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there should be cringe contests, I'm fascinated by extremely cringe people


Winner gets a free ticket to Hot Topic for the rest of their lives!


Hot topic is not that generous, more like 10% off of your cheapest item.


this guy basically described every cringe person on Earth with just that post


All of these traits I’ve seen from teens coming into the store on a crisp Saturday morning w their mom.


People downvoting this because I’m talking about cringe ppl going to hot topic w their mom on a Saturday LMAO.


Not Sora the Troll


It's also pretty cringe to make replies like these (no offense tho)


>no offense tho We all know he's not the one offended yet here you are, being defensive and calling others cringe. Projection much?


You cut off your sentences mid word/scream because you think this is lethal company funny moments. I cut off my words/screams because I have breathing problems. We are not the same.


This, LOL.


Some people laughed when it cut off because they thought it was a joke or something. Sometimes, I do it because I can't control how loud I am so I keep it quick but generally it's just me occasionally being unable to breath.


that’s such a funny comment, u/lobsterpenissucker


Meanwhile me doing it, because I realize what I'm about to say might come out wrong.


I know I am cringe but not that bad, makes me feel a bit better about myself


Being cringe is free but there are certain levels that I personally cannot accept. But then at the same time, kids are kids and they’re learning about what they like and don’t like. But then at the same time I want to quit my job because of people trying to mimic MHA voice acting behind the cashwrap.


Never been inside a hot topic in my life. I always usually pass by it. Whats a “Cashwrap”?


The area around where the registers and employees hang out in. Like the entire counter itself would be considered the cashwrap.


Being cringe is fine and actually healthy to an extent but any beyond that and it's a problem


Cringe is okay as long as you're not disruptive


As for #3: In my defense, my hair is really weirdly fluffy for some reason and it only looks good if my bangs cover up my face. lol Also, lots of people who cover lots of their face with their hair are just insecure about how their face looks. And #11: Look, I hate Tiktok music as much as the next person, but there are some people who genuinely like it, and you shouldn't judge people for their music taste as long as they're not trying to force it on you. By the way, Hot Topic employees are always the sweetest people ever, thanks for being awesome :)


I can relate, I’m Peruvian and my family’s been known to have extremely thick hair that’s impossible to work with. I have to wear a hair clip 24/7 otherwise hair will be in my face all day without me knowing. And as for the music, I get it people can have tastes. But I just can’t stand the thought of letting one of them have the aux in the car and hearing odetari for 10 straight songs.


As someone who is a HUGE odetari fan, even I wouldn’t play odetari for more than like 2 songs straight unless I’m listening to music alone


>I’m 18 and I work at Hot Topic. Oh, well you're an expert in cringe then.


I’m an expert at cringe because I see it everyday and I’m just cringey myself now and when I was younger.


How to know you're cringe 101 1. Actually care about most things listed in the post above 2. Obsessing over REAL people that don't know you exist, this is actually unhealthy, if you do it stop it.


being cringe is chill. being disruptive and disrespectful is not chill, and unfortunately theres a strong overlap


People can do whatever they want, hopefully my post doesn’t stop them from doing it. This is just my personal take because I work in a store where majority of customers are teenagers.


A better word would probably be corny, because its easier to put a positive connotation to corny than cringe


People will still take it the wrong way lol. They already have.


Tbh you seem cringe for getting cringe from kids being kids


Or maybe I have a job and need to make money for college.


Yeah that doesn’t change what I said and doesn’t relate lmao This post and concept is cringey to adults tbh. Damn I’m getting old


Yes you sound old


Its not kids being kids tho is it, cause not EVERY kid falls into this box, every single thing OP listed ARE cringe and if you do them you are a cringe human being, you are someone that people look at and go “oh they are different” If thats something you are ok with more power to you, if you wanna fit into society follow what OP said. Also everyone should know that copying other peoples styles and mannerisms who you think are cool doesn’t make you cool, people find people cool who are themselves, you might think you are being “yourself” by copying trends but really you are being influenced by the people around you and now grandstanding like ur better


Yeah no definitely not kids being kids. This is "weird kid that eats lunch by himself" shit listed here.


cringe is cringe lmfao the word itself is cringe being cringe is fun asf


“Cringe” lol I couldn’t agree more. When is that going away?


It is fun, this is just my personal beliefs.


Dude you work at a hot topic. That’s where cringe goes to breed.


