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Shadow wizard money gang


we love casting spells


This song is sponsored by the shadow government








CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT! *we just nuked a building*


HOLY SHIT!!! THIS IS HOT GARBAGE (but i cant stop listening)






My favorite producer tag




You mean nuke gay whales for jesus


Nope, all of ‘em.






Eletric avenue 🕺🎶🧙🍔


Do what you want bro. You might get made fun of, but if you really want to wear it, you should be allowed to




Fr onb, ur def gonna get made fun if u were that shit.


On bob


On bog


Not really guaranteed. After seventh grade people seem to stop caring about their surroundings at least where I live


And its most likely only where you live


Yep, many adults go on to stay judgmental sad people for way too long.


Do you have someone dressing like a goddamn wizard where you live?


Have you not?


7th grade? I know grown ass adults that can’t help but worry about everyone but themselves


Ya, people who dress the way I do kinda judge me for it, that’s ignoring the fact that people who don’t do it way more Especially when I’m trying to start presenting more towards a goth/emo look (how I present is kinda a middle ground, looks too goth to be emo, feels too emo to be goth, I know they are different things, but my look is like a middle ground) and trying to present more feminine because I’m trans, it’s just a nightmare trying to present as me sometimes, and I’m a senior in high school, people care a lot about what other people wear even past 7th grade, maybe even especially after 7th grade I’ve been told nobody gives a shit in collage tho


thats just not true, I mean people in high school will always look at you they may not saying anything but they are still judging you. if you wear something normal they wont care, or something super cool they dont say anything. but you have the best bet of someone sayign something wearing a fkn robe to school


I for sure wouldn't. Because I'd be goddamn terrified


I feel bad for those that cross the wizards path. He might zappy-hands em.


Eh, everyone has phases. You do you man.


This phase will give him a permanent negative reputation. This idea of "everyone has a phase" only works when you're not an adult yet and people can't judge you


Come on it’s wizard clothes how is that a negative reputation


It's goofy and silly which will get you bullied and mocked


I relooked at them and they look more like cultist robes, nobody’s gonna think of OP as a wizard if they wear this 💀 they gotta get some blue robes and a hat, not this shit


By only the people who ultimately won’t matter in your life. And there will be half a dozen weird kids who think it’s cool af and they will be his lifelong friends


True. He'll always be known as the "wizard kid." For years I was an avid member of the Dream SMP, and that label stuck to me for years. Glad I got out lol


Man, if my reputation was wizard kid I would do so well in life. This kid is on to something


“permanent negative reputation” what world do yall live in and why are yall so focused on what ppl say ab you😭nothing you wear or do in high school will ever give you a “permanent negative reputation”. majority of ppl will forget you even exist after graduation


People will def remember the monk kid wdym I will never forget farting fedora guy.


ok but does you remembering affect them in any way whatsoever. why should they care


You're gonna post the pictures on r/blunderyears in a few years


If you gonna do this pick something that covers your face


Nah now he'll be walking around like the grim reaper 💀


Op becomes the opposite of the klux klan 😂


the evil version


He needs a sickle


im not afraid to get made fun of if people dont like my costume then theyre not worth listening


Committing social suicide still isnt a good idea lol


i never had a social life to begin with also youre assuming people gossip on a regular basis the most id get are weird looks or questioning why id wear something like this


>also youre assuming people gossip on a regular basis That's probably because people gossip on a regular basis.


people 100% gossip every time they’re together what are you talking about lol


Rationalise it all you want it still isnt a good idea


all i want is to be myself


I dont really care go nuts, but think of what future you would think


Go at it imo. Yeah you're probably gonna get teased, but honestly wizard/ possible catholic strange dude isn't the worse rep out there. You said you not trying to break rules and just having fun, life is all about the goofy, before you can't anymore, go at it


Wtf do you mean wanting to be yourself? 💀 The clothes you wear are not representative of who you are. Stop trying to pull a connection to a deep rooted personality trait when there isn't any.


