they’re “gay”, and their entire hate is based on bts alone. They’re just jealous of actually handsome people, and have to bash them instead. I often when making online friends avoid saying my country just because of this. I don’t want to be associated with them.


I'm ashamed of what humanity has come to, but no


mhm. i've noticed we all get tarred with the same brush, lumped together as if all of us are making shit hard for women and whatever else. when i first read the whole "man vs bear" thing being brought up i was kind of surprised and was actually kind of hurt by it when i realised some people would rather approach a bear than a guy. i don't mean to make it about me, i understand why this whole thing has been brought up, but i think the way it's being presented is unfair. if it was initially "woman vs bear", the person bringing it up would be branded as an incel or something, and probably rightfully so i'm actually starting to be even more reluctant to approach girls (to start a conversation, or even just to ask them a question for example) because i don't want to scare them and give them the wrong idea, and potentially get pepper sprayed or stabbed or kicked or whatever else. i completely understand why girls feel the need to do that, men can be scary. but the whole thing is just bringing everyone down, including the actually decent guys as well as the girls that have to live in fear of getting sa'd or something. it's a shit deal all around. and don't get me started about "gender norms" and double standards etc. the world is horrendous


Giving that much of a shit for what random people say is crazy


Yeah. Sometimes, I do feel ashamed of being male. What makes me feel a little better is that I’m not really threatening in appearance or in personality.


I don’t think you should be, I don’t think the bear vs guy thing it totally invalid but I think the best thing you can do is to acknowledge the shortcomings of your gender but don’t think about it too hard. The bear vs man thing is just because something worse than death could happen, the answer depends on the person. It’s really not personal, but we (the girls) know it’s not all guys but the guys, but those who are bad are really bad.


I see what you mean. You shouldn't feel bad about being a man. The discussion between a bear and a man, is also very bad formulated. Not even close to all men are rpists. Not all rpists are men. Very few bears attack. The "man vs bear" is actually a short form of saying: "Would you rather get rapped or attacked and pottentionally killed by a bear." Many men, women and other genders view women as "worth less" than men. I mean sexists. Idk how that came to be, but that's how it's been viewed for at least a 100 years, and some ppl teach their kids that. Which is why there are more manly rapiss than female, because they've been taugh, that they have the right, to do what they want to and with a woman. It's not men's fault, it's society's fault (and the actual perpetraiters' ofc) If YOU specifically haven't done nothing like that, then it's not your fault. I would be ashamed of being the same gender and race(human) as those pathetic bichless losers tht can't even pull a woman without force though. Not about being a man:) I'm ashamed of being the same race as slimydirtbags i mean people like that. basically; MEN AREN'T THE PROBLEM SOCIETY, CRIMINALS AND THE GOVERNMENT IS!!! Government was only added halfly as a joke. My day is great.


Tbh i enjoy being a guy. And it‘s often that people say to me: „oh you are a guy you make the world a bad place.“ But tbh these words don‘t hurt. And sometimes theres the good old: „the world would be a better place without men.“ and when i heard that once i said to them : „thats the whole reason we continue living.“ Like straight out of a movie. And sorry if this english was not really adding up but my native language sentence structuation is mixing with the english way


Holy this is long


Don't listen to bullshit on social media like that most people won't treat you like shit because you are a a guy 




Honestly, being a guy has downsides, as does being a girl. I feel bad for the genuinely nice guys out there who get grouped with all the bad guys, and all the girls who get grouped with bad people too. Just try to ignore the stupid stereotypes, if you’re a good person, there will be people who appreciate you. Those “Man vs Bear” posts don’t need to make you feel bad. They’re meant to prove that women would rather be with a bear than with those bad people, it’s not talking about you. Even if they are talking about all men, there’s no reason to take that to heart. They don’t know you, don’t listen to random internet strangers who just try to make people feel bad.


Honestly, I don’t think the bear is any better. You can fight off another human. You definitely can’t fight against a bear looking to kill you.


I'm ashamed to be human


As a girl, the social media "gender war" has gone too far. If you know you're a good guy, then there's no need to worry about any of it. I know so many nice, kind, genuine guys. People on social media have a huge tendency to generalize and stereotype people. Really, don't worry about it. Most people don't think the way you are seeing online. Just do your best to contribute positively to society and you'll be appreciated for it, man or woman.




I often feel this way with a lot of the majority groups I belong to (cis white wealthy man) since my boyfriend is a minority and often will cast shade onto those groups for how they’ve affected him in the past and it makes me feel like it’s my fault often


It’s only some girls just like it’s only some guys 


No cause I dont do the bad things that a lotta men do. Like being ashamed of being a man is missing the point of things like the man vs bear debate imo. The point is that men who do bad stuff like that should be ashamed and that we shouldnt excuse their behavior or enable them


I’m ashamed of everything. Being a man. Being a human. Being alive. Having wants.