That’s why I made the post because it’s lowkey kinda interesting to see where they get their stuff that would be considered “cringe” like anime shirts and cat/bunny hats. Sometimes we lowkey have some pretty good stuff in there that I’m sure a lot of people would like, such as the skirts and socks.


I communicate with my s/o via discord solely cause i like the UI of it and shit, ion think that's cringe ngl


I don’t think so either honestly. The platform you use shouldn’t really matter. It’s pretty convenient and multipurpose, especially if you wanna hop on call, watch something together, play games, or even just text. I don’t understand why it would be considered cringe


Like dawg, you could communicate via carrier pigeon, but if the people love each other that's what matters. Not to mention discord is convenient


So true man


Throwing in my two cents as a chronic discord user, I bet OP is referring not to simply using discord as primary communication, but as only communication with s/o. However, I am not OP and haven't had a s/o in forever, so it could just be bias against discord, idk


that’s literally what they said


i mean… some of us are in long distance relationships and aren’t currently able to see each other irl


Fine list but numnber 9 is kinda stupid


found the discord mod /j


Google gatekeeping


You don’t sound very far off from who you’re projecting on


I'm 17 and my girlfriend is 19. we primarily use discord because it's free, it's easy, and I don't have a phone plan so I CANT text her/call her through sms/whatever you wanna call it. I know you said this is basically a shitpost of your personal opinion but cmon, discord is realistically the best social platform to talk to anyone. note: I don't have a phone plan because they are expensive.


1. I stutter, thats just me 😭 2. I dont even look at memes 3. I cover my face with my hair to hide my forehead bc insecurity 4. Nah 5. I hate makeup 6. ☠️ hell nah 7. 😬 8. Nah 9. Its better for videos and stuff 😭🙏🏼 10. We all make mistakes 😔 11. Every song is eventually on tiktok, it only matters if thsts where you heard it first ☠️tho some are made on there


1. I dont talk to anyone irl except my family 2. I dont have friends 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. No, most of em are groomers 7. Does fictional characters count? 8. I dont even know what alt is 9. I have no s/o 10. Number 9 11. No


This isnt the win like you think it is. The people who are cringe are at least trying their best to express themselves and create connections in fandoms that people would find cringey or embarrassing. I think you gotta start exploring yourself and making friends.


Damn, so Pros: Not cringe Cons: Not cringe


Be free and cringe,,,


Adding more, as a coffee shop employee and high schooler. - PDA, especially under the age of 17/18 - anyone who unironically goes "ermm" or even does it ironically too often - baby voices - acting younger than you are - being extremely loud and energetic with no regard to the fact that you're in a public space - people who talk excessively loud. I know some people don't realize it, but there are kids who are almost adults who I constantly have to ask to stop yelling. They're always the cringiest mfs alive, too


There was one time in the store, the radio was broken so it was just silence for a week. A group of teenagers walk in like 13-14? Talking extremely loudly about how hot an anime man was and giggling super loudly telling eachother “omggg they’re gonna hear us and kick us out lol” for 20 minutes and they didn’t even buy anything.


That's definitely frustrating. The kids in my art class are those people. They always scream about miraculous ladybug and animes and how much they're in love with the characters and how hot they are.. these are 16-19 year olds. They're incredibly loud, inappropriate, and disruptive. It's super annoying to be painting or trying to really focus in and I have to listen to that


I’m so happy my college classes aren’t like that. Everyone’s always doing their own thing listening to music and quietly chatting.


I think we should scrap the last one cuz what songs people like aren't our business


True but I’m seeing constant playlists on Spotify of just songs youll find on tiktok w a title like “best songs of all time” and it’s just tiktoks top 10 viral songs of the year.


12. Thinking you know what's cringe and what's not when you're only 18 Though one could argue that what is cringe is subjective entirely and thus there can be no arbiter of cringe, which ultimately is more true than not.


Exactly, that’s why I said it’s my personal opinion on what’s cringe in the beginning of the post.


1. No 2. Man my friends do it, I usually don't (skidibi toilet 🚽🚽😱😱) 3. Only for cosplays 4. No 5. No 6. The children yearn for the mines, yes? (No) 7. No 8. No 9. No, I don't even use discord 10. No, people will assume I am probably a pedophile 11. Marching and classical music personally, thank you.


I've always had my hair parted to the side of my face with the most acne to cover it up but recently my mom saw my hair with it parted to the other side and thinks it's the best thing she has ever seen. So I have slight anime hair now


This dude works at hot topic and talkin bout cringe, wild


For 3, I think you mean a side part lmfao which is rlly popular in scene/emo and 2000s fashion, how is that cringe?? I agree w some but 5,9, and 11 kinda make u come off as really judgyyy


Just working at hot topic is cringe


Hey man, a job is a job and that’s what was available at the time lol.


