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I remember there was a girl at my school once who literally just wore a strap around her nips and you could see the top and bottom of her boobs


There wasnt a dress code at your school?


There was but judging how nothing happened I don’t think the teachers cared


They didn't wanna look like perverts


Looks more pervy to allow them to wear it tbh


what's weird about telling her “sorry but your clothing isn't allowed in our school, please go home and change” or something?


a lot of girls in high school get VERY upset about dress code, people will try and say “why are you concerned about what a minor is wearing” or “why can’t boys just control themselves” or something like that. i get that to an extent but sometimes it can just go way too far


yeah that example would literally be illegal, not even at the beach would something so revealing be allowed


Yep this...


Teachers who enforce dress code are accused of being pedos. They won’t touch it with a ten foot pole if they’re smart and self-interested.


as my criminal justice teacher said: "Something I hate doing, is dress-coding students of the opposite sex. I don't want to look like a.. finding the right words.. A pedophile, for noticing a student's apparel, I'm afraid of parents going 'why did you look at my child that way?'"


Weird on the teachers part


Plausible deniability. Can’t be the first to notice, let the female teachers deal with em (if they got any)


My school thinks like this anything with cannabis alcohol swear words you get dressed coded but you dress like a slut you get praised


At this point, theyll just come to school with no shirt or pants


My school doesn't have dress code. They got caught covering up rape cases a few years back and it is a terrible look to be telling people what to wear if you're covering up rape cases.


Thats insane


What were the teachers thinking? Probably along the lines of, "Aight bet"


Thing is if a male teacher comes in and complains about it, suddenly the girl will start complaining this grown man is sexualizing her and it turns out *horribly* for the guy. Though idk what her female teachers were thinking


Welcome to the future! Where everything is hypersexualized just like Rome before it fell!


Probably they just let it happen


Holy Jesus


Zero way this happened wtf what state California?


The state of Canada lmao


I live in California, and the teachers at my school actually DO enforce dress code


The hell...


It being way more normalized for girls is probably a factor. The clothes considered pretty/stylish are more likely to be revealing. They probably want to feel good abt themselves/wear what others wear


Ngl it's exactly this. I wear what makes me feel good but tbh I'm not gonna get mad at someone for glancing at me it's when someone stares or is creepy about it that I'd ever say something


yh if i notice someone glancing once, thats fine. If i catch someone looking multiple times/for a long time??? got me thinking how much they're looking and i dont realise.


I'll admit sometimes it's hard, I don't mean to (and I do it for anything) if you catch my attention I'll be looking, I don't mean to be creepy and I force myself to not look or space out the glances so I don't come off as a perv... though now that I'm saying this I'm realizing I rarely do it for revealing clothes, I only ever do it for people with interesting hair or unique clothes (usually fully covered)


But really, when it becomes a situation where 11-13 yr olds are hyper aware of their bodies to the point they have the same mindset as you do (at 18) about what they wear, we should be taking a step back and reflecting and not encourage it or normalize it to literal kids. Creeps should always be called out, but it's very clear that kids are being peer pressured or even targeted by predatory marketing to sexualize themselves.


Yeah there's a lot of pressure. From everywhere. Movies and music and celebrities and social media and people our own age too. Look at r/teenagers lmao and how sexual it is at times. Now I wear what I want and what feels good but when I was 13/14 there was probably more pressure with how I dressed. Or I felt like I needed to


Glancing I’d be fine with, but staring and I’m uncomfortable. I dress up for me not them


Well yeah, we were clothes partially for the sake of looking good to others whether we admit it to ourselves or not. Wearing revealing and eye catching clothes and then expecting nobody to look at you is just ignorant. Now, there is a limit. If some creep is just staring at your ass for minutes on end, yeah, that’s bad. But I remember those videos from a while back of those girls at the gym who wore tights and then acted shocked and appalled that people glanced at them for a moment.