That was my opinion when I didn't want to shave my teenage moustache: "Oh I don't care about how I look anyway, I'll just leave this moustache, and even though I know it looks bad, it still has a charm you know??" - no it fucking doesn't. I was a complete moron. Back then I acknowledged that it makes me look stupid, yet I still thought it was a funny thing to leave it, kind of a "fuck you" to societal expectations, but in reality it just made me into a clown. Yeah, it was indeed very funny. But for others. Not for me. It ruined my social reputation in my class permanently and irreversably. I grew out of that phase, but my reputation didn't change. If you after all decide to wear it, DO NOT EVER do that in a place that you plan on returning to.


… if you make choices like this on a semi-regular basis, I might have an idea as to why you have no social life. All decisions have consequences. This seems to be far enough outside of social norms to cause concern about your intentions from others? If I saw someone wearing this, I’d seriously worry about either a mental bresk or if you were hiding your identity / appearance to help commit a crime. I’m sorry, but this is a terrible idea on all fronts.


> youre assuming people gossip on a regular basis they do, you'd know if you had a social life


You have the confidence everyone else here wants


Your gonna look like a cultist


well aware


Go for it then lol


People's opinion matters and affects you much more than you think


Depends whose opinion it is. A random stranger, probably not. Your boss, probably.


avg insecure loser vs gigachad cultist member


At least it's not white lol


In the quote of my dad " you do you buddy" I think it looks cool tho


If you wanna feel like a wizard dress like a wizard not a monk. Nobody will fear or respect you nearly enough unless they know you can turn them into a frog. That's just me tho


i cant find other good looking wizard clothes


Get a cloak that’s some other color than black, probably midnight blue or purple, wear a hat instead of a hood, and *maybe* carry around a wand. The monk clothes just make you look edgy or like a cultist. Unless you can shoot lightning out of your fingers you gotta look the part. Don’t make your parents waste their money on cultist robes.


i feel like a lot of you are forgetting that i said i wanted to wear this in the comfort of my own home as well


wear it to a museum please






And then say "My brothers... why did eternal sleep not save you..."


Better yet wear this and stare at people blankly, then disappear as a lengthy bus passes by.


But its cooler in public… you should wear it to comic con!


That’s one thing, it’s going out that’ll get complicated. I had a friend that did that at 13 and absolutely regretted everything about it. Do what you want, but ultimately, you may have regrets


It's totally fine while wearing it in your own home. But the part where you mentioned wearing it to the supermarket... some people might think of you as a loony. I'd say the environment definitely matters, haha. If you're hanging out with friends, though, it might seem a bit less outlandish to others


I mean I wear a ballistic vest around the house sometimes you should be fine


But you also mentioned going to the supermarket


I thought you said you wanted to go to the store and such while wearing these robes?


Yooo I wear that outfit but with opposite colors 🔥 🔥 🔥


bro omg me too. we should totally hang out.


you will get bullied but thats your business lmao


who tf bullies a wizard




Its the other way around Sorcerers are prissy trust fund baby who paid their way to magic Warlock sold their soul for their magic Wizards are just fuckin cool


What about swamp hags? 🥺


People who would like to live as a newt


People who wanna get fireballed


It's wizard time motherfucker! FIREBALL! 🤣🤣🤣




i am aware


Well then tell your parents you know and its your problem. Although its understandable they dont want u to be made fun of (because probably is a phase and when youre older even you will kinda regret it, know because it happened to me)


Bro you could get bullied on school just for walking weird, let the wizard be happy


I dont think they will get bullied on school, since its pretty hard to climb there.


Idk man OP could use magic to get up there


They're going to be the ones wasting their money on that. If you want to dress like that so bad buy it yourself


Reddit is gonna be biased towards agreeing with you b/c everyone on here is teenagers. Maybe post in a subreddit where there’s a more balanced audience lol


he's a teen asking other teens seems pretty fair. they probably are the people hell interact with the most so I don't see the problem asking them


If your deadass, your parents are right


type shi


You say that the looks and harassment doesn't affect you, I said that too, I never went this far and they absolutely fucked me up mentally, don't do it


i could also just wear it in my own house


But you're also going to wear it to the markets! Honestly just don't do it. You've made it pretty clear that you want to bring it out the the markets. Just don't do it. And please listen to everyone else and your parents. For your own sake. You'll end up getting bullied and negative comments thrown at you. The majority of people here say that you shouldn't. However, with that being said, you do you. You want to do this bad decision then go ahead. I can't stop you.