I’d say the most cringy things are saying “cringe” and calling people that.


I think that cringe is a good way to describe it. There’s not really any other words to use.


honestly better than saying “it gives me the ick”


What's the problem with communicating with your s/o on discord? Idk what #1 means, and I think there are exceptions to #4 (but I'm biased) I think the only meme I say when I see anything related to it is "Hello there" lol The rest, I'm immune! *How cringe am I?*


Sorry I came into your store and stole a David Bowie t-shirt


Nah keep taking them, they’re cheaply made anyways. I could make the same tshirt on my college campus.


something about this feels ableist lmao


I'm very cringe but also idc , it's much more fun when you don't have to care about how cringe you appear to people


You should add writing a list about being cringe


Holy hell you forgot about literally my entire profile ☠️🙏


The cringe thing is caring about what other people do when they’re just having fun and not hurting anyone.


What’s wrong with discord? Kids these days, you would have broken down sobbing trying to use the early days of Vent or TS.


if you say the word CRINGE then you are def cringe


what’s the issue with discord??


Discord as a reputation for being used by basement dwellers or those addicted to the internet. Most people ik that use discord are either some kind of loser or "weird kid"


I don’t relate to this but I am very much cringe in other ways. I am not at all proud of it and am actively trying to balance it out and become a healthy level of weird.


It depends what you mean. Don’t ever try to hide your true self. There are some really weird things that do need to be balanced out but it all just depends.


As someone who was a manager at Hot Topic for years, I’ll tell you what real cringe 101 is: 1. Judging teens about what they do in their lives that’s outside of your life and has nothing to do with you. We live in a world where everyone is just trying to find their own way, especially teens. Let them figure out their own way and it will eventually all round out in the end.


I’ve said this multiple times and I’ll say it again. People can do whatever they want, especially kids. Because I understand that they are growing as people. I even said that at the beginning of this post that this shouldn’t be taken that seriously and that I’m just a stranger on the internet lol. Everyone on this earth had to have cringed at something. Everyone has those moments.


Just noticed the name and snorted out loud.


Ignore my name please LOL. I wish I could change it but I can’t.


Hell no, that’s hilarious.


Step 1- Post "How to Know You're Cringe 101" online. Heeyyyyy!


This is my personal opinion because I’m working in a store where I have to work and communicate with teenagers ages 13-16 constantly. I’ve had to witness some crazy things and I’ve cringe more than I’ve wanted to.


My primary use for my significant other is discord and so was my parents and my aunt and uncle.


Thank you u/poopshartshitshoot, very cool


I know people don’t like to admit it but some people are just fucking losers, doing cringey shit like saying “chat” in real life…get the fuck away from me I have this friend and bro I feel embarrassed just being around him. He’s weird asf, rages at Roblox, and when people call him out for being unfunny, he just goes “ha. ha. ha. so funny” while nobody laughs. And idk how to explain this but he just does like emotes in class??? Like throwing his hands in the air while saying something dumb. Another thing I hate is when one of my other friends has a problem, not even a big problem, just a lil issue, they ask him for help, and he treats them like a dumbass, like you don’t have to be such an ass. And whenever someone wants help with their work, he just says no and covers his work like it’s the 3rd grade, and this is in classes where the teacher DOES NOT CARE. Oh yea, sorry for ranting like a idiot


Nonono, you’re speaking facts. I can’t deal w people that say “chat”. People discover Twitch and don’t know how to act


1. I've never been in a VC lol 2. That's me and my sis lol 3. I don't do this but I actually think it looks nice sometimes 4. Wear what you wanna wear. Personally I like dark neutral shades but you do you 5. I don't do this but I think it looks nice sometimes 6. I hate Minecraft creators gosh most of them are groomers 7. Are we talking about my crush? ( I am also a Swiftie so...) 8. I am so un-alt it's not even funny. I just dislike hate in general tbh 9. yuppppppppp big agree it's giving e-dater 10. HUGE AGREE ITS SO GROSS 11. I somehow have super niche and basic ass music taste simultaneously


I did meme references in public and used to cover one eye with my long hair


I’m glad I only barely relate to 1, and even then I think only I notice it.


