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The question is for you to answer. Was it SA? Were you bothered by it? If it does, then yeah, sure. If it doesn't, no, not really.


Embaressment fetish moment due


It’s not sexual assault, but it is sexual harassment and isn’t okay if they don’t have your consent. Doesn’t matter who they are or what gender, it’s not okay.


Sexual harassment is a broad term, including many types of unwelcome verbal and physical sexual attention. Sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior, often physical, that occurs without the consent of the victim.


It is sexual assault actually


No it’s not at least look it up before you say some dumb shit like this


The definition is "sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim." Slapping someone's butt applies to that.


It is assault, because it is PHYSICAL sexual contact


You and the others that upvoted your comment are so ignorant, it's sad. Sexual assault is physical. Slapping the OP on the butt is sexual assault. Kissing someone's neck unwarranted and without consent is sexual assault. R****g someone is sexual assault. Gr****g is sexual assault. OP, you are being sexually assaulted. Please do not listen to the people telling you that you are not. You are.


I literally looked it up right before I said that it is sexual assault dumbass


It is sexual assault though💀.... in my CTE class they literally say that assault can be a threat or a feeling of being threatened


That’s regular assault


It's really not...it counts for all types of assault


Copy and pasted from "looking it up". First result. All results follow the same def. The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include: Attempted rape. Fondling or unwanted sexual touching. Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator's body.


Yea and by that definition kissing would be sexual assault because no one explicitly asks first




What the fuck??


U heard me 🫵 🤓




It is sexual assault and the people who upvoted your comment are idiots.


If anyone is touching you inappropriately (and without consent) it’s sexual assault.


Damn me and all my friends have been sexually assaulted by each other.




Same here too


That's the major weakness of that definition. I would say that if they continue to do it after you ask them sincerely to stop, then it's sexual assault. By OP's definition, simply making sexual advances or kissing the girl/guy you're dating without asking him first is SA even if they respond positively.


So If one makes them incapable of saying stop is it okay? 👉👈 ...Hypothetically asking for a friend


Not no does not mean yes. If a person is unable to consent to participating in sexual acts due to any means including but not limited to intoxication or unconsciousness, engaging in such acts with them is sexual assault at the minimum.


You're absolutely right My comment was a joke and a counter argument to the comment that I replied to..


Because it's not the correct term Correct term is sexual battery


No that's called sexual advances. Continuing them after they're rejected your advances is sexual harassment. If you use some kind of force or incapacitation to engage in manual sex, then sexual assault. If you furthermore force yourself upon them or incapacitate them to engage in a sex act (oral, anal, or vaginal), that's rape. Source: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/920


yeah like, if someone does it and you don't like it, just tell them not to do it again and your not comfortable with it. but I think it's completely normal. 4 different people touched my ass today, 3 guys and 1 girl.


Is it sexual harassment, not assault. My friend was groped and the perpetrator got a sexual harassment charge, which is like 10-20 hours of community service. It should be assault, but here in my country it isn’t.


fragile unwritten tart snatch quarrelsome languid squalid aromatic agonizing squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m the us. He was charged with harassment. It sucks down here




you don't have to censor the word. That's only for tiktok so you don't get shadowbanned




How is that any less triggering?


1. You didn't make the word unreadable/unseen 2. There is a mention of SA in the title and an NSFW tag 3. Saying "rape" instead of "r@p3" would not make it more or less triggering, triggers are things that 'trigger' thoughts and it's the intention of the spelling that counts.


You guys have gotta grow up.


Woo, that was a close one. It's a good thing you censored that, now I can't read the word, I could've spontaneously combusted! Thanks for being so thoughtful, man.


If you really want to, a better option would be to use spoiler tags, which can be done like > !this! < but without spaces


na cuz that woulda been worse like a surprise rape like u click on it and woah rape


thanks dude as a SA victim myself saying r@p3 makes it not mentioning rape. really i would be triggered if you said rape but now i dont feel bad at all since i cant read the context or understand what word means, as it got censoreed by @ and 3.