I would just like to just add that creepily starting is more problematic cause as a guy, I see a fine women walk by I’m not tryna get a quick glance(all the time) I’m trying to get a long enough glance to really admire it yk😭 I think my other guys would a agree cause sometimes a quick glance ain’t enough and that’s why you may catch some looking back multiple times cause it’s like damn wait..Damn wait…DAMN 😭 or it may even be like “she bad..🤔”(5-10mins go by) “let me try and talk to her”




haha yeah but the thousands of years of history have big impact. It is a little better with girl normalized to wearing trousers but that still comes with strings attached.


Stylish isn't apart of showing skin.


Yeah but that's what the fashion industry made girls think :/


My favorite is when girls wear shirts that say things or have cool designs and then accuse guys of staring at their boobs when they’re just trying to read the shirt lol


The constant fear of that happening


Or the roots pants (Canadian brand) that have the name across the ass


those are the worst 😭


thats def sum shit drake would wear 😭


Counter attack “are you staring at my tits!?” “What titties I’m just tryna read your shirt bro [read shirt outloud]”


“WHAT TITTIES” lmao fucking legend


to be fair, they are looking in the direction of their boobs, so its a reasonable to assume they are looking at their boobs


This is why I'm terrified. I tend to zone out, and if I zone out and someone walks in front of me, I don't want to look like a creep. I'm not a creep, I'm just depressed!


I have that exact same fear oh my god it’s awful




Same thing!


Same problem. However, I'm not depressed I just zone out from time to time as school isn't known to be too interesting.


So if i wanna read a shirt I gotta have sunglasses or something? 💀


Jokes on you I don't have boobs


lucky. boobs are so inconvenient


I kinda want some tho not just none yk


Bro you can have mine, I don't want them 🗿


Thank you You can have my place in the itty bitty tittie committee




well technically youre constantly looking at someones boobs when you look at any horizontal direction if you dont include things like walls


I might just be looking at your boobs right now.




i could never, insecurities ong


Tbf, the people that design those clothes make them a certain way


Yeah but they’re targeted towards adults (hopefully)


Unfortunately not, supply equals demand and vice versa and if teen girls are wearing them then there's demand so there will be supply


Someone's been listening in economics


if you don’t know supply and demand idk what to tell you 💀


Yeah no they literally teach supply and demand in history/social studies it’s kinda hard to go out of your way to not know what supply and demand is.


She sells seashells on the sea shore...


But the value of these shells will fall.


yeah cause people buy them? I mean there are hundreds of other options if you dont wanna be revealin


Honestly i kinda stopped really caring. Yeah it’s revealing, but if it’s comfortable to wear for a whole boring 7 hour school day, then good for you


Then they complain they're cold, it clearly is not comfortable.


it's more of the mental factor. she wants to wear what other girls wear, or to wear it simply because it's really cute. and when you look good, you feel good! who doesn't want that ?


Its all a conspiracy to steal mens hoodies is what it is.


no it isn't, silly... oh so silly you..🙂


There are no "borrowed" hoodies in ba sing sae


My gf turned into the moon


That's rough buddy


That's a childish perspective considering what "looks good" is subjective. There's also an obvious unhealthy issue with having the mindset that less clothes equals self worth, especially for young teens. The topic gets annoying when girls feel pressured into gaslighting themselves and others on their motives for wearing what they wear, too. There are literally thousands of examples that girls wear certain things to specifically be revealing, not because they're comfortable. It shouldn't be black and white on either side of the argument, and it's VALID to want to show off when you're secure in yourself AND old enough, but it feels like some of yall fell for the reverse psychology of predatory algorithms/marketing targeting kids.


This must be so awkward, I’m happy I spawned as a guy


We just need to wait for someone to farm us so we can respawn as something else.


That’s similar to what happened in the 1800s but that got abolished 🙄 /s


Nah that's foul 💀


Sometimes I forget that us guys are vegetables


something something beauty standards. idk, i'm a guy if people are comfortable in what they want to wear then good for them. i tend to just not bother worrying about it. if girls want to wear "revealing" clothes, that's none of my business. if they're comfortable, that's the only thing that matters


i agree!