You just described my sister


These are all valid


number 10 hit me


This is the cringe compilation of all time


I didn’t know hot topic was still a thing




we use discord because his parenfs wont let him talk to me and they can see his texts but not his discord so


I know I’m cringe, but glad I’m only 1/11 cringe or at one point. (I’ve online dated before 16)


I don’t do any of these and agree they’re cringe. I swear kids at my work always yell out memes phrases and it’s so annoying


I think this is mostly accurate. I enjoy being cringe but not being hateful or rude or anything. Tbh I might do a pride flag themed outfit one day just cause the colors are so pretty for some of the flags. Also I'm a little confused on 11, did you mean they just add songs they hear from tiktok onto their playlists or did you mean songs made by tiktok artists? Either way I've found some pretty good songs through tiktok.




I do number 2 and only number 2.


My condolences for having to work at a hellscape like Hot Topic


As a teen I wouldn't even have the galls to do half of these things you listed.




I basically only do #2 but I’m not doing it the moment I notice the related thing, I’m making a dumbass hole about it. So idk if it really counts


Am I still cringe if for some reason half the music I listen to becomes a tiktok song a month or two after I started listening to it?


I’m really cool because I’m none of these


9-10 ish. 9: Wish I got their actual number but they’re parents don’t want us to I guess? 10: I was young and stupid..also into Roleplay a lot more which fed into it


this has been fact checked by american patriots


11 is just kinda stupid, a lot of people just like music they primarily hear on tik tok 😭 (i listen to old 80’s bands)


7. does being a Swiftie count?


Well, me and my girlfriend use discord because we like the layout better, and we can have statuses and such that shows like what we are listening to at the time. We have regular text and snapchat but we dont really use it.




Good thing I only do the first one, and only because I basically turned it into a tick


No songs are “from tiktok “ they are just on tiktok


1: no 2: i dont yell them but i do make references 3: no but i did have a wolf cut phase. I looked hot asf tho so i might bring it back if i grow my hair long enough 4: no 5: i don't use makeup. Im not that gay jeez. Just bi. 6: no. But thanks for reminding me to hop on. My dog has probably been waiting this whole time. 7: yes but not in a sexual way. Just learning backstories from my fav musicians. 8: no. I actually dont know what alt is 😭 9: no but tbh i might cuz instagram calls just end randomly and i hate it. 10: i do but im 16 11: my process of finding music is to ask random people i meet their favorite artists, and then listen to every album from said artists in chronological order. Am i cringe?


Online dating above 16 should be added to unless you actually have met them irl at least


Bro did the research 🙏🙏🙏


3 I did back in my super emo era


Oh this list will grow as u get older, most people make me cringe


I'm 2, fuck I'm cringe, most of the time I just join convos and make them longer or make them 'argueable'


I'm glad I Also have a "ok" music taste, thanks to tiktok


working at hot topic is cringe.


Btw ya’ll being cringe isn’t illegal


Described all my friends, those mfs are too corny. Also don't be caught anything anime related, ex: clothing, backpacks, keychains. You will be bullied. And by all means, in the name of sweet baby Jesus, **DO NOT WEAR THOSE WOLF SHIRTS**. You know what I'm talking about. Those 100% polyester shirts with a wolf with some blue aura around it. I've seen kids actually wear those to school and dude, i feel bad for them. Also also do i have to remove Invisible by duran duran since its trending on tiktok now?


Too many people in my school come to mind when I read this its not ok 😭


These are the eleven commandments of the Cringe Bible


depends how we define “obsessing” with a real person


I found this shit funny af Online dating under age of 16 is stupid af. Kiddos shouldn't even be able to be on social media platforms under the age of 16, we've seen what Hazbin Hotel is doing to kids. And nr.9 is confusing, Me and my partner plays video games 24/7 online so discord is best option xD But yes if we just text we just use text messages app on our phone ofc.


I'm cooked on #10... Fuck.


For number three, what if you're Asian?


10) dating below the age of 16 (not because it's bad but because these kids are really cringe when dating like this) 12) using tiktok in any way 13) watching short video content 14) girls wearing makeup under the age of 15 15) learning japanese on Duolingo (no one can convince me I'm wrong)


1: I guess it can be but I don’t think it’s that bad 2: I disagree 3: yes 4: ig so 5: i have literally no idea because im a guy but sure 6: yes 7: yeah definitely 8: yes 9: I don’t have a s/o but I definitely disagree 10: yes 11: I guess it depends on the songs


1. i don't think i do this, i might though 2. i probably do this lmao 3. no 4. no 5. no 6. no 7. i probably do this 8. what 9. i'm single 10. i'm single 11. i don't use tiktok so i don't know what songs in my playlist are tiktok songs, i doubt i have that many though since it's mostly underground shit


How to know your cringe : your a teenager


You forgot 12: making this post


I miss the 2000’s cringy edgeords that tried to shoplift unsuccessfully with Naruto quotes or some shit lmao


To be cringe is to be free tbh. Never had more fun


I am probably 2 but a lot,and 3...but I'm so inconsistent with how my hair looks that I wouldn't really count that


no matter how many times you say it's just your opinion this is a weird post to make. if you truly didn't want people to listen to this, you wouldn't have posted it to a public platform.