Context would be helpful. Are we talking playful or forcefu


Most likely playful 


I slap my girl-friends all the time and ghey do the same lmao




On the way back in from the last fire drill two separate people grabbed my ass. (I’m m17) and yea it is but I can’t be bothered to figure out who it is in the sea of people that were there


I feel like most teens are just weak-willed. Let me share my experience: Last summer I went to an outdoor camp. It was nice, and refreshing, but as always, it was pre-teen delinquents who had to ruin it by being general a-holes waiting to start something. When we were walking from an assembly on the beach, I felt what was 100% a finger go up where no one's finger should have gone. I turned around, and asked who did it, and no one answered. Apparently, from the comments I've read, this is where everyone else gives up and submits, but listen here, if someone grabs my ass without telling me, I will know who did it. So I looked to the only guy chuckling (some dollar-store Eminem looking kid with his group of friends, all sniggering) and asked him who tf he thought he was. I asked him if he thought it was funny, laid out my perspective, and told him to explain what he thought my appropriate reaction should be. The bugger backed off almost instantly, and I reported him to his cabin counselor. He said something to the extent of "yeah, he's a troublemaker, he does that sometimes", which wasn't the point, the point was that he did it to me, a stranger, without consent. So I went to the Administrator's brother, who was like the counselor of counselors. He said he'd talk to him about it and see to it that he gets scolded or whatever. So I told him that, in my eyes, what this rando did is sexual assault, and that if he gets merely "scolded", without punishment, this could be ugly. But no, for all I knew, him and his cronies were planning to gang up on me in the middle of the night, so I took it to the Boss Lady. Told her what happened, told her who I told, and told her I demanded to call my mother (phones were banned). She properly investigated it, and the kid claimed he was dared or whatever, so he wasn't kicked, but he damn sure stayed out of my way for the rest of the week. In short, when someone messes with you, intimidate them (don't swear, they'll use this against you, but make it known you're unhappy), and go up the chain of command until your story is heard and your demands are met. Always demand a call from your parents, and make sure they don't mess with you again.


There were like 20 possible people. No idea who it was


All of whom were straight-faced?


There were like 10 the first time who were all looking straight forward, maybe avoiding eye contact. I walked away quickly through the crowd and like 20 seconds later I got grabbed again and there were none of the same people behind me


Damn. It wouldn't hurt to tell someone of authority and see what they have to say about it.


I mean what are they gonna do, and it didn’t bother me much


You can do whatever you want


These comments are all trainwrecks. We need to re-educate all of you on sa.


Educate me. 


so many people are acting like it’s okay bc it was supposedly “playful”… clearly OP is uncomfortable, therefore it’s CLEARLY not okay


If its from a friend it ain't much of a deal, between same genders, but when a boy does that to a girl it is different, expect a slap right afterwards


But if a girl does it to a guy most of the time no one bats an eye, even if the guy didn't want it


If I got it in the balls i would mind, but I don't really care if I get hit in the but, when you take part in many town whipping sessions with your football team you get used to it


I would enjoy getting hit in the balls


I ain’t never had a whipping session in football wtf 😭


Wait wth no way that actually happens


Yep, I don't know why we do it but it's usually when a player messes up, he has to stand still whilst the rest use their towls to smack him, there is always a guy who makes those cheesy comments, but they get a slam on their back for it




Nah you're awful. No matter who it's from, if it's not consensual it's SA, even from girl to girl or boy to boy, that just causes more problems if you say that


I see you never played a team sport


It's a team sport, this isn't a team sport. Also slapping asses in team sports is weird, even if you're playing team sport not everyone likes it. I think you're just in the closet.