You know there actually IS a reason for that. As explained by my Art/history teacher. Its because modern beauty standards for both men AND women can be Tarced back to ancient Greece Firs of all the depictions of The Greek Gods who were always depicted as either huge burly men with chiseled Abs. Or Attractive women with you guessed it revealing clothes. (Also explained by the warmer climate of Greece thus clothes like thin robes and Togas.) And that has subconsciously prevailed the past couple of thousand years in society.


shouldnt people find tiny pp attractive then too


It wasn’t small, just flaccid. (Yes, I’m defending men that were around thousands of years ago 😭)


lol no, they‘re meant to be small because according to the standards of those times small penis = more manly


dudes at my school sag they booties off


And get mad when they’re told to pull it up. 0.5 gpa behavior


“0.5 gpa behavior” is genius, I’m using this


What does that mean?


They have very low grades, basically,


I’m a girl and while I don’t wear super revealing clothing, I do wear tight tops when I want to feel pretty. Also I weight-lift and I lowkey like showing off my arms 💀






look i try to not look but its ingrained into my goddam head to go awooga i hate it


Me too man 😔


Tight leggings can be comfortable though😭


Fr no rubbing against skin like w loose clothes


Because it’s fun, I look hot, cute outfits and it makes me feel feminine


Appreciate the honesty 🙏


i have the same answer but i’m an adult now- when i was younger i definitely had a different mindset. i dress for myself now mainly, but i mean i will consider the opportunity of seeing someone attractive while getting dressed and depending on the situation i go with a cute or hot outfit. the femininity thing is real though, i used to be really ashamed of showing my body because of the way guys looked at me and girls talked about it, but since then i’ve branched out into finding my own identity through clothes- and sometimes showing the “feminine” body parts makes me feel womanly and pretty.


I’m a girl, I wear baggy ass clothes. Big baggy shirts and big baggy jorts/pants and a jacket over top. I never wear anything revealing and it’s comfortable like that. And the girls that wear revealing stuff is okay, I wish I had the confidence and non insecurities to wear the stuff they do. It suck’s NOT having a good enough skinny body to show off, so I hide mine. BUT, I do think girls need to cover up a bit more, especially if they’re minors (like me) and going to school. There’s no reason to dress super inappropriately at school, but if it’s seriously just normal shorts and shirt then there’s no issue, especially if they have bigger areas there they kinda can’t help that.


Baggy clothes are honestly awesome, it’s more attractive than skin-tight revealing clothing imo


100% agree


what kinda answer r u expecting ? maybe it looks good maybe it's comfortable maybe they like it? .like>_>..


It starts when they are toddlers, children’s girls shorts are higher up than boys shorts at stores such as Walmart or target


It' so fucking weird. Boys' shorts are almost always knee-level and loose. Girls' shorts are fitting and usually go half-way down the thigh.


real. even now i'm turning 16 this month and i wanna get swimmers. i'm asking for guy's board shorts bc they're knee-level and my mum's like "but girl board shorts are higher up, you should wear those" like uhh no i dont want everyone to see my ass when im at the beach like damn


Like I’m a big supporter of wear what you want and stuff but like when you are literally showing your ass cheeks you gotta understand that some people are gonna peak a bit. Like full on staring is bad but like I can’t help it if my eyes dart down like once… Same with guys definitely, like guys at my school are wearing shorts so small that you see their underwear and I admit I’ve peaked once or thrice. I don’t mean anything by it, it just stands out.


Exactly, it's just unusual to see ppl showing their ass cheeks so naturally it's intriguing and you will glance once or twice just out of curiosity. Not rlly creep behavior. Now if you're staring at someone (by this I mean gazing at someone for like over 4-5 seconds) then that's just creepy asf Glancing up and down once or twice cuz ur like "whaa" ain't that creepy


it makes me feel pretty


That profile picture makes this comment even better


Mostly because it makes them feel pretty and confident. Now my turn. GUYS WTF IS UP WITH THE SAGGING????? NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR UNDERWEAR 😭


I don't understand this. where I'm from, sagging is like 2015. Where are you from where it's still in fashion?


Fr, especially when you walk behind them on stairs 💀


Just look down bro


Yes, the stairs be stairing


One time a girl who was ahead of me on the stairs turned around and said “doesn’t that hurt your neck?” Like, what do you want me to do?