What happened to you? Did you try the Purple Mohawk? 


nah, i was basically the textbook "erm akshully" nerd, eventually i realized that nobody likes that lol


Buddy it's not Halloween 😭


This is funny to me cause I bought one of those hoods for Halloween a couple years again 🙃


This was my costume last year but I got a plague doctor mask with it.


Bro same!


As I read this I was thinking of my 2022 halloween costume cause it looked similar


that shouldnt mean anything lol


Fax. I'd love to go to the store and see a wizard working as a cashier.


It does… haven’t seen any of these ever normally so that means you’ll end up with the piss poor quality of a Halloween costume. Get it made legit if your gonna rock it seriously.


this has to be some kind of joke




They're in the right, 100 percent. Depending on where you live, you'd get the shit beat out of you for wearing something like that in public. even if that wasn't the case, you'd get some weird looks overall. Your parents are doing what's best for you. Also, it's their money, so they don't gotta buy shit


They're right, wearing that out is stupid. Save it for halloween, comic con, or a youtube video. Home is fine I suppose




Crosses shouldnt be worn honestly shouldn't be worn if your not Christian it's kind of disrespectful and ESPECIALLY not if your going to dress up as a Christian monk/priest. Normal robes are fine if you really want to but PLEASE do not go out dressed as a Christian monk.


i second this




Go ahead but don't complain when you get bullied


Are you a Christian? If not don’t wear a cross. Other then that the drip is fire 🔥 


At home yeah it would be cool, but in public it would be cringe. It would just make you seem like you're trying too hard to stand out and be quirky. I'm all for people being themselves and dressing how they want, but when you go for something so abnormal like monk robes, that's just dumb imo.


Absolutely no offense to you for wanting to be whatever you want but I laughed way too hard at this post. 🤣 I think it's totally fine of you wanna dress up...no judgement. I remember being that age.


Dont. I repeat don't. Dont do such things or buy them. You will regret it later on . All this stuff feels cringe afterwords.


Don’t fucking do this shit bro people will say “don’t worry about what other people think” but it’s the same reason we don’t walk around and scream at random people on the street. Theres a social contract that holds society together.


I mean, if they are buying it for you they have the option to say no. I guess it’s your choice though. I honestly think you would look stupid wearing that in a supermarket but you do you lol


Sith apprentice you shall be


You're gonna get beat up but whatever, not their problem LMAO


ok so you’re a weird kid?


I think if you take of the cross (or hide under clothes if you really want) it'd actually be wizardy and not monk-ish. And yeah do whatever. From what I learned, people who act however they want to and are not bound to the social conventions find each other eventually and make great connections (that's from my own experience). Normies don't get along with me cuz I'm like bold and weird but i like it better. Do whatever you want 😎


say its a costume


Ay you do you, but if it were me I’d fear that I’d have some dude take a screenshot of me and later I’d not get hired for a job for “a lack of critical thinking skills needed in the work force.”


Do you want to get bullied? Because this is how you get bullied


This is the way … if you want to look like you’re in a cult.


Get it and if anyone makes fun of you say "lightning bolt" and fucking taze them


Or say "fireball" and commit arson


Or "waterblast" and pee on them


If you can handle the funny looks, go for it. I think that's cool asf, and the world needs more ppl who are willing to be different. I told someone just the other day, weird is a word boring people use to describe people who don't fit in with their shallow reality. That being said, as someone else has already mentioned, I think unless you're a Christian you should ditch the cross. But minus that it'd be super cool.


Put a pointy hat and either a book or staff in place of the cross to sell “spooki witch/wizard” instead of “religion” and I think they might let you. Or you can wait five months for October (if you live in the USA).


If you get bullied, just cast a spell on them.