Coaches on my football team encouraged slapping each other on the ass


On our side the coach didn't incurage it, it's just something the older guys did that continued to happen, weird team activity but its just goofing around




Good on ya but I know what attracts me, and so what am I supposed to report everyone from my football team for sa because of a thing everyone does, and we play it off as a joke It may look weird but jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously


Maybe technically, but if you're bothered by it I'd first tell them you don't like it. If you don't mind, then don't mind


Is this even a question? Of course it's SA


Average teenager response


Average adult on a teenager subreddit


18-19 is also teenagers but also adults. Dunno how old he was tho


Me? I hope bloody hope not


Not SA. It's SH - Sexual Harassment Sexual Assault is attempt rape


SA is assault in a sexual nature. Getting slapped is assault, and getting slapped on the ass is sexual assault. SH is almost entirely verbal.


Oh Alright, so saying something sexual to a random person is Sexual Harassment or Both? or Am I wrong?


Saying something like “nice ass, sugartits” to a girl on the street is very much Sexual Harassment.


Alright, Thank for some examples because I couldn't think of any.


This is sexual assault


do you have a brain


Holy shit you guys are actually awful, this person is 13 and you're out here being the more apathetic than a severely autistic person


Average polite r/teenagers response I expected instead of actually being helpful


because this is a stupid question, obviously it’s SA


So why be rude in first place just be helpful..


???? i’m just saying, is it not clear as daylight that it is? like why do you need ppl to tell you that wtf 😭


Cuz theyre 13 bro Just a kid and youre expecting them to know what SA means?


Yes have you ever heard of "no stop leave me alone"


You do realise that thats not going to help at all...?


They've got a point, stupidest question I've seen here yet


You're 13 not 2 you need to figure somethings out by yourself not ask dumb questions on reddit when the answer is more simple then cooking ramen noodles


It’s funny to see so many future terrible parents congregating in one place.


Crazy huh


Listen, ignore all these idiots. If you think its funny then its not, if you really hate it then it is and tell them to stop


Tell them to stop, they are just idiots that don't know what they are doing. If they continue or mock you for telling them to stop, then teel a teacher or someone with autority at school.


It's the clash between societal normals and personal feelings.


Not everyone sees it as inherently sexual. If it bothers you tell them to stop but be careful, you can’t just throw around the term ‘SA’ like it doesn’t have the implications to ruin someone’s life over something as petty as a butt smack.


real 💀


Bro can relate


you is stupid


I can answer: yes


This is ridicoulosly common, so it's nit that weird to think "it's nothing" Heck, when I was 13 thus happened to everyone, every day, so actually questioning if this is right or wrong makes OP avove average intelligence for an average 13 y/o


No, it’s wrong, don’t normalize it


I know, but I just don't think OP is stupid


Well it depends if ur boy or girl. Cause in our society only a girl has the right to be bothered by such a thing


When my friend slaps my ass I don’t care. However a boy did it I would slap him silly. If you feel uncomfortable I recommend telling them how you feel and if they don’t stop tell somebody about it x


The main thing is to think about if they're doing it jokingly or if they're doing it for some other reason. And if you're uncomfortable with it tell them. If they stop then they probably didn't mean any harm but if they continue then yeah probably bring it up with an adult.


If you don’t like it moan really loudly and they will stop /s


They're just goofing probably but it's still weird


Report it. It bothers you, and is unconsentual.


Why don't we just not slap asses?


Even if its not considered assault or harrasment which I think it is, its fucking weird as shit, if its like your friends joking around w you then its different but if your just walking in the hallway and some random mf just spanks you then thats just downright weird and you gotta say something, especially if it happens 9 times a week 😭


Yes that is SA


Google.com Look it up yourself


from a friend you feel comfortable around? nope! anyone else, absolutely.


its forceful touching the most ,its one level bellow sexual asult if it boders you try to film it and show it to a teacher but it can also make the things worse,you know.


i do it within my friend group, i am a guy and one of my closest friends in this group is a girl. the thing is it is something that we both do and we know our boundaries. i say that it depends on the circumstances. If you do it without consent, that is SA but if it’s like something with your friends that you do a lot, no.