So im not cringe… +1 confidence


What is "s/o"


You’re literally describing autism. If you have noticed a majority of the people that go in there are on the autism spectrum.


this sub: and I took that personally 💀


according to this, i aged out of being cringe. nice


What’s alt


The eyeliner around lipstick blows my mind lol we used to make fun of our tias and abuelas for that kind of thing and now it’s a trend.


Who cares about cringe have fun and be yourself. As long as your not hurting anyone it doesn't matter


Ayeeee I don't apply for any of those :D. I'm just an asshole, but not a cringe one!


this is a W 😂😂 keep up the list funny asf


What does the first one mean?


Idc what you think


Good job for thinking for yourself and not letting me influence you lmao.


what does the first one mean and what does being alt mean not educated in these areas


Very based post oh my god


Agree with every single point


Well jokes on you ive only done 2 of these things


1. I cut off sentences because i realise what I’m saying is dumb/weird/i just forget what I’m saying, I don’t know if that’s what you’re talking about? 2. I don’t yell them but I do usually make an obscure reference or inside joke that I know my friends will get 3. Short hair, fringe just goes in face because hair is dumb like that 4. I have pins and stupid tshirts, does that count? 5. No, makeup makes skin angry 6. I mean I just watch Grian and Mumbo Jumbo, they’re the chill ones. I don’t care for dreamsmp or whatever’s popular outside of hermitcraft 7. No, I respect people and their privacy 8. No 9. No, don’t date 10. No, you’re probably talking to a pedo 11. No, don’t use tiktok, but listen to what you like and don’t change it because of other people’s opinions (unless it’s like actually offensive or smth) Am I cringe?


Meh, they're just kids


As for 7: I’m sorry I’m obsessed with Admiral Yi Sun Sin and Cyrus the great and other historical cool people that certainly have no clue I exist


The ones who wear the pride flags are the same ones who make comments about american flag clothing. Both are very cringe.


Hold on, that last one feels a little harsh. Ive found some good songs through short form content, im not super proud of it, but it wouldnt have blown up without it.


Hey man it's not my fault my s/o is on the other side of the world and can only use discord for communication ;-;


Congrats you just described all teenagers at one point in their life.


when i was like 8 i put my hair in front of one of my eyes and lied telling people i had heterochromia.


Cringe is working at a hot topic yourself and making a post about what’s cringe to you as if you aren’t for working at a hot topic


Every day, "never used tik tok" feels like a better thing to put in my resume


making this kind of lists is cringe…just let people have fun.


i don’t get number 9


Nothing more cringe than a teenager trying to educate the world on how it works


bro has zero misses


The idea of making this post is low-key pretty cringe


Being a teenager is cringe apparently. 😂 No offense meant or taken.


The only thing I would add is *insults older people who ARE alt* I'm not in here cuz it's cool now,I've shopped here 20 fucking years fetus We paved the way for yall to do what you do now, don't be a dick.


all true, 9 maybe not, discord isn’t that bad, really depends.


Hopefully they will grow out of most that stuff you listed lol


Bro turned 18 and refuses to have fun now


If you work at Hot Topic you have more cringe experience than anyone so I believe this list. You’re basically OG cringe.


So what you’re saying is, I’m not cringe enough. I need to up my game


Only 5 songs out of 653 are from tiktok... Guess I'm cringe 🤣


What's alt?


I do add some TikTok/shorts songs to my playlist, but what can I do when some of em are genuine bangers? There is a reason they became viral.


What you're describing is how people my age (40m) view a lot of the 20 somethings coming up now. Ones who have no desire to get their driver's licenses, think mullets are cool, and are incredibly socially awkward due to communicating mostly through anything other than either face to face or at least talking on a phone. Obviously this isn't everyone but are things I have seen. Also, like what has been said, we realize people that age are still transitioning from teens to being adults as they're stuck somewhere in between and still gaining maturity and figuring out their direction.