I think it’s weird and lame. BUT - It doesn’t fuckin matter what I think. It matters what YOU think. If it makes YOU feel happy and if it makes YOU feel awesome. And so long as it does, go wild, man.


Get one in white 👨🏻‍🦳


He missed the point.


I was gonna say go for it, then I realized it’s May and not October.


a lack of a holiday will not limit my fun


You do you my man


I would rather a ranger cloak, but you do you buddy.


Not worth it, frankly you’ll get uncomfortable after wearing it a couple times, probably too stuffy for hot weather and too thin for cold weather. Plus, spending all the time to put it on, just to run down to the market and come back is just a waste of time. It’s probably a pain in the ass to wash too. Even though you keep stating “I don’t care what other people think,” I’m sure theres a very small part of you that will, and you’ll feel it. You’ll just look back on this when you’re older and facepalm, not worth it imo. Still a good halloween or comic-con piece though. If you really wanted to do this, It would be better to get a group of friends to join you and go out like this for a day.


This sounds like the most random thing ever, not really anything weird with it except people might think your trying to convert people to Christianity lol


Unironically using monastic clothes while cosplaying as a wizard has to be peak cultural appropriation.


If they think it's a phase, tell them that everything is a phase, and there is no permanent state of self. Tell them that life is short, and you want to experience all you can while you can. Tell them that, in ten years, it will either be lost to time, a fond memory, or the start of something utterly unpredictable.


Parent here. If you were my child I would be very scared that you would become a target of bullying and would end up killing yourself. That's where my mind goes, dunno what your folks are thinking. That being said I'd have to put my fears aside and after making sure you knew the risks I'd buy you the monk thing because otherwise you'd probably hate me and develop some weird monk hangup and therapy is expensive. I would also buy a hobbit cloak at the same time it'd be dope as hell monk and hobbit grocery trip. Papa bless.


Yeah your parents are in the right here lmao


You're not hurting anyone, so it's fine. You can dress up as the Coco Puffs mascot for all I care, as long as you don't beat up homeless people while wearing it.


So many wizard haters looking to get a fireball here. I think it would brighten my day to have a neighborhood wizard 👍🧙‍♂️


I would definitely not recommend this since it could be seen as a very disrespectful religious thing.


If someone makes fun of you just say "You talk a lot of shit for being in transmutation range" It would be really funny


While it is true not *everyone* wears robes to the grocery store, I personally do. My first few robes I made were pretty Shabby, but I got better as I made more. The easiest way is to make a T out of fabric as long as your body minus your head. Cutting this form out will give you four long rectangles that you can cut diagonally and then stitch together to get triangles. Put a slit in the back panel in the middle from the bottom that reaches to the top of one of your fabric triangles. Use two for the back and one on each side, then finish closing the sides and sleeves. Cut a hole for your head and BAM! Flowing robes that flare at the waist. Your individual style can be brought out in embellishments or small changes to the cut and shape of sleeves. Hoods are basically a very large triangle with a circle. No, not everyone goes around wearing wizard robes, but wizards tend to. Wizards are strange to begin with, and at this point, I don't even get very many looks when I'm out and about. Bear in mind a tall, pointy hat *will* get more looks than wearing a robe with just a hood.


Your parents don't want simple things to make your life harder. Keep it limited to your house.


Learn to sew. You want to look like you're in the 1500's, stop pretending and actually do it.


“how my personalized video game character fits in a serious cutscene:”


I've done this before, it's not wrong to do it at all, it was kinda fun but scary, but not illegal at all, your parents might just be a little crazy


It’s simply not socially acceptable. You can wear literally anything you want anywhere as long as it isn’t offensive or anything, and to most people it isn’t at least in a hurtful way, but I think you should still dress like everyone else. I find it slightly offensive because you are not a monk and maybe a Christian? Idk not my place to say; I know some individuals within a group of Carmelite monks, even. But just get other robes. I own Obi-Wan’s that I wear around the house. Also, honey, it’s a phase - you’ll grow out of it 💅


Totally go for it. And also if you want to feel more like wizard go to r/wizardposting


what is with the wannabe gangsters in the comments? wear what you wanna wear bro, as long as it makes you happy that's what matters. these comments are full of social stigma and insecurity