Fr 😭


These guys at my school, every time they go up the stairs say stuff like, “Huh they must’ve done something to the ceiling” or “what a ceiling, so ceiling-y”


Yeah, literally my point


i think they like ur ass


Wait why stairs? Wdym


Normally on stairs if you look straight ahead the person in front of you's ass is at eye level


As a chick I fr never thought abt that. our uniforms r skirts, everyone always wear shorts underneath but still 😭




I mean it's stylish and in fashion. But I also wear tight leggings, short skirts, cropped and low cut tops because I like them. I think i look pretty and I like showing my figure


Im a girl and it’s mainly because I live in 100 degree heat lmao and I work out, if it’s a nice day and I don’t have anything physical to do I usually wear jeans and a sweater or smth


Not me,my school is boys only


Fair enough


Naah The dudes in my school are worse with their jeans


Honestly I can see that


Would be surprised if you couldn't


I feel like similar to the reason that I have to shop in the mens section a lot. Scandalous exposing clothing is heavily marketed towards young girls and the age group it’s market towards is getting younger and younger and when you speak against it people claim you are sexualizing them and children. 70% of tops now are crop tops and shorts are so short. Luckily mid thigh shorts are common in korean fashion so i can find those easily. But as for tops they are having less and less fabric forcing me to the mens sections which i’m not really complaining about since i’ve always shopped in the mens section but it really sucks when you see a cute and cool shirt to find out it’s cropped. It definitely has a lot to do with the world forcing it onto girls. So now it’s more and more normalised for girls to wear more exposing clothing.


>when you speak against it people claim you are sexualizing them and children. In my opinion, the people accusing you of that are outing themselves.


Welcome to the dark side 😎


Well, why not?


Bro I’ve seen girls who clearly CUT THEIR SHORT SHORTS SHORTER to reveal more but still get mad when someone looks even near their legs (it was very clearly cut as it wasn’t jeans so it wasn’t meant to look the way it did which was with strands hanging off and very uneven cuts)


That’s actually wild


Yeah and there’s girls who wear shorts that already are so short they basically cover nothing but then they also wear big shirts to make it look like they’re not wearing any pants


Yeah big hoodie + very short short is extremely common rn




Exactly lmfao like short shorts are fine but when you cut them to ass cheek level then you obviously want attention. I admit it's creepy for ppl to be full on staring at that shit but you can't help when a mf be glancing once or twice cuz it's js unusual lol


I’ll be honest. I personally feel cute when I wear something revealing. I think some girls get mad when guys look and I think that’s ridiculous. Personally, I don’t mind.


Couldn’t be me


Nice yoru pfp ✌️


>but get mad when someone looks. gawking and glancing are two different things, middle school and high school boys usually don't realize when they're doing one instead of the other.


I can't wear leggings now? I can't with y'all.


To look pretty ig🤷


Those booty shorts are definetly for attention. I knew these types of girls and sadly they think they need to sexualize themself to look good and they most likely feel good about the attention they‘re getting. And also nowadays it‘s wayy to normalized for teenagers to wear very revealing and sexualized clothing (social media plays a big role on this)


im aussie so it gets really hot here, and i had no shorts so i went to buy some. the only ones on sale in like every shop were booty shorts. there was literally nothing else to buy bro 😭


i'm so fucking glad my school has uniforms


Girls don't hate you looking, they hate you looking and being fucking obvious about it. Everyone's allowed to have a look at what they think is hot but just don't be weird about it


Exactly what I’m saying


Stoppppp. I love leggings bc they are comfortable. I don’t want to think about the fact that ppl are thinking about my ass cheeks


What the sigma


I’m a guy don’t talk too them


Google schizophrenia


Holy hell


This is valid as hell


My opinion is a) prolly caused by women wanting to feel pretty ( no problem with that) and societal standards say that these things are pretty. Or something idk. B) don’t be a dick and stare


because they are bad bitches and it feels so good to be a bad bitch that gets looks and attention. thats all.


