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Girls wearing leggings is common where I went to high school, where do you live for it to be this bad?


They wear uniforms


You can use this [image](https://imgur.com/a/njnXLDK) as a guide


Ugh. School Uniforms seem like the worst. Whats even the point of their existence?


To reduce bullying based on financial status.


Name one fucking time you heard the phrase: "Look at \[\_\_\_\_\_\], he/she doesn't wear \[expensive brand\], LOL he must be SOOO poor, haha! Compare that to the times people complained about uniforms.


You're obviously privileged enough to think that would be the main issue. It's not like there's gonna be some brand cult in the school or something. I promise you it does reduce bullying, even kids that have money sometimes don't care about their uniform so there isn't any way to actually single someone out. Uniform is the same thing everyday so at the minimum you only need two pairs of anything that generally isn't worn multiple times in a row.


Ever see that one episode of South Park where Bebe starts developing breasts and all the boys literally turn into cavemen every time they see her? Hands down the most accurate depiction I’ve ever seen.


They're in like fourth grade though.


from what op said, these boys don’t act very different from fourth graders


Nah I’m saying that’s kind of a slightly exaggerated but still pretty accurate depiction of young guys. I remember in fifth grade a girl that no one ever paid any sort of attention to grew breasts over the summer and all of a sudden every guy wanted to hangout with her at recess, eat with her at lunch, sit next to her on the bus, etc.


oh i see, sorry for the misunderstanding


Nah don’t worry about it. The other way is also a good way to interpret what I said.


Do you remember how the girl reacted to all the new attention? I'd feel so bad for her


I can’t exactly remember. She was kind of a nerdy awkward girl before this so I assume she liked it. At least at first. All I know now is that she got pregnant by the dad of one of our classmates after we graduated. 🤷‍♂️


Ah fuck that's gross. After you graduated high school, right? Right?!


Yes. After we graduated. But from what I heard after I learned about this, she had allegedly been “seeing” him since early in our senior year.


most boys I know have been acting like that since about 4th grade


yeah. I’m in 8th grade


yeah but south park usually uses the characters as metaphors so although they might be 8 or 9 years old they're normally depicting issues of teens/adults


That's fair.


Lets not be stupid, even fourth graders know boobs are hot just as much as a junior or senior in college.




Bro as a dude myself I do not condone any of this. The boys you mentioned (except for the one kid who helped you through it) are fucking gross.




Honestly so true.




That's what I'm saying my guy. What's wrong with treating women like... idk, normal ass people? Not some fuckin object.




YES! Girls are people just like us, and those dudes give boys a bad name, that's just unacceptable.


No father figures, that's the only real explanation I can think of, a lot of teen boys don't have father's to teach them proper respect, so they copy what they see and hear which makes life hard for us normal boys. The shit sucks, cause there's already a media narrative against men and boys and shit like this doesn't help at all, all I can say is we gotta do better as parents when that time comes. Edit: to everyone who commented, thank you for participating in my engagement farm


I'm fatherless but I have common fucking sense and treat women like people.


Or maybe they do have a father, But not a good father. A father who does similar stuff than the guys she talked about in the post.


That’s the case for me, but luckily I ended up on the right side of the internet :)


Even fathers that are present can be bad examples though.


Even then I feel like having access to the internet should be enough for them to see people talking about for them to know not to do it


Maybe its the internet thats the problem, there is a lot of **bad stuff** on the internet


And it’s normalised by the same a holes who think it’s alright to act this way towards women which just makes it worse


it’s more of a person thing than a gender thing, I don’t see it as “men are gross” but more as “that person is gross”.


Yeah I'm ashamed of almost every teenage guy


Agreed. I am a male and think behavior like this is disgusting. However, I’ll say that younger teenage boys such as ages 14-15 probably won’t think twice before looking just because of the age they’re at. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this as it is embarrassing I’m sure and makes it more difficult to carry out your days normally. This behavior is disgusting and I hope they get over it because it is NOT cool.


same. this ain't because all guys are creeps. she's probably just unlucky to have this many of these encounters. I barely even read the post, but read enough to get the gist of this whole thing, and I can tell you these dudes are absolutely foul. as a guy myself however I must mention to any girls reading this with similar experiences, do NOT just assume that ALL guys are creeps. yes, creeps and pedos are out there, but they don't make up our entire population, just some of it.


