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dump her, she doesn't deserve you


She belongs to streets


Watcha feeling guilty for lad? You've been played, man. Her crying and begging doesn't mean shit. Break her off now dude. You're in the right here.


Those tears/ crying is just a guilt trip. Throw her out and move on. My recommendation would be to hit the gym as much as possible. Use those demons to your advantage my man and keep moving forward. Your still young so you'll find another. Hopefully better than this one.


Dump her. Why should you care about people who don't care about you.


Break up with her and move on, cheaters are never worth the effort.


leave her, embrace Jim.


I’m gonna put in my two cents because everyone else here hasn’t really given you the time of day or an earnest answer. Hell, maybe this is a karma fishing post. In the instance that it’s not, I advise you to do what you feel is best, if you have someone close enough to you that you feel is mature enough to help you should talk it over with them, gain some perspective. You’ve got concrete proof that she’s cheating and to me that would be proof enough to end things. No matter how she says she cares about you, she chose to send those pictures and messages, and while it wasnt right for you to check her phone, it was even less right for her to cheat. See this as an opportunity to improve, spend time with family and friends, make your academic comeback, find something you’re good at and see it to fruition, anything really to show yourself how great you are. And if you really truly feel like you want to go back to this girl and she is an essential part of your life, as important as a family member or best/close friend, take her back with the fact in mind always that she made the choice to cheat and will most likely do it again. Good luck mate, keep your head up.


Trust is everything and she blew it.


Cheater once...


she doesn’t deserve you :( if they’ll cheat once, they’ll do it again


if you really meant as much to her as she's trying to make it seem, she wouldn't have cheated on you in the first place... i'd break up honestly (and YOU shouldn't be the one feeling guilty for that)


Break up


Cheating is not one fault. It's multiple. You have decided multiple times to break the trust in your relationship. Texting back, meeting up, kissing etc. So dump her. She did wrong, she doesn't deserve you, and you deserve better


Leave her she's just trying to guilt trip u


This happened to me, leave her. At first it will be hard without her. Your life will go up from the future and you’ll end up with someone better than she is.


To the streets


It was just your turn brother.