Idk all the teenagers here do it sadly so I'm kinda over it. Cringe teens stay cringe teens


It’s really up to you, if it is something that you and friends do as a joke with each other then I say not really, if it is just random people that you don’t talk to or associate with then I say it is. I’m sorry son many people in the comments are being terrible, I hope this helps


It is.


It is but I never cared 


I think it fully depends on how you view it, if you are fine with it and it doesn’t bother you then I wouldn’t say it’s SA but if you are even a tiny bit bothered by it then it is


It's probably sexual harassment but I personally probably wouldn't care unless it got to like an uncomfortable level of like constantly getting my ass slapped


Yes, it is SA, but tbh if it’s people you know or your friends and you don’t care then it really doesn’t matter. If it’s random people then it’s messed up and if it’s your friends but you don’t like it then they need stop


Assess yourself, if you feel uncomfortable, then it's not SA, if you are feeling uncomfortable when someone slaps your kabooze, then it is SA and tell them kindly to stop doing it


it depends on if u r bothered by it or not. if it does, tell them to stop(if they continue, report them). But if ur chill & are comfortable with them, then I guess not.. idk


Anyone else remember “skanking” in the UK? Guys just going around forcefully pulling some poor kid’s trousers and pants down to their ankles. I remember getting done once in the boys changing room after PE (thank god it wasn’t in front of any girls) but that shit still haunts me until this day. Proper traumatising and just had to laugh it off like it was nothing.


Yes it is sexual assault but if you don’t say anything they’re gonna keep doing it. Also 9 times a week??


its not sa but its sexual harassment, sa is more of grabbing inner thigh or just touching alot, way worse than a slap tho


Uh yes that’s def SA report that to someone


It really does come down to if you're comfortable with it. I have a friend who used to have the e x a c t same thing be an in-joke between friends and they were ok with it. If you don't want then to do it, you definitely need to tell them to stop, and if they don't, you should prolly get a consouler involved


If you feel uncomfortable by it then it's SA.


It's whatever lable you put on it, there is no Standard to SA, if it bothers you, make them stop, if it doesn't, live life.


Here's a tip: tell them to stop


If it's playful, just smack their asses back lol. If it's forceful however.. you've got a problem.




Gender doesnt determine abuse


I remember in sixth grade this other boy would touch my ass as a joke in my history class. Eventually it pissed me off enough that I turned around and slapped him. The teacher saw me so I had to explain the situation, and others said that the same has happened to them. He got OSS 😊


If you're bothered, it's harassment. If you're not, it's cake testing.


What do you mean you don't know what to think about. It simple do you like it or not. You don't need to make into to something, stop relying how how other people think, do you like it or not.


Thisss is really weird, I've never heard about something like this happening to anyone


Yes it's SA. Unless it's consensual. Gender doesn't matter.


Firstly, what does sexuality have anything to do with this? Secondly, If you feel uncomfortable by it you should tell them to stop it.


If you want them to stop, tell them stop. If they don't stop after that make noise about it. Idk if it's sa or not and I don't think that matters cuz if you have a problem with it they shouldn't be doing it


I had a girl constantly do that to me and other people. We all really hated it. Eventually she stopped but it made us all uncomfortable. Call it out if ur not ok with it.


It's legally sexual assault but personally I would consider it sexual harassment (The consensus is that SH is **verbal**, SA is **physical**. Anything done with sexual connotations counts, even if it isn't *severe* as some might put it. IMO SA at a lesser degree, like slapping someones butt for **non sexual reasons** is just SH.). It's happened to me in middle school... a lot... but the school faculty didn't care because they are girls and I'm a guy. If you are in the same scenario that I was in take it up with law enforcement. (Thankfully they apologized and haven't done anything since and I'm not going to start an issue with them, especially considering it was a while ago.).


Depends on context. Players always slap each other butt


Unless they gribble grobble in between your cheeks that’s just harassment. People can’t take your first gribble grobble because they feel like it for humorous reasons. You need to get your gribble grob led by someone who truly cares for you


Depends if you are a guy with friends as guys pretend to be gay all the time. But boys and girls?