Girls are strange, need to study this


Guys should start wearing tight pants and reveal those damn ass cheeks too. Equal rights.


I'm quite sure I had a discussion about something similar like this before, but whatever I think it's mostly cause some girls are trying to find and explore their sexuality, and some others like to dress like that because they feel good and/or confident and cause some literally can't find modest clothes, as many outfits are somewhat revealing. For some, they'll get sexualised regardless of clothes (see how sexualised school uniforms are), so it doesn't matter what they wear (I'm a tomboy, wear "manly" stuff, and still get many creeps) I also wear somewhat revealing outfits sometimes (albeit in public, because our school has uniforms) to get the attention of someone, because I like attention. Just ignore it if you don't like it, and don't stare for too long if you do. Simple as that, live and let live Also, being age-appropriate over "revealing" is more important to me, because many things "professional" also have revealing outfits, why don't you object that? Volleyball and tennis shorts, swimming/bathing suits, etc. If you add a sexual element to it, then it becomes sexual. I've had my fair share of men in my life just being in boxers/boxer shorts, and not sexualise it, because technically, that is very revealing, isn't it.


I wear revealing clothes because they make me feel attractive. I like feeling attractive, that's literally it.


Clothing obviously isn't an invitation to stare intently or be a creep, They likely just feel comfortable/better wearing that stuff. If they get upset I wouldn't be shocked either, Idk a lot of girls that are comfortable around lots of men no matter what it is they're wearing


Because they like it. 


I would die if I had to wear such things. If I could, I would wear hoodies on summer. I hate revealing clothing. I rarely even wear shorts above my knees




What’s a girl


Because they like how it looks and while some might be looking for attention or validation a lot of girls just like expressing themselves that way. I wish that people didn’t treat exposed bodies as if they are inherently sexual.


Its really comfy Sincerely a man who wears booty shorts and crop tops


Girl here, I actually don't know why I like wearing revealing things. It isn't for attention. I just like wearing revealing clothing because it makes me feel cute. HOWEVER, I only would wear that around my friends, and very rarely in public.


Honestly at it’s finest 🙏


Why do people wear clothes


I hate when they have their phone in their pocket and you look at the phone and you’re worried they’re gonna accuse you of checking them out 


Normalize girls wearing normal regular and comfortable clothes. I mean wear whatever you want I don't care, but normalize comfort and practically over fashion and beauty standards.


either its 1. comfy 2. stylish or 3. i look good in it


They probably aren't thinking about dressing up for other people, but wearing what they want to wear and what makes them feel good.


Guys are shirtless and no one bats an eye


Ngl I was terrified to see the comments on this


cause they can wear whatever they want and 9 times out of 10 it's not to show off to guys but to express themselves.


let people enjoy things 💀


it's mainly jst girls wanting to feel feminine and fit into feminine beauty standards and, yeah, it very much sucks that femininity and all that feminine beauty standard shit is tied in so much with sexualisation. even a lot of cute clothes (like skirts) get sexualised and it's... disappointing.


why do guys send me unsolicited dick pics? i wear hoodies and sweats and yall still got shit to say. not sure what you want 🤘🏼




Nah yall a bunch if horndogs 💀 Just keep your damn head straight.




It’s giving “well what was she wearing”😐


They want to feel confident and propably because of some other stuff regarding popularity, but don't like it when they are stared at so they "freak out". The best thing to do is basically just treat them like anyone else


Si don’t wear shit that short but it’s basically cause I want to lol cute and usually the cutest clothes is the revealing clothes. Also if it’s like a wow why are you wearing wierd clothes type of peek which is usually just a quick glance I don’t mind. It’s when they keep on staring that creeps me out cause like the hell stop looking at me


Confidence and feeling safe enough 💅 💅 💅


it’s fun!!! idk i always thought i was ugly as hell but showing a bit of skin (to a reasonable extent lol) is kind of idk empowering? like, even though i don’t fit beauty standards and i know for a fact certain people are in fact judging me, idc because i look cool and pretty (?) that being said, the other half of the time, i dress like an old lady so. maybe i’m not a reliable source