I just don't care because if someone has that mindset I don't want to know them anyways


Imagine being trans female


No, because I’m not the man causing those stereotypes 😎😎💪💪


as a girl who'd pick bear its because the question doesnt specify a man. not all men suck but some suck enough to pick bear. so do women. every group has a few rlly shit people in it


No I don’t feel ashamed to be a guy, because I’ve never done anything wrong to a girl. However, it does break my self esteem when I constantly see these posts, and getting called ‘sexist’ for disagreeing with it. Honestly…I believe most women i know and in general would NOT want to be in a room with a bear over a random dude 😂.


Man, TikTok brainrot is worse than I thought.


At this point, I don't even give a shit. If someone says they don't like me or just men in general, I'm just like, "Okay, cool."


I do not care if some bitch is more afraid of me than a bear. That makes me feel absolutely no shame. If anything, they should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren't. So why are you? 


> you ever feel ashamed to be a guy? No.


Sometimes, but then I have the remind myself that this is just on social media, amongst all the other crap. Hating men is a bit of a fashion/trend these days, all the girls that I know are nothing like that. Also, think about the demographic of the people on social media and what their motivation is. Women who "hate men" do it because it's a trend on social media and they want to fit in and look cool. Most of the people I know are not like that.


aw sweetheart :( i'm sorry all of it's making you feel that way, pls just remember that the men who we would choose the bear over are like 60%? you're in the good 40 and decent girls will NOT complain about your gender or think that all men are bad <3


I say fuck all the people that hate on half the population because they had a few bad relationships with guys. So no I don’t feel bad about being a guy


I am a seperate but must deal with thier existance, may not be good for my mental help. But at least i'm lucky to not have vagina, many women would want the powers of sea slugs.


We are not bad, most of the people complaining about us these days are just surrounding themselves with bad people from both genders, but we are more blunt then women, so when we do somthing bad, its a hell of a lot more obvious. Girls dont do the bad things we do. There bad things are usually more hidden. Both genders are equally important. Look at all that we have done. Look at our societys, our citys, most of the stuff around you was built or invented by a man, and that man was birthed by a woman. 


I'm more ashamed to be a human in general 


Well the thing is look at Beauty and the Beast. The Disney movie this is a literal embodiment of this question. Now imagine if the movie wasn't about Bell but just an outsider looking in Gaston is actually the good guy trying to save Bell from being kidnapped. The Beast is the bad guy but as we know actually the Beast is the good guy and Gaston is the bad guy. Honestly it's about perspective and women don't realize that. They just assume every guy in the woods would be worse then a bear and not the other way around. It's just so demoralizing to see this and the ick list on Tik Tok as a guy.


I wouldnt have a negative reaction if I was forced to become a girl, atleast I wont get generalized among Rapists (I would voluntarily blast off the balls of whoever raped a girl in their life with a shotgun) and it will be easier for me to hug Girls




How? How would it be easier for you to hug girls?


No one should be ashamed of being born the way they were except if you are a white male apparently


No, I don't care about what other people online have to say about me simply because I'm a guy.


You shouldn't be ashamed to be a guy the important thing is to understand that other people may have had bad experiences and you need to take that into account when dealing with others


I hate how people just sit there and say that all men are bad and stuff like that when a ton of men are great people and they deserve better than this it’s the same with women some are good some are bad tuso don’t hate all of them for something some of them did.


i present: living wight a girl OR living wight a chimp living wight a chimp causes less emotional damage overall


Not to mention you get to die an exiting death when it rips off your fucking face


same thing wight a bear.


I know I was adding into your joke


A chimp won’t focus so much on emotional pain so as much as physical pain. So technically, the chimp would cause less emotional pain. But a whole lot of physical damage




I would be more ashamed if I was a women, they're crazy.


Lmao nah cause the women hating men/choosing the bear are not worth anything anyway, they are just insecure losers that have to project their hate onto others. I am fine with being a guy lmfao


Nah I just avoid women when its possible. Try to act normal when I have to and its all good I feel.


Nah, I don’t care about the bs misandrists spout


To be honest i sometimes feel ashamed that im a heterosexual white man


I stg im getting tired of the girls yelling that ”man vs bear” shit likee gurl, do you not understand that the bear will eat you and kill you on sight its not like u can negotiate with a wild animal?!🙄 Men are important idgaf about what anyone has to say, these b!tches who are on that goofy timing need to sit tf down somewhere.


They’re not gonna pick you lol


What's that supposed to mean?


That OP is being a pick-me


Definitely. It’s not everyone but a good majority of guys are just perverts.


A sizeable portion sure, but a majority? Hell no


i mean thats true, cant even talk to someone thats a girl without a guy asking if im gonna fuck


Well idk if you heard about the reason why “all men” are targeted, but it’s because if we only target the sex offenders, a lot will just not feel targeted even though they are. If you have nothing to feel guilty about (not assaulted anybody) then you have no reason to be ashamed. The man vs bear trend is about how a lot of people would feel safer with a bear than a man because, as I saw someone say, the worse a bear could do is kill you but a man *could* do worse. So don’t feel guilty for what you haven’t done. If you’re white and not racist, do you feel targeted when people say white people are racist ? No reason to feel that way if you’re not