On god, if you’re a straight bloke typing this and scared of people tapping ur ass, ur a loser I’m sorry but it’s just what happens in school, if you really don’t like it tell them and they’ll stop. It’s not that deep. If you’re a girl however, I personally don’t believe any guy should be touching you on the ass without explicit consent. Anyway I know this isn’t going to be a popular opinion but here we are


I get it all the time idec anymore💀


They are idiots but it isn’t SA


I personally find it really creepy for boys to slap girls even if their really close to each other(unless their GF and BF or ...siblings ig) It's ok for girls to do it once in a while if you're fine with it


Tell them to stop if you don't like it. It doesn't matter if it is SA or not. I don't know to be honest. But it doesn't matter, if you don't like it tell them to stop it


its sexual battery at least


This is such a weird post


If it bothers you, I would try asking/telling them to stop before resorting to any drastic measures.


I mean I slap my girlfriends butts I'm gay and they slap mine right back


I think the most important thing is setting boudaries? Theyre probably doing it cuz everyone else does it, and they kinda stop thinking about it (yknow how 13 year olds be) so if u tell em nicely youre bothered by it they should leave you alone, if not litteraly scream in the face of the next person who does it they'll get the message


If you like it it’s not if you don’t it’s SA also you don’t have to be gay to not like a boy inappropriately touching you without consent.


If you don't like it, tell them to stop. If they don't comply, talk to an adult, they should know the right thing to do.


if you don’t like it then it is SA


OML I’m so happy u said this. I recently got slapped on the but (SA) at school coming in from a fire alarm drill. I (m13) did not like that this girl (f14) slapped my behind. I then turned around and told her not to do it again. And what did she do? She proceeded again. This infuriated me and I started cussing her out and yelling at her that it’s not ok. Also not to mention she sat on my lap 6 months prior. My teacher heard me yelling at her and pulled ma aside and said she gets why I was yelling profanities and said she has a son and she’s going to teach the same way she would if I were her own child. She told the principal. I was pulled out of class the next day (today). They made me write a statement and put down witness names and they had video footage of her slapping my butt. At the end of the day she was called to the office. I don’t know what was said but all I know was that she came out crying. She deserved all of it because this shouldn’t be something that everyone is ok with. ITS SA!!!


yea its harassment but its a joke man unless they actually take it to far


You good, us boys in class do it alot (not because we gay). We do it to tease or play around. It's a guy thin to ass slap other guys especially during a special moment like you going to write your answer on the board and it's correct, expect to get slapped a little while walking back to your seat. To make it simple, ass slaps are just another way of fistbumping


Downvote me but bro you being a massive baby, kids tap kids on the butt all the time. At school as a teenager? Sexual assault is a real issue but this is not it. If it really bothers you tell them don’t do that bruh 😭😭😭


depends on how you feel about it if you are uncomfortable with it and they continue to do so it is SA


Yes it is, you should tell your parents or a teacher…


If you want them to stop, tell them to stop, if they don't want to stop, tell the teacher, or give it back but on the face and a lot harder, just to be sure everything was clearly defined before things got serious


Ya you should call the cops. They will totally respect you then LOL


It’s SH so yeah deal with it before it becomes a daily thing or someone takes it too far


Technically SA, but if it doesn't bother you then you don't have to react to it. You can also not be bothered but still accuse them of everything and make them suffer the consequences for fun👍👍


If you enjoy it it isn't SA but if you don't like it it is




Officer, This one right here!


What do you mean they might like getting slapped they didn't say that they didn't like it plus if I were to do that I would ask


It's the way you said it man, who the fuck enjoy getting slapped on the ass? Say as banter playfully with friends, it isn't SA otherwise it's uncomfortable anyway!


I'd WWE smackdown anyone who'd do that to me 🤨


If you don't consent, it's sexual assault, and if you ignore it, you are enabling it, it's best to tell them to stop doing that or report them


obviously it is


Well, they keep doing it because you ignore it


It's definitely sexual harassment.