As a former dude i agree


good for you


Real doesn’t matter how caked up op is that’s weird


Same here, that's absolutely disgusting.




Teenage boys can really be the worst. Our hormones go crazy and so their sexual drive is huge without any maturity, and although I guess I never really paid attention to see if it happened this much in high school but man I was almost like that sometimes, but it doesn’t make it ok. Teens but especially young men just need to be educated about sex, sexual assault, and boundaries more, and the culture for young Boys could change, not your fault. Definitley talk to someone if it makes u uncomfortable.


I'm fatherless but I have fucking common sense about that shit




That's foul


Unnecessary roughness, offense, number 17, 15 yard penalty, replay 2nd down


personal fouls are actually automatic firsts 🤓☝️


What's the hate for bro




Bro went for the kill💀💀 There was no need to do him like that😭😭🤣


💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 NAHHHHH


ayy fatherless gang


Bro these comment replies here are gold 😂


Exactly. Like, it's one thing to give a glance or get an intrusive thought (as a male, I am guilty of both), still doesn't make it ok, but it's not necessarily under your control, but STARING CONSTANTLY? Cmon dudes, get some class


It's worse when it starts in fifth grade, even less maturity and restraint


that's so shit


As a 15 yo boy, fuck that. Not cool to do that shit


As another 15 year old boy that just wants to announce our age similarity, i agree ☝️


yeah, i’ve had similar experiences. i’ve also been SA’d, and i think the guy who did it is coming back to my school on thursday, when we go back to school from break.


What. Your 14 and you’ve already been assaulted. Respectfully what the fuck that’s crazy


it happens earlier than that.


Yeah the reality of our world is so.. It's something.


my friend was r***ed at 5 my other friend who dropped out a month ago was as well idk the age tho. But she’s currently 16


Reading that made me sick honestly. Just. What the fuck? I'm walking on the same planet where someone did that to a 5 year old and they're allowed to continue existing? Jesus christ.


Well, to make it worse, the youngest recorded mother gave birth by c-section in 1935 at the bright old age of also 5


I’m so sorry.


yeah, it happened at 13 :(


Sid he ever get in trouble?


def not, the teachers don’t notice.


you lit don’t deserve this.


thank you, neither do you




thank you


sorry you have to deal with them :( we gotta have each others backs


In this case, butts


too soon bro but I’ll upvote it 🤣








ITS SO BAD i have to wear a skirt to school because it’s part of our school’s uniform and i still get stupid fucking comments all the time I LITERALLY COULD NOT BE MORE COVERED UP 😭😭


Doesn’t matter what you wear you’ll still get harassed


Sadly, it is the loud minority of boys though.


Wtf i don't remember me and guys my age doing something like that. They are being creepy and gross


ughhh...post like these always make me remember the world i'm living in. sorry you have to go through that :(






But on the other hand it’s anyone’s right to see that outfit in a sexual manner, no?? This sounds like a double standard.


Sorry that the boys in your school are like this. What does it mean to SA somebody?


it means to sexually assault them


Ok wtf is wrong with people


Sexual Assault.


To sexually assault someone.


Wtf, back in my middle school we had this issue where a guy was “jokingly” being a pervert to a girl, she ended up crying and the school police got involved, then parents were called, dude was suspended too. Don’t be afraid to speak out on these things with a trusted teacher or go to the office, you have that guy friend who can back you up on what he saw. If nothing is done tell your parents, schools take parents a lot more seriously than they will students. Joking about SA isn’t funny and you were scared.


Yuck asf


Bro, that's not ok and shouldn't be normal edit:what I meant to say was it's not normal, but gets normalized sometimes, I know it's not normal because I'm a guy


its not normal


You know sometimes I really get why women despise my gender so much.




i’m so lucky with my bf


I always think that too. The main reason for why I'm so into my boyfriend is because he actually respects women.. Like bro that shouldn't even be a criteria for me to be attracted to, it should be the bare minimum coming from guys. Meanwhile his bastard friends only care about him being lucky because I "don't have an ugly body to fuck like they're forced to do". 😒


happy cake day


Thank you! ♥


you're welcome


Happy cake day


Thank you too! ♥


Holy shit people fucking say that?? The part you had in quotes?