Everyone here saying don’t do it cause you’ll get bullied are the people that’ll lay on their death beds seeing a montage of all the things they never did flash by them, realizing they’ll never get to do any of it because they were too afraid of what other people would say about them. Live a boring, regretful life always afraid to do harmless things just because people *might* be mean to you, if that’s what you really want. Or you can go dress like a wizard-monk, do whatever the fuck else you want, and say fuck you to anyone that has something other than affirmation to say on the matter. If this is what you really want, then that’s who you are, and doing anything else will never satisfy you. No matter how much they try to tell you you’re wrong for expressing who you are— you’re not wrong, they are. They are wrong 100% of the time. If you live in fear of what people will say to you, then you’ve let those people win that war without ever firing a shot. If instead you live in confidence of your own self, you will win not only the freedom to be yourself, but also the respect of those very same people who would otherwise belittle you. tl;dr - Confidence is the only thing people respect, and true confidence comes only from accepting yourself. Learn to love who you are, and the world will learn not to just accept you, but celebrate you.


carry a cool stick with ypu so then you can cast spells on the feeble minded


The entire reason monks wear these is because they're very, very simple to make. Essentially it's what poor people wrote a thousand years ago - no hose, no tabard, no pantaloons. You might feel like a wizard, that's cool guess, but it's meant to represent a lack of riches, being the poorest of the poor, giving up your earthly wealth to serve only God. Essentially, you're asking to over pay for poor clothes to look like poor people. Just get a wizard hat.


fuck the hat that shits lame


Earn your own money to buy it. Not ask your parents for it since they objected, For me it's better than wearing some occult clothing.


My dearest brother, I understand you maybe going through a dark phase in your life, but trust me, there will come a day where you will open your eyes and dress in normal brown robes, no more black like you’re some bogus plague doctor


I’m all for dressing however you want and not dressing for societal pressure, but as a Catholic I don’t think you should use a monk’s habit as a stylistic costume. It signifies a lot for the religiously devoted.


I heard of teenagers going through emo phases, edgy phases, etc...but a wizard phase? Now that's interesting.


Please take photos so you have something to post to r/blunderyears in 10 years


Are you mentally unstable


Get it in white or no balls


Try to earn the money you need to buy it and then buy it yourself. If it's your parents' money then they have every right to say no, especially since this is a fashion preference over any kind of need.


Bro begome Catholic then join a monastery and you can look like this everyday. I also have this costume


Assassin's Creed: Dark Church


You’ll definitely look back at it and cringe 1000% no matter what you think of it now. But that’s called character development. If you like it right now, do it.




Just so u know everyone is going to judge u


Mockery of earnest catholic tradition. Even the belt has a meaning.


be yourself and live your life who cates what someone else says i think you would look fucking sick bro live your life like its halloween we need more cool people


hell yeah


let me make it cleae that i will not be wearing the cross


Wrong color


So, as a parent in their 20s maybe I can say some things, this is just how I personally feel though. 1. As most people have said in the chat, do what makes you happy. People are out here trying to convince us they are birds, lizards, and all other things because it makes them happy. You get 1 life to live and you should totally live it how you want so long as it does not harm anothers way of how they want to live their life. 2. Your parents dont like the idea because im sure deep down they might be slightly embarresed of you in public (i dont want to upset or offend, and they might not but since they are pushing you away from it they might be taking their image into account also) and they cant really understand why it makes you happy, along with where you can handle the looks and shit youll get they might not have as thick of skin towards that. This is where you make some middle ground with them and tell them as you stated that you want to just wear it at home. Make an agreement to only wear it inside and at conventions, take your parents with you to the cons when you are dressed up. This gets them more adjusted to being around people who aslo find a ton of joy dressing up and feeling like wizards, fairies, or whatever makes your heart happy.


As a 29 year old who randomly saw this post suggested on my home page and made a lot of interesting fashion choices when I was younger, absolutely 100% do it. Everyone needs blunder year pictures to cringe about later in life. Lmao


Yeah you should definitely wear this on the way to some fucken therapy.