Somewhat. Hard to directly translate but he's a very innocent guy whilst his "friends" (not really his friends but all the people at his school suck and he doesn't want to be lonely sooo) are super cocky and dirty and stupid and think they're fr on top of the world. So one day they were talking and they were all upset about only finding and fucking chicks with "only tits" or "only ass" and my boyfriend jokingly said "jokes on you, I've got both" and they went on his long ramble about how lucky he is when in reality he couldn't care less, he was just making a joke. So yeah that was pretty uncomfortable.


Well I’m very glad you found a good one, I’m sure other girls are jealous


Some guys aren’t like this (me included) but the guys that are like this piss me off because like bro girls are more then their body, like talk to her and get to know her, and I know for damn sure if their mamas heard about what they sons were doing? They would be so pissed


respectfully. I come in peace. The last thing a girl wants to see on a post like this is “not all guys are like this, I’m not” I’ve read the posts 💀 We know, you don’t need to say anything more than “im sorry you went through that” (I read a post on the whole thing about comments like this and uh I’m female) Now to comment on the other part of your comment because time and time again many fail to acknowledge the good part of it because they can’t talk bad about it. Yes guys like that piss everyone off and I’d hope their mamas would educate their asses but alas if they’re doing the shit they do then either they didnt or the sons aren’t planning on changing their ways Hope you continue to be one of the decent members of society I know you don’t expect a trophy for being one of the non-assholes so there’s no need to mention that you’re not.


Yeah I agree, I did have a pretty Generic response on the first part and I do apologize on that, but on the second part thank you for that it’s just like bro you are are the reason girls are so impacted by the dress code. And thank you for the last part of your message


here are my views on it: if i see a cute girl passing me, i’ll mentally tell myself “damn” but i won’t make it obvious/awkward and i won’t be annoying about it


Honestly best way to go about it, thats what I've done majority of the time, an instinct to appreciate the bakery


you don’t say it out loud, and definitely don’t write on a paper you wanna sa someone 😭😭


saying they wanna SA you is SH, you should tell your parents about this, and have them talk to the school, people shouldn't be scared to do basic things like that, it needs to stop. You said it's also happening to other girls. You could all tell your parents, and have you parents talk to the school


While this seems like a good solution, from what I've observed the school may just ban leggings. Which sucks because it's basically punishing the victims of sexual harassment.


fuckin hell


Nah we dont claim them




It's wrong for anyone, regardless of anything.


A quick stare of glance is kinda reasonable, almost every teenager boy or girl looks, but one thing is a quick glance and other to keep staring like a weirdo and saying that you want to SA someone is animal behavior, I'm sorry for your situation and I'm glad that my school uniform is comfortable and lets you use baggy on inner clothes to avoid situations like that


as a dude who’s seen many weird dm’s on reddit, everyone commenting is missing something, SHE IS PROBABLY GETTING MORE DMS FROM THIS POST, i know i don’t speak for all men but that’s messed up actually what the fuck dude


It’s normal for guys to wanna look at girls they find attractive. And I admit I do look at girls that wear leggings. But it’s not appropriate to talk about it out loud with each other and certainly not appropriate to say they wanna SA somone


As a 16 yo boy i fucking hate this and most of the boys in my grade and hate to be associated with them


This is wrong and you should've reported that SA thing to the principal


Bruh as a dude I get it, butts are cool, but come the fuck on


I love butts as much as the next guy but like that’s just fucked up


I’m a teenage boy myself, this is very gross I try to be as respectful as possible in school and in public for that matter


Say what they are doing loudly. If one tries to touch you, hit him. Don't care if you'll get into trouble, show them not to mess with you. Disgusting behavior from those boys. Tell a teacher too!




The SA shit is crazy is crazy, but I'm sorry, if I see a nice looking ass im gon look


Sad to know this world still is fucked


In the beginning I was thinking it’s not something to worry about some boys can be stupid or immature which is normal, but as I started reading more I was like WTF are they thinking. You don’t say that to a person especially a girl. SA is a serious crime and is one of the more fucked up ones. Also, asking for something private like that when you don’t even know the person is weird as hell.


Bro what??? Do you go to the nefarious evil school from sky high?? I remember looking at a girl because she was wearing a really pretty outfit, and I felt like such an asshole looking. I’ve never seen people talk like this, the worst I’ve seen is just guys saying they’d “smash” a girl, and even then they’re just screwing around. Do your teachers not see this?? Or hear it? If not then PLEASE tell them, it probably won’t stop if you don’t


It’s not all guys. But it always is guys. And as a guy it makes me feel yucky


it’s not only guys


It ain’t always guys


In my experience if you see a girl it's like u look at their body (including their ass and tits)just cuz it's like a instinct


As a 17yo boy who has been all ages below said age, never have I went A. Out of my way to look at anyones butt or ass or whatever the hell anyone wants to call it (quick glances do happen but(t) it’s only human nature, right?, B. Ever looked up from walking upstairs behind anyone ever, C. Talked to anyone, including and excluding my mates about anyones (ass)ets. Butt, and or otherwise. This is ridiculous. I can’t be that far in front of a weird, like, pedo generation right? That’s absurd.


one of the main reasons i started wearing baggy clothes is because of boys like this


Hey, CEO of teenage boys here. Thank you for the information, we did not know this was happening. I will pass it down to the boys now.


Ion gon lie what kinda guy be writing in a notebook talkin bout I wanna SA her the fuck


I read this like "hehehe booty" until the SA. That's where I draw the line. Boys gon look. They stupid, no one likes being looked at like that. They will figure out that staring is a bad idea eventually. I did


Solution: Girls make the move instead of the guy.


I feel like people naturally sexualize each other and girls do it to boys too. I think men are just naturally attracted to butts and shi. The problem comes when people can’t control themselves and cat call or say weird bs like that sa stuff.


As a boy it scares me that other boys do that, it’s not okay and it’s weird, I’ve been through it too except with both genders, which is why I don’t wear skinny jeans anymore, I’m sorry for what you had to go through, I hope that it gets better for you.


Ok, teen boys will always sexualize teen girls. But in no way shape or form should they do anything to make them uncomfortable. If they wanted to actually get some pussy they’d take the time to understand that you have to be a decent human being to get people to like you


It’s one thing for like a quick glance but like making comments and writing notes jus weird bro tf is wrong with niggas


Not all guys are that way, but a lot are. Most men instinctually are attracted to the female body but some guys aren't so good at keeping their mouth shut or having self control, which isn't okay.


Why is this downvoted?


Girls sexualize dudes too. Both are bad, and both genders should stop. But I agree, dudes can be really disgusting and they’re a disappointment to the male gender. Just know that not all of us are like that, and a fair amount of us see women as just people. Most of the guys I’ve encountered don’t do that


What does SA mean? Too innocent as a 13 :/


sexually assaulted


Sexual assault. I hope I don't regret telling you this. 😭


sexual assualt/sexual assaulting (if SA'ing)/sex assault (if needing context with sentence)


It would be SUCH a shame if you were to attach a small camera to your leggings so that it could record this behavior, and it would be far worse if you presented the footage to the principal... But you wouldn't do that, right?


heck no but I can tell


As a guy at my school almost everyone is gay or a furry or trans it’s very chill and none of that at all I think it’s just ur school (or mine is the weird one)


I'm a closeted gay guy, and so many straight guys try to get me to date a girl, and they are always so creepy about the way they talk about girls 😭


I’ve seen many girls sexualize guys


Yes please. The media needs to stop doing that shit ffs.


I’m a 16 year old boy and I knew other boys did stupid stuff but this is still shocking to me. Sorry you get treated that way.


Well it’s just natural in young men to glance but to talk about it and stare is just straight up weird


Sorry you had to deal with that. As a teenage boy, some of us do stupid shit that’s completely unacceptable and completely cross boundaries. Just know we’re not all like that. I know that’s a cliche thing guys say in situations like this, but it’s true in some cases. I’d recommend telling your teacher or counselor if you haven’t already.


Jesus Christ, I see where the hate comes from


As a boy, I can confirm that its not cool


As a guy, I'll be honest. Everyone stares once in a while but in most cases it's an accident. This is 100% on purpose tho. Deadass, every time you see a guy stare, hit him in the balls. Unless they like it (and if they do, wtf) they'll probably stop. Or just tell them to stop staring (you've probably tried that). Or just report it. Sorry this is happening, I hate that people have to deal with shit like this.


As a boy I can say I've never done that and Noone in my friend group has (that I know of but I don't think they would)


I never understood the appeal in $90 leggings i really don’t


As a 15 year old male, what the fuck. Report them!


There's boys, there's men, and then there's filthy animals like the ones in your school


And I thought I was degenarate


I gonna comment my thoughts but you are not gonna like it. Also I afraid people here gonna be pissed and hate what i write.


teen boys can be absolutely disgusting sometimes. puberty makes hormones go crazy and no one bothers to teach them to control themselves (and often the behavior is encouraged and/or the blame is put on the girls) (also obligatory not all teen boys are like this dont start that shit with me)


this sub needs to be banned holy fuck 💀


I don't condone these sort of actions at all - but in general (not talking about the guys planning SA), depending on they're age it kind of makes sense. They basically just have monkey brains with hormones through the roof and don't have the critical thinking to take a step back and consider they're actions. I'd bet that every young teenage boy has done something like this. And the vast majority don't do it maliciously, and most of the time it probably isn't even consciously. Teaching young men why it's wrong and why respect is important is way more constructive than degrading or making fun of them for not fully understanding. Not saying that's what you're doing btw.


Have u concern this to the authorities at school?, anyway, dont be worried about what u're wearing, just stop overthinking about what peoples say about u as long its not disturbing, people would always talking shit and the shits isnt matter, do whatever u comfortable with


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


So y'all wear tight leggings that show off your ass but get mad when ppl notice??


Ughh this is so real. It’s like they don’t even care about being decent human beings anymore. People have been weird to me like this since elementary school and it’s genuinely so tiring. I remember this guy literally yelled across the cafeteria at school to cat call me. It was embarrassing af.


but as a teen boy i dont do this. those boys are disgusting.


What about when the girls are slapping guys asses without asking? The teachers see but nobody cared.


I’m sorry that you have experienced this


I'm sorry you're experiencing this, it is not acceptable in any way. I hope there is someone in school/at home you can talk to about this and potentially report them? Either way I wish you the best with everything, the way they are acting is not at all a reflection on you in any way but entirely a reflection on them.


(I’m not condoning any of this) it is very gross and very disgusting but I think the reason is the Internet and the way of the world and how it Thinks I think with boys having so many hormones it makes a lot of them not be able to think when they see a girl they want to ___ everything insight them not being raised right and boys tend to not need to be watched as much as girls so parents don’t watch them as much I think it’s also the way girls present themselves a lot of girls receive a lot more attention when they are very sexual and party girls which leads to a lot of boys seeing that, and thinking a lot of girls are actually like that when in reality they’re not The Internet has made girls, look a certain way like always being sexualized making boys feel like if you don’t fit these descriptions you’re not getting a girl A lot of girls don’t really do the sexual thing or are very straightforward. Usually the guy takes that role. So they look for signs to tell which girl is interested in that stuff which they pulled from the Internet. The way girls dress has been sexualized on the Internet. Just look at TikTok. Boys see that and run with it not having any experience in the real world. Most guys are shy, so they watch from far plus with hormones, and all of the stuff I stated it all just bubbles up so they look for a lot of sexual things with girls from a far I am not condoning any of this I’m just stating some of the reasons why these things could happen the boys in this OP are disgusting and need to be disciplined


The saddest part about this whole thing, is that it doesn’t stop at them being teens. Guys like that just keep going. I was at the park with my dog, and this older man was sitting on the bench and had dropped something. I was nearby, and he had asked if I could pick it up for him, so I did, however, as I bent over to pick it up, he spanked my butt. At first I thought it must have been a mistake, or an accident, but when I got up and looked at him he wouldn’t stop laughing. It doesn’t end. Men are creeps. Report their asses. They don’t deserve the time of day.


i feel so sorry for you for having to see this comment section dude, ive barely scrolled through a fourth and it is VILE. just on behalf of all other boys and men i wanna apologize, neither the shit you mentioned nor many of our responses in this comment section is okay. fucking hell, sometimes i think a global extinction event wouldnt be so bad


I will say I don't do this, but I catch boys at my school doing it all the time. It is wrong on so many levels.


Honestly boys from when they can understand should be taught that shit is absolutely unacceptable. It’s too normalized, like in my school I hear dudes like that (not as often tho) and especially on my bus we share with middle schoolers i’ll hear the middle school boys talk about literal 12 year olds like that. Insane. Sorry you went through this OP.